Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Cogolludo Agustín, José Ignacio
Department: Departamento de Matemáticas
Field: Geometría y Topología
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias

Group: E22_23R: Álgebra y Geometría

UNESCO codes
  • Geometría algebraica
  • Polinomios
  • Variedades complejas
  • Geometría proyectiva

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/20
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/14
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/08
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/02
Academic position: Cated. Universidad

Academic position
  • Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Matemáticas y Estadística
Personal web page:
ORCID number: 0000-0003-1820-6755

Research interests
  • Geometría algebraica
  • Curvas algebraicas
  • Geometría real y compleja
  • Poliedros y politopos
  • Combinatoria algebraica
  • Singularidades
  • Didáctica de la matemática

University degrees
  • Licenciado en Ciencias Sección Matemáticas Especialidad Matemáticas Fundamentales. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 1992

  • Matemáticas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 1999
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics. University of Illinois at Chicago. 1999

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PhD thesis Award (UCM), 1999.
Predoctoral Fellowship FPI, Teaching Assistant at University Of Illinois at Chicago, Research Assistant and Ramón y Cajal Scholar at UCM.

Currently, since 2001 Full Professor at University of Zaragoza.
Member of the Mathematics Institute IUMA.
Coordinator of the Mathematics Master at UNIZAR (2010-2013).
Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Mathematics ans Statistics (2013-).
PhD adviser for 5 PhD. thesis and 4 Master thesis since 2007.
Participation in 14 R&D competitive national programs, 4 of which as a PI.
31 participations in International Conferences or Seminars as invitated speaker.
Organizer of 7 Conferences, funded by I-Math, NSF, Clay Insitute, ESF, among others.
4 international research stays, one of them as a Fulbright Scholar.

Scientific evaluator for the Spanish National R&D since 2011.
Participation in the Editorial Board of Contemporary Mathematics.
Regular referee for research papers in relevant international journals such as Duke Math. J., Proceedings and Transactions of the AMS, J.Singularities or LMS journals.
Member of 5 PhD. thesis committees.

55 research papers, 22 of which in Q1 among which we point out the following:
- Quasi-projectivity of even artin groups. GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY. 22-7, pp. 3979-4011. (with R.Blasco) 2018.
- Albanese varieties of cyclic covers of the projective plane and orbifold pencils. Nagoya Math. J. vol 5232 (with E.Artal and A.Libgober)
- Characteristic varieties of quasi-projective manifolds and orbifolds. GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY. 17 - 1, pp. 273 - 309. 2013 (with E.Artal and D.Matei).
- Kummer Covers and Braid Monodromy. Journal of the Insitute of Math. of Jussieu. 2013. (with E.Artal and J.Ortigas)
- Mordell-Weil groups and Zariski triples. Geometry and Arithmetic. pp. 75 - 89. 2012. (with R.Kloosterman)
- Quasi-projectivity, Artin-Tits groups, and pencil maps. Contemporary Math. - AMS 538, pp. 113 - 136. 2011 (with E.Artal and D.Matei)
- On the connection between fundamental groups and pencils with multiple fibers. Journal of Singularities 2, pp. 1-18. 2010 (with E.Artal)
- A survey on Zariski pairs. Algebraic Geometry in East Asia--Hanoi 2005. Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 50. pp- 1-100. AMS. 2012. (with E.Artal and H.Tokunaga)
- Pencils and Infinite Dihedral Covers of p2. Proceedings of the AMS. 136 - 1, pp. 21 - 29. 2008 (with E.Artal and H.Tokunaga)
- Effective Invariants of Braid Monodromy. Transactions of the AMS. 359 - 1, pp. 165 - 183. 2007 (with E.Artal and J.Carmona)
- Topology and Combinatorics of Real Line Arrangements. Compositio Math. 141 - 6, pp. 1578 - 1588. 2005 (with E.Artal, J.Carmona and M.Marco)
- Braid Monodromy and Topology of Plane Curves. Duke Math. J. 118 - 2, pp. 261 - 278. 2003 (with E.Artal and J.Carmona)
- Topological invariants of the complement to arrangements of rational plane curves. Memoirs of the AMS 159-756, 2002.

Areas of interest: Topology of Quasi-projective Varieties, Algebraic and Arithmetic Aspects of Singularity Theory, Zariski Pairs, Ehrhart polynomials, Artin groups and Quasi-projective groups, Normal Surface Singularities.

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