Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Pardo Jimeno, Julián
Department: Departamento de Microbiología, Pediatría, Radiología y Salud Pública
Field: Inmunología
Faculty: Facultad de Medicina


Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/24
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 25/05/22. (3)
  • ARAID. 04/06/17
  • ARAID. 04/06/12. (2)
Academic position: Cated. Universidad

Academic position
  • Director de División Biomédica del Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigación
ORCID number: 0000-0003-0154-0730

University degrees
  • Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas Especialidad Química Orgánica. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1999

  • Doctor en Programa Oficial de Posgrado en Bioquímica y biología molecular. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2003

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I have more than 20 years of experience in biomedical research with interdisciplinary teams including academics and clinicians, in the field of cancer immunology and immunotherapy, inflammatory and infectious diseases with a special focus on NK cell and T-lymphocyte-specific cellular immunity. I lead the reference group Immunotherapy, inflammation and cancer at the IISA and lead a group in CIBERINFECT developing lines related to the study of immunity and development of cellular immunotherapy in infectious diseases. I have participated in several national and EU projects (15 competitive projects in 11 of which I have been IP with a total funding of 4.7 million Euros and 7 R&D contracts in all as IP with a total funding of 2.750,000 Euros) . Among other achievements, my laboratory was the first to describe the role of gzms (T and NK lymphocyte proteases) in cancer, apoptosis induced by Tc-derived gzms, or the role of gzmA in arthritis, sepsis  and inflammatory colorectal cancer. The impact of our results in the field is backed by the recent invitation to review this area in Nature Reviews Rheumatology (2024). We are currently evaluating the role of gzmA-mediated inflammation in several observational studies, including sepsis, influenza or COVID19, designed with clinical investigatorsm asupporting the translational relevance or our research. In addition, I coordinate the WP related with CART cell development within the prestigious EU advanced ERC ICOMICS and ERC proof of concept VASTO project aimed at studying the mechanical role of the tumor microenvironment in the efficacy of CARTs against solid tumors, led by JM Garcia Aznar. In total, I have published more than 120 articles in international journals, including Nature Immunology, Immunity, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Cell Biology, Blood, Cell Reports, and Cell Death and Differentiation, which have been cited more than 7,000 times with h-index 38 (36 excluding self citations). Some of these works have been widely cited, with 30 papers cited more than 50 times by prestigious researchers in the field. i.e. Clin Can Res 2015 (462 citations), ACS nano 2015 (320 citations), Immunity 2008 (280 citations), J Cell Biol 2004 (114), Cell Death Diff 2007 (108) , Euk Cell 2007 (189 citations), J Immunol 2001 (102), Cell rep 2014 (53 citations), J Immuno Can 2020 (40 citations) or Trends Can 2020 (106 citations) and have generated different patents, indicating a high relevance for the field. I have supervised 20 doctoral students and given several invited talks at international and national conferences and developed numerous outreach activities, including collaborations with associations such as AECC; ASPANOA or FARO and industry (Solutex, BDR, World Pathol, IBIAN, BMS, NovaPan). Lastly, I am co-inventor of 6 patents related to the diagnosis of infections and immunotherapy in infectious diseases and cancer, one of them licensed to BDR. Based on our results I have contributed to the development of a new NK cell expansion protocol against cancer and I coordinate the creation of the new Advanced Therapies Unit at the Miguel Servet Hospital in Zaragoza. Regarding teaching activities, I have participated as Associate Professor and Extraordinary Collaborator in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching at the University of Zaragoza for the last 12 years, within the Immunology Area, where I have been a Full Professor (Catedrático) since september 2024.

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