Journal articles
- Casas-Cortés, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastián. Rethinking mobility in social theory: Yann Moulier-Boutang and the motor of history. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY. 2024. DOI: 10.1177/13684310241270435
- Diz, Carlos; Casas-Cortés, Maribel. On delivery waiting: The entanglement of gig and border temporalities in platform cities. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE. 2024. DOI: 10.1177/02637758241290881
- Cobarrubias, S.; Cuttitta, P.; Casas-Cortés, M.; Lemberg-Pedersen, M.; El Qadim, N.; Isleyen, B.; Fine, S.; Giusa, C.; Heller, C. Interventions on the concept of externalisation in migration and border studies. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2023.102911
- Casas-Cortés Maribel; Moya Santander, Laura; Piñeiro Aguiar, Eleder. Algoritmos de reconocimiento facial entre repartidores en España: Vigilancia y complicidad con las prácticas de subarriendo y uso compartido de cuentas personales. REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGIA. 2023. DOI: 10.3989/dra.2023.001c
- Casas-Cortés, Maribel. Can the subaltern be listened to? an anthropology of platform commonsense in spite of the law - Juan M. del Nido, Taxis vs. Uber: courts, markets, and technology in Buenos Aires (Stadford University Press, 2021, 238 p.). ARCHIVES EUROPEENNES DE SOCIOLOGIE. 2023. DOI: 10.1017/S0003975623000061
- Casas-Cortés, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastian. A corona-carnival? A carnivalesque interpretation of (im)mobilities under COVID-19 lockdowns. POLITICS. 2023. DOI: 10.1177/02633957231165220
- Sanz de Miguel, Pablo; Casas-Cortés, María Isabel; Prieto Arratibel, Amaia; Arasanz Díaz, Juan. El empleo irregular tras la Ley Rider: ¿nueva regulación, idénticas estrategias empresariales?. RES. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SOCIOLOGIA. 2023. DOI: 10.22325/fes/res.2023.177
- Báez Melián, Juan Miguel; Bergua Amores, José Angel; Casas Cortés, Maribel; Gracia Bernal, Amparo; Moya Santander, Laura. De la precariedad económica a la vulnerabilidad existencial. Notas para una ampliación de paradigma. DIGIT.HVM (BARCELONA). 2022. DOI: 10.7238/d.v0i29.394169
- Minguijon, Jaime; Pac Salas, David; Casas-Cortés, Maribel. La vulnerabilidad social desde la perspectiva territorial. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE ORGANIZACIONES. 2022. DOI: 10.17345/rio28.137-160
- Casas Cortés, M.; Cobarrubias Baglietto, S. La migración como (f)actor geopolítico: una aproximación desde la autonomía de la migración. SCRIPTA NOVA-REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE GEOGRAFIA Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES. 2022. DOI: 10.1344/SN2022.26.33950
- Casas-Cortes, M. ''Migration thinking'': Embracing mobility all the way down. DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 2021. DOI: 10.1177/2043820621989592
- Casas Cortés, M. Precarious Writings. Reckoning the Absences and Reclaiming the Legacies in the Current Poetics/Politics of Precarity. CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.1086/716721
- Moya, Laura; Casas-Cortés, Maribel; Monge, Cristina; Pac, David; Báez, Juan Miguel; Minguijón, Jaime; López, Ivan; Gastón, Diego; Bergua, José Angel. Creatividad sin moldes: emergencias inesperadas desde la vulnerabilidad colectiva. IMAGINACIÓN O BARBARIE. 2020
- Casas-Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastián. La autonomía de la migración: Una perspectiva alternativa sobre la movilidad humana y los controles migratorios. EMPIRIA (MADRID). 2020. DOI: 10.5944/empiria.46.2020.26967
- Moya, Laura; Bergua, José Angel; Casas, Maribel. Activismo y arte Crip: la solución está en lo (im)posible. IMAGINACIÓN O BARBARIE. 2020
- Casas Cortes, Maribel. Care-tizenship: precarity, social movements, and the deleting/re-writing of citizenship. CITIZENSHIP STUDIES. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2018.1556248
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Heller, Charles; Pezzani, Lorenzo. Clashing Cartographies, Migrating Maps: The Politics of Mobility at the External Borders of E.U.rope. ACME. 2017. DOI: 10.14288/acme.v16i1.1094
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. 'Good neighbours make good fences': Seahorse operations, border externalization and extra-territoriality. EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES. 2016. DOI: 10.1177/0969776414541136
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; de Genova, Nicholas; Garelli, Glenda; Grappi, Giorgio; Heller, Charles; Hess, Sabine; Kasparek, Bernd; Mezzadra, Sandro; Neilson, Brett; Peano, Irene; Pezzani, Lorenzo; Pickles, John; Rahola, Federica; Riedner, Lisa; Scheel, Stephan; Tazzioli, Martina. New keywords: migration and borders. CULTURAL STUDIES. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2014.891630
- Casas-Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. Riding Routes and Itinerant Borders: Autonomy of Migration and Border Externalization. ANTIPODE. 2015. DOI: 10.1111/anti.12148
- Casas Cortes, Maribel. A Genealogy of Precarity: A Toolbox for Rearticulating Fragmented Social Realities in and out of the Workplace. RETHINKING MARXISM. 2014. DOI: 10.1080/08935696.2014.888849
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. Re-bordering the Neighbourhood: Europe’s Emerging Geographies of Non-Accession Integration. EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES. 2013. DOI: 10.1177/0969776411434848
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. Stretching Borders Beyond Sovereign Territories? Mapping EU and Spain’s Border Externalization Policies. GEOPOLITICA(S). 2011. DOI: 10.5209/rev_GEOP.2011.v2.n1.37898
- Cobarrubias, Sebastian; Cortes, Maribel Casas; Pickles, John. An Interview with Sandro Mezzadra. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE. 2011. DOI: 10.1068/d03int
- Herb, Guntram H.; Häkli, Jouni; Corson, Mark W.; Mellow, Nicole; Cobarrubias, Sebastian; Casas-Cortes, Maribel. Intervention: Mapping is critical!. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2009.09.005
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. Activist Cartography: Enabling Alternative Political Spaces. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2009
- Casas Cortes, Maribel; Osterweil, Michal; Powell, Dana. Blurring Boundaries: Recognizing Knowledge-Practices in the Study of Social Movements. ANTHROPOLOGICAL QUARTERLY. 2008. DOI: 10.1353/anq.2008.0006
- Casas Cortés, María Isabel. World anthropologies network and activist research: towards building decolonial and feminist projects. . WORLD ANTHROPOLOGIES NETWORK E-JOURNAL (WAN) ELECTRONIC JOURNAL. 2006
Scientific chapters
- How to counter-map collectively . Counter- Cartographies Collective (3Cs). Casas Cortés, María Isabel; Cobarrubias, Sebastian; Mason-Deese, Liz; Stallman, Tim; Swanson, Nathan. AN ETHNOGRAPHIC INVENTORY FIELD DEVICES FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL INQUIRY. 2023
- Articulating Europe from the Sephardic Margin: Restoring Citizenship for Expulsed Jews, and not Muslims, in Spain?. Casas Cortés, María Isabel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastián. CREATING EUROPE FROM THE MARGINS: MOBILITIES AND RACISM IN POSTCOLONIAL EUROPE. 2023
- Tinkering with Care and Citizenship in Times of Uncertainty. Contributions by Feminist Precarity Activists. Casas Cortés, María Isabel. GENDER, RACE AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP. 2022
- Politics of Care, Emotions and Social Change. Casas Cortés, María Isabel; Pratesi, A.; Sielert, D.: Supik, Linda. GENDER, RACE AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP. 2022
- Routes Thinking. Casas Cortés, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastián. VIAPOLITICS: BORDERS, MIGRATION, AND THE POWER OF LOCOMOTION. 2021
- Introducción: "Europa/Crisis": Nuevas Palabras Claves de “la Crisis” en y de “Europa”. Alvarez Velasco, Soledad; Casas Cortés, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastian; De Genova, Nicholas. EUROPA/CRISIS: NUEVAS PALABRAS CLAVES DE “LA CRISIS” EN Y DE “EUROPA". 2021
- Los comunes: una manera diferente de gestionar lo social. Casas Cortés, María Isabel. TRAS LA INDIGNACIÓN. 2021
- Los múltiples impactos del COVID19 en las migraciones, fronteras y políticas migratorias. Casas Cortés, María Isabel; Cobarrubias, Sebastián. INCERTIDUMBRES EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: UNA MIRADA HACIA EL FUTURO. 2021
- Ana Isabel Serrano Osanz, Roberto Anadón Mamés. El aula de música en el Grado de Magisterio : un espacio para implementar emociones a través del canto. BIENESTAR SOCIAL: ORGANIZACIONES SALUDABLES. 2021
- Ester Ayllón, Azucena Lozano, Annabella Salamanca. Participación de las niñas y los niños en la creación de una guía de acogida hospitalaria. BIENESTAR SOCIAL: ORGANIZACIONES SALUDABLES. 2021
- Juan Miguel Báez Melián, Maribel Casas-Cortés, Jaime Minguijón Pablo. Desigualdad, vulnerabilidad y pandemia. INCERTIDUMBRES EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: UNA MIRADA HACIA EL FUTURO. 2021
- Maribel Casas Cortés. Los comunes : una manera diferente de gestionar lo social. TRAS LA INDIGNACIÓN : EL 15M, MIRADAS DESDE EL PRESENTE. 2021
- Maribel Casas Cortés. Los múltiples impactos del COVID 19 en las migraciones, fronteras y políticas migratorias. INCERTIDUMBRES EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: UNA MIRADA HACIA EL FUTURO. 2021
- Nora Ramos Vallecillo, Juan Cruz Resano López. La mejora del aprendizaje competencial a partir de la motivación frente a la actividad artística por medio del desarrollo del aprendizaje basado en proyectos. BIENESTAR SOCIAL: ORGANIZACIONES SALUDABLES. 2021
- Concentric Circles in the EU’s External Migration Policy? Dissecting Colonial Logics in the Ordering of Territories and Mobilities. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. THE CRITICAL HANDBOOK ON MIGRATION GEOGRAPHIES. 2019
- A War on Mobility: The Border Empire Strikes Back. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. WAYS OF KNOWING CITIES 2019
- B/Ordering Turbulence: Expert knowledge in the management of human mobility. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. MAPPING MIGRATION, IDENTITY, AND SPACE. 2019
- Fronteras cambiantes, soberanias desplazadas: en defensa del derecho a migrar. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. FRONTERAS DEL SIGLO XXI: ¿OBSTACULOS O PUENTES?. 2018
- Maribel Casas Cortés, Sebastian Cobarrubias, John Pickles ; Carlos Diz (trad.). Fronteras cambiantes, soberanias desplazadas : en defensa del derecho a migrar. FRONTERAS DEL SIGLO XXI: ¿OBSTÁCULOS O PUENTES? : IN MEMORIAM PROFESOR ÁNGEL G. CHUECA SANCHO. 2018
- A Genealogy of Precarity: A Toolbox for Rearticulating Fragmented Social Realities in and out of the Workplace. Casas Cortes, Maribel. POLITICS OF PRECARITY: MIGRANT CONDITIONS, STRUGGLES AND EXPERIENCES. 2017
- Precariedad Everywhere?! Rethinking precarity and emigration in Spain. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. MAPPING PRECARIOUSNESS, LABOUR INSECURITY AND UNCERTAIN LIVELIHOODS: SUBJECTIVITIES AND RESISTANCE. 2017
- Fronteras borrosas. Reconocer las Practicas de Concomiento en el Estudio de los Movimientos Sociales. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Osterweil, Michal; Powell, Dana. PRÁCTICAS OTRAS DE CONOCIMIENTO(S) ENTRE CRISIS, ENTRE GUERRAS. 2015
- The Commons. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Pickles, John. A HANDBOOK OF URBAN ANTHROPOLOGY. 2014
- Kollidierende Kartografien, migrating maps. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Heller, Charles; Pezzani, Lorenzo. GRENZREGIME II. GLOBALE POLITIKEN DER KONTROLLE – TRANSNATIONALE KA?MPFE DER MIGRATION. 2014
- Le regard cartographique, les nouvelles cartographies des frontières, et les responsabilités du cartographe Pickles, John; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian; Casas Cortes, Maribel. GEOESTHETIQUE. 2014
- Transformations in Engaged Ethnography: Knowledge, Networks and Social Movements. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Osterweil, Michal; Powell, Dana. INSURGENT ENCOUNTERS. 2013
- Introduccion. Community Organizing: el Legado de Alinsky en la Cultura Politica Estadounidense. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. TRATADO PARA RADICALES: MANUAL PARA REVOLUCIONARIOS PRAGMÁTICOS. 2012
- Transatlantic Translations: Detectives and Researchers for the Revolution(s). Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. USES OF A WHIRLWIND: MOVEMENT, MOVEMENTS AND CONTEMPORARY RADICAL CURRENTS IN THE UNITED STATES. 2010
- Practices of Radical Cartography. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebasitan; Dalton, Craig; Mason-Deese, Elizabeth; Pickles, John; Stallman, Timothy. TOWARDS A GLOBAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY: COGNITIVE LABOR, THE PRODUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXODUS FROM THE EDUCATION FACTORY. 2009
- Drawing Escape Tunnels through Borders: Cartographic Research Experiments by European Social Movements. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. AN ATLAS OF RADICAL CARTOGRAPHY. 2007
- Drifting through the Knowledge Machine. Casas Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias Baglietto, Sebastian. CONSTITUENT IMAGINATION: MILITANT INVESTIGATIONS, COLLECTIVE THEORIZATION. 2007
- EGRUIEN / Encouraging a Digital and Green Transition through Revitalised and Inclusive Union-Employer Negotiations. 01/01/25 - 31/12/28
- S66_23R: Sociedad, creatividad e incertidumbre. 01/01/23 - 31/12/25
- PID2020-115170RB-I00: Culturas emergentes de precariedad móvil en la Gig Economy digital: Un estudio de caso sobre el sector de la comida a domicilio en España. 01/09/21 - 31/05/25
- DOTACIÓN ADICIONAL AYUDA RAMÓN Y CAJAL RYC2018-024990-I. 01/01/20 - 31/12/24
- S66_20D: Grupo De Investigación Sobre Sociedad, Creatividad E Incertidumbre (GISCI). 01/01/20 - 31/12/22
- Cultures of Precarity: Reinventing Politics, Work and Everyday Lives in Spain. 01/01/16 - 31/12/19
- The Emerging Border Geographies of Europe: The Politics of Non-Accession Integration and the Changing Excercise of Sovereignty in the Euro-Med Region. 01/01/10 - 31/12/13
- The Production of Knowledge in Social Movements: Activist Research and Alternative sites of Expertise. 01/05/08 - 31/12/09
- Expertise from Below: The Cultural Politics of Knowledge, Globalization and the Activist Research Movement in Spain. 01/06/06 - 28/04/08
Supervision of undergraduate dissertations
- Coworking: espacios de trabajo compartidos. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente. 02/11/22
- Propuesta y estudio de mercado de la aplicación "Wear it Well". Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente. 06/07/22
Supervision of master's theses
- Mostrando identidades: Experiencias y desafíos de Estudiantes con Hiyab en la Educación Superior. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente. 20/12/24
Previous research
- Investigadora Ramón y Cajal. Universidad de Zaragoza, AECI y MCIU. 01/01/20 - 31/12/24
- Hunt Post-Doctoral Fellow. Wenner-Gren Foundation. 01/01/16 - 31/12/19
- Adjunct Professor & Research Affiliate. University of North Carolina-Charlotte. 01/01/14 - 31/12/15
- Post-Doctoral Fellow. National Science Foundation NSF. 01/01/10 - 31/12/13
- Mellon Foundation & ACLS Research Fellow. American Council Learned Societies. 01/05/08 - 31/12/09
- Research Fellow. Wenner-Gren Foundation. 01/06/06 - 28/04/08
- Teaching Assistant. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 24/08/03 - 31/05/06
- Professional Social Organizer. Mexico Solidarity Network. 01/06/01
- Co-editor. Institute of Latin American Studies. 01/01/99
Participation in conferences
- RIDERS International Conference on the Platform Economy. Organizativo - Presidente Comité. Openening Address: Presentation of the Riders Research Project. Zaragoza. 21/05/24
- VI Conferencia en sociología de las políticas públicas y sociales "Las políticas públicas en un escenario internacional incierto". Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). ¿Plataformas de (des)protección?: Un análisis de las (in)movilidades de los repartidores de comida a domicilio con condiciones de salud precarias. Zaragoza. 05/05/23
- VIII Congreso APA (Associaçao Portuguesa de Antropología). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). (In)movilidades riders: Una aproximación etnográfica a la viapolítica del reparto de comida. Évora. 08/09/22
- EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Delivering Care and Riders´Benches: Circuits of reproduction and mutual aid by and among food-couriers. Belfast. 26/07/22
- SASE 2021 Annual Virtual Congress. Participativo - Otros. Tiempo de espera, tiempo de movimiento: Migrantes marcando el tiempo y creando tiempo durante la pandemia (panel moderator). online 03/07/21
- SASE 2021 Annual Virtual Congress. Participativo - Otros. CoronaBorders: from a Carnival to an Epistemology of Ignorance. online 03/07/21
- Futures of Public Anthropology Lecture Series. Participativo - Otros. The Dis/Placing Gaze of Ethnography. Berlin. 24/06/21
- XV Congress of Society International of European Folklore. Participativo - Otros. The ambivalent politics of vulnerability: lessons from precarity and ‘disability’ pride struggles. Helsinki-Online. 22/06/21
- 15th SIEF Congress Breaking the rules?. Power, participation and transgression. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). The ambivalent politics of vulnerability: lessons from precarity and "disability" pride struggles. Helsinki. 19/06/21
- XV Congreso internacional de la Asociacion de Antropología del Estado Español. Participativo - Otros. ¿Derechos para l@s migrantes o derecho a migrar? ¿Quien es y no es un ‘migrante’?. Madrid-online. 02/02/21
- The Moral Economies of Knowledge Production on Migration: Conflicts, Values, Positionalities. Participativo - Otros. 'The map precedes the territory’: Thinking through the moral economies in cartographies of border externalization. Osnabruck. 03/12/20
- European Association of Social Anthropology bi-annaual meeting. Participativo - Otros. Border Externalization: Trajectories and Future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed Borders (Panel Session A paper discussant). Lisbon (online). 22/07/20
- European Association of Social Anthropology bi-annaual meeting. Participativo - Otros. Border Externalization: Trajectories and Future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed Borders (Panel Session C panel chair). Lisbon (online). 22/07/20
- Roundtable honoring Arturo Escobar, Duke & UNC-Chapel Hill Latin American Studies Consortium. Participativo - Otros. Epistemic Nomads: Building Knowledges between South and North American Academies as well as Social Movements. Durham. 16/02/18
- Ways of Knowing Cities Conference. Participativo - Otros. Researching Cartographies of Border Control. New York City. 08/02/18
- Congreso Geografico Italiano. Participativo - Otros. Displaced Frontiers of Power: The Colonial Politics of Border Externalization’s Geographic Imagination. Roma. 09/06/17
- American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Participativo - Otros. Panel on The Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration (Panel Presentation). Boston. 05/04/17
- American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Participativo - Otros. Ad Hoc Territories of Illegality: Externalization as Itinerant B/ordering Assemblages. Boston. 05/04/17
- American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Participativo - Otros. (Extra)-territoriality part II: Migration, Refugees and Securitization (Paper Discussant). Boston. 05/04/17
- Bi-annual Congress of the European Association of Social Anthropology. Participativo - Otros. Expert Knowledge & Migration Maps: Tracing the European Crisis of Human Mobility via the ICMPD. Milano. 23/07/16
- Post-Colonialism, Critical theory and Democracy. Participativo - Otros. Post-Imperial Spaces of the European Neighborhood: Re-imagining the Mediterranean. New York City. 15/04/16
- The Anthropology of the Politics of Scale. Participativo - Otros. The Scalar Production of a Mediterranean Border: Migration Control Practices by the European Union in North & West Africa. Havana. 24/02/16
- Fronteras en el Siglo 21: Obstaculos o Puentes?. Participativo - Otros. La Externalizacion de las Fronteras Europeas y la propuesta del Ius Migrandi. Zaragoza. 09/06/14
- International Conference on Cultures of Precarity. Participativo - Otros. Producing a Lexicon on Precarity and Care in Spain. Paris. 06/12/12
- Association of Borderlands Studies Conference. Participativo - Otros. The Seahorse operations, Spain and Migration Routes Management in Africa. Lisboa. 12/09/12
- CSIC sponsored International Workshop: City as Open Interface. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Counter Cartographies Collective and Counter mapping the University. Madrid. 04/07/12
- Congreso Internacional sobre Migraciones. Participativo - Otros. Migration Routes Management: The Latest EU Migration Control Strategy. Zaragoza. 27/10/11
- XII Congreso de Antropologia de Espana. Participativo - Otros. Las Politicas Culturales del Regimen Fronterizo Exterior de la Union Europea. Leon. 07/09/11
- Post-Autonomist Theory Conference. Participativo - Otros. A Genealogy of Precarity. Amsterdam. 21/05/11
- Congreso de Fronteras Ibericas. Participativo - Otros. Estirando Fronteras. Madrid. 29/03/11
- American Anthropological Association 2009 Annual Meeting. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Tejiendo Conocimientos: Challenges to Ethnographic Theory and Practice. Philadelphia. 02/12/09
- Antropologia Contemporanea de los Movimientos Sociales. Participativo - Otros. Tejiendo Redes: Metodologias y Enfoques para un practica etnografica comprometida. A Coruna. 05/11/08
- XI Congreso de Antropología en España. Participativo - Otros. Etnografías made in USA: Rastreando Metodologías Disidentes. Donosti. 12/09/08
- Association of American Geographers Conference. Participativo - Otros. Delete the Border! New Mapping Projects, Activist Art Movements, and the Reworking of the Euro-Border. Chicago. 07/03/06
- “Knowledge, Policy, Environments”: Annual UNC and Duke Consortium in Latin American Studies Conference. Participativo - Otros. Latinas Researching a Globalizing Europe. Chapel Hill. 10/02/06
- American Anthropological Association Conference. Participativo - Otros. Blurring the Boundaries: Knowledge-Practice(s) in Contemporary Social Movements. Washington DC. 04/12/05
- American Anthropological Association Conference. Participativo - Otros. Tejiendo Conocimientos: Challenges to Ethnographic Theory and Practice. Washington DC. 04/12/05
- Latin American Studies Association Conference. Participativo - Otros. Research Methods coming from Social Movements. Other Ethnographies are (already) Possible. Las Vegas. 16/10/05
- American Anthropological Association Annual Conference. Participativo - Otros. Expertise from Below. San Francisco. 03/10/04
- "Latin America and the Caribbean: Crisis, Utopias and Works in Progress": Annual UNC and Duke Consortium in Latin American Studies Conference. Participativo - Otros. Activism as a category in action. Chapel Hill. 14/02/04
- “Alternative Futures and Popular Protest”: International Sociological Association and British Sociological Association Conference. Participativo - Otros. Identity Politics of the Maya Movement in Guatemala. Manchester. 01/11/00
Research stays
- Instituto del Tercer Mundo. Montevideo. Uruguay. 01/02/01 - 01/05/01
- Executive Board of Border Forensics NGO (Founding member). Border Forensics NGO. 01/02/21
- Miembro del colectivo editorial. Journal of Cultural Anthropology. 01/01/20
- Scientific Committee for Contested Borderscapes Conference. Department of Geography, University of the Aegean. 01/02/17 - 01/10/17
Artistic creations
- Cartographic Work Exhibited. Zagreb. 01/11/17
- Cartographic Work Exhibited. Huesca. 01/06/17
- Cartographic Work Exhibited and Co-organization of Exposition. Los Angeles. 01/03/17
- Cartographic Work Exhibited. Madrid. 01/02/17
- Public Panel and Presentation of Maps and Visuals. Santander. 01/07/14
- Keynote Presentation and Cartographic Work Exhibited. Leon. 01/06/14
- Presentation of Research Group. Madrid. 01/04/13
- Exibition Curator. Palencia. 01/12/03
- Co-Organizer. Chicago. 01/11/02
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses
Teaching not UNIZAR
- Sociología de las organizaciones. PCEO Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas / Grado en Economía. Universidad de Zaragoza. 01/01/2021 - 01/06/2021
- Globalization and social justice. Bachelor's in Global Studies. University of North Carolina - Charlotte. 01/08/2015 - 01/12/2015
- Global forces, local cultures. Bachelor's in International Studies. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 01/01/2006 - 01/06/2006
- Introduction to cultural anthropology. Bachelor's in Anthropology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 01/08/2005 - 01/12/2005
- Global forces, local cultures. Bachelor's in International Studies. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 01/01/2005 - 01/06/2005
- Moral consciousness. Bachelor's in Anthropology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 01/08/2004 - 01/12/2004
- Global forces, local cultures. Bachelor's in International Studies. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 01/01/2004 - 01/06/2004
- Introduction to cultural anthropology. Bachelor's in Anthropology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 01/08/2003 - 01/12/2003