I studied Food Science and Technology in 2009 for 4 years in the University of Zaragoza, Spain. I did the last year (6 months) in the University of Reading (UK), notably improving my english skills. After the Degree, I studied the Master denominated "Iniciation to the Research in Food Science and Technology" at the same University. Then, I was hired for one year prior to obtain the grant (4 years) by the Government of Aragon for developing the PhD.
The main topic of my Thesis was the control of plant fungal disease through the use of antagonistic bacteria, although my previous works at the University were related to postharvest technologies in order to enlarge the shelf life of plant products. During my working life, I have learnt many analytic techniques, gaining enormous knowledge in microbiology, molecular biology, chromatography, physico-chemical and sensory analysis, pilot plant... I have also participated in drafting public and private pojects. I conducted a stay of three months in Bordeaux, France, during the last year of my PhD, developing some parts of my experiments in another country and research group, carrying out bioassays between fungi and bacteria. Apart from the scientific skills adquired, the stay allowed me to learn how to work in a new ambient and language and my french skills were also notably improved. My working years in the scientific environment have made I consider the team-work and the collaboration among research centres, Universities and private companies completely essential to reach better achievements and objectives.
In addition, I took part in the Teaching team from my Research Group, imparting practical classes in the Degree of Food Science and Technology but also in the Master. Moreover, I participated as co-director in the Final Project from the Degree and the Master in Food Science and Technology.
I was Doctorate in February 2020, and immediately I started working in the Experimental Station Aula Dei, located in Zaragoza and belonging to the Spanish National Research Council, in the Nutrition of Fruit Plant Research Group for one year. The job was focus in the management of agronomic cultivars such as stone fruit, pome fruit and cereals. I learnt about agronomy, fertilization, ionomics, soil, irrigation... complementing and enlarging my previous laboratoy knowledge. The main goals were the prevention of physipathies in fruit plants and improving the fertilization plans in cereals by using sustainable and natural alternatives, but also the management of private and public projects and funds. |