Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Ibarretxe Antuñano, Blanca Iraide
Department: Departamento de Lingüística y Literaturas Hispánicas
Field: Lingüística General
Faculty: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Group: H11_23R: Psylex (Lenguaje y cognición)

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/22
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/16
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/10
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/09
Academic position: Cated. Universidad
ORCID number: 0000-0002-0241-9265

Research interests
  • Lingüística
  • Lexicología
  • Semántica
  • Psicolingüística
  • Lenguas romances
  • Vasco
  • Lenguas germánicas
  • Lingüística aplicada

University degrees
  • Diploma de Formación Pedagógica para el Profesorado Universitario. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2007
  • Certificate in Scottish Studies. University of Edinburgh. 1999
  • Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica. Universidad de Deusto. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación. 1996
  • Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras Sección Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Deusto. 1995

  • PhD in Linguistics. University of Edinburgh. 2000
BA/MA in Philosophy and Arts (Deusto, 1995), PhD in Linguistics (Edinburgh, 2000) and Professor of General Linguistics (Zaragoza). Her research area revolves around the relationship between language, cognition and communication from a cognitive, typological and psycholinguistic perspective.
Her scientific production focuses on the study of language motivation, mainly on semantics (lexicalization, polysemy), iconicity (ideophones, phonic symbolism, gestuality) and the relationship between metaphor, embodiment and culture. In addition to having participated in (inter-)national scientific forums as a speaker (135) or invited speaker (87), she has (co-)published more than a hundred articles in journals (67), book chapters (87) and books (12). This has led her to have an h-index 37, to be among the 10% of the most cited researchers in Spain and to be an international reference in these fields.
She has been a visiting researcher at the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, the Max Planck Institut für Psycholinguistik,, U.Concepción, UCBerkeley and U.Lund.. She has been PI of several national projects on semantic typology and psycholinguistics (FFI2010-14903, FFI2013-45553-C3-1-P, FFI2017-82460-P), metaphor (DGA, LMP143_21), and researcher in several (inter-)national ones among which Evolution of Semantic Systems (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics), Causality across languages (US National Science Foundation, BCS-1535846) and Arbitrary and motivated aspects of sound-symbolic meaning (Japan Society for the promotion of science, 17K02679). She is currently leading the MOTIV (MINECO, PID2021-123302NB-I00), the Campus Iberus ICON Action Group and is a researcher at the I.U. Patrimonio y Humanidades de Unizar (Reference Research Group Psylex (UZ-DGA H11_17R)). Her research has been recognized through several awards such as the John Orr Reseach Award (U. Edinburgh, 1996, 1997, 1998) and the AESLA Research Award "Rafael Monroy" for experienced researchers 2020, as well as by her appointment as an elected member of the prestigious European Academy.
She belongs to the editorial boards of Review of Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, VIAL, to the scientific committees of Oihenart, Triangle, Fontes Linguae Vasconum, and to the committees of evaluators and experts of ANEP (Spain), FONDECYT (Chile), FWO (Flanders), AGAUR (Catalonia), GIF (Germany), HCÈRES (France). She has been secretary of AELCO (2004-08; 2012-16), director of the AESLA Lexicography and Lexicology panel (2013-19), collaborator of the Division of Coordination, Evaluation and Scientific and Technical Monitoring of the State Research Agency (2018-21) and member of the evaluation committee UNIBASQ (Humanities).
Committed to scientific dissemination and transfer, she collaborates regularly in forums such as TEDx Talks, La noche de los investigadores, Pint of Science, Science Week or Divulgación Innovadora D+i, in radio programs such as Todo es Lenguaje (RNE) or En la puntica de la Lengua (Aragón Radio) and in general newspapers and magazines (Heraldo de Aragón, Tercer Milenio, The Conversation). She is associate editor since 2007 of the journal Ciencia Cognitiva, coordinator of the multimedia repository Zaragoza Lingüística a la Carta (Intellectual Property U. Zaragoza, PII-2020-0028), expert consultant in multimodal communication at the Junta de Extremadura and collaborator of the journal Archiletras since 2020.

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