Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Lample Gracia, Luis Javier
Department: Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas
Field: Economía Financiera y Contabilidad
Faculty: Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Group: S11_23R: CEMBE
Academic position: Prof. Ayudante Doctor
ORCID number: 0000-0003-2448-5228

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I have a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Zaragoza. In 2005, the Government of Aragon granted me a Scholarship to complete the Master's Degree in Banking Management and Financial Markets from "El Colegio de Economistas de Aragón" (2005 - 2006). I have worked for 8 years in two financial institutions as a Financial Advisor (EPFA) and Portfolio Manager Fixed Income (Ibercaja and Banco Madrid) before dedicating myself exclusively to teaching and research. In order to carry out the doctoral thesis, (Ph.D.), I completed Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance at the University of Zaragoza (2009 - 2011) and in 2013 I obteined a PhD in Accounting and Finance titled: “Analysis of the impact of confidence and real estate wealth in consumption and investment models in housing with mortgage debt”, (Cum laude). The studies developed in my thesis have been the basis of two papers and a one-year research stay (2020-21) at the UK Housing Observatory at Lancaster University. The works were titled: "The role of real estate wealth and economic confidence in household consumption in Spain" and "Analysis of the impact of excess mortgages on housing prices using the cointegration test" and were published in the journals Financial Analysis and Applied Economics Letters (JCR), 2016 (Q4). After three years as an Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza (2009-2012) and ten years as a Lecturer and Researcher at the San Jorge University (2012-2022), in 2022 I started as a Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Zaragoza. From then on, I also focused my research on the analysis of energy markets and have published several papers in impact journals (JCR): "Co -Movements between Eu Ets and the Energy Markets: A Var-Dcc-Garch Approach. Mathematics JCR, 2021 - (Q1), "Dynamic Comparison of Portfolio risk: Clean vs. Dirty Energy". Finance Research Letters, JCR, 2022 - (Q1) , "Dynamic Risk Management in European Energy Portfolios: Evolution of the Role of Clean and Carbon Markets". Energy Reports, JCR, 2022 -(Q2) and "Sequential Management of Enery and Low-Carbon Portfolios". Research in International Business and Finance., Business and Finance JCR, 2024- (Q1). I have been as a researcher in the GIECOFIN group and since 2018 I am in the CEMBE group. I also participated as a researcher in the competitive project of the Gobierno de Aragón LMP07_21: Exclusion by geographical area as the main cause of depopulation in Aragon. I have presented communications derived from my research and the depopulation project in numerous International Congresses where I have also participated as moderator, organizer and scientific committee in some of them. I am also interested in the discipline of Education, in which I published a chapter derived from the FECIES 2021 Congress in the book: "Advances in Higher Education and Research", chapter: "Digital literacy in Higher Education during COVID-19: mapping systematic of scientific literature" in the Dykinson publishing house (SPI) Q1.

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