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Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael
ORCID: 0000-0002-5420-0943

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  • Colom-Díaz, J.M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. New results of H2S oxidation at high pressures. Experiments and kinetic modeling. FUEL. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119261

  • Benés, M.; Pozo, G.; Abián, M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Experimental Study of the Pyrolysis of NH3under Flow Reactor Conditions. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c03387

  • Colom-Díaz, J.M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Conversion of H2S/O2/NO mixtures at different pressures. Experiments and kinetic modeling. FUEL. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.120060

  • Viteri, Fausto; Pezo Piña, Davinson; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María Uxue. Joint quantification of PAH and oxy-PAH from standard reference materials (urban dust and diesel particulate matter) and diesel soot surrogate by GC-MS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2019.1691177

  • Adánez-Rubio, I.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Effect of H2S on the S-PAH formation during ethylene pyrolysis. FUEL. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118033

  • Colom-Díaz, J. M.; Leciñena, M.; Peláez, A.; Abián, M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Study of the conversion of CH4/H2S mixtures at different pressures. FUEL. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116484

  • Colom Díaz, Juan Manuel; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María Uxue. High pressure study of H2 oxidation and its interaction with NO. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.01.078

  • Viteri, F.; Lopez, A.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Influence of temperature and gas residence time on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) during the pyrolysis of ethanol. FUEL. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.09.061

  • Abián, M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Effect of CO2 atmosphere and presence of NOx (NO and NO2) on the moist oxidation of CO. FUEL. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.09.054

  • Colom Díaz, Juan Manuel; Abián, María; Ballester, M.Y.; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, Uxue. H2S conversion in a tubular flow reactor: experiments and kinetic modeling. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.005

  • Colom Díaz, Juan Manuel; Abián, María; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María Uxue. Influence of pressure on H2S oxidation. Experiments and kinetic modeling. FUEL. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116145

  • Alzueta, M.U.; Pernía, R.; Abián, M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R. CH3SH conversion in a tubular flow reactor. Experiments and kinetic modelling. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.01.017

  • Abián, M.; Pernía, R.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Reactivity of Standard Diesel Particulate Matter with NO2 under Different Operating Conditions. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b02779

  • Alexandrino, Katiuska; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. Reactivity and Physicochemical Properties of the Soot Produced in the Pyrolysis of 2, 5-Dimethylfuran and 2-Methylfuran. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b01760

  • Benés, Mario; Bilbao, Rafael; Machado Santos, Jandyson; Alves Melo, Josue; Wisniewski, Alberto; Fonts, Isabel. Hydrodeoxygenation of Lignocellulosic Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil: Characterization of the Products and Effect of the Catalyst Loading Ratio. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b00265

  • Marrodán, L.; Arnal, Á.J.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. High-pressure ethanol oxidation and its interaction with NO. FUEL. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.03.048

  • Alexandrino, Katiuska; Baena, Cristian; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. 2-methylfuran pyrolysis: Gas-phase modelling and soot formation. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.10.017

  • Marrodán, L.; Arnal, Á.J.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. The inhibiting effect of NO addition on dimethyl ether high-pressure oxidation. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.07.005

  • Adánez-Rubio, I.; Viteri, F.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. S-PAH, oxy-PAH and EPA-PAH formation during ethylene-SO2 pyrolysis. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2018.10.018

  • Alexandrino de Freitas, Katiuska Ferbel; Millera Peralta, Ángela; Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael; Alzueta Anía, María Ujué. Gas and soot formed in the dimethoxymethane pyrolysis. Soot characterization. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2018.07.021

  • Marrodán, Lorena; Fuster, Miguel; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. Ethanol as a Fuel Additive: High-Pressure Oxidation of Its Mixtures with Acetylene. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b00920

  • Alzueta, María U.; Salinas, Pablo; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael.; Abián, María. A study of dimethyl carbonate conversion and its impact to minimize soot and NO emissions. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.086

  • Viteri, F.; Gracia, S.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and soot formation in the pyrolysis of the butanol isomers. FUEL. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.02.026

  • Abián, M.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Interaction soot-SO2. Experimental and kinetic analysis. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1138824

  • Alexandrino, K.; Salinas, J.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Sooting propensity of dimethyl carbonate, soot reactivity and characterization. FUEL. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.06.058

  • Alexandrino, K.; Salvo, P.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Influence of the temperature and 2,5-dimethylfuran concentration on its sooting tendency. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1138828

  • Viteri, F.; Abián, M.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Ethylene-SO2 interactions under sooting conditions: PAH and soot formation. FUEL. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.01.069

  • Viteri Moya, Fausto; Sánchez, Adrián; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. Effect of the presence of hydrogen sulphide on the formation of light gases, soot and PAH during the pyrolysis of ethylene. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01271

  • Marrodan, L.; Monge, F.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Dimethoxymethane oxidation in a flow reactor. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1138826

  • Viteri, F.; Baena, C.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the pyrolysis of 2-methylfuran at different reaction temperatures. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1138827 COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1138827

  • Viteri Moya, Fausto; Salinas, Juan; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, M.U. Pyrolysis of dimethyl carbonate: PAH formation. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2016.09.011

  • Marrodán, Lorena; Berdusán, Laura; Aranda, Verónica; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. Influence of dimethyl ether addition on the oxidation of acetylene in the absence and presence of NO. FUEL. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.06.011

  • Arnal, C.; Bravo, Y.; Larrosa, C.; Gargiulo, V.; Alfè, M.; Ciajolo, A.; Alzueta, M. U.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R. Characterization of Different Types of Diesel (EGR Cooler) Soot Samples. SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINES. 2015. DOI: 10.4271/2015-01-1690

  • Marrodán, L.; Royo, E.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. High pressure oxidation of dimethoxymethane. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b00459

  • Alexandrino, K.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. 2-methylfuran Oxidation in the Absence and Presence of NO. FLOW, TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10494-015-9635-z

  • Abián, M.; Cebrián, M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. CS2 and COS conversion under different combustion conditions. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.01.010

  • Alexandrino, K.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. Novel aspects in the pyrolysis and oxidation of 2, 5-dimethylfuran. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.06.002

  • Giménez-López, J.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the oxy-fuel oxidation of natural gas, CH4 and C2H6. FUEL. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.07.087

  • Giménez-López, J.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. Interactions of HCN with NO in a CO2 Atmosphere Representative of Oxy-fuel Combustion Conditions. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01282

  • Abián, M.; Millera, Á.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. Impact of SO2 on the formation of soot from ethylene pyrolysis. FUEL. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.06.095

  • Abián,M.; Millera,A.; Bilbao,R.; Alzueta,M. U. An experimental and modeling study of the influence of flue gases recirculated on ethylene conversion. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.03.011

  • Marrodan, Lorena; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. High-pressure study of methyl formate oxidation and its interaction with NO. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2014. DOI: 10.1021/ef501313x

  • Alexandrino, K.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Interaction between 2,5-dimethylfuran and nitric oxide. Experimental and modeling study. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2014. DOI: 10.1021/ef5005573

  • Abián,M.; Peribáñez,E.; Millera,T.; Bilbao,R.; Alzueta,M. U. Impact of nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, N2O) on the formation of soot. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.07.015

  • Sánchez, N. E.;Salafranca, J.;Callejas, A.;Millera, Á.;Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U. Quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in gas and particle phases from pyrolytic processes using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). FUEL. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2013.01.065

  • Fernandes, U.;Guerrero, M.;Millera, Á.;Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U.;Costa, M. Oxidation behavior of particulate matter sampled from the combustion zone of a domestic pellet-fired boiler. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2013.06.005

  • Sánchez, N. E.; Millera,A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M. U. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), soot and light gases formed in the pyrolysis of acetylene at different temperatures: Effect of fuel concentration. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2012.10.027

  • Snchez,N. E.; Callejas,A.; Millera,.; Bilbao,R.; Alzueta,M. U. Influence of the oxygen presence on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation from acetylene pyrolysis under sooting conditions. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2013. DOI: 10.1021/ef401484s

  • Alzueta,M. U.;Aranda,V.;Monge,F.;Millera,Á.;Bilbao,R. Oxidation of methyl formate and its interaction with nitric oxide. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.01.005

  • Esarte,C.;Callejas,A.;Millera,Á.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Characterization and reactivity with NO/O 2 of the soot formed in the pyrolysis of acetylene-ethanol mixtures. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2011.11.004

  • Keramiotis,C.;Vourliotakis,G.;Skevis,G.;Founti,M. A.;Esarte,C.;Sánchez,N. E.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Experimental and computational study of methane mixtures pyrolysis in a flow reactor under atmospheric pressure. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Sánchez,N. E.;Callejas,A.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and soot formation in the pyrolysis of acetylene and ethylene: Effect of the reaction temperature. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2012. DOI: 10.1021/ef300749q

  • Sánchez,N. E.;Callejas,A.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Formation of PAH and soot during acetylene pyrolysis at different gas residence times and reaction temperatures. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Abián,M.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Experimental study on the effect of different CO2 concentrations on soot and gas products from ethylene thermal decomposition. FUEL. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2011.06.064

  • Arnal,C.; Alzueta,M. U.; Millera,A.; Bilbao,R. Experimental and kinetic study of the interaction of a commercial soot with NO at high temperature. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2012.664010

  • Arnal,C.;Alzueta,M. U.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R. Influence of water vapor addition on soot oxidation at high temperature. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Esarte,C.;Abián,M.;Millera,Á.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Gas and soot products formed in the pyrolysis of acetylene mixed with methanol, ethanol, isopropanol or n-butanol. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Abián,M.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Effect of recirculation gases on soot formed from ethylene pyrolysis. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2012.663990

  • Esarte, C.;Callejas, A.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. Influence of the concentration of ethanol and the interaction of compounds in the pyrolysis of acetylene and ethanol mixtures. FUEL. 2011

  • Esarte, C.;Peg, M.;Ruiz, M. P.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. Pyrolysis of ethanol: Gas and soot products formed. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2011

  • Giménez-López, J.;Martínez, M.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. SO2 effects on CO oxidation in a CO2 atmosphere, characteristic of oxy-fuel conditions. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2011

  • Guerrero, M.;Millera, A.;Alzueta, M. U. ;Bilbao, R. Experimental and kinetic study at high temperatures of the NO reduction over eucalyptus char produced at different heating rates. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2011

  • Giménez-López, J.;Aranda, V.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. An experimental parametric study of gas reburning under conditions of interest for oxy-fuel combustion. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2011

  • Abián, M.;Silva, S. L.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. Effect of operating conditions on NO reduction by acetylene-ethanol mixtures. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2010

  • Domeño, C.;Rodríguez-Lafuente, A.;Martos, J. M.;Bilbao, R. ;Nerín, C. VOC removal and deodorization of effluent gases from an industrial plant by photo-oxidation, chemical oxidation, and ozonization. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2010

  • Sánchez, N.E.; Callejas, M.A.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Determination of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) adsorbed on soot formed in pyrolysis of acetylene at different temperatures. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. 2010

  • Gimenez-Lopez, J.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. HCN oxidation in an O2/CO2 atmosphere: An experimental and kinetic modeling study. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2010

  • Arnal, C.; Esarte, C.; Abián, M.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R.; Alzueta, M.U. Characterization and reactivity of soots obtained under different combustion conditions. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS. 2010

  • Esarte, C.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. ;Alzueta, M. U. Effect of ethanol, dimethylether, and oxygen, when mixed with acetylene, on the formation of soot and gas products. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2010

  • Mendiara, T.; Alzueta, M.U.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. Acetylene soot reaction with NO in the presence of CO. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.12.062

  • Esarte, C.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Gas and Soot Products Formed in the Pyrolysis of Acetylene-Ethanol Blends Under Flow Reactor Conditions. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2009

  • Guerrero, M.;Ruiz,M. P.;Millera,A.;Alzueta,M. U.;Bilbao,R. Oxidation Kinetics of Eucalyptus Chars Produced at Low and High Heating Rates. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2008

  • Guerrero, M.;Ruiz,M. P.;Millera,A.;Alzueta,M. U.;Bilbao,R. Characterization of Biomass Chars Formed Under Different Devolatilization Conditions: Differences between Rice Husk and Eucalyptus. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2008

  • Alzueta, M.U.; Borruey, M.; Callejas, M.A.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. An experimental and modelling study of the oxidation of acetylene in a flow reactor. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.10.011

  • Abian, M.; Esarte,C.; Millera,A.; Bilbao,R.; Alzueta,M. U. Oxidation of Acetylene-Ethanol Mixtures and their Interaction with NO. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2008. DOI: 10.1021/ef800550k

  • Mendiara, T.;Alzueta,M. U.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R. Influence of the NO Concentration and the Presence of Oxygen in the Acetylene Soot Reaction with NO. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2008

  • Bona, S.;Guillen,P.;Alcalde,J. G.;Garcia,L.;Bilbao,R. Toluene Steam Reforming using Coprecipitated Ni/Al Catalysts Modified with Lanthanum Or Cobalt. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2007.05.022

  • Ramos, Carmen; Navascués, A. I.; García, Lucía; Bilbao, Rafael. Hydrogen Production by Catalytic Steam Reforming of Acetol, a Model Compound of Bio-Oil. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2007. DOI: 10.1021/ie060904e

  • Ruiz, M. P.;Guzman de Villoria Lebiedziejewski, Roberto;Millera,A.;Alzueta,M. U.;Bilbao,R. Influence of the Temperature on the Properties of the Soot Formed from C2H2 Pyrolysis. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2007

  • Liesa, F.;Alzueta,M. U.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R. Influence of Reactant Mixing in a Laminar Flow Reactor: The Case of Gas Reburning. 2. Modelling Study. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2007

  • Mendiara, T.;Alzueta,M. U.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R. Oxidation of Acetylene Soot: Influence of Oxygen Concentration. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2007

  • Liesa, F.; Alzueta, M.U.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. Influence of reactant mixing in a laminar flow reactor. The case of gas reburning. Part I: Experimental study. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2007. DOI: 10.1021/ie060943q

  • Ruiz, M. P.;Callejas,A.;Millera,A.;Alzueta,M. U.;Bilbao,R. Soot Formation from C2H2 and C2H4 Pyrolysis at Different Temperatures. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2007

  • Ruiz, M. Pilar;Callejas,A.;Millera,A.;Alzueta,M. U.;Bilbao,R. Reactivity Towards O-2 and NO of the Soot Formed from Ethylene Pyrolysis at Different Temperatures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING. 2007

  • Ruiz, M.P.; Guzmán de Villoria, R.; Millera, A.; Alzueta, M.U.; Bilbao, R. Influence of different operation conditions on soot formation from C2H2 pyrolysis. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 2007. DOI: 10.1021/ie070008i

  • Mendiara, T.;Alzueta,M. U.;Millera,A.;Bilbao,R. A Comparison of Acetylene Soot and Two Different Carbon Blacks: Reactivity to Oxygen and NO. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING. 2007

  • Galdamez, J. R.;Garcia, L.;Bilbao, R. Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Bio-Oil Using Coprecipitated Ni-Al Catalysts. Acetic Acid as a Model Compound. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2005. DOI: 10.1021/ef049718g

  • Mendiara, T.;Domene, M. P.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U. An Experimental Study of the Soot Formed in the Pyrolysis of Acetylene. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2005

  • Liesa, F.;Alzueta, Maria Uxue;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. An experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation study of reburning under laboratory turbulent mixing conditions. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2005. DOI: 10.1021/ef049757s

  • Guerrero, M.;Ruiz, M.P.;Alzueta, M.U.;Bilbao, R.;Millera, A. Pyrolysis of eucalyptus at different heating rates: Studies of char characterization and oxidative reactivity. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2005

  • Sanchez, Jose L.;Gonzalo, Alberto;Gea, Gloria;Bilbao, Rafael;Arauzo, Jesus. Straw black liquor steam reforming in a fluidized bed reactor. Effect of temperature and bed substitution at pilot scale. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2005

  • Sanchez, J. L.; Gea, G.; Gonzalo, A.; Bilbao, R.; Arauzo, J. Kinetic Study of the Thermal Degradation of Alkaline Straw Black Liquor in Nitrogen Atmosphere. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2004. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2004.06.003

  • Mendiara, T.; Alzueta, M.U.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. An augmented reduced mechanism for methane combustion. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2004. DOI: 10.1021/ef030111u

  • Martinez, R.;Romero, E.;Garcia, L.;Bilbao, R. The effect of lanthanum on Ni-Al catalyst for catalytic steam gasification of pine sawdust. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2004. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3820(03)00197-8

  • Martinez, R.;Romero, E.;Guimon, C.;Bilbao, R. Co2 Reforming of Methane Over Coprecipitated Ni-Al Catalysts Modified With Lanthanum. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL. 2004

  • Gea, G.;Murillo, M. B.;Sanchez, J. L.;Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J. Straw Black Liquor Gasification Studies at the University of Zaragoza. PULP & PAPER-CANADA. 2003

  • Olazar, M.;Aguado, R.;Sanchez, J.L.;Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J. Thermal processing of straw black liquor in fluidized and spouted bed. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2002

  • Garcia, L.;Benedicto, A.;Romeo, E.;Salvador, M. L.;Arauzo, J.;Bilbao, R. Hydrogen Production by Steam Gasification of Biomass Using Ni-Al Coprecipitated Catalysts Promoted with Magnesium. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2002. DOI: 10.1021/ef020035f

  • Bilbao, Rafael;Mastral, Jose F.;Lana, Jose A.;Ceamanos, Jesus;Aldea, Maria E.;Betran, Monica. A model for the prediction of the thermal degradation and ignition of wood under constant and variable heat flux. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2002

  • Alzueta, M.U.; Tena, A.; Bilbao, R. Pyridine conversion in a flow reactor and its interaction with nitric oxide. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2002. DOI: 10.1080/00102200290021470

  • Oliva, M.; Alzueta, M.U.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. An approach for analyzing mixing in reactive systems. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. 2002. DOI: 10.1002/1521-4125(200204)25:4<417::AID-CEAT417>3.0.CO;2-0

  • Alzueta, M. U. ;Bilbao, R. ;Glarborg, P. Inhibition and sensitization of fuel oxidation by SO2. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2001

  • Bilbao, R. ;Mastral, J. F. ;Aldea, M. E. ;Ceamanos, J. ;Betranbetran, M. ;Lana, J. A. Experimental and theoretical study of the ignition and smoldering of wood including convective effects. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2001

  • Garcia, L.;Salvador, M.L.;Arauzo, J.;Bilbao, R. CO//2 as a gasifying agent for gas production from pine sawdust at low temperatures using a Ni/Al coprecipitated catalyst. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2001. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3820(00)00138-7

  • Alzueta, M.U.;Bilbao, R.;Finestra, M. Methanol oxidation and its interaction with nitric oxide. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2001

  • Garcia, L.;Salvador, M.L.;Arauzo, J.;Bilbao, R. Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass: Influence of the catalyst pretreatment on gas yields. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 2001. DOI: 10.1016/S0165-2370(00)00114-5

  • Lumbreras, M.; Alzueta, M.U.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. A study of pyrrole oxidation under flow reactor conditions. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2001. DOI: 10.1080/00102200108945397

  • Glarborg, P.;Kristensen, P.G.;Damjohansen, K.;Alzueta, M.U.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. Nitric-Oxide Reduction by Non-Hydrocarbon Fuels - Implications for Reburning with Gasification Gases. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2000

  • Alzueta, M.U.;Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Oliva, M.;Ibanez, J.C. Impact of New Findings Concerning Urea Thermal-Decomposition on the Modeling of the Urea-Sncr Process. ENERGY AND FUELS. 2000

  • Oliva, M.;Alzueta, M.U.;Millera, A.;Bilbao, R. Theoretical-Study of the Influence of Mixing in the Sncr Process - Comparison with Pilot-Scale Data. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 2000

  • Ibañez, J. C.;Alzueta, M. U.;Oliva, M.;Bilbao, R. Reducción selectiva no catalíticade NOx. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1999

  • Alzueta, M. U.;Muro, J.;Bilbao, R.;Glarborg, P. Oxidation of dimethyl ether and its interaction with nitrogen oxides. ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 1999

  • Garcia, L.;Salvador, M. L.;Arauzo, J.;Bilbao, R. Catalytic steam gasification of pine sawdust. Effect of catalyst weight/biomass flow rate and steam. ENERGY AND FUELS. 1999. DOI: 10.1021/ef980250p

  • Ruiz, J.;Bilbao, R.;Murillo, M. B. Convective transport and removal of vapors of two volatile compounds in sand columns under different air humidity conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 1999

  • Ruiz, J.; Bilbao, R.; Murillo, M. B. Adsorption of different VOC onto soil minerals from gas phase: Influence of mineral, type of VOC, and air humidity. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 1998. DOI: 10.1021/es9704996

  • Garcia, L.;Salvador, M. L.;Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J. Influence of calcination and reduction conditions on the catalyst performance in the pyrolysis process of biomass. ENERGY AND FUELS. 1998. DOI: 10.1021/ef970097j

  • Garcia, L.; Salvador, M. L.; Arauzo, J.; Bilbao, R. Influence of Catalyst Weight/Biomass Flow Rate Ratio on Gas Production in the Catalytic Pyrolysis of Pine Sawdust at Low Temperatures. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1998. DOI: 10.1021/ie9801960

  • Alzueta, M. U.;Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Oliva, M.;Ibañez, J. C. Interactions between nitric oxide and urea under flow reactor conditions. ENERGY AND FUELS. 1998

  • Alzueta, M. U.;Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Glarborg, P.;Ostberg, M.;Dam-Johansen, K. Modeling low-temperature gas reburning. NOx reduction potential and effects of mixing. ENERGY AND FUELS. 1998

  • Bilbao, R.;Mastral, J. F.;Aldea, M. E.;Ceamanos, J. The influence of the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere on the thermal decomposition of lignocellulosic materials. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1997

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Alzueta, M. U.;Prada, L. Evaluation of the use of different hydrocarbon fuels for gas reburning. FUEL. 1997

  • Bilbao, R.;Mastral, J. F.;Aldea, M. E.;Ceamanos, J. Kinetic study for the thermal decomposition of cellulose and pine sawdust in an air atmosphere. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1997

  • Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J.;Murillo, M. B.;Salvador, M. L. Gas formation in the thermal decomposition of large spherical wood particles. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1997

  • Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U.;Millera, A.;Prada, L. Dilution and stoichiometry effects on gas reburning: An experimental study. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1997

  • Bilbao, R.;Mastral, J. F.;Ceamanos, J.;Aldea, M. E. Modelling of the pyrolysis of wet wood. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1996

  • Bilbao, R.;Mastral, J. F.;Ceamanos, J.;Aldea, M. E. Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of polyurethane foams in nitrogen and air atmospheres. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1996

  • Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J.;Salvador, M. L. Kinetics and Modeling of Gas-Formation in the Thermal-Decomposition of Powdery Cellulose and Pine Sawdust. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1995

  • Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U.;Millera, A. Experimental-Study of the Influence of the Operating Variables on Natural-Gas Reburning Efficiency. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1995

  • Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U.;Millera, A.;Duarte, M. Simplified Kinetic-Model of the Chemistry in the Reburning Zone using Natural-Gas. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1995

  • Bilbao, R.;Alzueta, M. U.;Millera, A.;Cantin, V. Experimental-Study and Modeling of the Burnout Zone in the Natural-Gas Reburning Process. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 1995

  • Bilbao, R.;Salvador, M. L.;Arauzo, J. Influence of the Heating Rate on the Temperature Profiles and on the Conversion Rate of Powdery Cellulose and Pine Sawdust. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1994

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Alzueta, M. U. Influence of the Temperature and Oxygen Concentration on Nox Reduction in the Natural-Gas Reburning Process. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1994

  • Garcia Bacaicoa, P.;Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J.;Salvador, M. L. Scale-Up of Downdraft Moving-Bed Gasifiers (25-300kg. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 1994

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Murillo, M. B. Temperature Profiles and Weight-Loss in the Thermal-Decomposition of Large Spherical Wood Particles. INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 1993

  • Bilbao, R.;Salvador, M. L.;Garcia, P.;Arauzo, J. Solid Weight-Loss in the Thermal-Decomposition of Cellulose and Pine Sawdust. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 1993

  • Bilbao, R.;Murillo, M. B.;Millera, A.;Arauzo, J.;Caleya, J. M. Thermal-Decomposition of a Wood Particle - Temperature Profiles on the Solid-Surface. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1992

  • Bilbao, R.;Murillo, M. B.;Millera, A. Angular and Radial Temperature Profiles in the Thermal-Decomposition of Wood. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1992

  • Bilbao, R.;Murillo, M. B.;Millera, A.;Mastral, J. F. Thermal-Decomposition of Lignocellulosic Materials - Comparison of the Results obtained in Different Experimental Systems. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1991

  • Bilbao, R.;Lezaun, J.;Menendez, M.;Izquierdo, M. T. Segregation of Straw Sand Mixtures in Fluidized-Beds in Nonsteady State. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 1991

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Arauzo, J. Kinetics of Weight-Loss by Thermal-Decomposition of Different Lignocellulosic Materials - Relation between the Results obtained from Isothermal and Dynamic Experiments. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1990

  • Bilbao, R.;Garcia, P.;Rodrigo, R.;Logroño, A. C.;Arauzo, J. Desarrollo de gasificación de lecho móvil en corrientes descendentes para residuos lignocelulósicos. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1990

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Arauzo, J. Kinetics of Weight-Loss by Thermal-Decomposition of Xylan and Lignin - Influence of Experimental Conditions. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1989

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Arauzo, J. Pirólisis rápida de residuos lignocelulósicos en lecho fluidizado. Cinética de formación de gases. AFINIDAD. 1989

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Arauzo, J. Thermal-Decomposition of Lignocellulosic Materials - Influence of the Chemical-Composition. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1989

  • Bilbao, R.;Millera, A.;Arauzo, J. Product Distribution in the Flash Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials in a Fluidized-Bed. FUEL. 1988

  • Bilbao, R.;Fernandez, F. Gasificación de biomasas en un lecho móvil de corrientes paralelas. Características y diseño del gasificador. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1988

  • Bilbao, R.;Lezaun, J.;Menendez, M.;Abanades, J. C. Model of Mixing Segregation for Straw Sand Mixtures in Fluidized-Beds. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 1988

  • Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael; Lezaun, J; Abanades Jc. Fluidization velocities of sand/straw binary mixtures. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 1987. DOI: 10.1016/0032-5910(87)80001-3

  • Bilbao, R.;Fernandez, F. Gasificación de biomasas. Tipos de gasificadores, aplicaciones y acondicionamiento de los gases obtenidos. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1987

  • Bilbao, R.;Arauzo, J.;Millera, A. Kinetics of Thermal-Decomposition of Cellulose .1. Influence of Experimental Conditions. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 1987

  • Corella, J; Bilbao, R; Monzon, A; Lezaun, J; Fernandez, F. Flow model for the solid in a continuous fluidized-bed with increase of the cross-section in its upper zone. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. 1986. DOI: 10.1021/i200032a030

  • Gonzalez Saiz, A.;Fernandez, A.;Corella, J.;Bilbao, R.;Monzon, A.;Santamaria, J.;Vidal, J. M.;Valencia, M. Sobre la cinética de la desactivación por coque de catalizadores comerciales de zeolita en el craqueo catalítico de gasoils. La obtención de datos en experimentos de pocos segundos de duración. ANALES DE QUÍMICA. SERIE A, QUÍMICA FÍSICA Y QUÍMICA TÉCNICA. 1986

  • Corella, J.;Bilbao, R.;Molina, J. A.;Artigas, A. Variation with Time of the Mechanism, Observable Order, and Activation-Energy of the Catalyst Deactivation by Coke in the Fcc Process. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. 1985

  • Corella, J.;Bilbao Elorriaga, J.;Bilbao Duñabeitia, R. Influencia de las condiciones de preparación y de la composición de un catalizador en la cinética de su desactivación por coque. ANALES DE QUÍMICA. SERIE A, QUÍMICA FÍSICA Y QUÍMICA TÉCNICA. 1984

  • Corella, Jose; Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael. Increase of the gas conversion in a fluidized-bed by enlarging the cross-section of the upper zone of the bed. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. 1983. DOI: 10.1021/i200021a025

  • Corella, Jose;Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael. Model for the gas-flow in a fluidized-bed with increase of the cross-section in its upper zone. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. 1983. DOI: 10.1021/i200021a026

  • Corella, Jose; Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael. Fluid dynamic study of a new type of solid gas contactor - The fluidized fixed or fluidized-bed. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. 1982. DOI: 10.1021/i200019a002

  • Corella, J.;Bilbao, R.;Lopez Peña, J. M. Distribución de tiempos de residencia en un modelo mixto complejo. Cálculo de los parámetros de un flujo pistón con dispersión en serie con una mezcla perfecta. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1982

  • Corella, J.;Bilbao, R. Conversión de gas en un lecho fluidizado con variación de volúmen de gas y del tamaño de burbuja por la reacción química. ANALES DE QUÍMICA. SERIE A, QUÍMICA FÍSICA Y QUÍMICA TÉCNICA. 1982

  • Corella, J.;Bilbao, R.;Lopez Peña, J. M. Proceso FCC de craqueo catalítico de gasoil a gasolinas IV. Resolución de un modelo para una unidad comercial. Influencia de diferentes variables de operación. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1982

  • Corella, J.;Bilbao, R.;Delgado, J. Modelo macrocinético del proceso de craqueo catalítico de gasoil en lecho fluidizado (FCC) en estado estacionario. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1980


  • Abián,M.;Giménez-López,J.;Bilbao,R.;Alzueta,M. U. Effect of different concentration levels of CO2 and H 2O on the oxidation of CO: Experiments and modeling. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2010.05.078


  • Rafael Bilbao, Juan Adánez, eds. Fluidización y sistemas fluido/partícula II = Fluidisation et sistemes fluide/particule II = Fluidization and fluid particle systems II. 1992


  • 11. Formation and Characterization of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons. Sánchez, Nazly E.; Callejas, Alicia; Salafranca, Jesús; Millera, Ángela; Bilbao, Rafael; Alzueta, María U. CLEANER COMBUSTION. DEVELOPING DETAILED CHEMICAL KINETIC MODELS. 2013

  • Characterization of Soot. Arnal, C.; Alfè, M.; Gargiulo, V.; Ciajolo, A.; Alzueta, M.U.; Millera, A.; Bilbao, R. CLEANER COMBUSTION. DEVELOPING DETAILED CHEMICAL KINETIC MODELS. 2013

  • Steam gasification of biomass using coprecipitated nickel-alumina catalysts-Effect of magnesium and lanthanum as promoters. García, L; Brieva, B; Salvador, ML; Bilbao, R; Arauzo, J. PYROLYSIS AND GASIFICATION OF BIOMASS AND WASTE. 2003

  • Gas production from catalytic pyrolysis of biomass. García, L; Salvador, ML; Bilbao, R; Arauzo, J. FAST PYROLYSIS OF BIOMASS: A HANDBOOK. 2002

  • Influence of the Reaction Atmosphere on Gas Production and Composition in the Catalytic Conversion of Biomass. Garcia Nieto, Lucia; Salvador Solano, María Luisa; Arauzo Pérez, Jesús; Bilbao Duñabeitia, Rafael. PROGRESS IN THERMOCHEMICAL BIOMASS CONVERSION. 2001

  • Catalytic CO2 gasification of biomass in a fluidized bed reactor (Influence of catalyst weight/biomass flow rate and CO2/biomass ratios). García, L; Salvador, ML; Arauzo, J; Bilbao, R. RECENTS PROGRES EN GENIE DES PROCEDES. FLUIDISATION (II). 2000

  • CO2 gasification of pine sawdust using a coprecipitated Ni-Al catalyst: Proceedings of the 4th Biomass Conference of the Americas. García, L; Salvador, ML; Bilbao, R; Arauzo, J. BIOMASS. A GROWTH OPPORTUNITY IN GREEN ENERGY AND VALUE-ADDED PRODUCTS. 1999

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