Journal articles
- Blasco, Natividad; Casas, Luis; Ferreruela, Sandra. Does war spread the herding effect in stock markets? Evidence from emerging and developed markets during the Russia-Ukraine war. FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/
- Ferreruela, Sandra; Kallinterakis, Vasileios; Mallor, Tania. Cross-Market Herding: Do ‘Herds’ Herd with Each Other?. JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE. 2022. DOI: 10.1080/15427560.2022.2100383
- Ferreruela, Sandra; Martín, Daniel. Market Quality and Short-Selling Ban during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A High-Frequency Data Approach. JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/jrfm15070308
- Ferreruela S.; Mallor T. Herding in the bad times: The 2008 and COVID-19 crises. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.najef.2021.101531
- Blasco de las Heras, Natividad; Corredor Casado, Pilar; Ferreruela Garcés, Sandra. Can agents sensitive to cultural, organizational and environmental issues avoid herding?. FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/
- Blasco, Natividad; Corredor, Pilar; Ferreruela, Sandra. Does herding affect volatility? Implications for the Spanish stock market. QUANTITATIVE FINANCE. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/14697688.2010.516766
- Blasco, Natividad; Corredor, Pilar; Ferreruela, Sandra. Market sentiment: a key factor of investors’ imitative behaviour. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE. 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2011.00412.x
- Blasco, N.;Corredor, P. ;Ferreruela, S. Detecting intentional herding: What lies beneath intraday data in the Spanish stock market. JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. 2011
- Blasco, Natividad; Corredor, Pilar; Ferreruela, Sandra. Una explicación del efecto herding desde el mercado de derivados. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA APLICADA. 2010
- Blasco, Natividad; Corredor, Pilar; Ferreruela, Sandra. ¿Influyen los tigres asiáticos en el comportamiento gregario español?. TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO. 2010
- Blasco de las Heras, M.N.;Corredor Casado,P.;Ferreruela Garcés,S. Generadores de comportamiento imitador en el mercado de valores español. SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING / REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD. 2009
- Blasco, Natividad; Ferreruela, Sandra. Testing intentional herding in familiar stocks: an experiment in an international context. JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE. 2008
- Blasco de las Heras, N.;Ferreruela Garces,S. Comportamiento Imitador En El Mercado Bursatil Espanol: Evidencia Intradiaria. (with English Summary.). REVISTA DE ECONOMÍA FINANCIERA (ED. IMPRESA). 2007
Scientific chapters
- Herding, Volatility and Market Stress in the Spanish Stock Market. Blasco De Las Heras, María Natividad; Ferreruela Garcés, Sandra; Corredor Casado, Pilar. HANDBOOK OF INVESTORS' BEHAVIOR DURING FINANCIAL CRISES. 2017
- Are There Herding Patterns in the European Frontier Markets?. Blasco, Natividad; Corredor, Pilar; Ferreruela, Sandra. HANDBOOK OF FRONTIER MARKETS, THE AFRICAN, EUROPEAN AND ASIAN EVIDENCE. 2016
- Intentional Herding in stock markets: an alternative approach in an international context. Blasco De Las Heras, María Natividad; Corredor, Pilar; Ferreruela Garcés, Sandra. THE HANDBOOK OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE. 2010
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses