Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Berrade Ursúa, María Dolores
Department: Departamento de Métodos Estadísticos
Field: Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: S41_23R: Métodos Estadísticos No Paramétricos y Bayesianos sobre Datos Sesgados
Academic position: Prof. Titular Univ.
ORCID number: 0000-0002-8035-5762

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Journal articles

  • Badía, Francisco Germán; Berrade, María D. Special issue “Probability Theory and Stochastic modeling with applications”. MATHEMATICS. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/math11143196

  • Berrade, M.D.; Calvo, E.; Badía, F.G. Maintenance of systems with critical components. Prevention of early failures and wear-out. COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2023.109291

  • Badía Blasco, Francisco Germán; Berrade, María Dolores. On the Residual Lifetime and Inactivity Time in Mixtures. MATHEMATICS. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/math10152795

  • Badía, F.G.; Berrade, M.D.; Lee, H. An study of cost effective maintenance policies: Age replacement versus replacement after N minimal repairs. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2020.106949

  • Cavalcante, C.A.V.; Scarf, P.A.; Berrade, M.D. Imperfect Inspection of a System With Unrevealed Failure and an Unrevealed Defective State. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2019.2897048

  • Badía, F.G.; Berrade, M.D.; Cha, J.H.; Lee, H. Optimal replacement policy under a general failure and repair model: Minimal versus worse than old repair. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.07.032

  • Berrade, M.D.; Scarf, P.A.; Cavalcante, C.A.V. Conditional inspection and maintenance of a system with two interacting components. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.01.042

  • Berrade, M. D.; Scarf, P. A.; Cavalcante, C.A.V. A study of postponed replacement in a delay time model. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2017.04.006

  • Berrade, M. D.;Scarf, P. A.;Cavalcante, C. A. V. Some insights into the effect of maintenance quality for a protection system. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2015.2417431

  • Berrade,M. D.; Scarf,P. A.; Cavalcante,C. A. V.; Dwight,R. A. Imperfect inspection and replacement of a system with a defective state: A cost and reliability analysis. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2013

  • Berrade, M.D.;Cavalcante, C.A.V.;Scarf, P.A. Modelling imperfect inspection over a finite horizon. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2012.10.003

  • Berrade,M. D. A two-phase inspection policy with imperfect testing. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2011.05.035

  • Berrade, M.D.; Cavalcante, C.A.V.; Scarf, P.A. Maintenance scheduling of a protection system subject to imperfect inspection and replacement. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.12.003

  • Badía Blasco, Francisco Germán; Berrade Ursúa, María Dolores. Optimum maintenance policy of a Periodically inspected system under imperfect repair. ADVANCES IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2009. DOI: 10.1155/2009/691203

  • Badía, F.G. ; Berrade, M.D. Minimal repair model for systems under both unrevealed minor failures and unrevealed catastrophic failures. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL FORUM. 2007

  • Badía, F.G.; Berrade, M.D. Optimum Maintenance of a System under two Types of Failure. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY. 2006

  • Badia, F.G.; Berrade, M.D.; Campos, Clemente A. Maintenance policy for multivariate standby/operating units. APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. 2002. DOI: 10.1002/asmb.459

  • Badía, F. G.; Berrade, M. D.; Campos, Clemente A. Optimum inspection under competing risks with proportional hazards. APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. 2002. DOI: 10.1002/asmb.465

  • Badia, F.G.; Berrade, M.D.; Campos, Clemente A. Aging properties of the additive and proportional hazard mixing models. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2002. DOI: 10.1016/S0951-8320(02)00156-4

  • Badía, F.G. ; Berrade, M.D.; Campos, Clemente A. Maintenance policy under multiple unrevealed failures. QÜESTIIÓ. QUADERNS D'ESTADÍSTICA, SISTEMES, INFORMÀTICA I INVESTIGACIÓ OPERATIVA. 2002

  • Badia, F.G.; Berrade, M.D.; Campos, Clemente A. Optimal inspection and preventive maintenance of units with revealed and unrevealed failures. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2002. DOI: 10.1016/S0951-8320(02)00154-0

  • Badia, F.G.; Berrade, M.D; Campos, C.A.; Navascues, M.A. On the behavior of aging characteristics in mixed populations. PROBABILITY IN THE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIONAL SCIENCES. 2001. DOI: 10.1017/S0269964801151065

  • Badia, Fg; Berrade, Md; Campos, Clemente A. Optimization of inspection intervals based on cost. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2001

  • Germán Badía, F.; Berrade, M. D.; Campos, C. A.; Esteban, E. Modelos de mantenimiento periódico para sistemas reparables. ANALES DE INGENIERÍA MECÁNICA. 1998

Conference presentations

  • Badia, F. G.; Berrade, M. D.; Campos, Clemente A. Proportional mean residual life model mixtures. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL. 2003


  • Jesús Asín, Francisco Germán Badía, Mª Dolores Berrade, Clemente A. Campos, Carmen Galé y Pedro Jordá. Probabilidad y estadística en ingeniería: ejercicios resueltos. 2002

Scientific chapters

  • On the quality of maintenance: The forgotten issue. Berrade Ursúa, María Dolores; Badía, Francisco Germán; Calvo, Esteban. DEVELOPMENTS IN RELIABILITY ENGINEERING ADVANCES IN RELIABILITY SCIENCE. 2024

  • Introducción de los ODS en la docencia de Estadística en el Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriales = Introducing the SDG into the Statistics course for undergraduate Students of Industrial Technologies. Lafuente, Miguel; Asín, Jesús; Berrade, María Dolores; Castillo-Mateo, Jorge; Galé, Carmen; Iranzo, José Ángel. DOCENCIA, INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL Y TRASFERENCIA. 2023

  • Asín Lafuente, J.; Badía Blasco, F. G.; Berrade Ursúa, M. D.; Galé Pola, C.; Marín Escuer, I.; Sánchez-Valverde García, B. Diseño de herramientas de trabajo autónomo para los estudiantes de las asignaturas de Métodos Estadísticos en los grados de Ingeniería. LA INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE A TRAVÉS DE LA COOPERACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA. 2015


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