Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Goñi Cepero, María Pilar
Departamento: Departamento de Microbiología, Pediatría, Radiología y Salud Pública
Área: Parasitología
Centro: Facultad de Medicina

Grupo: B43_23R: Agua y Salud Ambiental
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.

  • Adjunta al Decano para Calidad.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0765-7227

Líneas de investigación
  • Ciencias naturales y ciencias de la salud
  • Biomedicina
  • Biología molecular, celular y genética
  • Bacteriología
  • Parasitología
  • Parasitología humana
  • Protozoología
  • Microbiología médica
  • Educación para la salud
  • Prevención y promoción de la salud


  • Goñi, Pilar; Benito, María; La Plante, Daniella; Fernández, María T.; Sánchez, Elena; Chueca, Patricia; Miguel, Natividad; Mosteo, Rosa; Ormad, María P.; Rubio, Encarnación Identification of free-living amoebas and amoeba-resistant bacteria accumulated in Dreissena polymorpha. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2020. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15093

  • Benito, María; Menacho, Carmen; Chueca, Patricia; Ormad, María P.; Goñi, Pilar. Seeking the reuse of effluents and sludge from conventional wastewater treatment plants: Analysis of the presence of intestinal protozoa and nematode eggs. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110268

  • López, Andrea; Rodríguez-Chueca, Jorge; Mosteo, Rosa; Gómez, Jairo; Rubio, E.; Goñi, Pilar; Ormad, María P. How does urban wastewater treatment affect the microbial quality of treated wastewater?. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2019.07.016

  • López, A.; Baguer, B.; Goñi, P.; Rubio, E.; Gómez, J.; Mosteo, R.; Ormad, M.P. Assessment of the methodologies used in microbiological control of sewage sludge. WASTE MANAGEMENT. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.07.024

  • Remacha, M.ªa.; Goñi, M.P.; Espinel, J. Obstructive jaundice of a parasitic etiology. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ENFERMEDADES DIGESTIVAS. 2019. DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5827/2018

  • Goñi, M.P.; Benito, M.; Cieloszyk, J.; Arango, E.; Laplante, D.; Remacha, M.A.; Seral, C.; Fernandez, M.T.; Lafarga, L.; Rubio, E. El gen tpi como herramienta en los estudios epidemiolo´gicos de la giardiosis. REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL. 2018

  • Benito, M.; Laplante, D.; Fernandez, M.T.; Miguel, N.; Lasheras, A.M.; Gomez, J.; Ormad, M.P.; Rubio, E.; Goñi, M.P. Amebas de vida libre en aguas residuales y fangos: Su papel como reservorio natural de bacterias potencialmente patógenas. REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL. 2018

  • Ortillés, Á.; Goñi, P.; Rubio, E.; Sierra, M.; Gámez, E.; Fernández, M.T.; Benito, M.; Cristóbal, J.Á.; Calvo, B. A rabbit model of Acanthamoeba keratitis: Use of infected soft contact lenses after corneal epithelium debridement with a diamond burr. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2017. DOI: 10.1167/iovs.16-21100

  • Ortillés, A.; Belloc, J.; Rubio, E.; Fernández, M.T.; Benito, M.; Cristóbal, Ja.; Calvo, B.; Goñi, P. In vitro development of an effective treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2017.03.033

  • Requena-Méndez, A.; Goñi, P.; Rubio, E.; Pou, D.; Fumadó, V.; Lóbez, S.; Aldasoro, E.; Cabezos, J.; Valls, M.E.; Treviño, B.; Martínez, Montseny, A.F.; Clavel, A.; Gascon, J.; Muñoz, J. The Use of Quinacrine in Nitroimidazole-resistant Giardia Duodenalis: An Old Drug for an Emerging Problem.. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2017. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jix066

  • Mosteo, R.; Goñi, P.; Miguel, N.; Abadías, J.; Valero, P.; Ormad, M. P. Bioaccumulation of pathogenic bacteria and amoeba by zebra mussels and their presence in watercourses. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5418-2

  • Marín, Isabel ; Goñi, Pilar ; Lasheras, Ana Marta; Ormad, María Peña. Efficiency of a Spanish wastewater treatment plant for removal potentially pathogens: Characterization of bacteria and protozoa along water and sludge treatment lines. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.09.027

  • Goñi, P.; Almagro-Nievas, D.; Cieloszyk, J.; Lóbez, S.; Navarro-Marí, J. M.; Gutiérrez-Fernández, J. Cryptosporidiosis outbreak in a child day-care center caused by an unusual Cryptosporidium hominis subtype. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.eimc.2015.02.003

  • Requena-Méndez A; Goñi P; Lóbez S; Oliveira I; Aldasoro E; Valls Me; Clavel A; Gascón J; Muñoz J. A family cluster of giardiasis with variable treatment responses: refractory giardiasis in a family after a trip to India. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION. 2014. DOI: 10.1111/1469-0691.12327

  • Goñi Pilar; Fernández, Maria Teresa; Rubio, Encarnación. Identifying endosymbiont bacteria associated with free-living amoebae. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12363

  • Roka, M.; Goñi, P.; Rubio, E.; Clavel, A. Intestinal parasites in HIV-seropositive patients in the Continental Region of Equatorial Guinea: Its relation with socio-demographic, health and immune systems factors. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE. 2013. DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trt049

  • Calvo, L.; Gregorio, I.; Garcia, A.; Fernandez, M.T.; Goni, P.; Clavel, A.; Peleato, M.L.; Fillat, M.F. A new pentaplex-nested PCR to detect five pathogenic bacteria in free living amoebae. WATER RESEARCH. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2012.09.039

  • Garcia, A.; Goñi, P.;Cieloszyk, J.; Fernandez, M. T.; Calvo-Beguería, L.; Rubio, E.; Fillat, M. F.; Peleato, M. L.; Clavel, A. Identification of free-living amoebae and amoeba-associated bacteria from reservoirs and water treatment plants by molecular techniques. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1021/es400160k

  • Mosteo, R.;Ormad, M. P.;Goñi, P.;Rodríguez-Chueca, J.;García, A.;Clavel, A. Identification of pathogen bacteria and protozoa in treated urban wastewaters discharged in the Ebro River (Spain): Water reuse possibilities. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.201

  • del Buey,M. A.; Cristóbal,J. A.; Casas,P.; Goñi,P.; Clavel,A.; Mnguez,E.; Lanchares,E.; García,A.; Calvo,B. Evaluation of in vitro efficacy of combined riboflavin and ultraviolet A for Acanthamoeba isolates. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajo.2011.07.025

  • Roka,M.;Goñi,P.;Rubio,E.;Clavel,A. Prevalence of intestinal parasites in HIV-positive patients on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea: Its relation to sanitary conditions and socioeconomic factors. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.06.023

  • Goñi, P.; Martín, B.; Villacampa, M.; García, A.; Seral, C.; Castillo, F.J.; Clavel, A. Evaluation of an immunochromatographic dip strip test for simultaneous detection of Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia duodenalis, and Entamoeba histolytica antigens in human faecal samples. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s10096-012-1544-7

  • Cieloszyk, J.;Goñi, P.;García, A.;Remacha, M. A.;Sánchez, E.;Clavel, A. Two cases of zoonotic cryptosporidiosis in Spain by the unusual species Cryptosporidium ubiquitum and Cryptosporidium felis. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.eimc.2012.04.011

  • García,A.;Goñi,P.;Clavel,A.;Lobez,S.;Fernandez,M. T.;Ormad,M. P. Potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae (FLA) isolated in Spanish wastewater treatment plants. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS. 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2011.00271.x

  • Cardona, G. A.; Carabin, H.; Goñi, P.; Arriola, L.; Robinson, G.; Fernández-Crespo, J. C.; Clavel, A.; Chalmers, R. M.; Carmena, D. Identification and molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in children and cattle populations from the province of Álava, North of Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.09.076

  • Aldana E; Goñi P; Clavel A; Cancinos de Orantes B; Buera L. Identifi cación de genotipos de Giardia duodenalis en niños del área urbana de Guatemala. REVISTA IBERO-LATINOAMERICANA DE PARASITOLOGÍA. 2011

  • Clavel, A; Toledo, M; Goñi, P; Aspiroz, C. Intestinal myiasis due to Eristalis tenax: report of a new case in Spain. THE NEW MICROBIOLOGICA. 2011

  • Lanao, M.; Ormad, M. P.; Goñi, P.; Miguel, N.; Mosteo, R.; Ovelleiro, J. L. Inactivation of Clostridium perfringens spores and vegetative cells by photolysis and TiO2 photocatalysis with H2O2. SOLAR ENERGY. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2010.01.023

  • Goñi, P; Aldana, De; Clavel, A; Seral, C; Remacha, Ma; Castillo, Fj. Prevalencia de Giardia duodenalis genotipo B en humanos en Zaragoza y León, España. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA. 2010

  • Goñi, Pilar; López, Patricia; Sánchez, Cristina; Gómez Lus, Rafael; Becerril, Raquel; Nerín, Cristina. Antimicrobial activity in the vapour phase of a combination of cinnamon and clove essential oils. FOOD CHEMISTRY. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.03.058

  • Cabrera, R.;Ruiz, J.;Sanchez-Cespedes, J.;Goñi, P.;Gomez-Lus, R.;Jimenez de Anta, M. T.;Gascon, J.;Vila, J. Characterization of the Enzyme Aac(3)-Id in a Clinical Isolate of Salmonella Enterica Serovar Haifa Causing Traveler's Diarrhea. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA. 2009

  • Sahagún, J; Clavel, A; Goñi, P; Seral, C; Llorente, Mt; Castillo, Fj; Capilla ,S; Arias, A; Gómez-Lus, R. Correlation between the presence of symptons and the Giardia duodenalis genotype. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2008

  • Cerdá Zolezzi, P.;Goñi Cepero, P.;Millán Laplana, L.;Rubio Calvo, C.;Durán, E.;Oca, M.;Gómez Lus, R. Sensibilidad a Antibióticos Betalactámicos, Glucopéptidos y Aminoglucósidos En Cepas Comensales De Estreptococos Alfahemolíticos y Gemella Spp. Resistentes a Eritromicina. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA. 2008

  • Ormad, M. P.;Lanao,M.;Goñi,P.;Ibarz,C.;Ovelleiro,J. L. Eliminación De Clostridium Perfringens En Diversas Etapas De Una Estación De Tratamiento De Aguas Potables. TECNOLOGIA DEL AGUA. 2008

  • Becerril, R.;Gomez-Lus,R.;Goñi,P.;Lopez,P.;Nerin,C. Combination of Analytical and Microbiological Techniques to Study the Antimicrobial Activity of a New Active Food Packaging Containing Cinnamon Or Oregano Against E-Coli and S-Aureus. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2007

  • Suarez-Luengas, L.; Clavel, A.; Quilez, J.; Pilar Goñi-Cepero, M.; Torres, E.; Sanchez-Acedo, C.; del Cacho, E. Molecular Characterization of Cryptosporidium Isolates from Pigs in Zaragoza (Northeastern Spain). VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2007.06.022

  • Millan, L.;Goñi,P.;Cerda,P.;Rubio,M. C.;Gomez-Lus,R. Novel 10-Bp Deletion in the Translational Attenuator of a Constitutively Expressed Erm(A) Gene from Staphylococcus Epidermidis. INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2007

  • Cerda Zolezzi, P.;Goñi Cepero,P.;Ruiz,J.;Millan Laplana,L.;Rubio Calvo,C.;Gomez-Lus,R. Molecular Epidemiology of Macrolide and Tetracycline Resistances in Commensal Gemella Sp Isolates. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 2007

  • Millan Laplana, L;Goi Cepero, M.P;Ruiz, J;Zolezzi, P.C;Rubio Calvo, M.C;Canales Erazo, M;Gomez-Lus, R. Molecular Typing of Staphylococcus Aureus Clinical Isolates by Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis, Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome Mec Type Determination and Dissemination of Antibiotic Resistance Genes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS. 2007

  • Cerda, P.;Goñi,P.;Millan,L.;Rubio,C.;Gomez-Lus,R. Detection of the Aminoglycoside-Streptothricin Resistance Gene Cluster Ant(6)-sat4-Aph(3')-III in Commensal Viridans Group Streptococci. INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2007

  • Llorent, M. T.;Clavel,A.;Goñi,M. P.;Varea,M.;Seral,C.;Becerril,R.;Suarez,L.;Gomez-Lus,R. Genetic Characterization of Cryptosporidium Species from Humans in Spain. PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2007

  • Quinones-Perez,D.;Goni,P.;Rubio,M. C.;Baquero,F.;Gomez-Lus,R.;del Campo,R. Genetic relatedness and antimicrobial resistance determinants among clinical isolates of enterococci from Cuba. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION. 2006. DOI: 10.111/j.1469-0691.2006.01421.x

  • Llorente, Maria Teresa; Clavel, Antonio; Varea, Marzo; Goni, Maria Pilar; Sahagun, Juan; Olivera, Susana. Cryptosporidium felis infection, Spain. EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2006

  • Quiñones D; Goñi P; Rubio Mc; Duran E; Gómez-Lus R. Enterococci spp. isolated from Cuba: species frequency of occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile. DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE. 2005. DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2004.08.018

  • Agudo Cucalón, Mª Carmen; Goñi Cepero, María Pilar. Control de legionela en explotaciones ganaderas. ALBÉITAR. 2005

  • Goñi, M. Pilar;Agudo, M. Carmen;Gómez Lus, Rafael. Antibióticos aminoglicosídicos. TREBALLS DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE BIOLOGIA. 2004

  • Cerda Zolezzi, P.;Rubio Calvo, M. C.;Millan, L.;Goñi, P.;Canales, M.;Capilla, S.;Duran, E.;Gomez Lus, R. Macrolide resistance phenotypes of commensal viridans group streptococci and Gemella spp. and PCR detection of resistance genes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS. 2004

  • Millan, L.;Cerda, P.;Rubio, M. C.;Goñi, P.;Canales, M.;Capilla, S.;Oca, M.;Gomez Lus, R. In Vitro Activity of Telithromycin, Quinupristin/Dalfopristin, Linezolid and Comparator Antimicrobial Agents Against Staphylococcus Aureus Clinical Isolates. JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY. 2004

  • Cerda Zolezzi, P. ;Laplana, L. M. ;Calvo, C. R. ;Cepero, P. G. ;Erazo, M. C. ;Gomez Lus, R. Molecular basis of resistance to macrolides and other antibiotics in commensal viridans group streptococci and Gemella spp. and transfer of resistance genes to Streptococcus pneumoniae. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 2004

  • Capilla, S.;Ruiz, J.;Goñi, P.;Castillo, J.;Rubio, M. C.;Anta, M. T. J. De;Gomez Lus, R.;Vila, J. Characterization of the Molecular Mechanisms of Quinolone Resistance in Yersinia Enterocolitica O : 3 Clinical Isolates. THE JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY. 2004

  • Goni, P.;Vergara, Y.;Ruiz, J.;Albizu, I.;Vila, J.;Gomez, R. Antibiotic Resistance and Epidemiological Typing of Staphylococcus Aureus Strains From Ovine and Rabbit Mastitis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS. 2004

  • Capilla, S.;Goñi, P.;Rubio, M. C.;Castillo, J.;Millan, L.;Cerda, P.;Sahagun, J.;Pitart, C.;Beltran, A.;Gomez-Lus, R. Epidemiological Study of Resistance to Nalidixic Acid and Other Antibiotics in Clinical Yersinia Enterocolitica O : 3 Isolates. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2003

  • Agudo Cucalón, María Carmen; Vergara Larrayad, Yolanda; Goñi Cepero, María Pilar. Desinfección y Salud Pública. ANAPORC (MADRID). 2003

  • Gomez Lus, R.;Navarro, C.;Egido, P.;Aspiroz, C.;Goñi, P.;Vergara, Y.;Garcia, C.;Duran, E.;Castillo, J.;Rubio, M. C. In vitro activity of cefepime and cefotaxime compared to six other agents against 350 penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY. 2000

  • Rubio, M. C.;Goñi, P.;Vergara, Y.;Seral, C.;Garcia, C.;Gomez-Lus, P.;Gomez-Lus, R. Susceptibility of penicillin-resistant and penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae to newer antimicrobial agents. JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY. 1999

  • Ruiz J; Goñi P; Marco F; Gallardo F; Mirelis B; Jimenez de Anta T; Vila J. Increased resistance to quinolones in Campylobacter jejuni: a genetic analysis of gyrA gene mutations in quinolone-resistant clinical isolates. MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY. 1998

  • Vila J; Ruiz J; Goñi P; Jimenez de Anta T. Quinolone-resistance mutations in the topoisomerase IV parC gene of Acinetobacter baumannii. THE JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY. 1997

  • Ruiz J; Castro D; Goñi P; Santamaria Ja; Borrego Jj; Vila J. Analysis of the mechanism of quinolone resistance in nalidixic acid-resistant clinical isolates of Salmonella serotype Typhimurium. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 1997

  • Vila J; Ruiz J; Goñi P; de Anta Mt. Detection of mutations in parC in quinolone-resistant clinical isolates of Escherichia coli. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 1996

  • Ruiz J, Marco F; Goñi P; Gallardo F; Mensa J; Trilla A; Jimenez de Anta T; Vila J. High frequency of mutations at codon 83 of the gyrA gene of quinolone-resistant clinical isolates of Escherichia coli. THE JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY. 1995

  • Vila J; Ruiz J; Goñi P; Marcos A; Jimenez de Anta T. Mutation in the gyrA gene of quinolone-resistant clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 1995

  • Vila J; Ruiz J; Marco F; Barcelo A; Goñi P; Giralt E; Jimenez de Anta T. Association between double mutation in gyrA gene of ciprofloxacin-resistant clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and MICs. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 1994

  • Vila J; Ruiz J; Marco F; Goñi P; Jiménez de Anta Mt. Asociación entre mutaciones en el gen gyrA de aislamientos clínicos de Escherichia coli resistentes a quinolonas y concentración mínima inhibitoria. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE QUIMIOTERAPIA. 1994

  • Goñi Mp; Rivera Mj; Agudo Mc; Madero P; Gómez-Lus R. 6’-N-aminoglycoside acetyltransferase activity in gentamicin-kanamycin resistant Staphylococcus spp. JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY. 1991

  • Gomez Lus, R;Rivera, M.J;Gomez Lus, M.L;Gil, J;Gomez Lus, S;Castillo, J;Goi, P;Madero, P;Rubio, M.C. Resistance to Apramycin in 2 Enterobacterial Clinical Isolates - Detection of a 3-N-Acetyltransferase .4. JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY. 1990

  • Gomez Lus, R.;Gomez Lus, S.;Goñi, M. P.;Rivera, M. J.;Martin, C.;Rubio Calvo, M. C. Stability of Dactimicin to Aminoglycoside-Modifying Enzymes Produced by 341 Bacterial Clinical Isolates. DRUGS UNDER EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH. 1989


  • Ruiz J; Marco F; Goñi P; Jiménez de Anta Mt; Vila J. Elevada frecuencia de mutaciones en el codón 83 del gen gyrA de aislamientos clínicos de Escherichia coli resistentes a ciprofloxacino. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE QUIMIOTERAPIA. 1994

  • Goñi P; Ruiz J; Marco F; Mirelis B; Jiménez de Anta Mt; Vila J. . Estudio de las mutaciones en el gen gyrA que confieren resistencia a ciprofloxacino en Campylobacter jejuni. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE QUIMIOTERAPIA. 1994

  • Gómez-Lus R; Goñi Mp; Agudo Mc; Rivera Mj; Gómez-Lus S; Otal I; Castillo J; Gil J; Rubio Mc. Acetilasas AAC(3)-IV y AAC(6’), y fosforilasa APH(4) producidas por una cepa clínica de Serratia marcescens. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE QUIMIOTERAPIA. 1989


  • Protozoos Intestinales y Amebas de Vida Libre: Los Grandes Olvidados en las Regulaciones de Saneamiento de Aguas Residuales. Menacho, C.; Chueca, P.; Ormad, M.P.; Goñi, P. RETOS ACTUALES DEL SANEAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES: DERIVADAS JURÍDICAS, ECONÓMICAS Y TERRITORIALES. 2020


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