Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Martín Burriel, Inmaculada
Department: Departamento de Anatomía, Embriología y Genética Animal
Field: Genética
Faculty: Facultad de Veterinaria

Group: A19_23R: LAGENBIO

UNESCO codes
  • Genética de poblaciones
  • Otras
  • Otras
  • Genética
  • Otras

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/24
  • CNEAI knowledge transfer evaluation. 01/01/19
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/18
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/12
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/09. (2)
Academic position: Cated. Universidad

Academic position
  • Directora del Instituto Universitario de Investigación Mixto IA2, Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón (UNIZAR-CITA)
Office phone: 976761662
Mobile phone: 653638749
ORCID number: 0000-0001-6016-4726

Research interests
  • Ciencias naturales y ciencias de la salud
  • Mecanismos moleculares de enfermedad
  • Cultivo celular
  • Biología molecular, celular y genética
  • Genética molecular
  • Genómica
  • Priones patógenos de animales
  • Genética animal
  • Ganaderia
  • Genética

University degrees
  • Licenciado en Veterinaria Especialidad Producción Animal y Economía. Facultad de Veterinaria. 1993
  • Licenciada en Veterinaria. Facultad de Veterinaria. 1992

  • Doctora en Veterinaria por la Unviersidad de Zaragoza. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1997

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I graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Zaragoza in 1992; I got my Ph.D. in the same university in 1997 obtaining an Extraordinary Doctorate Award and European Mention. The aim of my work was relatedwity bovine genome mapping and the analysis of the biodiversity of indigenous bovine populations. During my predoctoral period I did some research stays in Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Sciences (Oslo, Norway). I published 10 scientific articles as the main author on this subject and I was a co-author of reference articles (Barendse et al., 1997, 288 citations). I worked at Sanofi-Synthelabo (Porcheville, France) as a postdoctoral researcher for 2 years (1998-2000) thanks to a Marie Curie fellowship for the study of molecular mechanisms of apoptosis.
Pre and postdoctoral experience was applied to my “Ramón y Cajal” Contract project (2001-2006). Research quality and results obtained during this period allowed me to obtain the I3 and a PCD contract (Contracted Doctor Professor), obtaining the National Habilitation in the area of Genetics in 2007. I have been an Associated Professor since 2008 and now I am a Full Professor in Genetics since March 2021. I was the Coordinator of the Official Master's Degree in Global Health: Integration of Environmental, Human and Animal Health at the University of Zaragoza.
I participate in different research lines. Since my predoctoral period, I have participated very actively in the genetic characterization of autochthonous breeds (Martín-Burriel et al., 1999 81 citations), a line in which I continue collaborating in an international consortium for the analysis of the diversity of livestock species.
I contributed to the creation of the veterinary cell therapy line as IP of a MICINN project (AGL2008 / 02428-GAN) for the treatment of joint lesions with mesenchymal cells in horses. In this framework, I co-directed a doctoral thesis (Extraordinary Doctorate Award).
In 2001, I started to work on prion diseases, in close collaboration with the Research Centre for Encephalopathies and Emerging Transmissible Diseases, of which I am a member. In this topic, I have executed and co-directed research works in the study of genetic susceptibility of autochthonous sheep to scrapie. Moreover, using ovine scrapie as a natural animal model of prion diseases, we have investigated the molecular mechanisms of scrapie neuropathology (apoptosis, autophagy, etc) and the genomic expression profiles in different tissues (project EET2003-09890, IP). In this line, I have co-supervised 5 doctoral theses, 3 of them were awarded with Extraordinary Doctoral Prize and one was awarded with Syva Prize for the best thesis in Animal Health of Spain, Mexico and Portugal. We studied epigenetic changes as possible prion disease biomarkers (Project AGL2015-67945-P). At present I am the IP of the project RTI2018-098711-B-I00 that is focused in the development of cellular models for the study of prion diseases using ovine mesenchymal stem cells.
I also apply molecular genetics to the knowledge of the genetic and epigenetic background of other animal and human pathologies, the development of diagnostic biomarkers and the study of animal and human pathogens. In this subject, I have characterised Clostridium difficile strains obtained from humans and animals.
Finally, I have participated in more than 90 contracts with companies for genetic technology transfer.

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