Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Ballester Castañer, Javier Manuel
Department: Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales y Fluidos
Field: Mecánica de Fluidos
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: T32_23R: Tecnologías Fluidodinámicas

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/20
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/14
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/08
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/02
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/00
Academic position: Cated. Universidad
Personal web page:

Download curriculum in PDF format Go to personal website

Research indicators:
- h index: 24 (WoS), 30 (Google Scholar)
- Research projects with public funding (European/National/Regional): >30
- Contracts with private companies: >80
- 5 recognised six-year periods of research productivity

Javier Ballester is a Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza since 2008 (previously, Associate Professor since 1997).

He is an Industrial Engineer from the Centro Politecnico Superior of the University of Zaragoza, where he also obtained his PhD degree (Thesis Dissertation: “Experimental Study of the Influence of Spray Characteristics on the Combustion of Heavy Oil”, under the supervision of Prof. Cesar Dopazo). Previously, he was contracted as Engineer at DGA and Researcher at CSIC, in both cases attached to LITEC (Laboratory for Research on Combustion Technologies, a joint centre of CSIC, DGA and Univ. of Zaragoza). His stays in other research centres include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge MA, USA) and Sandia National Laboratories (Livermore CA, USA).

He has participated in many R&D projects, both with public funding (European, national and regional administrations) and contracts with administrations and private companies. His research activities include a broad variety of topics related to combustion, energy and applied fluid mechanics. Currently, he coordinates the Laboratory of Industrial Combustion of LIFTEC. A more detailed description of the research facilities and projects can be found in the web page of the LCI (sorry, only in Spanish).

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