Profile (CV) of the research teaching staff

Palacios Latasa, Elías
ORCID number: 0000-0003-3567-7030

Research interests
  • Calorimetría
  • Caracterizacion
  • Estructura
  • Magnetismo

University degrees
  • Licenciado en Ciencias Sección Físicas. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1979

  • Doctor en Ciencias Físicas. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1985

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1981-1985: PHD  in Physics on quantum aspects of rotational motions of the NH4+ in the fluor-perovskites NH4MgF4, NH4CdF3, NH4(Mn,Zn)F3 and (NH4,Rb)MnF3, by adiabatic calorimetry.
1985: Stage of 1 month in the Kammerling Onnes Laboratorium, Leiden (The Netherlands) making NMR, under the supervision of Dr. H. Brom.
1986: Associate Teacher at the Engineering School (today EINA)of Zaragoza.
1986: I worked on the automatization of the adibatic calorimeter
1987: Stage of 1 month in the Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, in Stutgart (Germany), making X-ray under high pressure in NH4MnF3.
1988-89: Post-doc  stage in the Laboratory of Crystallography (CNRS)  in Grenoble (France) specializing in Crystallography by X-ray and neutron diffracton, in single crystal and powder.
1992-1993:  A three-month stage in Grenoble studying permanet magnets.
1990-2000: I worked in several projects contributing with crystallographic studies.
 a) Permanent magnets type RFe11M (1-12 phases, with R = rare earth and M = non-magnetic transition metal, like Mo, Ti, V, ...), in collaboration with D. Fruchart, Lab. Crystallography, Grenoble (France).
 b) BF4- and ClO4- tetra-alkyl-ammonium, in collaboration with G. Ferloni, Univ. of Pavia (Italy).
 c) Nuclear polarization of Nd in NdXO3 perovskites (M = metallic or non-metallic trivalent ion). This a completely original subject that I left after 4 years, when the person left her PHD.
2000: I was transferred to the Facultad de Ciencias (Science Faculty) in the Zaragoza University.
2000-2010: I worked mainly in two sujects:
a) Fe compounds with low-spin high-spin transition,  especially crystalographic problems.
b) Giant magnetocaloric compounds: Tb5SixGe(4-x), MnAs1-xSbx, LaFe13-xSix, and derivates, Mn3GaC, Mn1-xCoxAs, Ni2MnSb, Ni2MnIn, MnCoGe. PHD Thesis' of L. Tocado (2007) and G.F. Wang (2011)
2010-2020:  a) In collaboration with R. Sáez-Puche, and M. Evangeliti, I turned gradually to the magnetocalorics at cryogenic temperatues. I designed a method direct measuring of the MCE with a PPMS from Quantum Design.
b) I was involved, in two  subsequent projets of desin of magnetic refrigerators. My task was the design of a magnet and numerical simulations.
c) 2012-2019 I was member of the comitee to allocate times for powder neutron scattering in D1B of the CRG-Spain

2021 Full Professor on Condensed Matter Physics

Ph. D. Thesis' supervised in last 10 years:

Gaofeng Wang 2012, Sobresaliente ("outstanding") cum laude.
Today: Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology.

David Velázquez Bernad 2018, Sobresaliente cum laude.
Today: Manager of the technical enterprise DESPLEK CONSTRUCTION S.L.  (Zaragoza)

Jesús Francisco Beltrán López, July 2021, Sobresaliente cum laude.
today: Teacher of Technical Electricity in the I.E.S. Emilio Gimeno, Calatayud (Zaragoza)  

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