Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Galano Frutos, Juan José

Group: E45_23R: Protein Targets and Bioactive Compounds (ProtBioCom)

UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses
ORCID number: 0000-0002-1896-7805
I graduated in Chemistry from the University of Oriente (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba) in 2004. Immediately after, I joined the University of Informatic Sciences (La Habana, Cuba), where I taught lessons (Statistics, Mathematics, Operational Research) for more than 6 years.
I got a doctoral fellowship by the University of Zaragoza in 2010 to do Master and Ph.D studies. I did my Master thesis on modeling compounds series (QSAR, molecular docking) with antimicrobial activities against Helicobacter pylori bacterium at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology (Prof. Javier Sancho's lab, 2012). Then, I got a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the same department and research group (December, 2015). During my Ph.D, in addition to the previous methodologies I applied modeling techniques, like atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) and molecular docking to structural/functional and stability analyses of proteins linked to bio-medical issues.
Once I finished my Ph.D, I was hired as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza, Spain. In the last few years, I have been mostly modeling proteins, their folding, stability and thermodynamics. I have developed methodologies based on MD approaches to allow accurate calculations of thermodynamic magnitudes of protein folding equilibrium. I have performed stability/functional and mechanistic analyses on proteins associated to diseases such as Breast Cancer, Hyperthyroidism and Phenylketonuria. I also carried out some fruitful collaborations with colleagues at BIFI and elsewhere wherein I contributed to the design of new lead compounds or the improvement of their therapeutical properties against a variety of diseases, e.g. hepatitis C, Parkinson, Phenylketinuria and those caused by H. pylori.
More recently, I was enrolled in a project aimed at developing a reliable MD-based methodology to computationally predict with high accuracy the phenotype caused upon single nucleotide variants (SNV), which is being of help for clinicians and geneticists for diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders. Regarding this, I did an important contribution to the development of an online tool, PirePred (, a server that provides accurate predictions for mutations of 58 genes associated to the newborn screening, and do so in a structural context, relevant for understanding the causation of the pathogenicity verdicts.
I have taught lessons at the Master in Biophysics and Quantitative Biotechnology held by the BIFI (Biomolecular Simulations, Drug Design), at the Biotechnology degree (Bioinformatics) of the University of Zaragoza (Spain), and also online lessons (Biochemistry Fundamentals, Computational Biology and Pharmacological Bioinformatics) at Masters of Biomedical Engineering and of Bioinformatics, respectively, held by the Valencian International University (VIU, Spain).
Currently, I am enjoying an interim professor position at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology of the University of Zaragoza (since September 2023), where I am teaching Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Biomolecular Simulations, Bioinformatics and other subjects to Medicine and Biotechnology undergraduate and Master students.

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