Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Sebastián Cabeza, Victor
Department: Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente
Field: Ingeniería Química
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: T57_23R: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP: Nanostructured Films and Particles)

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/21
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/20. (2)
Academic position: Cated. Universidad

Academic position
  • Coordinador del Grado en Ingeniería Química
ORCID number: 0000-0002-6873-5244

Research interests
  • Nanotecnología
  • Catálisis
  • Biomedicina
  • Tecnología química

University degrees
  • Ingeniería Técnica Industrial. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2008
  • Ingeniero Químico Especialidad Ingeniería Química Fundamental. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2002

  • Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Química y del Medio Ambiente. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2008

Download curriculum in PDF format Go to ORCID page

Dr. Victor Sebastian Cabeza, is a Full Professor within the Chemical Engineering Department and the Nanoscience and Materials Institute of Aragon at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Victor Sebastian obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Zaragoza (2008). The quality and novelty of his PhD in the fields of gas-membrane purification and microreactor engineering was recognized by the University of Zaragoza with the award of the best PhD work in the Engineering field. Dr. Sebastian has enjoyed numerous research stays as invited and Post-Doc researcher at several excellent research centres: University of Aveiro (Portugal), The European Membrane Institute (France), the Mainz Institute of Microtechnology (Germany), SINTEF (Norway), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-USA).
Dr. Sebastian is a dedicated scientist of high productivity in the field of Chemical and Nanomaterials Engineering, as can be seen by his publication record (246 publications in top Journals, 2 patents, 6 book chapters, h index= 47 with more than 7100 cites -SCOPUS, in addition to more than 120 presentations at scientific meetings). His work has been highlighted in 19 main covers in high impact journals. Dr. Sebastian is actively leading an innovative research in the field of nanomaterials engineering using microfluidic reactors as a platform to control de reaction conditions to tune the wide range of properties of nanomaterials. More specifically, he is responsible for a pioneering research line based in the use of microfluidics technology to achieve an exquisite control on nanomaterials production, to improve the reproducibility and controllability under the nanoscale.  Dr Sebastian has also contributed in the microscopy characterization of the nanomaterials produced with this novel technology, applying these nanomaterials in wide variety of applications in the fields of nanomedicine, catalysis and nanocomposites. He has also shown ability to attract research funds, being involved in 21 National Scientific Projects and 8 European Scientific Projects. To highlight the importance of the applicant produced result, Dr. Sebastian has obtained in the last years several prestigious awards: -Fulbright Scholarship from US council (2009), Marie Curie-Career Integration Grant (2012) -Burgen Scholarship Award (2014) awarded from the Academia Europaea and the Juan López de Peñalver-Medal (2016) awarded by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Award in the category  “Contribution for a better society” (2017), the Resomer17 Award (2018) awarded by Evonik, Research grant "Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia correspondiente" awarded by Fundación Ramón Areces (2021), Leonardo Grant awarded by Fundación BBVA (2021) and Ramon y Cajal award for the best publication in the field of Biomedicine and Biotechnology from the Aragon local Government..
Prof Sebastian has developed innovative Methods of Teaching and learning Science and Engineering at the University Level, being involved in several Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL) Research projects. He has supervised 7 PhD students (sobresaliente cum-laude), currently supervising 5 PhD and more than 30 graduate and master students.

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