Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Monticelli, Francesca
Department: Departamento de Cirugía
Field: Estomatología
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte


Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/19. (2)
  • ACPUA. 20/05/09
Academic position: Prof. Titular Univ.

Academic position
  • Coordinadora del Grado de Odontología
  • Vicedecana de Estudios de Odontología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
ORCID number: 0000-0002-2802-2880

Journal articles

  • de la Parte A.; Monticelli F.; Toro-Román V.; Pradas F. Differences in oral health status in elite athletes according to sport modalities. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2021. DOI: 10.3390/su13137282

  • de la Parte Serna, A. C.; Pradas de la Fuente, F.; Monticelli, F. Principales hábitos nocivos odontológicos para el alto rendimiento en deportes colectivos. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE DEPORTES COLECTIVOS. 2020

  • Maximiano Millán, Adrián; Bravo Álvarez, Rocío; Plana Montori, Miguel; Guerrero González, María; Saura García-Martín, David; Ríos-Carrasco, Blanca; Monticelli, Francesca; Ríos-Santos, José Vicente; Fernández-Palacín, Ana. Assessment of the simultaneous use of biomaterials in transalveolar sinus floor elevation: Prospective randomized clinical trial in humans. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17061888

  • Brizuela-Velasco, A.; Pérez-Pevida, E.; Jiménez-Garrudo, A.; Gil-Mur, F.J.; Manero, J.M.; Punset-Fuste, M.; Chávarri-Prado, D.; Diéguez-Pereira, M.; Monticelli, F. Mechanical characterisation and biomechanical and biological behaviours of Ti-Zr binary-Alloy dental implants. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2017. DOI: 10.1155/2017/2785863

  • Pérez Pevida, Esteban; Brizuela Velasco, Aritza; Chávarri Prado, David; Jiménez Garrudo, Antonio; Sánchez Lasheras, Fernando; Solaberrieta Méndez, Eneko; Diéguez Pereira, Markel; Fernández González, Felipe J.; Dehesa Ibarra, Borja; Monticelli, Francesca. Biomechanical Consequences of the Elastic Properties of Dental Implant Alloys on the Supporting Bone: Finite Element Analysis. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2016. DOI: 10.1155/2016/1850401

  • de la Parte Serna, A.C.; Ortega Soria, R.; Ruiz de León Consuegra, M.E.; Centurión Merodo, Y.M.; Alonso Ezpeleta, L.Ó.; Monticelli, F.; Sanz Viñuales, I. Alergia, respiración oral y mordida cruzada, ¿una triada?. BOLETÍN DE LA SOCIEDAD DE PEDIATRÍA DE ARAGÓN, LA RIOJA Y SORIA. 2015

  • Tomás, I.; Casares-De-Cal, M. A.; Aneiros, A.; Abad, M.; Ceballos, L.; Gómez-Moreno, G.; Hidalgo, J. J.; Llena, C.; López-Jornet, P.; Machuca, M. C.; Monticelli, F.; Palés, J. Psychometric validation of the spanish version of the dundee ready education environment measure applied to dental students. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION. 2014. DOI: 10.1111/eje.12073

  • Juloski, J; Fadda, Gm; Monticelli, F; Fajó-Pascual, M; Goracci, C; Ferrari, M. Four-year Survival of Endodontically Treated Premolars Restored with Fiber Posts. JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2014. DOI: 10.1177/0022034514527970

  • Ferrari, M; Giovannetti, A; Carrabba, M; Bonadeo, G; Rengo, C; Monticelli, F; Vichi, A. Fracture resistance of three porcelain-layered CAD/CAM zirconia frame designs. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Tomás, I.;Millán, U.;Casares, M. A.;Abad, M.;Ceballos, L.;Gómez-Moreno, G.;Hidalgo, J. J.;Llena, C.;López-Jornet, P.;Machuca, M. C.;Monticelli, F.;Palés, J. Analysis of the 'educational climate' in Spanish public schools of dentistry using the dundee ready education environment measure: A multicenter study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION. 2013. DOI: 10.1111/eje.12025

  • Sorrentino,R.;Monticelli,F.;Goracci,C.;Zarone,F.;Tay,F. R.;Garcia-Godoy,F.;Ferrari,M. Effect of residual coronal structure on the resistance of teeth restored with posts. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.gien.2012.02.002

  • Toledano,M.;Yamauti,M.;Osorio,E.;Monticelli,F.;Osorio,R. Characterization of micro- and nanophase separation of dentin bonding agents by stereoscopy and atomic force microscopy. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS. 2012. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927611012621

  • Mazzitelli,C.;Monticelli,F.;Toledano,M.;Ferrari,M.;Osorio,R. Effect of thermal cycling on the bond strength of self-adhesive cements to fiber posts. CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s00784-011-0576-1

  • Casucci, A; Goracci, C; Chieffi, N; Monticelli, F; Giovannetti, A; Juloski, J. Microtensile bond strentgh evaluation of self-adhesive resin cement to zirconia ceramic after different pre-treatments. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2012

  • Mazzitelli, C; Papacchini, F; Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Ferrari M. Effects of post surface treatment on the bond strentgh of self-adhesive cements. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2012

  • Osorio,R.;Castillo-de Oyagüe,R.;Monticelli,F.;Osorio,E.;Toledano,M. Resistance to bond degradation between dual-cure resin cements and pre-treated sintered CAD-CAM dental ceramics. MEDICINA ORAL, PATOLOGÍA ORAL Y CIRUGÍA BUCAL. 2012. DOI: 10.4317/medoral.17828

  • Montero-Marin,J.;Monticelli,F.;Casas,M.;Roman,A.;Tomas,I.;Gili,M.;Garcia-Campayo,J. Burnout syndrome among dental students: A short version of the "burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire" adapted for students (BCSQ-12-SS). BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2011. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6920-11-103

  • Casucci,A.;Monticelli,F.;Goracci,C.;Mazzitelli,C.;Cantoro,A.;Papacchini,F.;Ferrari,M. Effect of surface pre-treatments on the zirconia ceramic-resin cement microtensile bond strength. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Toledano, M.;Mazzoni, A.;Monticelli, F.;Breschi, L.;Osorio, E. ;Osorio, R. ElectroBond application may improve wetting characteristics of etched dentine. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2011

  • Casucci, A; Mazzitelli, C; Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Osorio, R; Osorio, E; Papacchini, F; Ferrari, M. Morphological analysis of three zirconium oxide ceramics: Effect of surface treatments. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Eugenio, E; Osorio, R; Sivakumar, M; Vilar, R; Monticelli, F; Toledano, M. Bond Strength of an Etch-and-Rinse Adhesive to KrF Excimer Laser-Treated Dentin. PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY. 2010. DOI: 10.1089/pho.2008.2270

  • Mazzitelli, C.;Monticelli, F.;Toledano, M.;Ferrari, M. ;Osorio, R. Dentin treatment effects on the bonding performance of self-adhesive resin cements. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES. 2010

  • Monticelli, Francesca;Osorio, Raquel;Toledano, Manuel;Ferrari, Marco;Pashley, David H. ;Tay, Franklin R. Sealing properties of one-step root-filling fibre post-obturators vs. two-step delayed fibre post-placement. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2010

  • Castillo Oyague, R.; Monticelli, F.; Toledano, M.; Osorio, E.; Ferrari, M.; Osorio, R. Effect of Water Aging on Microtensile Bond Strength of Dual-Cured Resin Cements to Pre-Treated Sintered Zirconium-Oxide Ceramics. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Castillo Oyaguee, R.; Sanchez Turrion, A.; Toledano, M.; Monticelli, F.; Osorio, R. In Vitro Vertical Misfit Evaluation of Cast Frameworks for Cement-Retained Implant-Supported Partial Prostheses. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2008.09.007

  • Casucci, A.;Osorio,E.;Osorio,R.;Monticelli,F.;Toledano,M.;Mazzitelli,C.;Ferrari,M. Influence of Different Surface Treatments on Surface Zirconia Frameworks. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2009

  • Osorio, R; Monticelli, F; Moreira, Mag; Osorio, E; Toledano, M. Enamel-resin bond durability of self-etch and etch & rinse adhesives. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2009

  • de Oyague, Rc; Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Osorio, E; Ferrari, M; Osorio, R. Influence of surface treatments and resin cement selection on bonding to densely-sintered zirconium-oxide ceramic. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Castillo de Oyague, R; Sanchez-Jorge, Mi; Sanchez Turrión A, Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Osorio, R. Influence of CAM vs.CAD/CAM scanning methods and finish line of tooth preparation in the vertical misfit of zirconia bridge structures. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2009

  • Carvalho, Ca; Monticelli, F; Cantoro, A; Breschi, L; Ferrari, M. Push-out bond strength of fiber posts luted with unfilled resin cement. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2009

  • Papacchini, F; Radovic, I; Magni, E; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Chieffi, N; Polimeni, A; Ferrari, M. Flowable composites as intermediate agents without adhesive application in resin composite repair. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2008

  • Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Osorio, E; Osorio, R; Silva, As. Sealing effectiveness of etch-and-rinse vs self-etching adhesives after water aging: influence of acid etching and NaOCl dentin pretreatment. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2008

  • Mazzitelli, C; Ferrari, M; Toledano, M; Osorio, E; Monticelli, F; Osorio, R. Surface roughness analysis of fiber post conditioning processes. JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2008. DOI: 10.1177/154405910808700204

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Sadek, Ft; Radovic, I; Toledano, M; Ferrari, M. Surface treatments for improving bond strength to prefabricated fiber posts: a literature review. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. 2008. DOI: 10.2341/07-86

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Mazzitelli, C; Ferrari, M; Toledano, M. Limited decalcification/diffusion of self-adhesive cements into dentin. JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2008

  • Radovic, I.;Monticelli,F.;Goracci,C.;Vulicevic,Z. R.;Ferrari,M. Self-Adhesive Resin Cements: A Literature Review. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2008

  • Radovic, I; Monticelli, F; Cury, Ah; Bertelli, E; Vulcevic, Zr; Ferrari, M. Coupling of composite resin cements to quartz fiber posts: a comparison of industrial and chairside treatments of the post surface. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2008

  • Mazzitelli, C; Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Casucci, A; Toledano, M; Ferrari, M. Effect of simulated pulpal pressure on self-adhesive cements bonding to dentin. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2008. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Monticelli, F.;Ferrari,M.;Toledano,M. Cement System and Surface Treatment Selection for Fiber Post Luting. MEDICINA ORAL, PATOLOGÍA ORAL Y CIRUGÍA BUCAL. 2008

  • Papacchini, F; Monticelli, F; Hasa, I; Fabianelli, A; Polimeni, A; Ferrari, M. Effect of air-drying temperature on the effectiveness of silane primers and coupling blends in the repair of a microhybrid resin composite. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2007

  • Ferrari, M; Cagidiaco, Mc; Monticelli, F; Kugel, G; Barker, Ml; Gerlach, Rw. Daytime use of a custom bleaching tray or whitening strips: Initial and sustained color improvement. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Tay, Fr; Sadek, Ft; Ferrari, M; Toledano, M. Resistance to thermo-mechanical stress of different coupling agents used as intermediate layer in resin-fiber post bonds. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007

  • Monticelli, F; Sadek, Ft; Schuster, Gs; Volkmann, Kr; Looney, Sw; Ferrari, M; Toledano, M. Efficacy of two contemporary single-cone filling techniques in preventing bacterial leakage. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2006.11.012

  • Sorrentino, R; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Zarone, F; Garcia-Godoy, F; Tay, Fr; Ferrari, M. Effect of post-retained composite restorations and amount of coronal residual structure on the fracture resistance of endodontically-treated teeth. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007

  • Putignano, A; Poderi, G; Cerutti, A; Cury, Ah; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Ferrari, M. An in vitro study on the adhesion of quartz fiber posts to radicular dentin. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2007

  • Radovic, I; Monticelli, F; Papacchini, F; Magni, E; Cury, Ah; Vulcevic, Zr; Ferrari M. Accelerated aging of adhesive-mediated fiber post-resin composite bonds: A modeling approach. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2007.05.006

  • Papacchini, F; Monticelli, F; Radovic, I; Chieffi, N; Goracci, C; Tay, Fr; Polimeni, A; Ferrari, M. The application of hydrogen peroxide in composite repair. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH - PART B APPLIED BIOMATERIALS. 2007. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.30733

  • Monticelli, F; Sword, J; Martin, Rl; Schuster, Gs; Weller, Rn; Ferrari, M; Pashley, Dh; Tay, Fr. Sealing properties of two contemporary single-cone obturation systems. INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. 2007. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2591.2007.01231.x

  • Martin, Rl; Monticelli, F; Brakett, Ww; Loushine, Rj; Rokman, Ra; Ferrari, M; Pashley, Dh; Tay, Fr. Sealing properties of mineral trioxide aggregate orthograde apical plugs and root fillings in an in vitro apexification model. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2006.11.002

  • Papacchini, F; Toledano, M; Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Radovic, I; Polimeni, A; Garcia-Godoy, F; Ferrari, M. Hydrolytic stability of composite repair bond. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES. 2007. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0722.2007.00475.x

  • Sadek, Ft; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Tay, Fr; Cardoso, Pec; Ferrari, M. Bond strength performance of different resin composites used as core materials around fiber posts. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Radovic, I; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Cury, Ah; Coniglio, I; Vulcevic, Zr; Garcia-Godoy, F; Ferrari, M. The effect of sandblasting on adhesion of a dual-cured resin composite to methacrylic fiber posts: Microtensile bond strength and SEM evaluation. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2007.01.009

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Pisani-Proenca, J; Toledano, M. Resistance to degradation of resin-dentin bonds using a one-step HEMA-free adhesive. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2006.07.005

  • Hosaka, K; Nakajima, M; Monticelli, F; Carrilho, Mro; Yamauti, M; Aksormuang, J; Tay, Fr; Pashley, Dh; Tagami, J. Influence of hydrostatic pulpal pressure on the microtensile bond strength of all-in-one self-etching adhesives. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2007

  • Papacchini, F; Magni, E; Radovic, I; Mazzitelli, C; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Polimeni, A; Ferrari, M. Effect of intermediate agents and pre-heating of repairing resin on composite repair bonds. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. 2007. DOI: 10.2341/06-105

  • Serafino, C; Gallina, G; Cumbo, E; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Ferrari M. Ultrasound effects after post space preparation: an sem study. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/J.JOEN.2005.07.003

  • Vano, M; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Tognini, F; Gabriele M. The adhesion between fibre posts and composite resin cores: the evaluation of microtensile bond strentgh following various surface chemical treatments. INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. 2006

  • Ferrari, M; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Sadek, Ft; Tay, Fr. An investigation of the interfacial strengths of methacrylate resin-based glass fiber post-core buildups. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2006

  • Sadek, Ft; Monticelli, F; Muench, A; Ferrari, M; Cardoso Pec. A novel metdhos to obtain microtensile specimens minimizing cut flow. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH - PART B APPLIED BIOMATERIALS. 2006

  • Sadek, Ft; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Grandini, S; Cury, Ah; Tay, Fr; Ferrari, M. Immediate and 24-hour evaluation of the interfacial strengths of fiber posts. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2006.07.005

  • Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Tay, Fr; Cury, Ah; Goracci, C; Ferrari, M. Post-surface conditioning improves interfacial adhesion in post/core restorations. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Albaladejo, A; Aguilera, Fs; Ferrari, M; Tay, Fr; Toledano, M. Effects of adhesive systems and luting agents on bonding fibre posts to root canal dentin. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH - PART B APPLIED BIOMATERIALS. 2006. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.30420

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Toledano, M; Tay, Fr; Goracci, C; Ferrari M. A simple etching technique for improving the retention of fiber posts to resin composites. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2005.10.005

  • Tay, Fr; Pashley, Dh; Loushine, Rh; Weller, N; Monticelli, F; Osorio, R. Self-etch adhesives increase collagenolytic activity in radicular dentin. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2006.04.005

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Toledano, M; Tay, Fr; Ferrari, M. In vitro hydrolytic degradation of composite quartz fiber-post bonds created by hydrophilic silane couplings. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. 2006. DOI: 10.2341/05-151

  • Monticelli, F; Osorio, R; Toledano, M; Goracci, C; Tay, Fr; Ferrari, M. Improving the quality of the quartz fiber postcore bond using sodium ethoxide etching and combined silane/adhesive coupling. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2005.10.061

  • Chieffi, N; Sadek, Ft; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Grandini, S; Davidson, Cl; Tay, Fr; Ferrari, M. Effect of adhesive systems and surface treatment of methacrylate resin-based fiber posts on post-resin-dentin bonds. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2006

  • Chieffi, N; Sadek, F; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Grandini, S; Davidson, C; Tay, Fr, Ferrari, M. Effect of dentin adhesives used as sealers and provisional cementation on bond strentgh of a resin cement to dentin. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2006

  • Monticelli, F; Toledano, M; Osorio, R; Ferrari M. Effect of temperature on the silane coupling agents when bonding core resin to quartz fiber posts. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Tranchesi Sadek, Fernanda; Cury, Álvaro H.; Monticelli, Francesca; Ferrari, Marco; Capel Cardoso, Paulo E. The influence of the cutting speed on bond strength and integrity of microtensile specimens. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2005. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Fabianelli, A; Gorracci, C; Bertelli, E; Monticelli, F; Grandini, S; Ferrari M. In vitro evaluation of wall-to-wall adaptation of a self-adhesive resin cement used for luting gold and ceramic inlays. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2005

  • Papacchini, F; Goracci, C; Sadek, Ft; Monticelli, F; Garcia-Godoy, F; Ferrari M. Microtensile bond strength to ground enamel by glass-ionomers, resin-modified glass-ionomers, and resin composites used as pit and fissure sealants. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2005. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2004.11.007

  • Grandini, S; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Tay, Fr; Ferrari M. Fatigue resistance and structural characteristics of fiber posts: three-point bending test and SEM evaluation. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2005. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Grandini, S; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Borracchini, A; Ferrari M. SEM evaluation of the cement layer thickness after luting two different posts. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2005

  • Tay, Fr; Loushine, Rj; Monticelli, F; Weller, Rn; Breschi, L; Ferrari, M; Pashley, Dh. Effectiveness of resin-coated gutta-percha cones and a dual-cured, hydrophilic methacrylate resin-based sealer in obturating root canals. JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS. 2005

  • Monticelli, F; Goracci, C; Grandini, S; Garcia-Godoy, F; Ferrari M. Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of fiber post-resin core units built up with different resin composites. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2005

  • Goracci, C; Raffaelli, O; Monticelli, F; Balleri, P; Bertelli, E; Ferrari M. The adhesion between prefabricated FRC posts and composite resin cores: microtensile bond strength with and without post-silanization. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2005. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Grandini, S; Sapio, S; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Ferrari, M. A one step procedure for luting glass fibre posts: an SEM evaluation. INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. 2004

  • Monticelli, F; Goracci, C, Ferrari, M. Micromorphology of the fiber post-resin core unit: a scanning electron microscopy evaluation. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2004

  • Goracci, C; Sadek, Ft; Monticelli, F; Cardoso, Pec; Ferrari, M. Influence of substrate, shape, and thickness on microtensile specimens' structural integrity and their measured bond strengths. DENTAL MATERIALS. 2004

  • Chersoni, S; Suppa, P; Grandini, S; Goracci, C; Monticelli, F; Yiu, C; Huang, C; Prati, C; Breschi, L; Ferrari, M; Pashley, Dh; Tay, Fr. In vivo and in vitro permeability of one-step self-etch adhesives. JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2004

  • Goracci, C; Tavares, Au; Fabianelli, A; Monticelli, F; Raffaelli, O; Cardoso, Pec; Tay, Fr; Ferrari, M. The adhesion between fiber posts and root canal walls: comparison between microtensile and push-out bond strength measurements. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES. 2004

  • Goracci, C; Sadek, Ft; Monticelli, F; Cardoso, Pec; Ferrari, M. Microtensile bond strength of self-etching adhesives to enamel and dentin. JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY. 2004

  • Monticelli, F; Grandini, S; Goracci, C; Ferrari, M. Clinical behavior of translucent-fiber posts: a 2-year prospective study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS. 2003

  • Ferrari, M; Grandini, S; Simonetti, M; Monticelli, F; Goracci, C. Influence of a microbrush on bonding fiber post into root canals under clinical conditions. ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS. 2002


  • Francisca Monticelli, Francisco Pradas de la Fuente (coord.); autores, Oscar Alonso Ezpeleta, Yamila Magali Cen. Cómo potenciar a nivel didáctico los conocimientos sobre posturas odontológicas ergonómicas, posturas de trabajo y dolor postural en los estudiantes de odontología [recurso electrónico]. 2011

  • [Recurso electrónico] = Francesca Monticelli ; [dirigida por. A study into application of fiber posts and composite core materials for restoring endodontically treated teeth Valoración de diferentes composites y técnicas para la reconstrucción de los dientes endodonciados utilizando postes de fibra. 2005

Scientific chapters

  • de la Parte Serna, A. C., Centurión Merodo, Y., Monticelli, F., Alonso Ezpeleta, L. Ó. Fichas clínicas odontológicas : un nuevo seguimiento en los tratamientos odontoestomatológicos. REPENSAR LA UNIVERSIDAD. 2017

  • The Application Of Superficial Treatments To Improve Bond Strength To Fiber Posts. Monticelli , Francesca. FIBER POSTS AND ENDODONTICALLY TREATED TEETH: A COMPENDIUM OF SCIENTIFIC AND CLINICAL PERSPECTIVES. 2008

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