Concepción Garcés Ayerbe is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Zaragoza, and principal investigator of the CREVALOR Research Group, a group of 37 researchers recognised by the Government of Aragón. She has been the director of the Family Business Chair at the University of Zaragoza since 2010, through which she has promoted the training of almost 400 students and the financing of around 20 research projects in the field of family business management. She has also been a member of the Committee appointed by the University of Zaragoza for the recent creation of the University Research Institute for Employment, Digital Society and Sustainability (IEDIS). She has been collaborating on a regular basis with the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) since 2018, with the Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (UVT) since 2004, and with the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (CITA) of Aragón since 2000.
Her main line of academic research is Environmental Management, in which she has specialised since working on her doctoral studies in 1996. Since then she has co-supervised five doctoral theses in the field of environmental management and is currently co-supervising two more. She has also conducted research and supervised a doctoral thesis in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. Other lines of research to which she has devoted more specific attention include the study of the use of Information and Communication Technologies, having supervised a doctoral thesis in this area, and the study of the management of family firms; she is currently supervising a doctoral thesis in this area. Currently, her main line of research continues to be sustainability in general and, more particularly, business environmental strategies, where she focuses on studying in depth aspects such as environmental proactivity, the circular economy, eco-innovation and environmental disclosure.
Some of her studies have been published in relevant International Journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Ecological Economics, Environmental & Resource Economics, Management Decision, Organisation & Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environment and Planning A, Technovation, Environmental Management, and Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
Since the beginning of her career she has participated in 11 competitive research projects at national or supranational level, being the principal investigator in one of them (comprising 23 researchers). Moreover, she has been the principal investigator in 2 research transfer actions financed by the Aragón Economy Foundation and has participated as a team researcher in another 7, financed by bodies such as the Economic and Social Council of Aragón, the Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE) or the Zaragoza Housing Municipal Society. She is also a member of the editorial board of the journal Economía Industrial, published by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism for the dissemination and transfer of scientific knowledge.
Her research activity has been recognised by the Spanish government in the form of 4 audited research periods (Sexenios) and 1 audited research transfer period (Sexenio de transferencia de investigación). Her general indicators of quality of scientific production in the Web of Science are (date 13-01-2022): Research items=33 (17 of them in Q1); Citations=1006; h-Index=18 and Citations/item=32.45.
Journal articles
- Darmandieu, Aurore; Garcés-Ayerbe, Concepción; Renucci, Antoine; Rivera-Torres, Pilar. How does it pay to be circular in production processes? Eco-innovativeness and green jobs as moderators of a cost-efficiency advantage in European small and medium enterprises. BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2022. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2949
- Suárez-Perales, Inés; Valero-Gil, Jesus; Leyva-de la Hiz, Dante I.; Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Garcés-Ayerbe, Conchita. Educating for the future: How higher education in environmental management affects pro-environmental behaviour. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128972
- Garcés-Ayerbe, Concepción; Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Murillo-Luna, Josefina L.; Suárez-Gálvez, Cristina. Does it pay more to be green in family firms than in non-family firms?. REVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11846-021-00475-8
- Garcés-Ayerbe, C.; Rivera-Torres, P.; Suárez-Perales, I.; Leyva-de la Hiz, D.I. Is It Possible to Change from a Linear to a Circular Economy? An Overview of Opportunities and Barriers for European Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Companies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16050851
- Cañón-De-Francia, Joaquín; Garcés-Ayerbe, Concepción. Factors and contingencies for the “it pays to be green hypothesis”. The european union’s emissions trading system (EU ETS) and financial crisis as contexts. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16162988
- Garcés-Ayerbe, C.; Rivera-Torres, P.; Suárez-Perales, I. Stakeholder engagement mechanisms and their contribution to eco-innovation: Differentiated effects of communication and cooperation. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 2019. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1749
- Rivera-Torres, P.; Garcés-Ayerbe, C. Desarrollo del comportamiento proambiental en los individuos y sus determinantes. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE INVESTIGACIONES SOCIOLÓGICAS. 2018. DOI: 10.5477/cis/reis.163.59
- Suárez Perales, Inés; Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Garcés-Ayerba, Concepción. Consequences of innovative proactivity in environmental management [Consecuencias del Liderazgo Innovador en la Gestión Medioambiental]. UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW. 2018. DOI: 10.3232/UBR.2018.V15.N1.02
- Agudo-Valiente, José María; Garcés-Ayerbe, Concepción; Salvador-Figueras, Manuel. Corporate social responsibility drivers and barriers according to managers' perception; Evidence from Spanish firms. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2017. DOI: 10.3390/su9101821
- Suarez-Perales, Inés; Garces-Ayerbe, Concepción; Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Suarez-Galvez, Cristina. Is strategic proactivity a driver of an environmental strategy? Effects of innovation and internationalization leadership. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2017. DOI: 10.3390/su9101870
- Garcés-Ayerbe, C.; Cañón-De-Francia, J. The Relevance of Complementarities in the Study of the Economic Consequences of Environmental Proactivity: Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Innovation Efforts. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.06.022
- Valero-Gil, J.; Rivera-Torres, P.; Garcés-Ayerbe, C. How is environmental proactivity accomplished? Drivers and barriers in firms' pro-environmental change process. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2017. DOI: 10.3390/su9081327
- Scarpellini, Sabina; Valero-Gil, Jesus; Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Garcés-Ayerbe, Conchita. Analysis of the generation of economic results in the different phases of the pro-environmental change process. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.09.114
- Valero Gil, Jesús; Scarpellini, Sabina; Garcés-Ayerbe, Conchita; Rivera-Torres, Pilar. Environment and innovation in spanish business: bridging the gap between academics and practitioners. UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW. 2017. DOI: 10.3232/UBR.2017.V14.N2.03
- Garcés-Ayerbe, Conchita; Scarpellini, Sabina; Valero-Gil, Jesús; Rivera-Torres, Pilar. Proactive environmental strategy development: from laggard to eco-innovative firms. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT. 2016. DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-05-2016-0081
- Agudo Valiente, José María; Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción; Salvador Figueras, Manuel. Corporate Social Performance and stakeholder dialogue management. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 2015. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1324
- Rivera-Torres, Pilar; Garcés-Ayerbe, Concepción; Scarpellini, Sabina; Valero-Gil, Jesús. Pro-Environmental Change and Short- to Mid-Term Economic Performance: The Mediating Effect of Organisational Design Change. ORGANIZATION & ENVIRONMENT. 2015. DOI: 10.1177/1086026615603867
- Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción; Rivera Torres, Pilar; Murillo Luna, Josefina Lucía. Inversión medioambiental y resultado financiero en las empresas familiares españolas. REVISTA DE EMPRESA FAMILIAR. 2014
- Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción; Cañon de Francia, Joaquín. La gestión medioambiental proactiva como capacidad dinámica: un análisis con datos panel. CUADERNOS ECONÓMICOS DE I.C.E. 2013
- Agudo Valiente, José María; Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción ; Salvador Figueras, Manuel. Social responsibility practices and evaluation of corporate social performance. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.05.002
- Garcés-Ayerbe,C.;Rivera-Torres,P.;Murillo-Luna,J. Stakeholder pressure and environmental proactivity: Moderating effect of competitive advantage expectations. MANAGEMENT DECISION. 2012. DOI: 10.1108/00251741211203524
- Murillo-Luna,J.;Garcés-Ayerbe,C.;Rivera-Torres,P. Barriers to the adoption of proactive environmental strategies. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.05.005
- Cañon de Francia, J.;Garces Ayerbe,C. ISO 14001 Environmental Certification: A Sign Valued by the Market?. ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 2009
- Badescu, M.;Garces-Ayerbe,C. The Impact of Information Technologies on Firm Productivity: Empirical Evidence from Spain. TECHNOVATION. 2009
- Cañon de Francia, J.;Garces Ayerbe,C.;Ramirez Aleson,M. Analysis of the Effectiveness of the First European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER). ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2008
- Murillo-Luna, J.;Garces-Ayerbe,C.;Rivera-Torres,P. Why do Patterns of Environmental Response Differ? A Stakeholders' Pressure Approach. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. 2008
- Murillo Luna, J. L.;Garcés Ayerbe,C.;Rivera Torres,P. Estrategia Medioambiental y Expectativas De Ventajas Competitivas. CUADERNOS DE ESTUDIOS EMPRESARIALES. 2008
- Cañon-De-Francia, J.;Garces-Ayerbe,C.;Ramirez-Aleson,M. Are More Innovative Firms Less Vulnerable to New Environmental Regulation?. ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 2007
- Cañón de Francia, J.;Garcés Ayerbe, C.;Ramírez Alesón, M. L. El registro de emisiones contaminantes (EPER): situación medioambiental de las empresas aragonesas. CUADERNOS ARAGONESES DE ECONOMÍA. 2007
- Murillo Luna, J. L.;Garces Ayerbe,C.;Rivera Torres,P. What Prevents Firms from Advancing in their Environmental Strategy?. INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN ECONOMIC RESEARCH. 2007
- Murillo Luna, J. L.;Garcés Ayerbe, C.;Rivera Torres, P. Aspectos inhibidores de la proactividad medioambiental en las empresas industriales: un análisis empírico. CUADERNOS DE GESTION. 2006
- Cañón de Francia, J. ;Garcés Ayerbe, C. Repercusión económica de la certificación medioambiental ISO 14001. CUADERNOS DE GESTION. 2006
- Murillo Luna, Josefina; Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción;Rivera Torres, Pilar. Caracterización del comportamiento estratégico medioambiental: el caso de las empresas industriales de Aragón. CUADERNOS ARAGONESES DE ECONOMÍA. 2006
- Alcalde, N.;Garces, C.;Pedraja, M.;Rivera, P. The Recycling of Container and Packaging Waste in the Spanish Retail Distribution Sector. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A. 2005
- Murillo Luna, Josefina L.;Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción;Rivera Torres, Pilar. Estrategia empresarial y medio ambiente: opinión de un grupo de expertos. UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW. 2004
- Pedraja Iglesias, M.;Marzo Navarro, M.;Garcés Ayerbe, C.;Rivera Torres, P. Las pequeñas empresas Aragonesas en el nuevo contexto económico. ALTA DIRECCIÓN. 2004
- Garces, Conchita;Lafuente, Alberto;Pedraja, Marta;Rivera, Pilar. Urban waste recycling behavior: antecedents of participation in a selective collection program. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 2002
- Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción;Ramírez Alesón, Marisa. Análisis del alcance estratégico de las empresas del sector medioambiental en España. ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL. 2002
- Pedraja Iglesias, M.;Garcés Ayerbe, C.;Rivera Torres, P. El futuro de la pequeña empresa: el caso aragonés. TRÉBEDE (ZARAGOZA). 2001
- Garcés, C.; Pedraja, M.; Rivera, M.P. La Gestión de los Envases Comerciales en el Sector de la Distribución de Aragón. GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL. 2001
- Garces Ayerbe, Conchita;Galve Gorriz, Carmen. The Effects of Environmental Regulations on the Productivity of Large Companies: An Empirical Analysis of the Spanish Case. THE JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE. 2001
- Garcés Ayerbe, Conchita;Galve Górriz, Carmen. Repercusión de las inversiones en protección del medio ambiente en la productividad de las empresas españolas: un análisis empírico. CUADERNOS DE ECONOMIA Y DIRECCION DE LA EMPRESA. 2001
- Pedraja Iglesias, M.;Marzo, M.;Rivera Torres, P.;Garcés Ayerbe, C. La pequeña empresa aragonesa y sus expectativas de futuro. REVISTA DE GESTIÓN PÚBLICA Y PRIVADA. 2001
- Pedraja Iglesias, M.;Berné Manero, C.;Rivera Torres, P.;Lafuente Félez,Alberto José María;Garcés Ayerbe, Concepción. Problemática medioambiental y participación ciudadana: una aplicación al caso de los residuos urbanos. GESTIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS. 2000
- Pedraja Iglesias, M.;Garcés Ayerbe, C.;Lafuente Félez,Alberto José María;Rivera Torres, P. Problemas medioambientales y comportamientos sociales: el caso de los residuos urbanos (RU). ECONOMÍA ARAGONESA (ED. IMPRESA). 2000
- Galve Górriz, C. ;Garcés Ayerbe, C. La protección del medio ambiente en España como resultado del Programa Industrial y Tecnológico Medioambiental (PITMA). HACIENDA PUBLICA ESPAÑOLA. 2000
- Garces Ayerbe, Concepcion;Pedraja Iglesias, Marta;Rivera Torres, Pilar;Berne Manero, Carmen. ESTUDIO DEL PERFIL DEL CONSUMIDOR COMPROMETIDO CON EL MEDIO AMBIENTE. ESTUDIOS SOBRE CONSUMO. 1999
Conference presentations
- Garces Ayerbe, Conchita;Galve Gorriz, Carmen. Economic Mechanisms for Environmental Protection: Business versus Market Transaction Costs. INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN ECONOMIC RESEARCH. 2003
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses