Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Gaspar Galán, Antonio

UNESCO codes
  • Enseñanzas de lenguas
  • Filosofía del lenguaje
  • Lengua y cultura

UNIZAR teaching activity from the course 1994-95
ORCID number: 0000-0002-1809-8304

Research interests
  • Lenguaje y comunicación
  • Cuestiones teóricas e históricas en la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura
  • Análisis del discurso
  • Lingüística
I have a degree in Romance Philology (French Language Section) in 1984 from the University of Zaragoza and a PhD in Philosophy and Letters, Romance Philology Division, in 1989, from the same University.
I have developed my teaching activity since 1987 and in 1992 I joined the body of University Professors as Professor of French Philology at the University of Zaragoza. My teaching has always been related to the French language, linguistics and discourse analysis, at the undergraduate and doctoral levels. I have participated as a guest professor in teaching programs at the universities of Amiens (France) and Bucharest (Romania) for the teaching of discourse construction of meaning.

In the research field, I have participated in 18 research projects obtained, all of them, in public competitive calls from different Spanish and French public organizations (2 from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; 2 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation; 1 from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports; 1 from the FECYT; 1 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Embassy in Spain; 2 from the CONAI, Research Advisory Council; 4 from the Government of Aragon; and 5 from the University of Zaragoza), of which I have been the principal researcher in 3 state projects and 5 regional projects, and a member of the research team (always full time) in 11. I have also spent six months in Paris (January-July 2018), in the framework of a research project at the "Laboratoire de communication politique" of the CNRS and the University of Paris-Dauphine, as a beneficiary of a "Salvador de Madariaga" stay.
My research has focused on the field of linguistics, historiography of French teaching in Spain and discourse analysis. As the most prominent publications in each of the above fields, I am the author of articles on Guillaume linguistic psychomechanics, and co-author of the first study and critical edition of the first grammar published in Spain for learning French (the grammar of the Toledan Balthasar de Sotomayor); also the first Spanish-French dictionary published in Spain (the vocabulary of Jacques Ledel de Alcalá de Henares, 1565), as well as an edited monograph entitled Histoire de l'enseignement de la prononciation du français aux Espagnols (XVI-XX siècles) published by Peter Lang in 2016.

In the field of discourse analysis, my research focuses on institutional political discourse and communication texts. In this sense, in addition to articles and book chapters, I have coordinated the publication of Le discours politique: regards croisés (Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016).

In the field of academic management, I have been part of several management bodies of the University of Zaragoza and I am currently the director of the Department of French Philology. As far as research management is concerned, I have been a member of the scientific committee and organizer of several national and international congresses, among which I would like to highlight the First International Congress of French Linguistics in Spain (CILF) that took place in 1993, and which constituted the embryo of the CILF series of congresses that are held every two years in Spanish universities under the auspices of the Association of University Frenchmen (AFUE).

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