Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff
Reyes Hung, Maykoll Anthonny
E21_23R: Grupo Teórico de Física de altas energías
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses
Astroparticle physics i: gamma rays, neutrinos and cosmic rays
. Master's Degree in Physics of the Universe: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Particles and Astroparticles. During academic year 2023-24
Undergraduate dissertation
. Degree in Physics. During academic year 2023-24
Differential equations
. Degree in Physics. During academic year 2022-23
Integral calculus and geometry
. Degree in Physics. From the 2020-21 course to the 2022-23 course
Astroparticle physics i: gamma rays, neutrinos and cosmic rays
. Master's Degree in Physics of the Universe: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Particles and Astroparticles. During academic year 2021-22
Theory and phenomenology of the standard model of particle physics
. Master's Degree in Physics of the Universe: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Particles and Astroparticles. During academic year 2021-22
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