Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Alastruey Benedé, Jesús
Department: Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas
Field: Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
Faculty: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Group: T58_23R: gaZ: grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores de la Universidad de Zaragoza

UNESCO codes
  • Simulación
  • Arquitectura de ordenadores

Number of 6-year periods of research productivity evaluation
  • CNEAI agreement periods of research evaluation. 27/06/23
  • CNEAI agreement periods of research evaluation. 28/11/19
Academic position: Profesor contratado doctor
Personal web page:
ORCID number: 0000-0003-4164-5078

University degrees
  • Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores). Universidad de Zaragoza. 2001
  • Período de Docencia, programa de Doctorado Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2001
  • Ingeniero de Telecomunicación Especialidad Comunicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1997

  • Doctor por la Universidad de Zaragoza dentro del Programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2009

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In 2000 I joined the computer architecture group (gaZ) led by Víctor Viñals.The gaZ is a member of the European network of excellence HiPEAC and is recognized as a research group consolidated by the Government of Aragon.

I started working in the line of cache memories. This work is reflected in a publication in the IEEE MICRO journal, one of the most relevant in the area of computer architecture.

In mid-2003, the research line was redirected to the management of the register bank and I was assigned as thesis supervisor to Teresa Monreal.This line, supervised by Mateo Valero, is integrated into coordinated research projects between the DAC of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the gaZ.The most important publications in this topic are three articles in international congresses whose acceptance rates range from 26% to 38%.These three articles have had some impact on the industry. Proof of this is that they are cited by 17 patents granted or requested by three important companies (IBM, QUALCOMM and ARM).

In recent years I have worked on two different research lines:
1) Memory hierarchies: fault-tolerant hierarchies for multiprocessor systems, shared resource management (LLC, BW) via hardware/software control, hardware prefetching.
2) Molecular dynamics and genomics supercomputing applications

The results of these research lines include two doctoral thesis and several contributions to relevant journals and conferences.

Regarding work with companies, I have been collaborating for several years with TAFYESA for the development of remote infrastructure management systems.
As a result of this project, automation, communication and telemanagement products have been developed.
These systems, deployed in a large part of the installations carried out by TAFYESA for different companies and institutions, manage infrastructures distributed throughout the world.
For example, the following are cited:
- Water supply systems of the municipalities of Huesca and Albarracín
- Lighting systems of the municipalities of Huesca and Zaragoza
- Energy measurement system in building of the Ministry of Energy, Santiago de Chile
- Lighting system of the municipality of Viña del Mar (Chile)

Likewise, in this framework, consultancies have been carried out to request aid in competitive calls. The most relevant result is the fourth best assessment (180/200) on a total of 286 applications evaluated in the call for 2017 corresponding to the Program of Aids to Industry and SMEs in Aragon (PAIP).

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