Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria
Departamento: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Área: Filología Inglesa
Centro: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación

Grupo: H03_23R: Narrativa contemporánea en legua inglesa
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.

Descargar currículum en formato PDF



  • What remains of (un)grievability in Hollinghurst's and Tóibín's Fiction. Yebra Pertusa, José María. THE POETICS AND ETHICS OF (UN-)GRIEVABILITY IN CONTEMPORARY ANGLOPHONE FICTION. 2023

  • The changing status of wounded masculinity in Colm Tóibín’s Ireland. Yebra Pertusa, José María. REVOLUTIONARY IRELAND 1916-2016: HISTORICAL FACTS & SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS RE-ASSESSED 2020

  • family dysfunctionality and new ireland in colm tóibín's mothers and sons. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. IRELAND AND DYSFUNCTION. CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN LITERATURE AND FILM. 2017

  • Forster's pastoral legacy in trauma poetics: the melancholic neo-pastoral in alan hollinghurst's the swimming-pool librray and folding star. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. ONLY CONNECT: E. M. FORSTER'S LEGACIES IN BRITISH FICTION. 2017

  • The (extra)ordinary of humbleness and mutual recognition in colm tóibín's the testament of mary. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. THE HUMBLE IN THE 19TH- TO 21ST-CENTURY : BRITISH LITERATURE AND ARTS. 2017

  • Gender politics and sexual dissidence in literary studies. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. GLOBAL ISSUES IN TEACHING OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND LINGUISTICS. 2013

  • a terrible beauty: ethics, aesthetics and the trauma of gayness in alan hollinghurst's the line of beauty. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. ETHICS AND TRAUMA IN CONTEMPORARY BRITISH FICTION. 2011

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