Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Lucía Gil, Óscar
Department: Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Comunicaciones
Field: Tecnología Electrónica
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: T23_23R: Electrónica de Potencia y Microelectrónica

UNESCO codes
  • Diseño con ayuda de ordenador
  • Simulación
  • Circuitos
  • Elementos de circuitos
  • Circuitos integrados
  • Bioelectricidad
  • Aplicaciones eléctricas
  • Fabricación de equipo eléctrico
  • Interruptores
  • Utilización de la corriente contínua
  • Conductores aislados
  • Otras
  • Diseño de filtros
  • Dispositivos semiconductores
  • Dispositivos termoeléctricos
  • Transistores
  • Microelectrónica
  • Equipo industrial
  • Diseño de circuitos
  • Otras
  • Instrumentos electrónicos
  • Instrumentos médicos
  • Automóviles

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI knowledge transfer evaluation. 01/01/21
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/21. (2)
  • CNEAI Transferencia. 20/05/20
  • CNEAI Investigación. 17/06/19. (2)
Academic position: Cated. Universidad

Academic position
  • Miembro del Equipo de Dirección sin Cargo Académico del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Comunicaciones
Office phone: 876555319
ORCID number: 0000-0002-1284-9007

Research interests
  • Electrónica
  • Industria electrónica
  • Convertidores electrónicos para caldeo por inducción
  • Vehículo eléctrico
  • Bioelectrónica
  • Ingeniería eléctrica, electrónica y automática

University degrees
  • Ingeniero Industrial. Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2006

  • Doctor, Programa Tecnologías Electrónicas. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2010

Download curriculum in PDF format Go to ORCID page

Oscar Lucía (Zaragoza, August 29, 1983), University Professor, IEEE Fellow and President of the Young Academy of Spain, boasts a robust academic and research career in the field of power electronics for domestic, industrial, and biomedical applications. His work has resulted in high-impact scientific contributions, significant technology transfer to industry, and participation in leading international scientific forums. With over 15 years of teaching experience in digital and power electronics, he has supervised five doctoral theses and more than 60 undergraduate and graduate projects. He has also held various academic coordination roles within the Department of Electronic Engineering and Communications, as well as in the Master's and Doctoral Programs in Electronic Engineering.
Dr. Lucía has conducted research stays in Germany and the United States and regularly serves as a reviewer of researchers and research projects at both national and international levels. His research activities have yielded over 100 journal publications, five book chapters, and more than 200 conference presentations, all with significant impact (over 8,000 citations, h-index 43). His work with industry has resulted in over 70 patent families in active use, with more than 150 international extensions. His contributions have been recognized with two research productivity periods and one knowledge transfer period, the highest distinctions in these categories.
Dr. Lucía is active in major scientific forums and serves as an associate editor for several leading journals in the field, including IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), IEEE Industry Applications Magazine (IEM) (as Society News Editor), IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPEL), and IEEE Open Journal of Industrial Electronics Society (OJIES). He has led and participated in competitive projects and research contracts with prominent organizations such as BSH Electrodomésticos España, Daimler, Panasonic, LEAR, Bosch Power Tools, VoltMed, Pendulum, CNRS, and Angiodynamics, among others, with a total budget exceeding €5 million.
Dr. Lucía has received numerous awards, including the 2021 Agustín de Betancourt y Molina Award for Young Researchers from the Royal Academy of Engineering, the IEEE Rudolf Chope Research & Development Award (2024), the Aragón Investiga "Ramón y Cajal" Award, the BBVA Leonardo Grant (2021), and full membership in the Young Academy of Spain. Other distinctions include the Extraordinary Graduation Award (2006), Extraordinary Doctoral Award (2010), the BSH-UZ Award for Industrial Innovation (2009 and 2018), the IEEE APEC’11 Outstanding Presentation Award (2011), the IEEE Best Paper Award from the prestigious IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (2018), the SAMCA Chair Multidisciplinary Innovation Award (2021), and the IEEE CPE/Powereng Best Paper Award (2023). He is also a co-author of the most cited 2017 article in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and the most cited article in the field of induction heating.
The research group he belongs to (GEPM) has been repeatedly recognized by Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuters) as a global leader in research on electronics applied to home appliances, and Dr. Lucía regularly appears in the Stanford list of the top 2% of the world's most relevant researchers.

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