Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

López Pérez, Óscar

UNESCO codes
  • Genética
  • Patología
Office phone: 976511929
Mobile phone: 648195603
ORCID number: 0000-0003-2454-2114

Research interests
  • Ciencias naturales y ciencias de la salud
  • Mecanismos moleculares de enfermedad
  • Animales de laboratorio
  • Cultivo celular
  • Biología molecular, celular y genética
  • Histología
  • Genética
  • Veterinaria
  • Priones patógenos de animales
  • Bioensayos

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I have a degree in veterinary from the University of Zaragoza and I received a PhD´s degree from the same university in 2018 under the Doctoral Program in “Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences”, with international doctorate mention, Cum Laude qualification and Extraordinary Doctorate Award. I performed my doctoral thesis work entitled “Autophagy and biomarkers in prion diseases” at the Center for Encephalopathies and Emerging Transmissible Diseases (CEETE) and at the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics (LAGENBIO) of the Department of Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Genetics of the Faculty of Veterinary, thanks to a 4-year predoctoral fellowship granted by the Government of Aragón in 2014 (C012/2014). Within this framework, I was part of the project funded by the MINECO AGL2015-67945-P (“Epigenetic Biomarkers in Prion Diseases”), I published several scientific articles on this subject in indexed journals, and I presented the results of my research in numerous national and international scientific congresses, obtaining two awards for the best poster and oral communication. During this time, I did a research stay at the UMR INRA/École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse (France, 3 months) financed by a CAI-Ibercaja grant for research stays, I co-directed 2 final degree projects, and I taught theoretical and practical classes in various subjects of the veterinary degree. Also, I am in possession of the title for the performance of procedures with experimental animals Category C (former B) granted by the Government of Aragón, and I have completed my training by conducting numerous courses, satellite sessions and cross-training activities.

In the course of these years, I have been trained in bioassay techniques (preparation of infectious inocula, experimental infections, evaluation of clinical signs and sampling of experimental animals), histopathological analysis (hematoxylin-eosin staining, immunohistochemistry, PET blot), creation of lesion profiles, use of informatic tools (design of primers, creation of databases, statistical analysis), cell culture techniques (isolation, culture, differentiation, infection), prion propagation techniques (PMCA, RT-QuIC), and basic molecular and genetic techniques (ELISA, Western blot, Dot blot, BCA, PCR, qRT-PCR), applied both in the natural sheep model of the prion disease and in cellular and transgenic murine models.

I am currently affiliated to the Network Center of Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED) of the Institute of Health Carlos III, and to the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), where I work as a postdoctoral researcher within the project EPY0330001 (“Evaluation of the public health risk of atypical and emerging prions”), financed by the foundation “La Marató de TV3” and coordinated by Dr Franc Llorens. Within this framework, I perform bioassays in transgenic murine models of prion disease and study biomarkers in biological fluids (blood and cerebrospinal fluid). Due to the infectious nature of these agents, I perform these tasks at the laboratory PRIOCAT, located in the Biocontainment level 3 Unit of the Animal Health Research Center IRTA-CReSA of Barcelona.

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