Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Santolaria Blasco, Pilar
Departamento: Departamento de Producción Animal y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Área: Producción Animal
Centro: Escuela Politécnica Superior

Grupo: A07_23R: BIOFITER (Biología, Fisiología y Tecnologías de la Reproducción)
Categoría profesional: Cated. Universidad
ORCID: 0000-0001-8991-325X

Titulaciones universitarias
  • Licenciatura en Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1989

  • Doctor en Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1993

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  • Divasón, Jose; Romero, Ana; Martinez-De-Pison, Francisco Javier; Casalongue, Matías; Silvestre, Miguel A.; Santolaria, Pilar; Yániz, Jesús L. Analysis of Varroa Mite Colony Infestation Level Using New Open Software Based on Deep Learning Techniques. SENSORS. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/s24123828

  • Yániz, Jesús; Toquet, Marion; Santolaria, Pilar; Silvestre, Miguel Ángel; Toledo-Perona, Raquel; Gómez-Martín, Ángel. Microbiota analysis of ejaculated honey bee drone semen and the effect of semen collection method on bacterial loads. INSECTS. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/insects15060377

  • Angel-Beamonte, Ernesto; Santolaria, Pilar; Cortés-Calvo, Susana; Gonzalvo, Miriam; Muñoz Gabaldón, Irene; de la Rúa, Pilar; Espejo, Pablo; Yániz, Jesús. Wing morphometric analysis using smartphone images and a free MATLAB-based tool: a case study with Apis mellifera from the Balearic Islands. JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH. 2024. DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2024.2365490

  • Romero, Jakeline Vieira; Olleta, José Luis; Resconi, Virginia Celia; Santolaria, Pilar; Campo, María del Mar. Genetic markers associated with beef quality: A review. LIVESTOCK SCIENCE. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2024.105583

  • Divasón, Jose; Romero, Ana; Santolaria, Pilar; Yániz, Jesús L. Zigzag persistence for image processing: New software and applications. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2024.06.010

  • Yániz, Jesús L.; Silvestre, Miguel A.; Santolaria, Pilar. Morphological characterization of spermatozoa in Apis mellifera and the effect of processing and semen storage. JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH. 2024. DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2024.2417479

  • Campo, M. M.; Vieira Romero, J..; Guerrero, A.; Bouzaida, M. D.; Resconi, V. C.; Tesniere, G.; Santolaria, P.; Olleta, J. L. Nutrient composition of beef from the pyrenees. JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2024.106452

  • Miguel Berges, Maria Luisa; Fajó Pascual, Marta; Moreno, Luis A.; Campo, Marimar; Guerrero, Ana; Olleta, Jose Luis; Santolaria Blasco, Pilar; Santaliestra Pasías, Alba M. Effect of lean red meat from beef (Pirenaica breed) versus lean white meat consumption on diet quality: a randomized-controlled crossover study in healthy young adults. NUTRIENTS. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/nu15010013

  • Gacem, Sabrina; Castello-Ruiz, María; Hidalgo, Carlos O.; Tamargo, Carolina; Santolaria, Pilar; Soler, Carles; Yániz, Jesús L.; Silvestre, Miguel A. Bull Sperm SWATH-MS-Based Proteomics Reveals Link between High Fertility and Energy Production, Motility Structures, and Sperm–Oocyte Interaction. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH. 2023. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00461

  • Divasón, José; Romero, Ana; Silvestre, Miguel Á; Santolaria, Pilar; Yániz, Jesús L. In vitro maintenance of drones and development of a new software for sperm quality analysis facilitate the study of honey bee reproductive quality. JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH. 2023. DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2023.2231673

  • Santolaria, Pilar; Rickard, Jessica P.; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura. Understanding sperm quality for improved reproductive performance. BIOLOGY. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/biology12070980

  • Santaliestra-Pasías, Alba M.; Miguel-Berges, María L.; Campo, María M.; Guerrero, Ana; Olleta, José Luis; Santolaria, Pilar; Moreno, Luis A. Effect of the intake of lean Red-Meat from beef-(Pirenaica Breed) versus lean White-Meat on body composition, fatty acids profile and cardiovascular risk indicators: a randomized cross-over study in healthy young adults. NUTRIENTS. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/nu14183724

  • Sales, Ester; Menal Puey, Susana; Martí, Clara; Ortíz, Oriol; López Flores, Rocío; Santolaria, Pilar; Leiva Brondo, Miguel. Influence of contextual and personal factors on student’s approach to learning at university degrees. EDULEARN PROCEEDINGS. 2022. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.0950

  • Estévez-Moreno, L.X.; Miranda de la Lama, G.C.; Villarroel, M.; García, L.; Abecia, J.A.; Santolaria, P.; María, G.A. Revisiting cattle temperament in beef cow-calf systems: Insights from farmers’ perceptions about an autochthonous breed. ANIMALS. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/ani11010082

  • Yániz, J.L.; Palacín, I.; Silvestre, M.A.; Hidalgo, C.O.; Tamargo, C.; Santolaria, P. Ability of the isas3fun method to detect sperm acrosome integrity and its potential to discriminate between high and low field fertility bulls. BIOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/biology10111135

  • Silvestre M.A.; Yániz Pérez de Albéniz, J.L.; Peña F.J.; Santolaria Blasco, P.; Castelló-Ruiz M. Role of antioxidants in cooled liquid storage of mammal spermatozoa. ANTIOXIDANTS. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/antiox10071096

  • Yániz, Jesús L.; Silvestre, Miguel A.; Santolaria, Pilar. Sperm quality assessment in honey bee drones. BIOLOGY. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/biology9070174

  • Yániz, Jesús; Palacín, Inmaculada; Santolaria, Pilar. Effect of chamber characteristics, incubation, and diluent on motility of honey bee (Apis mellifera) drone sperm. APIDOLOGIE. 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s13592-019-00659-y

  • Alquézar-Baeta, C.; Gimeno-Martos, S.; Miguel-Jiménez, S.; Santolaria, P.; Yániz, J.; Palacín, I.; Casao, A.; Cebrián-Pérez, J.Á.; Muiño-Blanco, T.; Pérez-Pé, R. OpenCASA: A new open-source and scalable tool for sperm quality analysis. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2019. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006691

  • Ángel Beamonte, Ernesto; Martín Ramos, Pablo; Santolaria, Pilar; Sales, Ester; Abizanda, Javier; Yániz, Jesús L. Automatic determination of landmark coordinates for honey bee forewing venation using a new MATLAB-based tool. JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2018.1501856

  • Yaniz, J.L.; Palacin, I.; Caycho, K.S.; Soler, C.; Silvestre, M.A.; Santolaria, P. Determining the relationship between bull sperm kinematic subpopulations and fluorescence groups using an integrated sperm quality analysis technique. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2018. DOI: 10.1071/RD17441

  • Yaniz, J.L.; Silvestre, M.A.; Santolaria, P.; Soler, C. CASA-Mot in mammals: an update. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2018. DOI: 10.1071/RD17432

  • Yániz, J.L.; Soler, C.; Alquézar-Baeta, C.; Santolaria, P. Toward an integrative and predictive sperm quality analysis in Bos taurus. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2017.03.022

  • Santolaria, P.; Pauciullo, A.; Silvestre, M.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Villanova, L.; Pinton, A.; Viruel, J.; Sales, E.; Yániz, J. Computer-assisted sperm morphometry fluorescence-based analysis has potential to determine progeny sex. ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.187578

  • Santolaria, P.; Soler, C.; Recreo, P.; Carretero, T.; Bono, A.; Berné, J.; Yániz, J. Morphometric and kinematic sperm subpopulations in split ejaculates of normozoospermic men. ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.186874

  • Yániz, J.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Soler, C.; Recreo, P.; Carretero, T.; Bono, A.; Berné, J.; Santolaria, P. Comparison of different statistical approaches to evaluate morphometric sperm subpopulations in men. ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.186872

  • Yániz, J.; Capistrós, S.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Hidalgo, C.; Santolaria, P. A comparative study of the morphometry of sperm head components in cattle, sheep, and pigs with a computer-assisted fluorescence method. ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.186877

  • Yániz, J. L.;Soler, C.;Santolaria, P. Computer assisted sperm morphometry in mammals: A review. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.03.002

  • Yániz, J. L.; Gosálvez, J.; López-Fernández, C.; Silvestre, M. A.; Santolaria, P. Effect of diluent composition on the dynamics of sperm DNA fragmentation and other sperm quality parameters in ram during incubation at 37°C. SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2015.05.019

  • Santolaria, P.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Palacín, I.; Fantova, E.; Blasco, M. E.; Silvestre, M. A.; Yániz, J. L. Predictive capacity of sperm quality parameters and sperm subpopulations on field fertility after artificial insemination in sheep. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.10.001

  • Vicente-Fiel, S.; Palacín, I.; Santolaria, P.; Fantova, E.; Quintín-Casorrán, F. J.; Sevilla-Mur, E.; Yániz, J. L. In vitro assessment of sperm quality from rams of high and low field fertility. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2014.02.005

  • Yániz Pérez de Albéniz, Jesús Luis; Capistros, S.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Soler, C.; Núnez de Murga, J.; Santolaria, P. Study of nuclear and acrosomal sperm morphometry in ram using a computer-assisted sperm morphometry. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.06.017

  • Santolaria, P.; Yániz Pérez de Albéniz, Jesús Luis; Fantova, E.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Palacin, I. Climate factors affecting fertility after cervical insemination during the first months of the breeding season in Rasa Aragonesa ewes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-013-0770-8

  • Yániz, J. L.; Carretero, T.; Recreo, P.; Arceiz, E.; Santolaria, P. Three-dimensional architecture of the ovine oviductal mucosa. ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA. 2014. DOI: 10.1111/ahe.12078

  • Vicente-Fiel, S.;Palacín, I.;Santolaria, P.;Yániz, J. L. A comparative study of sperm morphometric subpopulations in cattle, goat, sheep and pigs using a computer-assisted fluorescence method (CASMA-F). ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2013.04.002

  • Miranda-de la Lama;Pascual-Alonso,M.;Guerrero,A.;Alberti,P.;Alierta,S.;Sans,P.;Gajan,J. P.;Villarroel,M.;Dalmau,A.;Velarde,A.;Campo,M. M.;Galindo,F.;Santolaria,M. P.;Sañudo,C.;María,G. A. Influence of social dominance on production, welfare and the quality of meat from beef bulls. MEAT SCIENCE. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.03.026

  • Palacín,I.;Vicente-Fiel,S.;Santolaria,P.;Yániz,J. L. Standardization of CASA sperm motility assessment in the ram. SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2012.12.014

  • Yániz, J. L.; Palacín, I.; Vicente-Fiel, S.; Gosalvez, J.; López-Fernández, C.; Santolaria, P. Short communication. Evaluation of a commercial kit based on acridine orange/propidium iodide to assess the plasma membrane integrity of ram sperm. SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. 2013. DOI: 10.5424/sjar/2013112-3494

  • Vicente-Fiel, S;Palacn, I;Santolaria, P;Hidalgo, C.O;Silvestre, M.A;Arrebola, F;Yniz, J.L. A comparative study of the sperm nuclear morphometry in cattle, goat, sheep, and pigs using a new computer-assisted method (CASMA-F). THERIOGENOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2012.10.015

  • Yniz,J.; Capistrs,S.; Vicente-Fiel,S.; Soler,C.; Nez,de Murga; Santolaria,P. Use of relief contrast objective to improve sperm morphometric analysis by isas casa system in the ram. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2013. DOI: 10.1111/rda.12208

  • Guerrero, A.; Sañudo, C.; Albertí, P.; Ripoll, G.; Campo, M. M.; Olleta, J. L.; Panea, B.; Khliji, S.; Santolaria, P. Effect of production system before the finishing period on carcass, meat and fat qualities of beef. ANIMAL. 2013. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731113001729

  • Yániz, J.;Palacín, I.;Vicente-Fiel, S.;Gosalvez, J.;López-Fernández, C.;Santolaria, P. Comparison of membrane-permeant fluorescent probes for sperm viability assessment in the ram. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2013. DOI: 10.1111/rda.12132

  • Yániz,J. L.;Mateos,J. A.;Santolaria,P. Tris buffer improves fluorescence yield of ram spermatozoa when evaluating membrane integrity. MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE. 2012. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.21086

  • Yániz,J. L.;Vicente-Fiel,S.;Capistrós,S.;Palacín,I.;Santolaria,P. Automatic evaluation of ram sperm morphometry. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.10.039

  • Palacín,I.;Yániz,J. L.;Fantova,E.;Blasco,M. E.;Quintín-Casorrán,F. J.;Sevilla-Mur,E.;Santolaria,P. Factors affecting fertility after cervical insemination with cooled semen in meat sheep. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2012.05.005

  • Santolaria,P.;López-Gatius,F.;Sánchez-Nadal,J. A.;Yániz,J. Relationships between body weight and milk yield during the early postpartum period and bull and technician and the reproductive performance of high producing dairy cows. JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. 2012. DOI: 10.1262/jrd.2011-035

  • Guerrero, A.; Sañudo, C; Albertí, P; Santolaria, P;. Sistemas de producción previos al acabado: calidad de canal y carne de vacuno. MG. MUNDO GANADERO. 2012

  • Guerrero A.; Sañudo C.; Albertí P.; Campo M.M.; Olleta J.L.; Resconi V.; Panea B.; Ripoll G; Santolaria P. . Efecto del sistema de producción previo al cebo sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos y calidad sensorial de la carne de vacuno. TIERRAS DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN. 2012

  • Guerrero, A.; Sañudo, C.; Mateos, J.A.; Caillaud, S.; Sepúlveda, W.S.; Toustou, J.; Gajan, J.P.; Santolaria, P. . Gasconne beef breed, an explorative study of trans-border differences in management and commercialization. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE. 2012

  • Sanjuan, Ai; Resano, H; Zeballos, G; Sans, P; Panella-Riera, N; Campo, Mm; Khliji, S; Guerrero, A; Oliver, Ma; Sañudo, C; Santolaria, P. Consumers' Willingness to Pay for beef direct sales. A regional comparison across the Pyrenees. APPETITE. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.03.001

  • Yaniz, Jl; Mateos, Ja; Santolaria, P. Zwitterionic buffers preserve ram semen quality more efficiently than TRIS during storage at 15 °C. SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH. 2011

  • Yániz, J. L.; Mateos, J. A. ; Santolaria, P. Zwitterionic buffers preserve ram semen quality more efficiently than TRIS during storage at 15¬8C. SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH. 2011

  • Mateos, J.A.; Guerrero, A; Sañudo, C; Santolaria, P. La Gascona en España. Situación actual. MG. MUNDO GANADERO. 2011

  • Santolaria, P.;Almería, S.;Martínez-Bello, D.;Nogareda, C.;Mezo, M.;Gonzalez-Warleta, M.;Castro-Hermida, J.;Pabón, M.;Yániz, J. L. ;López-Gatius, F. . Different humoral mechanisms against Neospora caninum infection in purebreed and crossbreed beef/dairy cattle pregnancies. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. 2011

  • Yaniz, Jl; Lopez-Gatius, F; Garcia-Ispierto, I; Bech-Sabat, G; Serrano, B; Nogareda, C; Sanchez-Nadal, Ja, Salmeria, S; Santolaria, P. Some factors affecting the abortion rate in dairy herds with high incidence of neospora-associated abortions are different in cows and heifers. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2010

  • Santolaria, Pilar; López-Gatius, Fernando; García-Ispierto, Irina; Bech-Sàbat, Gregori; Angulo, Eduardo; Carretero, Teresa; Sánchez-Nadal, José Antonio; Yániz, Jesús. Effects of cumulative stressful and acute variation episodes of farm climate conditions on late embryo/early fetal loss in high producing dairy cows. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY. 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-009-0258-8

  • Yaniz, J. L.;Marco-Aguado, M. A.;Mateos, J. A. ;Santolaria, P. Bacterial contamination of ram semen, antibiotic sensitivities, and effects on sperm quality during storage at 15(degrees)C. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2010

  • Bech-Sabat, G.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Santolaria, J. P.;Serrano, B.;Nogareda, C.;de Sousa, N. M.;Beckers, J. F.;Yaniz, J. Pregnancy Patterns during the Early Fetal Period in High Producing Dairy Cows Treated with GnRH Or Progesterone. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2009

  • Almeria, S.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Nogareda, C.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Serrano, B.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. L. Effects of Crossbreed Pregnancies on the Abortion Risk of Neospora Caninum-Infected Dairy Cows. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. 2009

  • Almeria, S.;Nogareda,C.;Santolaria,P.;Garcia-Ispierto,I.;Yaniz,J. L.;Lopez-Gatius,F. Specific Anti-Neospora Caninum IgG1 and IgG2 Antibody Responses during Gestation in Naturally Infected Cattle and their Relationship with Gamma Interferon Production. VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY. 2009

  • Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Almeria, S.;Yaniz, J.;Santolaria, P.;Serrano, B.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Nogareda, C.;Sulon, J.;de Sousa, N. M.;Beckers, J. F. Factors Affecting Plasma Prolactin Concentrations Throughout Gestation in High Producing Dairy Cows. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2009

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Szenci, O.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Serrano, B.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. Factors of Non-Infectious Nature Affecting Late Embryonic and Early Foetal Loss in High Producing Dairy Herds in North-Eastern Spain Literature Review. MAGYAR ALLATORVOSOK LAPJA. 2009

  • Santolaria, P.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Yaniz, J.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Nogareda, C.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Serrano, B.;Almeria, S. Early Postabortion Recovery of Neospora-Infected Lactating Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2009

  • Yániz, Jl.; López-Gatius, F.; García-Ispierto, I.; Bech-Sàbat, G.; Serrano, B.; Nogareda, C.; Almería, S.; Santolaria, P . Efecto de las condiciones climáticas sobre el riesgo de aborto asociado a Neospora caninum en vacas lecheras de alta producción. ITEA. INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA ECONÓMICA AGRARIA. 2009

  • Serrano, B; Lopez-Gatius, F; Hunter, Rhf; Santolaria, P; Garcia-Ispierto, I; Bech-Sabat, G; Sousa, Nm; Beckers, Jf; Yaniz, Jl. Anomalous pregnancies during late embryonic/early foetal period in high producing dairy cows. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2009. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2007.01045.x

  • Yaniz, J. L.; Lopez-Gatius, F.; Almeria, S.; Carretero, T.; Garcia-Ispierto, I.; Serrano, B.; Smith, R. F.; Dobson, H.; Santolaria, P. Dynamics of Heat Shock Protein 70 Concentrations in Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Lysates during Pregnancy in Lactating Holstein-Friesian Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2009.06.019

  • Nogareda, C.; López-Gatius, F.; García-Ispierto, I; Pabón, M.; Bech-Sabat, G.; Serrano, B.; Santolaria, P; Yániz, J.L.; Almería, S. . Apoyo laboratorial en los estudios epidemiológicos de la neosporosis bovina en rebaños de alta producción lechera. LABORATORIO VETERINARIO AVEDILA. 2009

  • Nogareda, C.; Lopez-Gatius, F.; García-Ispierto, I.; Pabon, M.; Santolaria, P. Neosporosis bovina en explotaciones de alta producción lechera del nordeste de España. Apoyo laboratorial y perspectiva clínica. EL BOLETÍN DE ANEMBE. 2009

  • Serrano, B; Lopez-Gatius, F; Santolaria, P; Almeria, S; Garcia-Ispierto, I; Bech-Sabat, G; Sulon, J; Sousa, Nm; Beckers, Jf; Yaniz, Jl. Factors affecting plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 concentrations throughout gestation in high-producing dairy cows. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2009

  • Bech-Sabat, G.;Garcia-Ispierto,I.;Yaniz,J. L.;Serrano,B.;Santolaria,P.;Lopez-Gatius,F. Parturition during Warm Season is Correlated with a High Incidence of Anoestrus in High Producing Dairy Cows in Northeastern Spain. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2008

  • Bech-Sabat, G.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Yaniz, J. L.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Santolaria, P.;Serrano, B.;Sulon, J.;de Sousa, N. M.;Beckers, J. F. Factors Affecting Plasma Progesterone in the Early Fetal Period in High Producing Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2008

  • Yaniz, J. L.;Santolaria,P.;Marco-Aguado,M. A.;Lopez-Gatius,F. Use of Image Analysis to Assess the Plasma Membrane Integrity of Ram Spermatozoa in Different Diluents. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2008

  • Yaniz, J.;Lopez-Gatius,F.;Bech-Sabat,G.;Garcia-Ispierto,I.;Serrano,B.;Santolaria,P. Relationships between Milk Production, Ovarian Function and Fertility in High-Producing Dairy Herds in North-Eastern Spain. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2008

  • Yaniz, J. L.;Santolaria,P.;Bech-Sabat,G.;Lopez-Gatius,F. Effect of Three Diluents on Ram Semen Preservation at 15 Degrees C Assessed by Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2008

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Mirzaei, A.;Santolaria, P.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Nogareda, C.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Hanzen, C.;Yaniz, J. L. Factors Affecting the Response to the Specific Treatment of several Forms of Clinical Anestrus in High Producing Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2008

  • Bech-Sabat, G.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Pabon, M.;Nogareda, C.;Yaniz, J. L.;Almeria, S. Progesterone Supplementation during Mid-Gestation Increases the Risk of Abortion in Neospora-Infected Dairy Cows with High Antibody Titres. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. 2007

  • Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. L.;Nogareda, C.;de Rensis, F.;Lopez-Bejar, M. Climate Factors Affecting Conception Rate of High Producing Dairy Cows in Northeastern Spain. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2007

  • Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Lopez-Gatius,F.;Santolaria,P.;Yaniz,J. L.;Nogareda,C.;Lopez-Bejar,M. Factors Affecting the Fertility of High Producing Dairy Herds in Northeastern Spain. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2007

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Almeria, S.;Donofrio, G.;Nogareda, C.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. L.;Pabon, M.;de Sousa, N. M.;Beckers, J. F. Protection Against Abortion Linked to Gamma Interferon Production in Pregnant Dairy Cows Naturally Infected with Neospora Caninum. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2007

  • Lopez-Gatius, F; Hunter, Rhf; Garbayo, Jm; Santolaria, P; Yaniz, J; Serrano, B; Ayad, A; Sousa, Nm; Beckers, Jf. Plasma concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) in high producing dairy cows suffering early fetal loss during the warm season. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2007

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Garbayo, J. M.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. L.;Almeria, S.;Ayad, A.;de Sousa, N. M.;Beckers, J. F. Plasma Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) Concentrations during Gestation in Neospora-Infected Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2007

  • Nogareda, C.;Lopez-Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Garcia-Ispierto, I.;Bech-Sabat, G.;Pabon, M.;Mezo, M.;Gonzalez-Warleta, M.;Castro-Hermida, J. A.;Yaniz, J.;Almeria, S. Dynamics of Anti-Neospora Caninum Antibodies during Gestation in Chronically Infected Dairy Cows. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. 2007

  • Murugavel, K; Yaniz, Jl; Santolaria, P; Lopez-Bejar, M; Lopez-Gatius, F. Influence of temperature and humidity index on the incidence of retained placenta in cows. INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL. 2007

  • Armengol, R; Pabón, M; Santoalria, P; Cabezón, O; Adelantado, C; Yániz, J; Lopez-Gatius, F; Almeria, S. Low seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection associated with the limousin breed in cow-calf herds in Andorra, Europe. JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY. 2007

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Garbayo,J. M.;Santolaria,P.;Yaniz,J.;Ayad,A.;de Sousa,N. M.;Beckers,J. F. Milk Production Correlates Negatively with Plasma Levels of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) during the Early Fetal Period in High Producing Dairy Cows with Live Fetuses. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2007

  • Yaniz,J. L.;Santolaria,P.;Giribet,A.;Lopez Gatius,F. Factors affecting walking activity at estrus during postpartum period and subsequent fertility in dairy cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2006

  • Lopez-Gatius,F.;Garcia-Ispierto,I.;Santolaria,P.;Yaniz,J.;Nogareda,C.;Lopez-Bejar,M. Screening for high fertility in high-producing dairy cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2006

  • Lopez-Gatius,F.;Santolaria,R.;Martino,A.;Deletang,F.;de Rensis,F. The effects of GnRH treatment at the time of AI and 12 days later on reproductive performance of high producing dairy cows during the warm season in northeastern Spain. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2006

  • Garcia-Ispierto, I;Lopez-Gatius, F;Santolaria, P;Yaniz, J.L;Nogareda, C;Lopez-Bejar, M;de Rensis, F. Relationship between heat stress during the peri-implantation period and early fetal loss in dairy cattle. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2006

  • Silvestre,M. A.;Yaniz,J.;Salvador,I.;Santolaria,P.;Lopez-Gatius,F. Vitrification of pre-pubertal ovine cumulus-oocyte complexes: Effect of cytochalasin B pre-treatment. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2006

  • Murugavel, K; Yaniz, Jl; Santolaria, P; Lopez-Bejar, M; Lopez-Gatius, F. Relationship between embryo quality and luteal function in superovulated Friesian heifers. INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL. 2006

  • Lopez-Gatius, F; Santolaria, P; Almeria, S. Neospora Caninum infection does not affect the fertility of dairy cows in herds with high incidence of neospora-associated abortions. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES B-INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VETERINARY. 2005

  • Lopez Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Mundet, I.;Yaniz, J. L. Walking Activity at Estrus and Subsequent Fertility in Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2005

  • Lopez Gatius, F;Sances, G;Sancho, M;Yaniz, J;Santolaria, P;Gutierrez, R;Nuez, M;Nuez, J;Soler, C. Effect of Solid Storage at 15 Degrees C on the Subsequent Motility and Fertility of Rabbit Semen. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2005

  • Lopez Gatius, F;Garcia Ispierto, I;Santolaria, P;Yaniz, J.L;Lopez Bejar, M;Nogareda, C;Almeria, S. Relationship Between Rainfall and Neospora Caninum-Associated Abortion in Two Dairy Herds in a Dry Environment. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES B-INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VETERINARY. 2005

  • Yaniz, J;Marti, J.I;Silvestre, M.A;Folch, J;Santolaria, P;Alabart, J.L;Lopez Gatius, F. Effects of Solid Storage of Sheep Spermatozoa at 15 Degrees C on Their Survival and Penetrating Capacity. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2005

  • López-Gatius, F; Santolaria, P; Yániz, Jl; Garbayo, Jm; Almeria, S. The use of beef bull semen reduced the risk of abortion in Neospora-seropositive dairy cows. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES B-INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VETERINARY. 2005

  • Lopez-Gatius, F; Murugavel, K; Santolaria, P; Lopez-Bejar, M; Yaniz, Jl. Pregnancy rate after timed artificial insemination in early post-partum dairy cows after ovsynch or specific synchronization protocols. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES A-PHYSIOLOGY PATHOLOGY CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2004

  • Lopez Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. L.;Garbayo, J. M.;Hunter, R. H. F. Timing of Early Foetal Loss for Single and Twin Pregnancies in Dairy Cattle. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2004

  • Lopez Gatius, F.;Yaniz, J. L.;Santolaria, P.;Murugavel, K.;Guijarro, R.;Calvo, E.;Lopez Bejar, M. Reproductive Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows Treated With Cloprostenol at the Time of Insemination. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2004

  • Lopez Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J. L.;Hunter, R. H. F. Progesterone Supplementation During the Early Fetal Period Reduces Pregnancy Loss in High-Yielding Dairy Cattle. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2004

  • Yaniz, J.;Santolaria, P.;Lopez Gatius, F. Relationship Between Fertility and the Walking Activity of Cows at Oestrus. VETERINARY RECORD. 2003

  • Murugavel, K,; Yániz J,; Santolaria, P,; López-Béjar, M,; López-Gatius, F. Prostaglandin based estrus synchronization in postpartum dairy cows. An update. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN VETERINARY MEDICINE. 2003

  • Murugavel, K.;Yaniz, J. L.;Santolaria, P.;Lopez-Bejar, M.;Lopez-Gatius, F. Luteal Activity at the Onset of a Timed Insemination Protocol Affects Reproductive Outcome in Early Postpartum Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2003

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Murugavel, K.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J.;Lopez-Bejar, M. Effects of Presynchronization During the Preservice Period on Subsequent Ovarian Activity in Lactating Dairy Cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2003

  • Rutllant, J; Lopez-Bejar, M; Santolaria, P; Yaniz, Jl; Lopez-Gatius, F. Rhelogical and ultrastructural properties of bovine vaginal fluid obtained at oestrus. JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. 2002

  • Yaniz J;Santolaria P;Lopez Gatius F. Surface alterations in the bovine pelvic peritoneum following rectal examination of reproductive organs: a scanning electron microscopy study. ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA. 2002

  • Yaniz, J. L;Santolaria, P. ;Lopez Gatius, F. In vitro development of bovine embryos encapsulated in sodium alginate. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES A-PHYSIOLOGY PATHOLOGY CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2002

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J.;Rutllant, J.;Lopez-Bejar, M. Factors affecting pregnancy loss from gestation Day 38 to 90 in lactating dairy cows from a single herd. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2002

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J.;Fenech, M.;Lopez-Bejar, M. Risk factors for postpartum ovarian cysts and their spontaneous recovery or persistence in lactating dairy cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2002

  • Perez, Maria Pilar; Palacio, Jorge; Santolaria, Maria Pilar; Acena, Maria del Carmen; Chacon, Gema; Verde, Maria Teresa; Calvo, Jorge Hugo; Zaragoza, Maria Pilar; Gascon, Manuel; Garcia Belenguer, Sylvia. Influence of lairage time on some welfare and meat quality parameters in pigs.. VETERINARY RESEARCH. 2002. DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2002012

  • Perez, M P; Palacio, J; Santolaria, M P; Aceña, M C; Chacon, G; Gascon, M; Calvo, J H; Zaragoza, P; Beltran, J A; Garcia Belenguer, S. Effect of transport time on welfare and meat quality in pigs.. MEAT SCIENCE. 2002. DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1740(01)00216-9

  • Yaniz, J L;Lopez, Bejar M;Santolaria, P;Rutllant, J;Lopez, Gatius F. Intraperitoneal insemination in mammals: A review. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2002

  • Rodes, D.; Palacio, J.; Santolaria, M.P.; Aceña, M.; Chacón, G.; Gascón, M.; García-Belenguer, S. Efecto de la densidad en las cuadras del matadero sobre el bienestar del ganado vacuno. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 2001

  • Lopez-Gatius, F.;Santolaria, P.;Yaniz, J.;Rutlant, J.;Lopez-Bejar, M. Persistent ovarian follicles in dairy cows: a therapeutic approach. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2001

  • Yániz, J; López-Gatius, F; Santolaria, P; Mullins, J. Study of the functional anatomy of bovine oviductal mucosa. ANATOMICAL RECORD. 2000

  • Yaniz, Jl; Santolaria, P; Rutllant, J; López-Bejar, M; Lopez-Gatius, F. A scanning electron microscopic study of the peritoneal mesothelium covering the genital tract and its ligaments in the cow. ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA. 2000

  • Campo, M.M.; Santolaria, P.; Sañudo, C.; Lepetit, J.; Olleta, J.L.; Panea, B.; Albertí, P. Assesment of breed type and ageing time effects on beef meat quality using two different texture devices. MEAT SCIENCE. 2000. DOI: 10.1016/S0309-1740(99)00162-X

  • Campo, M. M.;Sañudo, C.;Panea, B.;Alberti, P.;Santolaria, P. Breed type and ageing time effects on sensory characteristics of beef strip loin steaks. MEAT SCIENCE. 1999

  • García-Belenguer, S.; Pérez, M. P.; Palacio, J.; Santolaria, P.; Aceña, C.; Chacón, G.; Verde, T. Influencia de diferentes tiempos de espera previo al sacrificio sobre parámetros indicativos del estado de bienestar y de calidad de la carne en ganado porcino. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1999

  • López-Béjar, M.; López-Gatius, F.; Camón, J. ;Valls, X..; Labèrnia, J.;Santolaria, P. Morphological features and effects on reproductive parameters of ovarian cysts of follicular origin in superovulated rabbit does. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 1998

  • Alberti, P.; Sañudo, C.; Campo, M.M.; Panea, B.; Olleta, J.L.; Santolaria, P.; Nute, G. Influencia del tipo racial en las características de la canal y la calidad de la carne en terneros españoles. REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE ZOOTECNIA. 1998

  • Sanudo, C.;Sierra, I.;Olleta, J. L.;Martin, L.;Campo, M. M.;Santolaria, P.;Wood, J. D.;Nute, G. R. Influence of weaning on carcass quality, fatty acid composition and meat quality in intensive lamb production systems. ANIMAL SCIENCE. 1998

  • Labernia, J. Lopez-Gatius, F., Santolaria, P., Hanzen, C., Laurent, Y., Houtain, J. : Influence of calving season on the interaction among reproductive disorders of dairy cows. ANIMAL SCIENCE. 1998

  • Beltran, J. A.;Jaime, I.;Santolaria, P.;Sañudo, C.;Alberti, P.;Roncales, P. Effect of stress-induced high post-mortem pH on protease activity and tenderness of beef. MEAT SCIENCE. 1997

  • Sañudo, C.;Campo, M. M.;Sierra, I.;Maria, G. A.;Olleta, J. L.;Santolaria, P. Breed effect on carcase and meat quality of suckling lambs. MEAT SCIENCE. 1997

  • Santolaria, P.;Sañudo, C.;Alberti, P.;Campo, M. M. Estudio de la calidad organoléptica de la carne de añojo de siete razas españolas mediante una prueba de consumidores. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1997

  • López-Béjar, M.; López-Gatius, F.; Camón, J.; Rutllant, J.;Labèrnia, J.;Santolaria, P. Rapid freezing of rabbit embryos has a negative effect on embryo morphology. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 1997

  • López-Gatius, F.; Labèrnia, J.; Santolaria, P.; Rutllant, J.; López-Béjar, M. The relationship of rheological behaviour of the vaginal fluid at the time of insemination to pregnancy rate in daity cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 1997

  • Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, M. P.;Maria, G.;Osorio, M.;Sierra, I. Influence of carcass weight on instrumental and sensory lamb meat quality in intensive production systems. MEAT SCIENCE. 1996

  • Labernia, J. ;López-Gatius, F; Santolaria, P ; López-Béjar, M ; Rutllant, J. Influence of management factors on pregnancy attrition in dairy cattle. THERIOGENOLOGY. 1996

  • López-Gatius, F.;Rutllant, J;Labèrnia, J.;Ibarz, A..; López-Béjar, M.,; Santolaria, P. Rheological behaviour of the vaginal fluid of dairy cows at estrus. THERIOGENOLOGY. 1996

  • López-Gatius, F.; Labèrnia, J.; Santolaria, P.; López-Béjar, M.; Rutllant, J. Effect of reproductive disorders previous to conception on pregnancy attrition in dairy cows. THERIOGENOLOGY. 1996

  • López-Béjar, M.; López-Gatius, F.; Rutllant, J.; Camón, J.; Labèrnia, J.; Santolaria, P. Development in vivo of rabbit morulae after freezing by a two-step cooling method. THERIOGENOLOGY. 1996

  • Sañudo, C.;Sierra, I.;Olleta, J.L.;Martín, L.;Campo, M.M.;Santolaria, P.;Wood, J.;Nute, G.R. Influence of weaning on carcass, fatty acids composition and meat quality in intensive lamb production systems. ANIMAL SCIENCE. 1995. DOI: 10.1017/S1357729800008948

  • Albertí Lasalle, P.;Sañudo Astiz, C.;Santolaria Blasco, P.;Lahoz Castelló, F.;Olleta Castañer, J. L.;Campo Arribas, M. M. Características de la canal y calidad de la carne de añojos de la raza Retinta. ARCHIVOS DE ZOOTECNIA. 1995

  • Alberti Lasalle, P.;Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, P. El cebo de terneros con pienso. BOVIS. 1995

  • Alberti Lasalle, P.;Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, P. El cebo de terneros con silo de maíz complementado con pienso. BOVIS. 1995

  • Alberti Lasalle, P.;Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, P. El cebo de terneros con heno de alfalfa complementado con pienso. BOVIS. 1995

  • Alberti, P.;Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, P.;Lahoz, F.;Jaime, J.;Tena, R. Calidad de la canal y de la carne de terneros cebados con dietas de paja tratada. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1993

  • Alberti, P.;Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, P.;Negueruela, I.;Consigli, R.;Sierra, I.;Alcalde, M. J. Representación en tres dimensiones del color de la carne y grasa de bovino y su relación con otras carnes. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1993

  • Sañudo, C.;Sierra, I.;Osorio, M. T.;Alcalde, M. J.;Ramos, E.;Santolaria, P. Evolución de la calidad de la carne con el aumento de peso de la canal (7,4-15,5 Kg) en la raza Rasa Aragonesa. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1993

  • Sañudo, C.;Delfa, R.;Gonzalez, C.;Alcalde, M. J.;Casas, M.;Santolaria, P.;Vigil, E. Calidad de la carne del ternasco. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1992

  • Alberti, P.;Sañudo, C.;Santolaria, P.;Lahoz, F.;Jaime, J.;Tena, R. Efecto del empleo de alfalfa deshidratada en dietas de cebo de terneros sobre la calidad de la canal y de la carne. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1992

  • Sañudo, C; Sierra, I; Alcalde, M.J; Santolaria, P. Calidad sensorial de la carne en el tipo comercial ternasco. ITEA. INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA ECONÓMICA AGRARIA. 1991


  • Santaliestra-Pasias, Alba M.; Miguel-Berges, María L.; Campo, María M.; Guerrero, Ana; Olleta, José Luis; Santolaria, Pilar; Moreno Aznar, Luis A. Efecto de una intervención dietética con carne magra de ternera (Ternera de los Pirineos) versus carne magra de pollo en la composición corporal, perfil de ácidos grasos e indicadores de riesgo cardiovasculuar: estudio cruzado aleatorizado. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE NUTRICIÓN HUMANA Y DIETÉTICA. 2021

  • Yaniz, J.L.; Gosalvez, J.; Lopez-Fernandez, C.; Sales, E.; Santolaria, P. Effect of age on sperm quality of drones of Apis mellifera iberiensis. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.03.023

  • Caycho, K.S.; Santolaria, P.; Soler, C.; Yaniz, J.L. Effect of hypoosmotic swelling test and water test on the distribution of sperm subpopulations in bull. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.03.024

  • Santolaria, P.; López-Garíus, F.; Sánchez-Nadal, J.A.; Yániz, J. Automatic recording of body weight during the early postpartum period to predict subsequent reproductive performance in high producing dairy cows. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2012

  • Santolaria, P.; López-Gatius, F.; García-Ispierto, I.; Bech-Sàbat, G.; Serrano, B.; Yániz, Jl. Influencia del microclima en una explotación de vacas lecheras de alta producción sobre la pérdida fetal. ITEA. INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA ECONÓMICA AGRARIA. 2009

  • Yániz, J.;Santolaria,P.;Hunter,R. H. F.;López-Gatius,F. ¿Desempeña La Serosa Peritoneal Un Papel Activo En La Fisiología Reproductiva De La Cerda?. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 2007

  • Yániz, Jl.; Marti, Ji.; Silvestre, Ma.; Folch, J., Santolaria, P.; Alabart, Jl., López-Gatius, F. Efecto de la conservación de espermatozoides ovinos en medio semi-solido (gel) a 15º sobre su capacidad de penetración de oocitos homólogos. ITEA. INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA ECONÓMICA AGRARIA. 2005

  • Yániz, J.; Santolaria, P.; Surra, J.; López Béjar, M.; Rutllant, J.; López Gatius, F. Encapsulación de embriones bovinos en microcápsulas esféricas de alginato. ITEA. INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA ECONÓMICA AGRARIA. 2001

  • Yániz, J.; Santolaria, P.; López Béjar, M.; Rutllant, J.; López Gatius, F. Evaluación del carragenato como sustrato para la encapsulación embrionaria. ITEA. INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA ECONÓMICA AGRARIA. 2001

  • Palacio, J.;Santolaria, P.;Garcia-Belenguer, S.;Rodes, D.;Aceña, C.;Gascón, M.;Angel, J. A.;Lles, J. C.;Lobera, B.;Martín-Maestro, I.;Bayo, F.;Til, L. Factores de estrés previos al sacrificio y su repercusión sobre el ph final de las canales de ganado vacuno. ITEA. PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL. 1999


  • [Coordina Pilar Santolaria Blasco]. Recetas con carne de vacuno del Pirineo: carne autóctona, sostenible y saludable = Recettes avec viande bovine des Pyrénées : viande locale, durable et favorable a la santé = Receptes amb carn de boví del Pirineu : carn autòctona, sostenible i saludable. 2019

  • Pilar Santolaria Blasco, Jesús Yániz Pérez de Albéniz. Aspectos básicos de la reproducción: mamíferos de interés zootécnico. 2016

  • Pilar Santolaria Blasco, Jesús Yániz Pérez de Albéniz. Aspectos básicos de la reproducción: mamíferos de interés zootécnico. 2001


  • Management factors affecting fertility after cervical insemination with fresh semen in sheep. Artificial Insemination. Santolaria, P,; Palacín, I,; Yániz, J,. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. 2011

  • Management factors affecting fertility in sheep. Santolaria, P.; Palacín.; I., Yániz, J.L. ARTIFICAL INSEMINATION IN FARM ANIMALS. 2011

  • Chapter 5. Effects of heat stress on reproductive efficiency in high producing dairy cows. Lopez-Gatius, F; García-Ispierto, I; Yániz, JL. RELATIVE HUMIDITY: SENSORS, MANAGEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. 2010

  • Factors of non-infectious nature affecting early foetal loss in high producing dairy herds in North-Eastern Spain. López-Gatius, F,; Szenci, O,; Bech-Sàbat, G,; García-Ispierto, I,; Serrano, B,; Santolaria, P,; Yáni. FACTORS AFFECTING REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE IN THE COW. 2008

  • PAG. Yániz, JL; López-Gatius F, Almeria, S. PREGNANCY PROTEIN RESEARCH. 2006

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