Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Artigas Álava, Miguel José
Departamento: Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales y Fluidos
Área: Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica
Centro: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Grupo: E39_23R: GATHERS
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.

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  • Palacios, L.; Meheut, Y.; Galiana-Cameo, M.; Artigas, M.J.; Di Giuseppe, A.; Lahoz, F.J.; Polo, V.; Castarlenas, R.; Pérez-Torrente, J.J.; Oro, L.A. Design of highly selective alkyne hydrothiolation RhI-NHC catalysts: Carbonyl-triggered nonoxidative mechanism. ORGANOMETALLICS. 2017. DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.7b00251

  • Luaces, S.; Passarelli, V.; Artigas, M.J.; Lahoz, F.J.; Oro, L.A.; Macias, R. Postsynthetic modifications of [2, 2, 2-(H)(PPh3)(2)-closo-2, 1-RhSB8H8] with Lewis bases: cluster modular tuning. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 2016. DOI: 10.1039/c6dt00856a

  • Calvo, B.; Macías, R.; Artigas, M. J.; Lahoz, F. J.; Oro, L. A. Unusual cationic rhodathiaboranes: Synthesis and characterization of [8, 8, 8-(H)(PR3)2-9-(Py)-nido-8, 7-RhSB9H 10]+ and [1, 3- -(H)-1, 1-(PR3) 2-3-(Py)-isonido-1, 2-RhSB9H8]+. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 2014. DOI: 10.1039/c3dt52018h

  • Pique, C.;Blanco,J. A.;Burriel,R.;Abad,E.;Fernandez-Rodriguez,J.;Artigas,M. Heat Capacity of RFexMn12-x (R = Gd, Tb and Dy) Compounds: Wiping Out a Cooperative 4f-4f Exchange Interaction by Breaking the 3d-4f Magnetic Symmetry. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS CONDENSED MATTER. 2008

  • Pique, C.;Blanco,J. A.;Burriel,R.;Abad,E.;Artigas,M.;Fernandez-Diaz,M. T. Influence of 3d-4f Interactions in the Magnetic Phases of RFexMn12-x (R=Gd, Tb, and Dy) Compounds: Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism at Different Crystallographic Sites. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS. 2007

  • Chaboy, J.;Piquer, C.;Plugaru, N.;Artigas, M.;Maruyama, H.;Kawamura, N.;Suzuki, M. Relationship Between Hydriding and Nd Magnetic Moment in Nd2fe14b. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2003

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R.;Millan, A.;Rillo, C.;Artigas, M. Study of Mgb2 Powders and Cu/Mgb2 Powder-in-Tube Composite Wires With Zn Addition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2003

  • Plugaru, N.;Rubin, J.;Bartolome, J.;Piquer, C.;Artigas, M. Magnetic properties of RFe11.3W0.7 (R=Dy, Ho, Er, and Lu). On the R-Fe exchange interaction in the R(Fe,T)12 class of compounds. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER. 2002

  • López, A; Lázaro, Fj; Artigas, M; Larrea, A. Spin-glass and non-interacting nanoparticle phenomenologies in the same alloy: Magnetic monitoring of the atomic diffusion processes and implications on the microstructure. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS. 2002. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.174413

  • Piquer, C.;Bartolome, J.;Artigas, M.;Fruchart, D. Hydrogenation Effects on the Magnetic and Crystal-Field Interactions in the R2Fe14Bhx (R = Gd, Pr, Dy) Compounds. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER. 2000

  • Piquer, C.; Palacios, E.; Artigas, M.; Bartolome, J.; Rubin, J.; Campo, J.; Hofmann, M. Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of the Rfe11.5Ta0.5 (R Lu, Er, Ho, Dy and Tb) Compounds. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS CONDENSED MATTER. 2000. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/12/10/310

  • Artigas, M.;Piquer, C.;Rubin, J.;Bartolome, J. Preparation of the new compounds RE(Ta approximate to 0.5Fe approximate to 11.5) (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu). JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1999

  • Artigas, M.;Fruchart, D.;Gasdeblay, C.;Isnard, O.;Miraglia, S. Structural, magnetic and hydrogenation properties of R(2)Fe(17-x)S1(x) compounds (R=rare earth element) II. Effects of hydrogen insertion on the magnetic properties (R=Ce, Nd; 0 <= x <= 5). JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 1999

  • Abad, E.;Pique, C.;Blanco, J. A.;Burriel, R.;Artigas, M. Heat capacity in RFexMn12-x compounds. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1999

  • Abad, E.;Pique, C.;Blanco, J. A.;Artigas, M.;Burriel, R.;Fernandez-Diaz, M. T. Magnetic structures of RFexMn12-x compounds (R = Tb and Y). JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1999

  • Morales, M.;Artigas, M.;Bacmann, M.;Fruchart, D.;Skolozdra, R.;Soubeyroux, J. L.;Wolfers, P. Comparison of the magnetic properties of ErMn12-xFex series with their related hydrides and carbides. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1999

  • Piquer, C.;Artigas, M.;Bartolome, J. Magnetic disaccommodation phenomena in R2Fe14BHx (R = Gd, Pr and Dy) compounds. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1999

  • Artigas, M.;Fruchart, D.;Isnard, O.;Miraglia, S.;Soubeyroux, J. L. Structural, magnetic and hydrogenation properties of R2Fe17-xSix alloys (R = rare earth element) - I. Crystal structure behaviour of the Ce2Fe17-xSixHy system (0 <= x <= 5, y <= 5). JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 1998

  • Piquer, C.;Artigas, M.;Rubin, J.;Bartolome, J. Magnetic properties of the new compounds RFe11.5Ta0.5 (R Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Lu). JOURNAL OF PHYSICS CONDENSED MATTER. 1998

  • Luis, F.;Kuz'min, M. D.;Bartolome, F.;Orera, V. M.;Bartolome, J.;Artigas, M.;Rubin, J. Magnetic susceptibility of NdGaO3 at low temperatures: A quasi-two-dimensional Ising behavior. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER. 1998

  • Galatanu, A.;Kottar, A.;Artigas, M.;Plugaru, N.;Lazar, D. P. Effect of aluminium on phase stability in the Gd3Co11(B,Al)(4) system. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 1997

  • Miao, H.;Artigas, M.;de la Fuente, G. F.;Iriarte, F.;Navarro, R. Processing and superconducting properties of Ag-Ti-Cu alloy-sheathed BiSrCaCuO tapes. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES. 1997

  • Artigas, M.;Bacmann, M.;Fruchart, D.;Morales, M.;Tomey, E. Transition metal distribution in the ErMn12-xFex (0<=x<=8) compounds. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER. 1997

  • Artigas, M.;Fruchart, R.;Bacmann, M.;Fruchart, D.;Wolfers, P. Synthesis and structural characterisation of a new allotropic type of FeRhP. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1997

  • Artigas, M.;Bartolome, J.;Manning, C. Note on the so called 'GdFe8.4Ge3.6' compound. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 1997

  • Kuzmin, M. D.;Garcia, L. M.;Artigas, M.;Bartolome, J. ac susceptibility of a DyFe11Ti single crystal. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER. 1996

  • Artigas, M.;Fruchart, D.;Rillo, C.;Tomey, E.;Jimenez, C.;Angurel, L. A.;Lera, F.;Bartolome, J.;Fruchart, R. Magnetic Phase-Transitions in (Fe1-Xrux)2p (0.25-Less-Than-Or-Equal To-X-Less-Than-Or-Equal To-0.6). JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1992


  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L.A.;Navarro, R.;Millan, A.;Rillo, C.;Artigas, M. Study of MgB/sub 2/ powders and Cu/MgB/sub 2/ powder-in- tube composite wires with Zn addition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2003


  • Luis Alberto Angurel Lambán, Miguel Artigas Álava, Miguel Castro Corella, José Ignacio Peña Torre, José Antonio Puértolas Ráfales, Ricardo Ríos Jordana, Anselmo Villellas Malo ; [Ricardo Ríos Jordana (coordinador)]. Problemas de tecnología de materiales. 2014

  • Luis Alberto Angurel Lambán, Miguel Artigas Álava, Miguel Castro Corella, José Ignacio Peña Torre, José Antonio Puértolas Ráfales, Ricardo Ríos Jordana, Anselmo Villellas Malo ; [Ricardo Ríos Jordana (coordinador)]. Problemas de tecnología de materiales. 2013

  • José Antonio Puértolas Rafales, Ricardo Ríos Jordana, Miguel Castro Corella, José Manuel Casals Bustos (eds.) ; [Luis Alberto Angurel Lambán, Miguel Artigas Álava, Javier Castany Valeri, Isabel Clavería, Jesús Cuartero Salafranca, Juan Carlos Díez Moñux, Jesús Fuentelsanz. Tecnología de materiales. 2009


  • [M. Artigas]. Adhesivos. TECNOLOGÍA DE MATERIALES. 2009

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