Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Calvo Pascual, Mónica Carolina
Departamento: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Área: Filología Inglesa
Centro: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Grupo: H03_23R: Narrativa contemporánea en legua inglesa
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.

  • Vicedecana de Estudiantes y Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Página web:
ORCID: 0000-0003-3846-468X



  • edited by Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual. Transhumanism and posthumanism in twenty-first century narrative. 2021

  • edited by Marita Nadal and Mónica Calvo. Trauma in contemporary literature: narrative and representation. 2014

  • Chaos and Madness: The Politics of Fiction in Stephen Marlowe's Historical Narratives. 2011


  • Vulnerability and risk in Larissa Lai´s critical dystopias Mónica Calvo-Pascual. REPRESENTING VULNERABILITIES IN CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE. 2023

  • (Trans/Post)Humanity and Representation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Anthropocene: An Introduction. Baelo-Allué, Sonia y Calvo Pascual, Mónica. TRANSHUMANISM AND POSTHUMANISM IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY NARRATIVE. 2021

  • Conclusion: Towards a Post-Pandemic, (Post)Human World. Baelo-Allué, Sonia y Calvo Pascual, Mónica. TRANSHUMANISM AND POSTHUMANISM IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY NARRATIVE. 2021

  • Mónica Calvo Pascual. A feminine subject in postmodernist chaos: Jeanette Winterson's lesbian manifesto in "Oranges are not the only fruit". TIME PRESENT AND TIME PAST: HOMAGE TO SUSANA ONEGA. 2021

  • Sonia Baelo Allué and Mónica Calvo Pascual. (Trans/post) humanity and representation in the Fourth Industrial Revoluiona nd the Anthropocene: an introduction. TRANSHUMANISM AND POSTHUMANISM IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY NARRATIVE. 2021

  • Sonia Baelo Allué and Mónica Calvo Pascual. Conclusion : Towards a Post-Pandemic, (Post)Human World. TRANSHUMANISM AND POSTHUMANISM IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY NARRATIVE. 2021

  • Marita Nadal and Mónica Calvo. Trauma and literary representation: an introduction. TRAUMA IN CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE: NARRATIVE AND REPRESENTATION. 2014

  • Switching Affects: Anxious Narratives of Lesbian Representation in Spanish Television. Escudero Alías, Maite; Calvo Pascual, Mónica. TELEVISING QUEER WOMEN: A READER. 2012

  • The Negotiation of Identity in Consumer Culture: Structural Trauma and the Underprivileged in User I.D.: a Novel of Identity Theft. Calvo Pascual, Mónica. THE BACKYARD OF THE U.S. MANSION. 2012

  • Trauma, gender and identity. Barred from the sublime: structural trauma and gender socialisation in Jenefer Shute's Life-size. Calvo Pascual, Mónica Carolina. BETWEEN THE URGE TO KNOW AND THE NEED TO DENY: TRAUMA AND ETHICS IN CONTEMPORARY BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. 2011

  • Mónica Calvo. Barred fron the sublime: structural trauma and gender socialisation. BETWEEN THE URGE TO KNOW AND THE NEED TO DENY: TRAUMA AND ETHICS IN CONTEMPORARY BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. 2011

  • Mónica Calvo Pascual. Historiographic metafiction meets science fiction: a case of Uchronian narrative. HISTORIA Y REPRESENTACIÓN EN LA CULTURA GLOBAL. 2008

  • Mónica Calvo Pascual. Fascism and neurosis in Spain: Stephen Marlowe's ethical stance in "Colossus". ON THE TURN: THE ETHICS OF FICTION IN CONTEMPORARY NARRATIVE IN ENGLISH. 2007

  • Fried Green Tomatoes: Lesbian Erasure and Unofficial Challenge. CULTURE AND POWER: AC(UNOFFICIAL)KNOWLEDGING CULTURAL STUDIES IN SPAIN. 2002

  • Mónica Calvo Pascual. Chaos and borders in Stephen Marlowe's "The Memoirs of Christopher Columbus". BEYOND BORDERS: RE-DEFINING GENERIC AND ONTOLOGICAL BOUNDARIES. 2002

  • Mónica Calvo Pascual. "Express yourself" a postmodernist gaze on power and femininity. CULTURE AND POWER: CHALLENGING DISCOURSES. 2000

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