Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Villarroya Gaudó, María
Department: Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas
Field: Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: T58_23R: gaZ: grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores de la Universidad de Zaragoza

UNESCO codes
  • Arquitectura de ordenadores
  • Dispositivos de almacenamiento

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/21. (3)
Academic position: Prof. Titular Univ.

Academic position
  • Directora de Secretariado de Internacionalización
ORCID number: 0000-0003-3000-0506

Research interests
  • Ciencias de la computación y tecnología informática

University degrees
  • Doctora por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en el programa de doctorado en Ingeniería Electrónica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2005
  • Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Electrónica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2002
  • Màster en Enginyeria electrónica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2002
  • Licenciada en Ciencias (Físicas). Facultad de Ciencias. 2000

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I am a full time lecturer since 2003/2004 at the University of Zaragoza (under different contracts), since 2020 Senior Lecturer.

My research career is currently focused on heterogeneous multiprocessor systems, with special interest in workload balancing. Previously I focused on the analysis and design of on-chip interconnection networks for performance improvement and power saving in multiprocessor systems and on modeling and synthesis of CMOS devices for memory element applications. New technologies applicable beyond CMOS in computer architectures. This work has been carried out within the Computer Architecture research group of the Aragon Engineering Research Institute of the University of Zaragoza, directed by Víctor Viñals.

In my teaching experience, I have been responsible for teaching a large number of core and compulsory subjects in the degrees of Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Engineering and currently the Degree in Computer Engineering.

Finally, to indicate that between the years 2008 and 2013, in which I have been a full-time professor, I have enjoyed three maternity leaves (46 weeks of leave in total), with some impact on the curriculum vitae. According to the law 3/2007, article 57, for the purpose of valuing the work developed this time should be valued as work developed and of the corresponding merits.

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