(April 2022)
José Angel Peña is Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at the School of Engineering and Architecture (Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura -EINA-) of the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) since June 2017. He holds a bachelor's degree (Licenciado) (1989) and a master's (Tesina) (1990) in Science (Chemistry) in Technical/Industrial Chemistry and a doctorate from the same university (1994) in Chemical Engineering.
Along his PhD Thesis, his research originally focused on the deactivation of catalysts by coking and the safety of out-of-control reactors (runaway reactions) (postdoctoral). Since 2002 he has been working in fields related to the production, purification and use of hydrogen by unconventional methods from natural gas, biogas and bio-oil pyrolysis products as raw materials, and in the production of biofuels (biomethane, biogasoline, biodiesel) from agricultural, livestock and urban wastes. He is co-author of more than forty indexed articles (JCR), mostly Q1, and more than a hundred contributions to congresses (mostly international). He has participated in 33 institutional research projects, of which he has directed 11. He is also co-author of a USPO patent in industrial operation (2000). He has conducted predoctoral research stays at the University of Salford (UK) and postdoc at Fauske & Asoc. (IL USA). He has supervised 9 PhD Thesis. He accredits 5 consecutive 6 years (sexenios) research recognitions (last 2020).
From the teaching standpoint, he has taught subjects of the bachelor's degrees in Chemical Sciences (Fac. of Sciences), in Food Science and Technology (Fac. of Veterinary) and Chemical Engineering (School of Engineering and Architecture) (pre-Bologna). He has also taught at national and European university master's degrees, and monographic courses in UNIZAR's Doctoral Program of Chemical and Environment Engineering (Quality Doctoral Programme since 2005). His specialization covers the subjects of Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Processes and Safety and Risk Analysis in the Chemical Industry. He has so far obtained 6 consecutive 5 teaching years (quinquenios) recognitions (last 2021). Prof. Peña has also dedicated an important part of his university work to management, having been Professor Secretary of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies (2000-2002), Associate Director of the Higher Polytechnic Center (now School of Engineering and Architecture -EINA-)(2002-2007), both of UNIZAR. Associate Director (2008-2011 and 2019 -) of the Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A), and coordinator of the Process and Recycling Division within the same Institute (2008-2015 and 2019-). Currently he is co-director of the Interuniversity Master in Hydrogen Technologies (MITH). Consultant for several research and prospective agencies, both domestic and international (South American, European and Near Eastern), and participated in quality assessment and accreditation processes and standardization since 2005, both for private institutions (AENOR) and public (ANECA and MadrI+D Foundation). He has also been Vocal (technical areas) of the Research Commission of the University of Zaragoza (1998-2002 and 2020-), Chairman of the Commission of Chemical Engineering degree , Chairman of the Commission of Research and the Quality Commission of the I3A. He is a member of the EINA School Board (2004-) and the senate of UNIZAR (2012-2021). 6 Five year periods teaching recognition (last evaluated 2021)
5 Six year periods researching recognition (last evaluated 2020)
Bibliometric Indexes (by January 2023):
· (Scopus): h=18
· (Google Scholar): h=20 ; i10=34
Papers published in international journals (JCR): 51
Papers published in Q1 journals: 34
Papers published in D1 journals: 14
Contributions presented in congresses, symposia and conferences: 164
Direction of PhD Thesis in last 10 years: 4 (out of 9)
Degree Thesis / Master Thesis (Chem. Engng. and Ind. Engng.): 57
Cites No.: SCOPUS: 882 ; Google Scholar (GS): 1199
Cites annual average (last 5 years): SCOPUS: 54 ; GS: 82
1 patent (USPTO) under commercial explotation: "Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool" (Fauske & Assoc. Inc.)
Journal articles
- Delgado-Noboa, Jorge; Bernal, Tamara; Soler, Jaime; Peña, José Ángel. Kinetic modeling of batch bioethanol production from CCN-51 Cocoa Mucilage. JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtice.2021.08.040
- Lloreda-Jurado, P.J.; Pérez-Soriano, E.M.; Paúl, A.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J.A.; Sepúlveda, R. Doped iron oxide scaffolds with gradient porosity fabricated by freeze casting: pore morphology prediction and processing parameters. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (UNITED KINGDOM). 2020. DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2020.1765096
- Lachén, J.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J.A. High purity hydrogen from biogas via steam iron process: Preventing reactor clogging by interspersed coke combustions. RENEWABLE ENERGY. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.11.060
- Lachén, J.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J.A. Production and purification of hydrogen by biogas combined reforming and steam-iron process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.04.151
- Lachén, J.; Durán, P.; Menéndez, M.; Peña, J.A.; Herguido, J. Biogas to high purity hydrogen by methane dry reforming in TZFBR+MB and exhaustion by Steam-Iron Process. Techno–economic assessment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.03.105
- Gil, Vanesa; Canalejas, Rubén; Peña, José Ángel; Menéndez, Miguel; Vaca, Ignacio; Maese, Marc. Producción de hidrógeno a partir de captura de biogás en vertederos. RETEMA (MADRID). 2018
- Correas, L.C.; Larrea, Á.; Lázaro, M.J.; Peña, J.Á. Preface to the special issue on “The 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2016), 13–16 June 2016, Zaragoza, Spain”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.027
- Lachén, J.; Durán, P.; Peña, J. A.; Herguido, J. High purity hydrogen from coupled dry reforming and steam iron process with cobalt ferrites as oxygen carrier: Process improvement with the addition of NiAl2O4 catalyst. CATALYSIS TODAY. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2017.04.046
- Lachén, J.; Plou, J.; Durán, P.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J.A. Iron oxide ores as carriers for the production of high purity hydrogen from biogas by steam–iron process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.11.152
- Plou, J.; Lachén, J.; Durán, P.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J.A. Pure hydrogen from lighter fractions of bio-oil by steam-iron process: Effect of composition of bio-oil, temperature and number of cycles. FUEL. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.04.127
- Durán, P.; Lachén, J.; Plou, J.; Sepúlveda, R.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J. A. Behaviour of freeze-casting iron oxide for purifying hydrogen streams by steam-iron process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.06.062
- Plou, J.; Durán, P.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J. A. Hydrogen from bio-fuels by “steam-iron” process: modelling and kinetics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.05.127
- Plou,J.; Durán,P.; Herguido,J.; Peña,J. A. Hydrogen from synthetic biogas by catalyzed MDR and SIP: Screening of catalyst and iron oxide mixtures. FUEL. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2014.09.116
- Herrer, M.; Plou, J.; Durán, P.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J. A. Hydrogen from synthetic biogas via SIP using NiAl2O4 catalyst: Reduction stage. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.01.063
- Hormilleja, E.; Durán, P.; Plou, J.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J. A. Hydrogen from ethanol by steam iron process in fixed bed reactor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.01.002
- Plou, Jorge; Durán, Paúl; Peña, José Ángel. Prospectiva sobre la producción de hidrógeno por métodos emergentes basados en energía solar y de alta temperatura. BOLETÍN DEL GRUPO ESPAÑOL DEL CARBÓN. 2014
- Herguido,J.; Peña,J. A.; Carazo,E. Experimental assessment of hydrogen separation from H2/CH 4 mixtures by the "steam-iron process" in an interconnected circulating fluidized bed reactor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.07.006
- Plou,J.; Durán,P.; Herguido,J.; Peña,J. A. Purified hydrogen from synthetic biogas by joint methane dry reforming and steam-Iron process: Behaviour of metallic oxides and coke formation. FUEL. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2013.10.069
- Campo, Ramón; Plou, Jorge; Durán, Paul; Herguido, Javier; Peña, José Ángel. Combined production and purification of hydrogen from methanol using steam iron process in fixed bed reactor. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.05.146
- Plou,J.; Duran,P.; Herguido,J.; Peña,J. A. Steam-iron process kinetic model using integral data regression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.10.117
- Romero, E.; Soto, R.; Durán, P.; Herguido, J.; Peña, J.A. Molibdenum addition to modified iron oxides for improving hydrogen separation in fixed bed by redox processes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.11.066
- Lorente,E.;Herguido,J.;Peña,J. A. Steam-iron process: Influence of steam on the kinetics of iron oxide reduction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.07.111
- Lorente, E.;Peña, J. A. ;Herguido, J. Cycle behaviour of iron ores in the steam-iron process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.03.069
- Gonzalo, Alberto; García, Manuel; Sánchez, José Luis; Arauzo, Jesús; Peña, José Ángel. Water Cleaning of Biodiesel. Effect of Catalyst Concentration, Water Amount, and Washing Temperature on Biodiesel Obtained from Rapeseed Oil and Used Oil. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2010. DOI: 10.1021/ie901707q
- García, Manuel; Gonzalo, Alberto; Sánchez, José Luis; Arauzo, Jesús; Peña, José Ángel. Prediction of normalized biodiesel properties by simulation of multiple feedstock blends. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.01.111
- Lorente, E.;Peña,J. A.;Herguido,J. Separation and Storage of Hydrogen by Steam-Iron Process: Effect of Added Metals upon Hydrogen Release and Solid Stability. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 2009
- Lorente, E.;Cai,Q.;Peña,J. A.;Herguido,J.;Brandon,N. P. Conceptual Design and Modelling of the Steam-Iron Process and Fuel Cell Integrated System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2009
- Lorente, E.;Peña,J. A.;Herguido,J. Kinetic Study of the Redox Process for Separating and Storing Hydrogen: Oxidation Stage and Ageing of Solid. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2008
- Pena,J. A.;Lorente,E.;Romero,E.;Herguido,J. Kinetic study of the redox process for storing hydrogen reduction stage. CATALYSIS TODAY. 2006
- Marono,M.;Pena,J. A.;Santamaria,J. The 'PROCESO' index: a new methodology for the evaluation of operational safety in the chemical industry. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY. 2006
- Téllez, C.; Peña, J.A. Boiling-Liquid Expanding-Vapor Explosion (BLEVE): An introduction to consequence and vulnerability analysis. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 2002
- Grasa, G.;Navarro, V.;Rubio, O.;Peña, J. A.;Santamaria, J. A comparative study of risk perception in small and large communities where chemical industries are present. JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES. 2002
- Marco, E.;Cuartielles, S.;Peña, J.A.;Santamaria, J. Simulation of the Decomposition of di-Cumyl Peroxide in an Arsst Unit. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 2000
- Ferruz, R.;Peña, J. A.;Santamaría, J. Peligrosidad en instalaciones de manejo de cloro. MAPFRE SEGURIDAD. 1999
- Marco, E.;Peña, J. A.;Santamaria, J. The chlorine release at Flix (Spain) on January 21st 1996: a case study. JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES. 1998
- Marco, E.;Peña, J. A.;Santamaria, J. Early detection of runaway reactions in systems with gas evolution using on-line mass spectrometry. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 1997
- Peña, J. A.;Herguido, J.;Guimon, C.;Monzon, A.;Santamaria, J. Hydrogenation of acetylene over Ni. JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS. 1996
- Romero, E.;Rodriguez, J. C.;Peña, J. A.;Monzon, A. Coking kinetics of a Cr2O3. THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 1996
- Estrel Marco, M.;Peña, J. A.;Santamaría, J. Seguridad en reactores químicos. MAPFRE SEGURIDAD. 1996
- Rodriguez, J. C.;Peña, J. A.;Monzon, A.;Hughes, R.;Li, K. Kinetic Modeling of the Deactivation of a Commercial Silica-Alumina Catalyst during Isopropylbenzene Cracking. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL AND THE BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (PRINT). 1995
- Peña, J. A.;Rodriguez, J. C.;Herguido, J.;Santamaria, J.;Monzon, A. Influence of the Catalyst Pretreatment on the Relative Rates of the Main and Coking Reactions during Acetylene Hydrogenation on a Nio. STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS. 1994
- Peña J.A.;Rodríguez J.C.;Herguido J.;Monzón A.;Santamaría J.;Fierro J.L.G. Coking kinetics of fresh and thermally aged commercial Cr2O3/Al2O3 catalyst. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL. 1993
- Peña, J. A.;Monzon, A.;Santamaria, J. Deactivation by Coke of a Cr2o3. JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS. 1993
- Santamaria, J.;Menendez, M.;Peña, J. A.;Barahona, J. I. Methane Oxidative Coupling in Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reactors with a Distributed Oxygen Feed - a Simulation Study. CATALYSIS TODAY. 1992
- Agorreta, E. L.;Peña, J. A.;Santamaria, J.;Monzon, A. A Kinetic-Model for Activation Deactivation Processes in Solid Catalysts. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1991
Conference presentations
Scientific chapters
- Análisis de Riesgos de Accidentes Graves: aplicación a las reacciones fuera de control o Runaway. Peña Llorente, José Ángel. NUEVAS TENDENCIAS EN INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA. 2005
- An RSST-MS study of runaway reactions: the decomposition of organic peroxides. M.E. Marco, J.A. Peña, J. Santamaría. CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT II. 1996
- I3A PROCESOS Y RECICLADO. 01/11/15 - 19/11/28
- CERTIFICACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE I+D+I. 05/06/15 - 31/12/15
PhD supervision
- Separación y almacenamiento de Hidrógeno mediante reacciones Redox en lecho fijo. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 05/02/16
- Obtención de hidrógeno en un reactor de lecho fluidizado con circulación interna (ICFBR) mediante separación de mezclas H2/CH4. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 18/12/08
- Estudio de sólidos con propiedades redox en aplicaciones de aprovechamiento de hidrógeno. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 23/05/08
- Caracterización y simulación de la descomposición de sustancias inestables: aplicación a azocompuestos. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 13/07/07
- Desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para la detección y caracterización de reacciones fuera de control. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 18/12/98
- U.S. Patent Office 6,157,009. Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool. Fauske, Hans K.; Tellez, Pedro; Peña, Jose Angel; Santamaria, Jesus; Marco María Estrel. 2000
Participation in conferences
- V Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de la SECAT. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Enhanced CO2 Methanation Process Based On Multifunctional Catalysts. Adsorption/Desorption Capacity In Presence Of H2O. Alicante. 11/07/22
- XXXVIII REUNIÓN BIENAL DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE QUÍMICA. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Air gap membrane distillation of industrial brine: effect of brine concentration and temperature. Granada. 23/06/22
- XI JORNADA DE JÓVENES INVESTIGADORES DEL INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN INGENIERÍA DE ARAGÓN. Participativo - Póster. Sorption-enhanced CO2 methanation to SNG: optimizing conditions in a Ni-Fe/Al2O3 fixed bed reactor. Zaragoza. 16/06/22
- European Gas Technology Conference. Participativo - Póster. Intensified methanation (SESaR) with Ni-Fe based catalysts for biogas upgrading. Hamburg. 14/06/22
- European Gas Technology Conference. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Intensified methanation (SESaR) with Ni-Fe based catalysts for biogas upgrading. Hamburg. 14/06/22
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2022). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Biogas upgrading by intensified methanation (SESaR): reaction - desorption cycles with Ni-Fe/Al2O3 catalyst and zeolite. Madrid. 18/05/22
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2022). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Power to Gas and distribution strategy: Technoeconomic assessment for an MSW biogas upgrading plant. Madrid. 18/05/22
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2022). Participativo - Póster. Biogas upgrading through CO2 methanation in a polytropic -distributed feed fixed bed reactor. Madrid. 18/05/22
- RENMAD Hidrógeno 2022. Participativo - Otros. El hidrógeno verde en Aragón. Zaragoza. 23/02/22
- 6th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Society. Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Synthetic Natural Gas by biogas upgrading: catalysts, reactors and process configurations. Santander. 09/12/21
- 6th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Society. Participativo - Póster. Sorption enhanced CO2 methanation process based on a bifunctional Fe-Ni catalyst. Santander. 09/12/21
- 6th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Society. Participativo - Póster. Sorption enhanced CO2 methanation process based on a bifunctional Fe-Ni catalyst. Santander. 09/12/21
- 6th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Society. Participativo - Póster. ANN for GC identification of mixtures with marked matrix effect: application to SNG production. Santander. 09/12/21
- 6th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Society. Participativo - Póster. Low-cost membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Santander. 09/12/21
- 6th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for Sustainable Society. Participativo - Póster. Low-cost membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Santander. 09/12/21
- X Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Póster. Aplicación de Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM) en la fermentación del residuo mucilaginoso de cacao CCN-51. Zaragoza. 21/10/21
- X Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Póster. CO2 methanation in a Ni-Fe based catalyst fixed bed reactor enhanced by selective water adsorption with LTA zeolites (Sorption Enhanced Sabatier Reaction – SESaR). Zaragoza. 21/10/21
- SECAT 2021. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). CO2 methanation on a Ni-Mn based catalyst: improving performance by distributed feeding in a fixed bed reactor. Valencia. 18/10/21
- SECAT 2021. Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 sobre Ni/Al2O3 mejorada por adsorción selectiva de H2O (SESaR) con zeolitas LTA. Valencia. 18/10/21
- Primer Congreso Anual de Estudiantes de Doctorado de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Fermentación del residuo mucilaginoso de cacao CCN-51 para la producción de bioetanol carburante y la aplicación del modelo cinético de Andrews y Levenspiel. Elche/Elx (Alicante/Alacant). 02/02/21
- IX Jornada de Jóvenes investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Conversión de CO2 en gas natural sintético: análisis de eficiencia mediante el uso de catalizadores basados en sepiolita. Zaragoza. 11/12/20
- IX Jornada de Jóvenes investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Póster. Producción de bioetanol carburante a partir del residuo mucilaginoso de cacao CCN-51 y su simulación en Aspen Plus®. Zaragoza. 11/12/20
- LV CONGRESO NACIONAL Y VI INTERNACIONAL VIRTUAL DE CIENCIAS BIOLÓGICAS. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Aplicación del modelo cinético de Andrews y Levenspiel para la producción de bioetanol en procesos fermentativos a partir de mucílago de cacao CCN-51. Santiago de Cali. 05/11/20
- 1st International conference on unconventional catalysis, reactors and applications. Participativo - Póster. Use of a fixed bed reactor with distributed feed to minimize thermal gradients for synthetic natural gas production. Zaragoza. 16/10/19
- 1st International conference on unconventional catalysis, reactors and applications. Participativo - Póster. Use of a fixed bed reactor with distributed feed to minimize thermal gradients for synthetic natural gas production. Zaragoza. 16/10/19
- XXXVI Jornadas Nacionales de Ingeniería Química (JNIQ). Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 con catalizadores de Ni en lecho fijo: Minimización del gradiente térmico mediante alimentación distribuida de reactivos. Zaragoza. 04/09/19
- XXXVI Jornadas Nacionales de Ingeniería Química (JNIQ). Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 con catalizadores de Ni en lecho fijo: Minimización del gradiente térmico mediante alimentación distribuida de reactivos. Zaragoza. 04/09/19
- XXXVI Jornadas Nacionales de Ingeniería Química (JNIQ). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Reactor de lecho fluidizado para la producción de gas natural sintético (SNG) vía metanación de CO2. Zaragoza. 04/09/19
- XXXVI Jornadas Nacionales de Ingeniería Química (JNIQ). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Reactor de lecho fluidizado para la producción de gas natural sintético (SNG) vía metanación de CO2. Zaragoza. 04/09/19
- VII Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2019). Participativo - Póster. Synthetic Natural Gas production as alternative for energy storage. Fluidized bed reactor performance for Ni and Ru based catalysts. Barcelona. 01/07/19
- VII Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2019). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). CO2 methanation with Ni based catalyst using a fixed bed reactor with distributed feed. Influence of reactive feed allocation. Barcelona. 01/07/19
- VII Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2019). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). CO2 methanation with Ni based catalyst using a fixed bed reactor with distributed feed. Influence of reactive feed allocation. Barcelona. 01/07/19
- VII Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2019). Participativo - Póster. Synthetic Natural Gas production as alternative for energy storage. Fluidized bed reactor performance for Ni and Ru based catalysts. Barcelona. 01/07/19
- Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT’19). Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 con catalizadores Ni/Al2O3 en reactores de lecho fijo de alimentación única y distribuida. Estudio del gradiente térmico. Córdoba. 24/06/19
- Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT’19). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Metanación de CO2 en lecho fluidizado: Alternativa al lecho fijo para catalizadores Ni/Al2O3 y Ru/Al2O3. Córdoba. 24/06/19
- Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT’19). Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 con catalizadores Ni/Al2O3 en reactores de lecho fijo de alimentación única y distribuida. Estudio del gradiente térmico. Córdoba. 24/06/19
- Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT’19). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Metanación de CO2 en lecho fluidizado: Alternativa al lecho fijo para catalizadores Ni/Al2O3 y Ru/Al2O3. Córdoba. 24/06/19
- VII Simposio internacional de Química 2019. Participativo - Póster. Optimizacion de la fermentación aplicando el método SIMPLEX y su modelado mediante Gompertz modificado. Cayo Santa María. 23/06/19
- VII Simposio internacional de Química 2019. Participativo - Póster. Optimizacion de la fermentación aplicando el método SIMPLEX y su modelado mediante Gompertz modificado. Cayo Santa María. 23/06/19
- VII Simposio internacional de Química 2019. Participativo - Póster. Fermentación anaerobia de mucílago de cacao CCN-51 en un biorreactor tipo Batch y su modelado cinético. Cayo Santa María. 23/06/19
- VII Simposio internacional de Química 2019. Participativo - Póster. Fermentación anaerobia de mucílago de cacao CCN-51 en un biorreactor tipo Batch y su modelado cinético. Cayo Santa María. 23/06/19
- 1er Congreso ibero-americano de ingeniería química. Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Synthetic natural gas production: polytropic reactor performance. Santander. 19/06/19
- 1er Congreso ibero-americano de ingeniería química. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Synthetic Natural Gas production (P2G): Comparison of catalysts and alternative reactor configurations. Santander. 19/06/19
- ANQUE ICCE 3 Student Conference. Participativo - Póster. CO2 methanation in fluidized bed reactor for production of synthetic natural gas (P2G process with nickel-iron based catalyst). Santander. 17/06/19
- ANQUE ICCE 3 Student Conference. Participativo - Póster. CO2 methanation in fluidized bed reactor for production of synthetic natural gas (P2G process) with nickel-iron based catalyst. Santander. 17/06/19
- XXVI CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CATÁLISE. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Análisis por métodos isoconversionales del reformado seco de metano y steam-iron para la producción de hidrógeno a partir de biogás. Coimbra. 09/09/18
- XXVI CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CATÁLISE. Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 en lecho fijo de catalizador Ni/Al2O3 para upgrading de biogás: análisis operativo. Coimbra. 09/09/18
- XXVI CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CATÁLISE. Participativo - Póster. Metanación de CO2 en lecho fijo de catalizador Ni/Al2O3 para upgrading de biogás: análisis operativo. Coimbra. 09/09/18
- XXVI CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO DE CATÁLISE. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Análisis por métodos isoconversionales del reformado seco de metano y steam-iron para la producción de hidrógeno a partir de biogás. Coimbra. 09/09/18
- 4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Reactive purification of hydrogen from syngas by steam iron process. Bilbao. 09/07/18
- 4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry. Participativo - Póster. Synthetic natural gas production: comparison between Ru and Ni catalysts. Bilbao. 09/07/18
- EUROMEMBRANE 2018. Participativo - Póster. Wastes from industrial processes introduced as chamottes in ceramic membranes. Valencia. 09/07/18
- VII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Póster. Optimización de la producción de bioetanol en procesos fermentativos del mucílago de Cacao CCN – 51 en un biorreactor tipo batch. Zaragoza. 08/06/18
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2018). Participativo - Póster. Synthetic natural gas production in fluidized bed reactor using Ni based catalysts. Málaga. 14/03/18
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2018). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). CO2 methanation using Ru based catalysts for storage and distribution of energy: activation of catalyst strategies. Málaga. 14/03/18
- 4th Congress University Nova de Lisboa-University of Yamaguchi-University of Zaragoza. Participativo - Póster. Performance of wastewater treatment lab-scale membrane bioreactor designed with low cost ceramic membranes. Zaragoza. 19/10/17
- 4th Congress University Nova de Lisboa-University of Yamaguchi-University of Zaragoza. Participativo - Póster. Performance of wastewater treatment lab-scale membrane bioreactor designed with low cost ceramic membranes. Zaragoza. 19/10/17
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2017). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Proceso conjunto de RSM en TZFBR+MB y SIP para la producción de hidrógeno de alta pureza a partir de biogás. Huesca. 17/10/17
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2017). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Proceso conjunto de RSM en TZFBR+MB y SIP para la producción de hidrógeno de alta pureza a partir de biogás. Huesca. 17/10/17
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2017). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de gas natural sintético con catalizadores basados en níquel: Análisis de las variables del sistema. Huesca. 17/10/17
- 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Participativo - Póster. Performance of wastewater treatment lab-scale membrane bioreactor designed with low cost ceramic membranes. Barcelona. 01/10/17
- 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Participativo - Póster. High purity hydrogen from biogas and water cofeeding by steam-iron without coke deposition using cobalt ferrites as oxygen carrier. Barcelona. 01/10/17
- 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Impact of coke interspersed combustion stages in the yield towards high purity hydrogen by Steam-Iron Process. Barcelona. 01/10/17
- The 10th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams. Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Manufacturing of freeze-casting Fe-based porous materials assisted by a magnetic field for purifying hydrogen. Nanjin. 14/09/17
- The 10th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams. Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Manufacturing of freeze-casting Fe-based porous materials assisted by a magnetic field for purifying hydrogen. Nanjin. 14/09/17
- 7th World Hydrogen Technology Convention (WHTC). Participativo - Póster. High purity hydrogen from methane enriched biogas with steam-iron (ferrites) process. Co-feedign of water along reductions. Praga. 09/07/17
- 7th World Hydrogen Technology Convention (WHTC). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Production and purification of high purity hydrogen from biogas and water coffeding by steam-iron process. Praga. 09/07/17
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium (HYPOTHESIS XII). Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen from biogas using cobalt ferrites for steam iron process: kinetic model using integral data regression. Siracusa. 28/06/17
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium (HYPOTHESIS XII). Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen from biogas using cobalt ferrites for steam iron process: kinetic model using integral data regression. Siracusa. 28/06/17
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium (HYPOTHESIS XII). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Biogas to high purity hydrogen by methane dry reforming in TZFBR+MB and exhaustion by steam-iron process. Siracusa. 28/06/17
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium (HYPOTHESIS XII). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Biogas to high purity hydrogen by methane dry reforming in TZFBR+MB and exhaustion by steam-iron process. Siracusa. 28/06/17
- Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT'17). Participativo - Póster. Producción y purificación de hidrógeno a partir de biogás mediante "Steam-Iron" con óxidos naturales. Oviedo. 26/06/17
- Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT'17). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hidrógeno puro a partir de biogás mediante el proceso (MDR+SIP): Influencia de la adición de agua en la etapa de reducción. Oviedo. 26/06/17
- VI Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2017). Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen purification from syngas streams by steam-iron process. Oporto. 19/06/17
- VI Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2017). Organizativo - Comité científico y organizador. Oporto. 19/06/17
- VI Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2017). Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. High purity hydrogen from biogas via SIP: preventing coke reactor clogging. Oporto. 19/06/17
- VI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Purificación de hidrógeno a partir de gas de síntesis mediante el proceso "Steam-Iron". Zaragoza. 02/06/17
- VI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Póster. Biorreactores de membranas cerámicas para tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas. Zaragoza. 02/06/17
- VI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción y purificación de hidrógeno mediante “steam-iron” a partir de biogás enriquecido en metano. Zaragoza. 02/06/17
- 7ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Química y Física de Aragón. Participativo - Póster. Análisis del efecto de la alimentación conjunta de agua y biogás para la producción y purificación de hidrógeno mediante "Steam-Iron". Zaragoza. 24/11/16
- 7ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Química y Física de Aragón. Participativo - Póster. Análisis del efecto de la alimentación conjunta de agua y biogás para la producción y purificación de hidrógeno mediante "Steam-Iron". Zaragoza. 24/11/16
- XXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hidrógeno puro a partir de biogás por reformado seco + "steam iron" con ferritas de cobalto: mejora del proceso adicionando catalizador NiO/NiAl2O4. Montevideo. 18/09/16
- XXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hidrógeno puro a partir de biogás por reformado seco + "steam iron" con ferritas de cobalto: mejora del proceso adicionando catalizador NiO/NiAl2O4. Montevideo. 18/09/16
- 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2016). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). High purity hydrogen from biogas: Steam Iron Process with iron oxide ores. Zaragoza. 13/06/16
- 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2016). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Combined production and purification of hydrogen from biogas: Steam-Iron Process with cobalt ferrites at high temperature. Zaragoza. 13/06/16
- 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2016). Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen streams purification with Steam-Iron using Freeze-Casting iron oxides. Zaragoza. 13/06/16
- 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2016). Organizativo - Comité científico y organizador. Zaragoza. 13/06/16
- V Jornáda de Jóvenes Investigadores del i3A. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Purificación de corrientes H2/CO2 mediante "Steam-Iron": etapa de reducción. Zaragoza. 27/05/16
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium. Participativo - Póster. High purity hydrogen from biogas trough nickel and cobalt ferrites. Toledo. 07/09/15
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen from bio-fuel using the “Steam-Iron” process: model and kinetics. Toledo. 07/09/15
- International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen from synthetic bio-oil through "steam-iron" process. París. 20/07/15
- Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT'15). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hidrógeno a partir de bio-oil sintético: "Steam-iron process" catalizado con NiO/NiAl2O4. Barcelona. 13/07/15
- V Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries. Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Behaviour of freeze-casting iron oxide for purifying hydrogen streams by steam-iron process. Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife). 05/07/15
- V Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen production from synthetic biogas using doped ferrites. Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife). 05/07/15
- 6ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores de Química y Física en Aragón. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Obtención de hidrógeno de alta pureza a partir de biogás mediante el uso de óxidos Fe-Ni Y Fe-Co. Zaragoza. 20/11/14
- 6ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores de Química y Física en Aragón. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Obtención de hidrógeno de alta pureza a partir de biogás mediante el uso de óxidos Fe-Ni Y Fe-Co. Zaragoza. 20/11/14
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de hidrógeno a partir de bio-oil sintético mediante el proceso Steam-Iron. Barcelona. 15/10/14
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de hidrógeno a partir de biogás mediante el uso de NiFe2O4 y CoFe2O4. Barcelona. 15/10/14
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de hidrógeno a partir de bio-oil sintético mediante el proceso Steam-Iron. Barcelona. 15/10/14
- Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible (IBERCONAPPICE 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de hidrógeno a partir de biogás mediante el uso de NiFe2O4 y CoFe2O4. Barcelona. 15/10/14
- International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC 2014). Participativo - Póster. Production and purification of hydrogen using dry reforming and steam iron process in a fixed bed reactor. Copenhague. 17/09/14
- International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC 2014). Participativo - Póster. Production and purification of hydrogen using dry reforming and steam iron process in a fixed bed reactor. Copenhague. 17/09/14
- International Congress on Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE-BIOTEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen from multicomponent synthetic bio-oil by steam-iron process. Madrid. 01/07/14
- International Congress on Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE-BIOTEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen production using ketone bio-oil fraction in fixed bed reactor. Madrid. 01/07/14
- International Congress on Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE-BIOTEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen production using ketone bio-oil fraction in fixed bed reactor. Madrid. 01/07/14
- International Congress on Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE-BIOTEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen production using ketone bio-oil fraction in fixed bed reactor. Madrid. 01/07/14
- International Congress on Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE-BIOTEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen from multicomponent synthetic bio-oil by steam-iron process. Madrid. 01/07/14
- World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2014). Participativo - Póster. Modelling of the production of hydrogen from bio-oil by steam-iron process (SIP). Gwangju. 15/06/14
- World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2014). Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen from bio-oil via Steam-Iron Process (SIP): aldehydic fraction. Gwangju. 15/06/14
- III Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de hidrógeno a partir de bio-oil sintético mediante steam-iron en lecho fijo. Zaragoza. 29/05/14
- III Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción de hidrógeno usando la fracción cetónica de bio-oil en un reactor de lecho fijo. Zaragoza. 29/05/14
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen From Synthetic Biogas Via Sip Using NiAl2O4 Catalyst: Reduction Stage. Sevilla. 12/03/14
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2014). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen From Synthetic Biogas Via Sip Using NiAl2O4 Catalyst: Reduction Stage. Sevilla. 12/03/14
- European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC 2014). Participativo - Póster. High-purity hydrogen from acidic fractions of bio-oil by "steam-iron"”. Sevilla. 12/03/14
- 1st Symposium University of Yamaguchi-University of Zaragoza: “Membranes and sustainable technologies”. Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen from synthetic biogas via SIP using NiO/NiAl2O4: reduction stage. Zaragoza. 26/11/13
- 1st Symposium University of Yamaguchi-University of Zaragoza: “Membranes and sustainable technologies”. Participativo - Póster. Purified hydrogen by steam-iron process (SIP) from acidic fractions of bio-oil. Zaragoza. 26/11/13
- 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen from synthetic biogas via SIP using NiO-NiAl2O4: Reduction stage. Seul. 18/08/13
- IV Simposum Ibérico de Hidrógeno, Pilar de Combustible y Baterias Avanzadas. HYCELTEC. Participativo - Póster. Hydrogen from metanol by steam-iron process: kinetic model from integral data regression. Estoril. 26/06/13
- Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT 2013). Participativo - Póster. Hidrógeno mediante “steam-iron” de fracciones ácidas de bio-oil. Sevilla. 26/06/13
- IV Simposum Ibérico de Hidrógeno, Pilar de Combustible y Baterias Avanzadas. HYCELTEC. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen from etanol by steam iron process in fixed bed reactor. Estoril. 26/06/13
- Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT 2013). Participativo - Póster. Hidrógeno a partir de biogas sintético mediante “steam-iron” y NiO/NiAl2O4: etapa de reducción. Sevilla. 26/06/13
- V Congreso Nacional de Pilas de Combustible. CONNAPICCE 2010. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Producción y purificación combinada de hidrógeno a partir de metanol mediante “steam-iron”. Madrid. 21/11/12
- XXIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Catalisis (CICAT 2012). Participativo - Póster. Acoplamiento de Reformado Seco de Metano y Steam-iron para el aprovechamiento de biogás: Etapa de reducción con mezclas de óxido de hierro aditivado. Santa Fe. 02/09/12
- 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, PRES 2012, CHISA 2012. Participativo - Póster. Modified metal oxides for energy and hydrogen production from biogas. STA thermogravimetric study of the reduction step. Prague. 28/08/12
- International Congress of Chemical Engineering (ANCHE ICCE 2012). Participativo - Ponencia invitada/ Keynote. Hydrogen from synthetic biogas by dry reforming and steam-iron; Reaction mechanism. Sevilla. 24/06/12
- International Congress of Chemical Engineering (ANCHE ICCE 2012). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen from synthetic biogas by dry reforming and steam-iron; Reaction mechanism. Sevilla. 24/06/12
- 19th World Hydrogen Energy Conference. Participativo - Póster. Reactor model for rich hydrogen streams purification from natural gas thermal decomposition. Toronto. 03/06/12
- 12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering. Participativo - Póster. Reduction of modified metal oxides by biogas for energy and hydrogen production. Barcelona. 15/11/11
- Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT 2011). Participativo - Póster. Producción de hidrógeno a partir de biogás mediante óxidos metálicos con propiedades REDOX en lecho fijo. Zaragoza. 29/06/11
- III Simposum Ibérico de Hidrógeno, Pilar de Combustible y Baterias Avanzadas. HYCELTEC. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Hydrogen separation in fixed bed reactor using redox processes. Integral model evaluation. Zaragoza. 27/06/11
- Bioenergy II: Fuels and chemicals from renewable resources. Participativo - Póster. Comparison of predictive models for the esterification reaction in biodiesel production. Application in a plant simulation. Rio de Janeiro. 08/03/09
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses