Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff
Peris Millan, Eduardo
Docencia UNIZAR de los últimos seis cursos
Graphical environment and augmented reality
. Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Processes' Data Engineering. Durante el curso 2024-25
Software security and vulnerability
. Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Processes' Data Engineering. Durante el curso 2024-25
Fundamentals of computing
. Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Durante el curso 2023-24
Fundamentals of computing
. Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Technology and Services Engineering. Durante el curso 2023-24
Software engineering
. Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering. Durante el curso 2023-24
Fundamentals of computing
. Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Durante el curso 2021-22
Language processors
. Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering. Durante el curso 2020-21
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