Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Onega Jaén, Susana
Departamento: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Área: Filología Inglesa
Centro: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Grupo: H03_23R: Narrativa contemporánea en legua inglesa

Códigos UNESCO
  • Lengua y literatura
Categoría profesional: Colaborador extraordinario PH
Teléfono fijo: 976761538
Correo electrónico:
Página web:
ORCID: 0000-0003-1672-4276

Líneas de investigación
  • Filología

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Susana Onega is Emeritus Professor of English Literature at the Department of English and German Studies of Zaragoza University. She is a coopted member of the Academia Europaea (AE) since 2008, the former President of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN), the former Spanish Board member of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), and the former Head of a competitive research team working on Contemporary Narratives in English. She was granted the title of Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck College (Univ. of London) in 1996. Onega has written numerous book chapters and articles (in Anglia, Anglistik, Atlantis, Connotations, Journal of Literary Theory, Symbolism, European Journal of English Studies, Miscelánea, Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines, The European Review, Twentieth-century Literature, The European Legacy), on the work of contemporary writers (such as Peter Ackroyd, A. S. Byatt, J. M. Coetzee, Eva Figes, Anne Michaels, David Mitchell, Bharati Mukherjee, Charles Palliser, Graham Swift, W. G. Sebald, Sarah Waters and Jeanette Winterson), on narrative theory, and on ethics and trauma, among others. She is the author of a monograph in Spanish on William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury (Pórtico 1979), and of Form and Meaning in the Novels of John Fowles (U.M.I. Research Press 1989); Peter Ackroyd. The Writer and His Work (Northcote House and the British Council 1998); Metafiction and Myth in the Novels of Peter Ackroyd (Camden House 1999); and Jeanette Winterson (Manchester UP 2006). She has edited and translated John Fowles’ The Collector into Spanish (Cátedra 2000); has edited “Telling Histories”: Narrativizing History: Historicizing Literature (Rodopi 1995); and has coedited, with José Ángel García Landa, Narratology: An Introduction (Longman, 1996); with John A Stotesbury, London in Literature: Visionary Mappings of the Metropolis (Carl Winter 2002); with Christian Gutleben, Refracting the Canon in Contemporary Literature and Film (Rodopi 2004); with Annette Gomis, George Orwell: A Centenary Celebration (Carl Winter 2005); with Constanza del Rio and Maite Escudero-Alías, Traumatic Memory and the Ethical, Political and Transhistorical Functions of Literature (Palgrave 2017); and with Jean-Michel Ganteau, The Ethical Component in Experimental British Fiction since the 1960s (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), Ethics and Trauma in Contemporary Narrative in English (Rodopi, 2011), Trauma and Romance in Contemporary British Fiction (Routledge 2013); Liminality and The Ethics of Form in Contemporary Trauma Narratives (Routledge 2014), Victimhood and Vulnerability in Twenty-first Century Fiction (Routledge 2017), The Wounded Hero in Contemporary Fiction: A Paradoxical Quest (Routledge 2018), and Transcending the Postmodern: The Singular Response of Literature to the Transmodern Paradigm (Routledge 2020).

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