Millán Díaz-Foncea (Logroño, 1985). PhD in Economics and Management of Organisations from the University of Zaragoza, where I am PDI with the category of Profesor Titular de Universidad in the Department of Business Management and Organisation. Member of the research group GESES-University of Zaragoza (, of the scientific association CIRIEC-Spain and of the International Research Network on Social Enterprise EMES. With these entities, I have been a promoter of REJIES - Red de Jóvenes Investigadores en Economía Social (, and the EJEB - EMES Junior Experts' Blog ( He is currently on the editorial board of two academic journals in the field (Revista CIRIEC-España, indexed in SCOPUS, and Revista RIESISE, Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Solidaria e Innovación Socioecológica), and is coordinator of the ENUIES Network of University Research Centres in Social Economy, which brings together 12 Centres from 6 Autonomous Communities with more than 150 researchers.
My research activity has focused on the study of social economy enterprises, collective entrepreneurship, social enterprises and new economies (solidarity economy, collaborative economy...). Specifically, the candidate's lines of research have been three: (1) Social Economy, which includes the analysis of the foundations of Social Economy entities, the evaluation and Social Impact of organisations, and the study of new trends in the Social and Solidarity Economy; (2) Cooperative Societies, on the creation and entrepreneurship, the contribution of these organisations to the economic development of their territory, and the internal organisation of these organisations; and (3) Social Enterprises and Hybrid Organisations, examining their concept and characteristics, as well as creation and entrepreneurship.
As results of this activity, we can highlight the publication of 44 texts in 10 years of career, 26 of them in "journal articles" format, of which 8 have been in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report and 10 in journals that are currently indexed in Scopus. I have published 18 books, monographs and chapters, published by prestigious publishers. I have participated in 24 research projects (4 international, 9 national and 11 regional), of which, in 4 of them, I have done so as coordinator or Principal Investigator. In addition, I have been the responsible researcher in 12 of the 15 research contracts in which I have participated.
In addition, in my work in contact with the business sector of the social economy, I have participated in the constitution process of CEPES-Aragon, I am a member of the technical committee of the ethical financial services cooperative COOP57 (Aragon section), and I am a partner owner in several cooperatives such as Som Energía, Som Conexión, MESCoop Aragón and FIARE Banca Ética, among others, all of them organisations with socially innovative practices in the field of sustainability and social inclusion. Sexenio Investigación CNEAI _ Periodo 2018-2023 _
Sexenio Investigación CNEAI _ Periodo 2012-2017 _
Scientific chapters
- Aprendizaje-servicio: empresa y economía al servicio de la sociedad. Pessoa de Oliveira, Ana Katarina. LIBRO DE ACTAS DE LAS XVI JORNADAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE E INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA UZ. 2024
- Valoración de la metodología Aprendizaje-Servicio desde la perspectiva del estudiante. Pessoa de Oliveira, Ana Katarina; Leach Ros, Mª Blanca; García Casarejos, Mª Nieves; Grillo Méndez, Ana Julia; Larramona Ballarín, Gemma; Fraj Andrés, Elena; Bernal Cuenca, Estrella; Bernad Morcate, Cristina; Aisa Rived, Rosa María; Montaner Gutiérrez, Mª Teresa; Bordonaba Juste, Mª Victoria; Cabanes Cacho, Mª del Mar; Acero Fraile, Isabel; Lobán Acero, Lidia; Belanche Gracia, Daniel; Díaz Foncea, Millán. LIBRO DE ACTAS DE LAS XV JORNADAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE E INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA UZ,. 2023
- Social Enterprises: Conceptual Debates and Approaches. Díaz Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen. THE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISE LAW. BENEFIT CORPORATIONS AND OTHER PURPOSE-DRIVEN COMPANIES. 2023
- Universidad y economía social un binomio necesario para una economía con valores. Díaz Foncea, Millán. LA ECONOMÍA SOCIAL Y EL COOPERATIVISMO EN LAS MODERNAS ECONOMÍAS DE MERCADO: EN HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR JOSÉ LUIS MONZÓN CAMPOS 2021
- Social Enterprise in Spain From a Diversity of Roots to a Tentative Typology of Models. Díaz Foncea, Millán; Villajos, Esther; Savall, Teresa; Guzmán, Carmen; Santos, F. Javier; Solórzano-García, Marta; Marcuello-Servós, Chaime; Chaves-Ávila, Rafael; Marcuello, Carmen. SOCIAL ENTERPRISE IN WESTERN EUROPE THEORY, MODELS AND PRACTICE 2021
- Social Economy in Spain: Economic Crisis and Society. Díaz Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen. THE NEW SOCIAL AND IMPACT ECONOMY. 2021
- Creación y difusión de innovación social a través del emprendimiento social en la universidad. Bretos Fernández, Ignacio; Díaz Foncea, Millán; Lozenkco, Alla. ECONOMÍA, EMPRESA Y JUSTICIA: NUEVOS RETOS PARA EL FUTURO. 2021
- La experiencia de los mercados sociales españoles. Díaz Foncea, Millán; Bretos, Ignacio; Marcuello, Carmen. EXPERIENCIAS EMERGENTES DE LA ECONOMÍA SOCIAL EN IBEROAMÉRICA. 2020
- Evaluación del impacto social en la economía social. Díaz Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen. MANUAL DE ECONOMÍA SOCIAL. 2020
- Social entrepreneurship as a tool for promoting critical, paradoxical learning in the field of business organization and management: An experiment from the University of Zaragoza. Díaz Foncea, Millán; Bretos; Ignacio; Sarasa, Clara; Lozenko, Alla Kristina; Marcuello, Carmen. 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD'20). 2020
- Why Do Donors Donate?. Bretos, Ignacio; Díaz Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen. FINANCING NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. 2020
- El Laboratorio de Economía Social de la Universidad de Zaragoza: un caso de éxito en la generación y difusión de innovación docente. Bretos, I.; Nogales-Bocio; A. I.; de Sola, J.; Díaz Foncea, M. NEW APPROACHES IN INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT. 2020
- Consumer (Co-)Ownership in Renewables in Spain. Díaz-Foncea, Millán; Bretos, Ignacio. ENERGY TRANSITION: FINANCING CONSUMER CO-OWNERSHIP IN RENEWABLES 2019
- El Laboratorio de Economía Social (LAB_ES): Una experiencia de generación colectiva de conocimiento e innovación docente. Bretos Fernández, Ignacio; Díaz-Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen; Sarasa, Clara MATERIALES E INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO. 2019
- La Economía Social en España. Una mirada. Bretos, Ignacio; Díaz Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen; Saz-GIl, Isabel. ANUARIO IBEROAMERICANO DE LA ECONOMÍA SOCIAL. 2018
- Nuevas Tendencias de la Economía Social: Vínculos con la Economía Colaborativa. Díaz Foncea, M.; Pérez-Benedí, P. INFORME DE LA ECONOMÍA SOCIAL EN ARAGÓN, 2016. CARACTERÍSTICAS, DIMENSIÓN Y EVOLUCIÓN DE LA ECONOMÍA SOCIAL ARAGONESA. 2017
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses