Scientific chapters
- What remains of (un)grievability in Hollinghurst's and Tóibín's Fiction. Yebra Pertusa, José María. THE POETICS AND ETHICS OF (UN-)GRIEVABILITY IN CONTEMPORARY ANGLOPHONE FICTION. 2023
- The changing status of wounded masculinity in Colm Tóibín’s Ireland. Yebra Pertusa, José María. REVOLUTIONARY IRELAND 1916-2016: HISTORICAL FACTS & SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS RE-ASSESSED 2020
- family dysfunctionality and new ireland in colm tóibín's mothers and sons. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. IRELAND AND DYSFUNCTION. CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN LITERATURE AND FILM. 2017
- Forster's pastoral legacy in trauma poetics: the melancholic neo-pastoral in alan hollinghurst's the swimming-pool librray and folding star. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. ONLY CONNECT: E. M. FORSTER'S LEGACIES IN BRITISH FICTION. 2017
- The (extra)ordinary of humbleness and mutual recognition in colm tóibín's the testament of mary. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. THE HUMBLE IN THE 19TH- TO 21ST-CENTURY : BRITISH LITERATURE AND ARTS. 2017
- Gender politics and sexual dissidence in literary studies. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. GLOBAL ISSUES IN TEACHING OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND LINGUISTICS. 2013
- a terrible beauty: ethics, aesthetics and the trauma of gayness in alan hollinghurst's the line of beauty. Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria. ETHICS AND TRAUMA IN CONTEMPORARY BRITISH FICTION. 2011
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses