Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles
Department: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Field: Filología Inglesa
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

UNESCO codes
  • Lengua y literatura
  • Enseñanzas de lenguas
  • Traducción
  • Lingüistica aplicada a la traducción e interpretación
  • Lingüística histórica
  • Otras especialidades lingüísticas
Academic position: Prof. Titular Univ.
ORCID number: 0000-0002-6865-7944

Research interests
  • Humanidades y ciencias sociales
  • Filología
  • Lenguas germánicas

University degrees
  • Especialista Universitario en Traducción Jurídica. Universidad de Alicante. 2005
  • INGLÉS JURÍDICO Y ECONÓMICO. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2003
  • V Curso Superior de Traducción e Interpretación para Fines Generales y Específicos. Universidad de Extremadura. 1999
  • III Curso Superior de Perfeccionamiento y Actualización Metodológica de la Enseñanza del Inglés. Universidad de Extremadura. 1999
  • Postgrado de Traducción e Iniciación a la Interpretación. Universitat de València. 1998
  • Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1993

  • Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2003

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Journal articles

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of: María Sandra Peña-Cervel; Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (2022). Figuring out figuration: figurative thought and language. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Figurative Thought and Language Series).. COGNITIVE SEMANTICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1163/23526416-bja10062

  • Ruiz-Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of Bagli (2021): Tastes we live by. The linguistic conceptualisation of taste in English. REVIEW OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1075/rcl.00194.rui

  • Ruiz-Moneva, María Ángeles. Inés Lozano-Palacio and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez. 2022. Modeling irony. A cognitive-pragmatic account. COGNITIVE SEMANTICS. 2023. DOI: 10.1163/23526416-BJA10046

  • Ruiz-Moneva, Maria Angeles. Smartphone Communication. Interactions in the App Ecosystem. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2021.12.012

  • Ruiz-Moneva, Maria Angeles. The use of whereas and whereas-clauses in Swift's The Drapier's Letters. LOGOS & LITTERA. 2021. DOI: 10.31902/ll.2019.7.3

  • Ruiz-Moneva, María Ángeles. A Spanish contribution to the development of the English interlude: From Rojas’ La Celestina to Rastell’s Calisto and Melebea. ROMANCE QUARTERLY. 2020. DOI: 10.1080/08831157.2020.1732748

  • Ruiz-Moneva, María Angeles. Irony, humour and culture in George Mikes’ How to Be a Brit: relevance-theoretical perspectives. DIACRONIA (IASI). 2019. DOI: 10.17684/i10A144en

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Foreshadowing in Ruano de la Haza’s twenty-first century adaptation of Rojas' Celestina. CELESTINESCA. 2019. DOI: 10.7203/Celestinesca.43.20244

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Yus, Francisco (2016). Humour and Relevance. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMOUR RESEARCH. 2018

  • Ruiz-Moneva, M.A. Irony and Parody in a Spanish Translation of Fowles' The French Lieutenant's Woman: A Relevance-Theoretical Approach. COMPLUTENSE JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES 2018. DOI: 10.5209/CJES.61121

  • Ruiz-Moneva, M.A. Leonor Ruiz Gurillo and M. Belén Alvarado Ortega, eds. 2013. Irony and Humor: From Pragmatics to Discourse. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 270 pp.. HUMOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMOR RESEARCH. 2016. DOI: 10.1515/humor-2015-0138

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review: Irony and Humor. From pragmatics to discourse. Edited by Leonor Ruiz Gurillo and M. Belén Alvarado Ortega (2013). HUMOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMOR RESEARCH. 2016

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review: Clark, Billy (2013). Relevance Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 2015

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Pérez-Llantada, c. (2012). Scientific discourse and the rhetoric of globalization. The impact of language and culture. London and New York: Continuum. 256 pages. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2013.11.005

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Cognition and Context of Legal Texts: Spanish and English Judgments Compared. REVISTA DE LINGUISTICA Y LENGUAS APLICADAS. 2013. DOI: 10.4995/rlyla.2013.1245

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. “Review of: Sergio Maruenda-Bataller and Begoña Clavel-Arroitia (eds.) (2011): Multiple Voices in Academic and Professional Discourse: Current Issues in Specialised Language Research, Teaching and New Technologies. REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 2011

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of Yus: Ciberpragmática 2.0. Nuevos usos del lenguaje en Internet. [Cyberpragmatics 2.0. new uses of language on the Internet]. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. 2011

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. “Some Proposals to Cope with Forms of Irony Typically Found in Literary Texts from a Relevance-Theoretical Perspective”. STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. 2011

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. “Tracing the Origins of ESP in Old English: Ælfric’s Colloquy and Cosmology”. LFE. REVISTA DE LENGUAS PARA FINES ESPECÍFICOS. 2011

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. “Relevance-theoretical versus pragmatic and cognitive approaches to coherence. A survey”. REVIEW OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS. 2010. DOI: 10.1075/ml.8.1.02rui

  • Ruiz Moneva, Maria-Angeles. An introduction to Early Modern English. FOLIA LINGUISTICA HISTORICA. 2010

  • Ruiz-Moneva, Maria Angeles. A Guide to Old English, 7th edition. NEUPHILOLOGISCHE MITTEILUNGEN. 2010

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. “Main Aspects of the Reception and Conveyance of Irony in the Earliest English Versions of Celestina”. CELESTINESCA. 2010

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of Suárez-Gómez (2006): Relativization in Early English (950-1250): the Position of Relative Clauses. Bern: Peter Lang. (Series: Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication)”. ATLANTIS-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES. 2008

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of ELICES AGUDO, Juan Francisco (2004). Historical and Theoretical Approaches to English Satire. München: LINCOM Studies in English Linguistics. ES REVIEW, SPANISH JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES. 2006

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of Attardo, Humorous Texts: A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis (Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2001). ESTUDIOS INGLESES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE. 2006

  • Ruiz Moneva, M. A. Legal tanslation explained. MISCELÁNEA (ZARAGOZA). 2005

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Review of Diccionario de términos jurídicos, (7th. ed.) by Alcaraz and Hughes 2003 (1993) TRANSLATION JOURNAL. 2004

  • Ruiz Moneva, M. A. Swift's "A modest proposal" in the pragmatics of irony: echoic mention and pretense approaches". PRAGMALINGÜÍSTICA (CÁDIZ). 2004

  • Ruiz Moneva, M. A. Towards a historical synthesis of the concept of irony. ODISEA (LA CAÑADA DE SAN URBANO). 2001

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. "Irony in Relevance Theory: Recurrent Features, Critical Stances and Possible Research Trends". ATLANTIC LITERARY REVIEW 2001

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Angeles. Searching for some relevance answers to the problems raised by the translation of irony. REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 2001

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. Towards bridging the gap: direct-textual and translational methods in the teaching of ESP agricultural texts. OP. CIT. (LISBOA). 2000

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. "Implications of the relevance approach to the context for the interpretation of ironic utterances". PRAGMALINGÜÍSTICA (CÁDIZ). 1999

  • Ruiz Moneva, Maria Angeles. Interpersonal communication and context accessibility in the interpretation of ironic utterances. A case study: Rastell’s version of La Celestina. REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 1998

  • Ruiz Moneva, Maria Angeles. "From Rojas' La Celestina to Rastell's Calisto and Melebea: Code versus inference in the translation of irony". STVDIVM (TERUEL). 1998

  • Ruiz Moneva, María Angeles. Compound Nouns in Old English: Aelfric's"Lives of Saints". A functional and pragmatic approach. SELIM. SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE LENGUA Y LITERATURA INGLESA MEDIEVAL. 1998

  • Ruiz Moneva, M. A. Ironía, omnisciencia del narrador y parodia en una traducción española de la novela de Fowles "La mujer del teniente francés": una aproximación desde la teoría de la relevancia. TRANS. 1998

  • Ruiz Moneva, Maria Angeles. "A Relevance Theory Approach to the Scandinavian Influence upon the Development of the English Language". REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 1997

  • Ruiz Moneva, Maria Angeles. "A study of the thematic structure as a cohesive device and its importance for translation on the basis of a fragment of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle". STVDIVM (TERUEL). 1997


  • “A Modest Proposal” in the Context of Swift’s Irish Tracts: A Relevance-Theoretic Study. Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. 2010

  • edited by Micaela Muñoz-Calvo, Carmen Buesa-Gómez and M. Ángeles Ruiz-Moneva. New trends in translation and cultural identity. 2008

  • Hornero Corisco, Ana, Luzón Marco, M^ José, Ruiz Moneva, M^ Ángeles (eds.). Metaphor, blending and their application to semantic analysis. 2006

  • A relevance approach to irony in "La Celestina" and its earliest English versions Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. 2004

  • Florén Serrano, C., Inchaurralde Besga, C. y Ruiz Moneva, Ma. A. (eds.). Applied linguistics perspectives: language learning and specialized discourse. 2004

  • From Rojas’s "La Celestina" to Rastell’s "Interlude": Problems in the Translation of Irony. Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. 2001

Scientific chapters

  • Humour and Irony in George Mikes’ How To Be A Brit: A Relevance-Theoretical Approach. Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. RELEVANCE THEORY, FIGURATION, AND CONTINUITY IN PRAGMATICS. 2020

  • “Code and Inference in the Expression of Irony in Orwell’s Animal Farm and its Translation into Spanish”. Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. APPLICATIONS OF RELEVANCE THEORY: FROM DISCOURSE TO MORPHEMES. 2017

  • Propuesta de seguimiento y evaluación en los Trabajo Fin de Grado de Magisterio de Educación Primaria y de Educación Infantil en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de Teruel. Abarca, A.; Ramo, R. M.; Tomé, María; Senís, J.; Esterán, P.; Ponz, A.; Julve, J. A.; Ruiz, M. A.; del Moral, C.; Barea, T.; López, E. ACTAS DE LAS I JORNADAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE CAMPUS IBERUS Y IX JORNADAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE E INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA U.Z. 2015

  • “An analysis of the conveyance of the thematic structure in the translation from Old into Present-Day English”. Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. CONVERGENT APPROACHES TO MEDIAEVAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 2012

  • :"CATLEX: A Project for lexical categorisation in English". Inchaurralde, C.; I. Ibarretxe-Antuñano; J.Sánchez-García; A. Hornero; Mª J. Luzón and Mª A. Ruiz Moneva LANGUAGE, MIND AND THE LEXICON. 2007

  • Carlos Inchaurralde Besga, Iraide Ibarretxe Antuñano, Jesús M. Sánchez García, Ana María Hornero Corisco, María José Luzón Marco, María Angeles Ruiz Moneva. CATLEX: A project for lexical categorisation in English. LANGUAGE, MIND, AND THE LEXICON. 2007

  • Mª Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. La recepción de "A modest proposal" de Swift en España: notas para un estudio preliminar. SWIFT EN ESPAÑA. 2007

  • Mª Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. Una humilde propuesta de Swift: un estudio preliminar de su recepción en España a través del análisis de la traducción del título basado en la teoría de la relevancia. SWIFT EN ESPAÑA. 2007

  • "Swift's A Modest Proposal: A preliminary study of its reception in Spain through the relevance-theoretical analysis of the conveyance of its title". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. PERSPECTIVAS INTERDISCIPLINARES DE LA LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA. 2005

  • Mª Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. Swift's A Modest Proposal: A preliminary study of its reception in Spain through the relevance-theoretical analysis of the conveyance of its title. PERSPECTIVAS INTERDISCIPLINARES DE LA LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA. ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO ; LENGUAS PARA FINES ESPECÍFICOS ; LINGÜÍSTICA DE CORPUS Y COMPUTACIONAL ; LEXICOLOGÍA Y LEXICOGRAFÍA ; TRADUCCIÓN E INTERPRETACIÓN. 2005

  • M. Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. Cognition and interpersonal communication in relevance theory. INTERACTION AND COGNITION IN LINGUISTICS. 2003

  • "Irony in Relevance Theory: Recurrent Features, Critical Stances and Possible Research Trends". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. MODERN CRITICISM. 2002

  • "Irony and echo: a revision". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. LA LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA A FINALES DEL SIGLO XX. ENSAYOS Y PROPUESTAS. 2001

  • "Some questions raised by Sperber and Wilson's after-thought on irony". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. TRABAJOS EN LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA. 2001

  • "Some suggestions on how to do things with non-echoic or non-ostensive irony under a relevance perspective". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. RECENT PERSPECTIVES ON DISCOURSE. 2001

  • "The acquisition of discourse competence and translation skills by agricultural engineer trainees". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. TRABAJOS EN LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA. 2001

  • "The ESP classroom as a discourse community". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. RECENT PERSPECTIVES ON DISCOURSE. 2000

  • Mª Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. Celestina as seen by English-speeking readers: a relevant account of early portraits. TRANSCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: PRAGMALINGUISTIC ASPECTS. 2000

  • "Relevance and the context: two sides of the same coin. Some notes on the origin of the relevance approach to the context". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. PERSPECTIVAS PRAGMÁTICAS EN LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA. 1998

  • "Some Translating Strategies to Prevent Misunderstanding Ironic Utterances in Rastell’s Version of La Celestina". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. THE PRAGMATICS OF UNDERSTANDING AND MISUNDERSTANDING. 1998

  • María Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. Some Translating Strategies to Prevent Misunderstanding Ironic Utterances in Rastell's Version of La Celestina. THE PRAGMATICS OF UNDERSTANDING AND MISUNDERSTANDING. 1998

  • Mª Ángeles Ruiz Moneva. Relevance and the context: two sides of teh same coin. Some notes on the origin of the relevance approach to the context. PERSPECTIVAS PRAGMÁTICAS EN LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA. 1998

  • "Aproximación a una versión inglesa de La Celestina". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. TEATRO CLÁSICO EN TRADUCCIÓN. TEXTO, REPRESENTACIÓN Y RECEPCIÓN. 1996

  • "Medical terminology". Ruiz Moneva, María Ángeles. PERSPECTIVES IN SEMANTICS AND SPECIALISED LANGUAGES. 1994

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