Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Badía Blasco, Francisco Germán
Department: Departamento de Métodos Estadísticos
Field: Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: S41_23R: Métodos Estadísticos No Paramétricos y Bayesianos sobre Datos Sesgados

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/19
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/14
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/04. (2)
Academic position: Prof. Titular Univ.
Office phone: 2624
ORCID number: 0000-0002-6651-3306

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I am a tenured professor with the Department of Statistics at the University of Zaragoza since 2003. I have published 42 papers in JCR journals with 27 of them in the last ten years. In addition, 10 papers in the last decade appear in journals occupying the first quartile (Q1). The h-index of my research in Scopus is 11.  The one entitled “Optimal inspection and preventive maintenance of units with revealed and unrevealed failures” (2002) Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 78 (2), pp. 157-163 (with M.D. Berrade, C.A. Campos) is among the most outstanding ones. with 112 cites in Scopus. I supervised a Ph.D. thesis in 1999 authored by M.D. Berrade on maintenance modelling, with 5 papers in JCR journals coming out from this thesis. In addition, I have supervised 2 post-doc students (Ebrahim Salehi from University of Isfahan (Iran) and Hyunju Lee from Ewma Womans University in Seoul (South Korea). I’ve been developing a long term collaboration with Professor Ji Hwan Cha from Ewma Womans University in Seoul (South Korea) since 2012. Professor Cha is an outstanding researcher on reliability. I also carry out joint research activities with Sophie Mercier who is also a highly reputed researcher in this area from University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) in Pau (France).  In addition, I`ve been visiting scholar at the Department of Statistics of EWHA Womans University in Korea for a research stay 4 times, invited by professor Cha. My research fields of interest are probabilistic methods in approximation theory (topic of my Ph.D. thesis), reliability properties of mixtures, stochastic comparisons of counting processes, maintenance optimization, ageing properties of counting process observed in a random time and theoretical reliability. I carry out a regular activity as referee of scientific papers for well-known journals in applied probability and operations research & management (20 papers per year). I usually have attended the most many remarkable international conferences on reliability as ESREL (European Safety and Reliability Conference), MMR (Mathematical Methods in Reliability), and IWAP (International Workshop in Applied Probability. I’ve been the speaker in 5 invited sessions and member of the scientific committee in 2 ESREL conferences.

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