Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

López Lorente, Francisco Javier
Department: Departamento de Métodos Estadísticos
Field: Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias

Group: E46_23R: Modelos estocásticos
Academic position: Prof. Titular Univ.

Academic position
  • Director del Departamento de Métodos Estadísticos


Journal articles

  • Laliena, Pablo; López, F. Javier. Draw procedures for balanced 3-team group rounds in sports competitions. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2025. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-025-06497-9

  • Deza, Diego Casas; Alcedo, Javier; Lafuente, Miguel; López, F. Javier; Perez-Aisa, Ángeles; Pavoni, Matteo; Tepes, Bojan; Jonaitis, Laimas; Castro-Fernandez, Manuel; Pabón-Carrasco, Manuel; Keco-Huerga, Alma; Voynovan, Irina; Bujanda, Luis; Lucendo, Alfredo J.; Jurecic, Natasa Brglez; Denkovski, Maja; Vologzanina, Ludmila; Rodrigo, Luis; Martínez-Domínguez, Samuel J.; Fadieienko, Galyna; Huguet, Jose M.; Abdulkhakov, Rustam; Abdulkhakov, Sayar R.; Alcaide, Noelia; Velayos, Benito; Hernández, Luis; Bordin, Dmitry S.; Gasbarrini, Antonio; Kupcinskas, Juozas; Babayeva, Gülüstan; Gridnyev, Oleksiy; Leja, Marcis; Rokkas, Theodore; Marcos-Pinto, Ricardo; Lerang, Frode; Boltin, Doron; Mestrovic, Antonio; Smith, Sinead M.; Venerito, Marino; Boyanova, Lyudmila; Milivojevic, Vladimir; Doulberis, Michael; Kunovsky, Lumir; Parra, Pablo; Cano-Català, Anna; Moreira, Leticia; Nyssen, Olga P.; Megraud, Francis; Morain, Colm O; Gisbert, Javier P.; Probiotics prescribed with Helicobacter Pylori eradication therapy in europe: usage pattern, effectiveness, and safety: results from the European Registry on Helicobacter Pylori Management (Hp-EuReg). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2025. DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000003351

  • Pérez-Aliaga, Ana Isabel; Ayerra, Irene; Sánchez-Guillén, Javier; López, F. Javier; Puente, Fernando; Aranda, Alfonso; Domingo, José María; Garcés, Carmen. Routine results of an algorithm for managing the production of blood components. VOX SANGUINIS. 2024. DOI: 10.1111/vox.13609

  • Lafuente, M.; López, F. J.; Mateo, P. M.; Cebrián, A. C.; Asín, J.; Moler, J. A.; Borque-Fernando, Á.; Esteban, L. M.; Pérez-Palomares, A.; Sanz, G. A multistate model and its standalone tool to predict hospital and ICU occupancy by patients with COVID-19. HELIYON. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13545

  • Gorria, C.; Lezaun, M.; López, F. J. Performance measures of nonstationary inventory models for perishable products under the EWA policy. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2022.03.018

  • Lafuente, Miguel; Gouet, Raúl; López, F. Javier; Sanz, Gerardo. Near-Record Values in Discrete Random Sequences. MATHEMATICS. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/math10142442

  • Gorria, C.; Labata, G.; Lezaun, M.; López, F. J.; Pérez Aliaga, A. I.; Pérez Vaquero, M. Á. Impact of implementing pathogen reduction technologies for platelets on reducing outdates. VOX SANGUINIS. 2020. DOI: 10.1111/vox.12860

  • Gouet, R.; Lopez, F.J.; Maldonado, L.; Sanz, G. Statistical Inference for the Weibull Distribution Based on delta-Record Data. SYMMETRY. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/sym12010020

  • Gouet, R.; Lafuente, M.; Lopez, F.J.; Sanz, G. Exact and asymptotic properties of delta-records in the linear drift model. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2020. DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/abb4dc

  • Laliena, P.; Lopez, F.J. Fair draws for group rounds in sport tournaments. INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 2019. DOI: 10.1111/itor.12565

  • Gouet, Raúl; Lafuente, Miguel; López, Francisco J.; Sanz, Gerardo. d -Records Observations in Models with Random Trend. STUDIES IN SYSTEMS, DECISION AND CONTROL. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73848-2_20

  • Pérez Vaquero, M.A.; Gorria, C.; Lezaun, M.; López, F.J.; Monge, J.; Eguizabal, C.; Vesga, M.A. Optimization of the management of platelet concentrate stocks in the Basque Country using mathematical simulation. VOX SANGUINIS. 2016. DOI: 10.1111/vox.12377

  • Gouet, Raúl; López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. Records from stationary observations subject to a random trend. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2015. DOI: 10.1017/S0001867800049065

  • Gouet, Raúl; López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. On the point process of near-record values. TEST. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11749-014-0408-0

  • Balakrishnan, N.; Gouet, R.; López, F. J.; Sanz, G. Sequential precedence tests. STATISTICS. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/02331888.2013.857670

  • Delgado, Rosario; López, F. Javier; Sanz, Gerardo. Necessary and sufficient conditions for strong comparability of multicomponent systems. DISCRETE EVENT DYNAMIC SYSTEMS-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10626-012-0146-y

  • Gouet, R.; López, F.J.; Maldonado, L. P.; Sanz, G. Statistical inference for the geometric distribution based on -records. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2014.04.002

  • Gouet, R.; López, F. J.; Sanz, G. On geometric records: Rate of appearance and magnitude. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2012. DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2012/01/P01005

  • Gouet,R.;López,F. J.;Sanz,G. Limit theorems for the counting process of near-records. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2012.625328

  • Gouet,R.; López,F. J.; Sanz,G. On delta-record observations: asymptotic rates for the counting process and elements of maximum likelihood estimation. TEST. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s11749-011-0242-6

  • Gouet,R.;López,F.J.;Sanz,G. Central limit theorem for the number of near-records. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2010.522753

  • Gouet,R.;López,F. J.;Sanz,G. On record-like observations: Asymptotic analysis using martingale tools. UNDERSTANDING COMPLEX SYSTEMS. 2011. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20853-9_27

  • Gouet,Raul; López, F. Javier; Sanz, Gerardo. Asymptotic normality for the number of records from general distributions. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2011. DOI: 10.1239/aap/1308662486

  • Gouet, R.;Lopez,F. J.;Sanz,G. Limit Laws for the Cumulative Number of Ties for the Maximum in a Random Sequence. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE. 2009

  • Lopez, F. J.;Sanz,G.;Sobottka,M. Dualities for Multi-State Probabilistic Cellular Automata. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2008

  • Gouet, R.;Lopez,F. J.;Sanz,G. Laws of Large Numbers for the Number of Weak Records. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. 2008

  • Gouet, R.;Lopez,F. J.;Sanz,G. A Characteristic Martingale Related to the Counting Process of Records. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY. 2007

  • Gouet, R.;Lopez,F. J.;Sanz,G. Asymptotic Normality for the Counting Process of Weak Records and Delta-Records in Discrete Models. BERNOULLI. 2007

  • Sanz, G.;Abaurrea,J.;Corbalan,F.;López,J.;Plo,F. In Memory of Miguel San Miguel Marco. BOLETÍN DE LA SOCIEDAD DE ESTADÍSTICA E INVESTIGACIÓN OPERATIVA. 2007

  • Cuartero, M. P. ; Valiño, M. J.; Usieto, E.; Lacruz, B.; López-Lorente, F. J. Influencia de la calidad del sueño mediante la utilización de un colchón diseñado con tecnología Normactive. MEDICINA DEL TRABAJO. 2007

  • Gouet, R.;Lopez, F. J.;Sanz, G. Central Limit Theorems for the Number of Records in Discrete Models. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2005

  • Carvajal, P;Costa, M;Lasierra, Y;Pablo, Mj;Peralta, P;Sans, O;Adiego, I;López, J;Vergara, Jm. Datos evolutivos en niños estudiados por sospecha de síndrome de apnea del sueño. ACTA OTORRINOLARINGOLOGICA ESPANOLA. 2004

  • Delgado, Rosario;Lopez, F. Javier;Sanz, Gerardo. Local conditions for the stochastic comparison of particle systems. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2004

  • Collet, P.;Lopez, F. J.;Martinez, S. Order Relations of Measures When Avoiding Decreasing Sets. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. 2003

  • Andjel, Enrique;Lopez, F. Javier;Sanz, Gerardo. Ergodicity of one-dimensional resource sharing systems. STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. 2002

  • López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. Markovian Couplings Staying in Arbitrary Subsets of the State Space. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2002

  • Gouet, Raúl; López Lorente, Francisco Javier. Saturation in a Markovian Parking Process. ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2001

  • Gouet, Raúl; López Lorente, Francisco Javier; San Miguel Marco, Miguel. A Martingale Approach to Strong Convergence of the Number of Records. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2001

  • López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. Duality for General Interacting Particle Systems. MARKOV PROCESSES AND RELATED FIELDS. 2000

  • Lopez, F.J.;Martinez, S.;Sanz, G. Stochastic Domination and Markovian Couplings. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2000

  • Gouet, R.;Lopez, F.J.;Sanz, G. Estimation of Critical-Values in Interacting Particle-Systems. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY. 2000

  • López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. Stochastic comparisons for general probabilistic cellular automata. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. 2000. DOI: 10.1016/S0167-7152(99)00129-7

  • Vergara, J. M.;Brualla, J.;Serrano, M.;Arcocha, J.;Lopez, J. Subjective sleep quality and spectral analysis of electroencephalogram during nocturnal sleep. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA. 1999

  • Lopez, F. J.;Sanz, G. Stochastic comparisons and couplings for interacting particle systems. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. 1998


  • editors, L. M. Esteban, B. Lacruz, F. J. López, P. M. Mateo, A. Pérez-Palomares, G. Sanz, C. Paroissin. The Pyrenees International Workshop and Summer School on Statistics, Probability and Operations Research: SPO 2011 : Jaca, Spain, September 13-16, 2011. 2013

  • editors, L. M. Esteban, B. Lacruz, F. J. López, P. M. Mateo, A. Pérez-Palomares, G. Sanz, C. Paroissin. Pyrenees International Workshop and Summer School on Statistics, Probability and Operations Research: SPO 2009 : Jaca, Spain, September 15-18, 2009. 2010

  • editors, B. Lacruz, F. J. López, P. Mateo, A. Pérez-Palomares, G. Sanz. Pyrenees International Workshop on Statistics, Probability and Operations Research: SPO 2007 : Jaca, Spain, September 12-15, 2007. 2008

  • [compilado y compuesto por el Instituto Aragonés de Estadística del Gobierno de Aragón]. Catálogo de pueblos y municipios de Aragón: estadística de población y nomenclaturas toponímicas entre 1900 y 2004. 2005

  • [publicación coordinada por María Luisa Gavín Lanzuela ... ]. Entidades de población de Aragón y sus habitantes en los censos de 1857 a 2001. 2003

  • [publicación coordinada por Mª Luisa Gavín Lanzuela]. Estadística del sector no lucrativo en Aragón. Año 2000. 2003

Scientific chapters

  • Approximations of d-Record Probabilities in i.i.d. and Trend Models. Lafuente, Miguel; Ejea, David; Gouet, Raúl; López, F. Javier; Sanz, Gerardo. TRENDS IN MATHEMATICAL, INFORMATION AND DATA SCIENCES. A TRIBUTE TO LEANDRO PARDO. 2023

  • Delta-Records Observations in Models with Random Trend. Gouet, R.; Lafuente, M.; López, F.J.; Sanz, G. THE MATHEMATICS OF UNCERTAIN: A TRIBUTE TO PEDRO GIL. 2018

  • Raúl Gouet, F. Javier López, and Gerardo Sanz. On Record-Like Observations: Asymptotic Analysis Using Martingale Tools. MODERN MATHEMATICAL TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES IN CAPTURING COMPLEXITY. 2011

  • Properties of maximum likelihood estimators in discrete distributions models using delta-records. Maldonado Guaje, Lina Patricia. PYRENEES INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP AND SUMMER SCHOOL ON STATISTICS, PROBABILITY AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH : SPO 2009: JACA, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 15-18, 2009. 2010

  • Asymptotic rates for records and $\delta$-records. Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo; Gouet, R.; López, F.J. NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ZARAGOZA-PAU ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS. 2006

  • Central limit theorems for records. López Lorente, Francisco Javier. VIII JORNADAS ZARAGOZA-PAU DE MATEMÁTICA APLICADA Y ESTADÍSTICA. 2004

  • Statistics of the non-profit sector in Aragón. Year 2000. Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo; Álvarez, B.; Gavín, M.L.; Gil, A.; López F.J.; Mendiara, E. VIII JOURNÉES ZARAGOZA-PAU DE MATHÉMATIQUES APPLIQUÉES ET DE STATISTIQUES. 2004

  • Limit Behavior of loss networks. Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo; Andjel, E.; López, F.J. VII JORNADAS ZARAGOZA-PAU DE MATEMÁTICA APLICADA Y ESTADÍSTICA. 2003

  • Markovian increasing couplings and queueing networks. Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo; López, F. J.; Martínez S. VI JOURNÉES ZARAGOZA-PAU DE MATHÉMTIQUES APPLIQUEÉES ET DE STATISTIQUES. 2001

  • Increasing couplings for interacting systems. López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. V JORNADAS ZARAGOZA-PAU DE MATEMÁTICA APLICADA Y ESTADÍSTICA. 1999

  • Reversibility in interacting systems on Z. López Lorente, Francisco Javier; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo. V JORNADAS ZARAGOZA-PAU DE MATEMÁTICA APLICADA Y ESTADÍSTICA. 1999

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