Sexenios de investigación reconocidos: 5 (último hasta 31/12/2020).
Sexenios de transferencia reconocidos: 1 (último hasta 31/12/2013).
Participación en Proyectos de I+D financiados en Convocatorias públicas competitivas: 52 (13 como investigador principal).
Participación en contratos de I+D con Empresas y/o Administraciones: 73 (16 como investigador principal).
Publicaciones: 58 (55 JCR).
Publicaciones en conferencias: 85.
Patentes: 55 familias de patentes la mayor parte de ellas extendidas internacionalmente.
Dirección de 5 tesis doctorales con la máxima calificación y tres premios extraordinarios de doctorado.
Responsable de la Cátedra Ariño-Duglass de la Universidad de Zaragoza desde 2016.
Investigador responsable, desde 2011 a 2019, del Grupo de Tecnologías Fotónicas (GTF) de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Alonso, R.; García del Pozo, J.M.; Buisán, S.T.; Álvarez, J.A. Analysis of the snow water equivalent at the aemet-formigal field laboratory (Spanish pyrenees) during the 2019/2020 winter season using a stepped-frequency continuous wave radar (SFCW). REMOTE SENSING. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/rs13040616
- Alonso, R.; Garcia del Pozo, J.M.; Peruga, I.; Buisan, S.; Alvarez, J.A. Analysis of Snow Water Equivalent (Swe) of Snowpack by An Ultra Wide Band Step Frequency Continuous Wave Radar (Sfcw). PROCEEDINGS OF THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 2020. DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135375
- Lasobras, J.; Alonso, R.; Blasco, P.; García del Pozo, J.M.; Llorente, S. High sensitivity infrared thermometry for precise temperature control in domestic induction cooktops. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2019. DOI: 10.1117/12.2526382
- Carretero, E.; Alonso, R. Semitransparent Decorative Coatings Based on Optical Interference of Metallic and Dielectric Thin Films for High Temperature Applications. COATINGS. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/coatings8050183
- Serrano, J.; Acero, J.; Lope, I.; Carretero, C.; Burdio, J.M.; Alonso, R. Modeling of domestic induction heating systems with non-linear saturable loads. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION - APEC. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/APEC.2017.7931144
- Osta, Marta; Carretero, Claudio; Blasco, Pilar; Carretero, Enrique; Alonso, Rafael. Emissivity compensated infrared thermometry for planar materials. COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING. 2017. DOI: 10.1108/COMPEL-05-2016-0232
- Serrano, Javier; Lope, Ignacio; Acero, Jesús; Carretero, Claudio; Burdío, José Miguel; Alonso, Rafael. Design and optimization of small inductors on extra-thin PCB for flexible cooking surfaces. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2016.2602217
- Carretero, E.; Alonso, R.; Pelayo, C. Determination of oxygen diffusion in the SnO2/stainless steel interface of thin films by spectrophotometric measurements. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2016. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/49/21/215302
- Carretero, E.; Alonso, R.; Pelayo, C. Optical and electrical properties of stainless steel oxynitride thin films deposited in an in-line sputtering system. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.04.052
- Acero, J.; Carretero, C.; Lope, I.; Alonso, R.; Burdío, J.M. Analytical solution of the induced currents in multilayer cylindrical conductors under external electromagnetic sources. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2016.07.031
- Carretero, C.;Alonso, R.;Acero, J. Interference Emission Estimation of Domestic Induction Cookers Based on Finite-Element Simulation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2016.2550043
- Serrano, Javier; Acero, Jesús; Alonso, Rafael; Carretero, Claudio; Lope, Ignacio; Burdío, José Miguel. Design and Implementation of a Test-Bench for Efficiency Measurement of Domestic Induction Heating Appliances. ENERGIES. 2016. DOI: 10.3390/en9080636
- Salinas, I.; Heras, C.; Alcañiz, C.; Izquierdo, D.; Martínez, N.; Alonso, R. Portable Solar Spectrum Reflectometer for planar and parabolic mirrors in solar thermal energy plants. SOLAR ENERGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2016.06.010
- Carretero,C.;Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M. Normal-Mode Decomposition of Surface Power Distribution in Multiple-Coil Induction Heating Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2487883
- Acero, J.;Lope, I.;Burdío, J. M.;Carretero, C.;Alonso, R. Performance Evaluation of Graphite Thin Slabs for Induction Heating Domestic Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2014.2369824
- Carretero Chamarro, Enrique; Alonso Esteban, Rafael; Marco Hernández, Jose Manuel. Oxygen diffusion at high temperatures within the SnO2/Sst interlayer in sputtered thin films. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.10.160
- Alonso Pérez de Ágreda, J.P.; Guimbao Bescós, J.; Estupiñán Romero, F.R.; Compés Dea, C.; Aznar Brieba, A.; Lázaro Belanche, M.Á.; Alonso Esteban, R. Es necesario rotular con más claridad los tubos emisores de luz ultravioleta C para la prevención de lesiones en la piel y los ojos. GACETA SANITARIA. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2014.06.007
- Lope, I.;Acero, J.;Burdio, J. M.;Carretero, C.;Alonso, R. Design and implementation of PCB inductors with litz-wire structure for conventional-size large-signal domestic induction heating applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2014.2382758
- Lasobras, J.; Alonso, R.; Carretero, C.; Carretero, E.; Imaz, E. Infrared sensor-based temperature control for domestic induction cooktops. SENSORS. 2014. DOI: 10.3390/s140305278
- Imaz, E; Alonso, R; Heras, C;Salinas, I;Carretero, E;Carretero, C. Infrared thermometry system for temperature measurement in induction heating appliances. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2281166
- Acero Acero, Jesús; Carretero Chamarro, Claudio; Lope Moratilla, Ignacio; Alonso Esteban, Rafael; Burdío Pinilla, José Miguel. FEA-Based Model of Elliptic Coils of Rectangular Cross Section. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2305912
- Lope Moratilla, Ignacio; Carretero Chamarro, Claudio; Acero Acero, Jesús Pascual; Alonso Esteban, Rafael; Burdío Pinilla, José Miguel. Frequency-Dependent Resistance of Planar Coils in Printed Circuit Board With Litz Structure. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2337836
- Lope Moratilla, Ignacio; Carretero Chamarro, Claudio; Acero Acero, Jesús Pascual; Alonso Esteban, Rafael; Burdío Pinilla, José Miguel. AC Power Losses Model for Planar Windings With Rectangular Cross-Sectional Conductors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2013.2256928
- Acero, J.; Carretero, C.; Lope, I.; Alonso, R.; Lucía, O.; Burdío, J.M. Analysis of the mutual inductance of planar-lumped inductive power transfer systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2011.2164772
- Acero, Jesús; Carretero, Claudio; Alonso, Rafael; Lucia, Oscar; Burdío, J.M. Mutual impedance of small ring-type coils for multi-winding induction heating appliances. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2012.2205270
- Acero,J.;Carretero,C.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M. Quantitative evaluation of induction efficiency in domestic induction heating applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2227495
- Carretero,C.;Acero,J.;Alonso,R. TM-TE decomposition of power losses in multi-stranded litz-wires used in electronic devices. PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER. 2012
- Carretero, C.;Lucía, O.;Acero, J.;Alonso, R.;Burdío, J. M. Frequency-dependent modeling of domestic induction heating systems using numerical methods for accurate time-domain simulation. IET POWER ELECTRONICS. 2012. DOI: 10.1049/iet-pel.2012.0113
- Franco Gutiérrez, Carlos; Acero Acero, Jesús; Alonso Esteban, Rafael; Sagüés Blázquiz, Carlos; Paesa García, David. Inductive Sensor for Temperature Measurement in Induction Heating Applications. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2011.2167226
- Carretero, C.;Alonso, R.;Acero, J. ;Burdío, J. M. Coupling impedance between planar coils inside a layered media. PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER. 2011
- Carretero,C.;Lucia,Ó.;Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdío,J. M. An application of the impedance boundary condition for the design of coils used in domestic induction heating systems. COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING. 2011. DOI: 10.1108/03321641111152775
- Acero, Jesús;Carretero, Claudio;Alonso, Rafael;Lucía, Óscar;Burdío, José M. Application of the Green’s function to calculating the impedance of a uniform current density between two multilayered media. PIERS ONLINE. 2011. DOI: 10.2529/PIERS101020111701
- Carretero, Claudio;Alonso, Rafael;Acero, Jesús;Lucía, Óscar;Burdío, José M. Dissipative losses evaluation in magnetic power devices with litz-wire type windings. PIERS ONLINE. 2011. DOI: 10.2529/PIERS101020113109
- Acero, Jesús;Carretero, Claudio;Millán, Ignacio;Lucía, Óscar;Alonso, Rafael;Burdío, José M. Analysis and modeling of planar concentric windings forming adaptable-diameter burners for induction heating appliances. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2010.2085453
- Acero, J.; Carretero, C.; Alonso, R.; Lucía, Ó.; Burdío, J. M. Application of the Green's function to calculating the impedance of a uniform current density between two multilayered media. PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM. 2011
- Carretero, C.;Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Monterde,F. Embedded Ring-Type Inductors Modeling with Application to Induction Heating Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2009
- Carretero, C.;Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Monterde,F. Modeling Mutual Impedances of Loaded Non-Coaxial Inductors for Induction Heating Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2008
- Acero, J.;Burdio, J.M.;Barragán, L.A.;Navarro, D.;Alonso, R.;Garcia, J.R.;Monterde, F.;Hernandez, P.;Llorente, S.;Garde, I. The Domestic Induction Heating Appliance: An Overview of Recent Research. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION - APEC. 2008. DOI: 10.1109/APEC.2008.4522791
- Villafranca, A.;Lasobras,J.;Alonso,R.;Lopez,F. M.;Garces,I. Complex Spectrum Analysis of Modulated Optical Signals using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 2008
- Acero, J.;Alonso,R.;Barragan,L. A.;Burdio,J. M.;Carretero,C. Efficiency Model of Planar Loaded Twisted-Wire Windings in a Magnetic Substrate for Domestic Induction Heating Appliances. PESC RECORD. 2008
- Acero, J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Barragan,L. A.;Llorente,S. Electromagnetic Induction of Planar Windings with Cylindrical Symmetry between Two Half-Spaces. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2008
- Carretero, C.;Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Monterde,F. Temperature Influence on Equivalent Impedance and Efficiency of Inductor Systems for Domestic Induction Heating Appliances. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION - APEC. 2007
- Acero, J.;Burdio,J. M.;Barragan,L. A.;Urriza,I.;Alonso,R. Modeling and Calculation of the Efficiency for Low-Cost Round-Wire Planar Windings in Domestic Induction Heating Applications. PESC RECORD. 2007
- Acero, J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Villuendas,F.;Barragan,L. A. Controlled-Resistance Loads for Induction Heating Applications using Thin Non-Magnetic Metallic Layers. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 2007
- Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Barragan,L. A.;Puyal,D. Analytical equivalent impedance for a planar circular induction heating system. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2006
- Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Burdio,J. M.;Barragan,L. A.;Puyal,D. Frequency-dependent resistance in Litz-wire planar windings for domestic induction heating appliances. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 2006
- Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Barragan,L. A.;Burdio,J. M. Magnetic vector potential based model for eddy-current loss calculation in round-wire planar windings. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2006
- Acero,J.;Alonso,R.;Barragan,L. A.;Burdio,J. M. Modeling of planar spiral inductors between two multilayer media for induction heating applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2006
- Salinas, I.;Garces, I.;Alonso, R.;Pelayo, J.;Villuendas, F. Experimental study on the origin of optical waveguide losses by means of Rayleigh backscattering measurement. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2005
- Acero, Jesus;Hernandez, Pablo J.;Burdio, Jose M.;Alonso, Rafael;Barragan, Luis A. Simple resistance calculation in litz-wire planar windings for induction cooking appliances. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 2005
- Salinas, Inigo;Garces, Ignacio;Alonso, Rafael;Llobera, Andreu;Dominguez, C. Simple Estimation of Transition Losses in Bends of Wide Optical Waveguides by a Ray Tracing Method. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 2004
- Alonso, R.;Villuendas, F.;Borja, J.;Barragan, L. A.;Salinas, I. Low-Cost, Digital Lock-in Module With External Reference for Coating Glass Transmission/Reflection Spectrophotometer. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2003
- Subias, Jesus; Pelayo, Javier; Alonso, Rafael; Villuendas, Francisco; Heras, Carlos. Electrostriction-free n2 measurement in single-mode optical fibers based on nonlinear-polarization evolution. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS. 2002. DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.19.000390
- Barragán, L. A.; Artigas, J. I.; Alonso, R.; Villuendas, F. A modular, low-cost, digital signal processor-based lock-in card for measuring optical attenuation. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 2001
- Subias, J.; Pelayo, J.; Heras, C.; Blasco, P.; Alonso, R. Measurement of the effective area of non linear power transfer in single mode fibers due to stimulated Raman scattering. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. 2000. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(00)00530-7
- Garces, I.;Subias, J.;Alonso, R. Analysis of the modal solutions of rib antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 1999
- Alonso, R.; Subias, J.; Pelayo, J.; Villuendas, F.; Tornos, J. Single-Mode, Optical-Fiber Sensors and Tunable Wavelength Filters Based on the Resonant Excitation of Metal-Clad Modes. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS. 1994. DOI: 10.1364/AO.33.005197
- Subias, J.;Alonso, R.;Villuendas, F.;Pelayo, J. Wavelength-Selective Optical-Fiber Couplers Based on Longitudinal Fabry-Perot Structures. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 1994
- Pelayo, J.;Tornos, J.;Villuendas, F.;Alonso, R. Analysis of Optical Wave-Guide Structures Combining Cylindrical and Planar Structures by a Simple Perturbative Method. FIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS. 1993
- Alonso, R.;Villuendas, F.;Tornos, J.;Pelayo, J. New In-Line Optical-Fiber Sensor-Based on Surface-Plasmon Excitation. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL. 1993
- Alonso, R.;Pelayo, J. Analysis of Chromatic Dispersion Properties of Triple-Clad Fibers by Coupling-Mode Theory. OPTICS LETTERS. 1990
- Modeling of domestic induction heating systems with non-linear saturable loads. J. Serrano, J. Acero, I. Lope, C. Carretero, J.M. Burdío, R. Alonso. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (APEC'17). 2017
- Calculation of losses in PCB windings for multi-coil contactless charging systems. J. Serrano, J. Acero, I. Lope, C. Carretero, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdio. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'16). 2016
- Design of efficient loads for domestic induction heating applications by means of non-magnetic thin metallic layers. J. Acero, C. Carretero, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdio. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'16). 2016
- Emissivity compensated infrared thermometry for planar materials. M. Osta, C. Carretero, P. Blasco, E. Carretero, R. Alonso. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUCTION HEATING SOURCES (HES'16). 2016
- Definition of a design and implementation project of a magnetic device for a customized application. Carretero, C.;Lucía, O.;Lope, I.;Sarnago, H.;Acero, J.;Alonso, R.;Burdío, J.M.. EL TRABAJO EN EQUIPO, UNA HERRAMIENTA PARA EL APRENDIZAJE. 2015
- Design and optimization of small inductors on extra-thin PCB for flexible cooking surfaces. J. Serrano, J. Acero, I. Lope, C. Carretero, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'15). 2015
- Minimization of vias in PCB implementations of planar coils with litz-wire structure. I. Lope, J. Acero, J. Serrano, C. Carretero, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'15). 2015
- Optimized 4-coil inductor system arrangement for induction heating appliances. C. Carretero, R. Alonso, J. Acero, J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY (IECON'15). 2015
- Design and implementation of PCB inductors with litz wire structure for conventional-size large-signal domestic induction heating applications. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'14). 2014
- Loss analysis of multistranded twisted wires by using 3D-FEA simulation. J. Acero, C. Carretero, I. Lope, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE WORKSHOP ON CONTROL AND MODELING FOR POWER ELECTRONICS (COMPEL'14). 2014
- Performance evaluation of graphite thin slabs for induction heating domestic applications. J. Acero, C. Carretero, I. Lope, R. Alonso, J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'14). 2014
- Radiation heat measurement model for temperature estimation in induction heating appliances. C. Carretero, R. Alonso, J. Lasobras, E. Carretero, E. Imaz. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY (IECON14). 2014
- Definición de proyecto de diseño e implementación de un componente magnético para aplicación específica. Carretero, C.;Lucía, O.;Lope, I.;Sarnago, H.;Acero, J.;Alonso, R.;Burdío, J. M. ACTAS DE LAS VII JORNADAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE E INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA. 2013
- Desarrollo e implementación de inductores en placa de circuito impreso para calentamiento doméstico por inducción. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdío. SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI 2013): ACTAS DE CONGRESO. 2013
- Elliptic flat-type inductor for low-cost flexible active surface implementations of domestic induction heating appliances. C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, I. Lope, J. M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC'13). 2013
- Equivalent impedance contributions in induction heaters for domestic appliances. C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEATING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SOURCES (HES'13). 2013
- Interference emission estimation of domestic induction cookers based on finite element simulation. C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEATING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SOURCES (HES'13). 2013
- Printed circuit board implementation of small inductors for domestic induction heating applications using a planar litz wire structure. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION APEC13. 2013
- Printed circuit board inductors for domestic induction heating. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdio. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEATING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SOURCES (HES'13). 2013
- Synthesized voice videos for reusable learning objects. Lucía Gil, Óscar; Carretero, C.; Alonso, R.; Acero, J.; Burdío, J.M. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THE 7TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AÑADO ICELIE13. 2013
- Modelado numérico de pérdidas en conductores de sección rectangular mediante análisis por elementos finitos. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdío. SAAEI12 SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN: ACTAS DE CONGRESO. 2012
- PCB multi-track coils for domestic induction heating applications. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, R. Alonso, J. M. Burdio. PROCEEDINGS IEEE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY IECON12. 2012
- Practical issues when calculating ac losses for magnetic devices in PCB implementations. I. Lope, C. Carretero, J. Acero, J. M. Burdío, R. Alonso. PROCEEDINGS IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION APEC12. 2012
- An Application Example to Gain an Insight into the Electromagnetic Quasistatic Approach Concept for Graduate Students. J. Acero; C. Carretero; R. Alonso; O. Lucía; J.M. Burdío. PROMOTION AND INNOVATION WITH NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION FINTDI 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. 2011
- Analysis of the coupling between small ring-type coils used in adaptable-size burners for domestic induction heating hobs. Lucía Gil, Óscar; Acero, J.; Carretero, C.; Burdio, J.M.; Alonso, R. PROCEEDINGS IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION APEC11. 2011
- Análisis de la inductancia mutua de sistemas inductivos de transferencia de energía sin contacto. Acero, J.;Carretero, C.;Lope, I.;Alonso, R.;Lucía, O.;Burdío, J.M. SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN, SAAEI 2011 : ACTAS DEL CONGRESO. 2011
- Análisis de la resistencia de espiras multi-pista sobre PCB para aplicaciones de calentamiento por inducción. I. Lope; C. Carretero; J. Acero; R. Alonso; J. M. Burdío. XVIII SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI 2011). 2011
- Application of the Green's function to calculating the impedance of a uniform current density between two multilayered media. J. Acero; C. Carretero; R. Alonso; O. Lucía; J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS 29TH PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, PIERS 2011. 2011
- Bridging the gap between research and teaching: An application example in power electronics education. Acero, J.; Alonso, R.; Pelayo, C.; Carretero, C.; Lucía, O. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THE 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2011
- Dissipative losses evaluation in magnetic power devices with Litz-wire type windings. J. Acero; C. Carretero; R. Alonso; O. Lucía; J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS 29TH PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, PIERS 2011. 2011
- Passive network equivalent of an induction system for domestic cookers applications based on FEA tool simulation. Lucía Gil, Óscar; Carretero, C.; Acero, J.; Burdio, J.M.; Alonso, R. PROCEEDINGS IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION APEC11. 2011
- Coil design for domestic induction heating purposes based on impedance boundary conditions. C. Carretero; R. Alonso; J. Acero; O. Lucía; J.M. Burdío. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEATING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SOURCES (HES 2010). 2010
- Coupled non-coaxial cylindrical small coils for induction hobs with configurable heating areas. C. Carretero; J. Acero; R. Alonso; J.M. Burdío; O. Lucía. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEATING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SOURCES (HES 2010). 2010
- Diseño de bobinados para aplicaciones de calentamiento por inducción doméstico basado en la condición de impedancia de frontera. C. Carretero; R. Alonso; J. Acero; J.M. Burdio; O. Lucía. ACTAS DEL XVII SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI'10). 2010
- Experimental setup for inductive efficiency measurement of domestic induction systems based on energy balance. Lucía Gil, Óscar; Acero, J.; Carretero, C.; Millán, I ; Alonso, R.; Burdío, J.M . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 36TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY IECON 2010. 2010
- Identification of the material properties used in domestic induction heating appliances for system-level simulation and design purposes. J. Acero; O. Lucía; I. Millán; L.A. Barragán; R. Alonso; J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION APEC10. 2010
- Modeling of adaptable-diameter burners formed by concentric planar windings for domestic induction heating applications. J. Acero; C. Carretero; I. Millán; O. Lucía; R. Alonso; J.M. Burdío. PROCEEDINGS IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION APEC10. 2010
- Método para la identificación de propiedades físicas de los recipientes utilizados en calentamiento doméstico por inducción. J. Acero; O. Lucía; I. Millán; R. Alonso; L.A. Barragán; J.M. Burdío. ACTAS DEL XVII SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI'10). 2010
- Domestic Induction Heating Impedance Modeling Including Windings, Load, and Ferrite Substrate. J. Acero; R. Alonso; L.A. Barragán; C. Carretero; O. Lucía; I. Millán; J.M. Burdío. 13TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS, 2009. EPE '09. 2009
- Influencia de la temperatura en el equivalente eléctrico de un sistema inductor aplicado a cocinas de inducción domésticas. Carretero, Claudio; Acero, Jesús; Alonso, Rafael; Burdío, Jose Miguel; Monterde, Fernando;. ACTAS DEL SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI'09). 2009
- Modelo de bobinados planos concéntricos formando inductores de diámetro configurable en aplicaciones de inducción doméstica. Lucía Gil, Óscar; Acero, J.; Carretero, C.; Alonso, R.; Millán, I.; Burdío, J.M. ACTAS SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI-2009). 2009
- Cálculo de impedancias de acoplamiento en sistemas inductor-carga en aplicaciones de calentamiento por inducción. Carretero, Claudio; Acero, Jesús; Alonso, Rafael; Burdío, José Miguel; Monterde, Fernando;. PONENCIAS SAAEI 2008, SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN. 2008
- Efficiency model of planar loaded twisted-wire in a magnetic substrate for domestic induction heating appliances. Acero, Jesús; Alonso, Rafael; Barragán, Luis Angel; Burdío, José Miguel; Carretero, Claudio;. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE (PESC'08). 2008
- A model of losses in twisted-multistranded wires for planar windings used in domestic induction heating appliances. Acero, Jesús; Alonso, Rafael; Burdío, José Miguel; Barragán, Luis Angel; Carretero, Claudio. APEC 2007 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. 2007
- An electromagnetic time-domain FEA tool model of a domestic induction heating system. Carretero Chamarro, Claudio; Acero, Jesús; Alonso, Rafael; Burdío, José Miguel; Monterde, Fernando;. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEATING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SOURCES (HES'07). 2007
- Temperature influence on equivalent impedance efficiency of inductor systems for domestic induction heating appliances. Carretero Chamarro, Claudio. APEC 2007 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. 2007
- Mejora de un inductor para aplicaciones domésticas de calentamiento por inducción atendiendo a distribución uniforme de temperatura. Carretero Chamarro, Claudio. ACTAS DEL SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN (SAAEI'06). 2006
Dirección de tesis
- Desarrollo de espectrofotómetros de absorción y fluorescencia para control de calidad de aguas "in situ". Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 05/07/10
- Análisis de sistemas de múltiples bobinados aplicados a calentamiento por inducción doméstico. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 11/05/10
- Estudio teórico y experimental del calentamiento por inducción doméstico de cualquier material conductor. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 24/06/05
- Análisis de circuitos microópticos sobre sustrato de silicio. Aplicación a un sensor optoquímico. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude". 14/03/03
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses
- Física I. Graduado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Producto. During academic year 2024-25
- Física I. Graduado en Ingeniería Eléctrica. From the 2019-20 course to the 2024-25 course
- Física II. Graduado en Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática. From the 2019-20 course to the 2024-25 course
- Física I. Graduado en Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática. From the 2021-22 course to the 2022-23 course
- Física II. Graduado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Producto. From the 2021-22 course to the 2022-23 course
- Física II. Graduado en Ingeniería Mecánica. From the 2020-21 course to the 2022-23 course
- Física I. Graduado en Ingeniería Mecánica. From the 2020-21 course to the 2021-22 course
- Física I. Graduado en Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática. During academic year 2019-20