Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Pérez-Llantada Auria, María Carmen
Departamento: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Área: Filología Inglesa
Centro: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Grupo: H16_23R: CIRES

Códigos UNESCO
  • Lingüística aplicada
  • Otras especialidades lingüísticas
Categoría profesional: Cated. Universidad

  • Vicedecana de Calidad y Profesorado
Correo electrónico:
ORCID: 0000-0003-4052-1321


  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Approaching digital genre composing through reflective pedagogical praxis. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2024.101349

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Identity construction in digital communication for public engagement in science. DISCOURSE STUDIES. 2024. DOI: 10.1177/14614456241255267

  • Schmied, J.; Bondi, M.; Dontcheva-Navratilova, O.; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Language variation and change in academic writing: Recent trends through globalisation and digitalisation. TOKEN. 2023

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Help us better understand our changing climate: exploring the discourse of Citizen Science. DISCOURSE AND COMMUNICATION. 2023. DOI: 10.1177/17504813231158927

  • Perez-Llantada, Carmen. Online Data Articles: The Language of Intersubjective Stance in a Rhetorical Hybrid. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. 2022. DOI: 10.1177/07410883221087486

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Grammar features and discourse style in digital genres: the case of science-focused crowdfunding projects. REVISTA SIGNOS. 2021. DOI: 10.4067/s0718-09342021000100073

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Genres and languages in science communication: the multiple dimensions of the science-policy interface. LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2021.02.004

  • Perez-Llantada, Carmen. Academic discourse and global publishing: Disciplinary persuasion in changing times, Ken Hyland, Feng (Kevin) Jiang, Routledge, London and New York (2019), p. 261, (paperback), £34.99, ISBN: 9781138359024. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2020.100847

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Knowledge Construction in Academia. A Challenge for Multilingual Scholars, Elena Sheldon. Peter Lang (2018). xiii + 243 pp., US $63, 95, Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-906165-57-4. ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.esp.2019.09.003

  • Pérez-Llantada, C. Editorial. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2018

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Bringing into focus multilingual realities: Faculty perceptions of academic languages on campus. LINGUA. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2018.05.006

  • Perez-Llantada, C. Editorial. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2017

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. How is the digital medium shaping research genres? Some cross-disciplinary trends. ESP TODAY. 2016

  • Pérez-Llantada, C. Editorial. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2016

  • Pérez-Llantada, C. Editorial. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2015

  • Pérez-Llantada Auria, María Carmen. Genres in the forefront, languages in the background: the scope of genre analysis in language-related scenarios. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2015.05.005

  • Pérez-Llantada, C. Researching genres with multilingual corpora: A conceptual enquiry. LINGUISTIC INSIGHTS. 2014

  • Muresan, Laura-Mihaela; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. English for research publication and dissemination in bi-/multiliterate environments: The case of Romanian academics. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2013.10.009

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Formulaic language in L1 and L2 expert academic writing: convergent and divergent usage. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2014.01.002

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Glocal Rhetorical Practices in Research Writing: A Contrastive Rhetoric Approach to L2 English Discoursal Hybridity. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES. 2013. DOI: 10.1080/13825577.2013.867180

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. The Article of the Future: Strategies for genre stability and change. ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.esp.2013.06.004

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Reseña de Escribir y publicar en enfermería. Del trabajo escrito universitario al artículo de investigación. J. Piqué-Angordans et al. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2012

  • Ferguson,G.;Pérez-Llantada,C.;Plo,R. English as an international language of scientific publication: A study of attitudes. WORLD ENGLISHES. 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-971X.2010.01656.x

  • Pérez-Llantada,C.;Plo,R.;Ferguson,G. R. "You don't say what you know, only what you can": The perceptions and practices of senior Spanish academics regarding research dissemination in English. ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.esp.2010.05.001

  • Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. Integrated Language and Competency-based Learning ―A Proposed Pedagogical Framework for Stepping into Academia. SYNERGY (BUCUREşTI). 2011

  • Pérez-Llantada; Carmen. The Discourse Functions of Metadiscourse in Published Writing. Culture and Language Issues. NJES : NORDIC JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES. 2010

  • Perez-Llantada, Carmen. Incidents in an Educational Life. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2010

  • Plo Alastrué, Ramón; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. A longitudinal attitude survey on English oral skills: classroom, curriculum, learning and pedagogy implications. STVDIVM (TERUEL). 2010

  • Perez-Llantada, C. Textual, Genre and Social Features of Spoken Grammar: A Corpus-Based Approach. LANGUAGE LEARNING & TECHNOLOGY. 2009

  • Perez-Llantada Auria, C. English for Specific Purposes: Studies for Classroom Development and Implementation. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA. 2009

  • Pérez-Llantada; Carmen. Humans vs. Machines? A Multi-perspective Model for ESP Discourse Analysis in Intercultural Rhetoric Research. ESP ACROSS CULTURES. 2008

  • Pérez-Llantada, M.,del Carmen. Stance and Academic Promotionalism: A Cross-disciplinary Comparison in the Soft Sciences. ATLANTIS-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES. 2008

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, María del Carmen. New trends In grammar teaching: issues and applications: An interview with Prof. Diane Larsen-Freeman. ATLANTIS-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES. 2007

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. Native and Nonnative Speakers Publishing Research Internationally: A Small-scale Study on Authorial (In)visibility. JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS. 2007

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. An interview with... Dr. Charles F. Meyer (University of Massachusetts Boston): Corpus-based research in LSP: current trends and future prospects. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2006

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. John M. Swales, Research Genres. Explorations and Applications. 2004. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2006

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. From Corpus Research into Language Pedagogy. Discourse Structuring Words in EAP Lecture Comprehension. SPECIFIC. 2005

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. Instruction and Interaction in an American Lecture Class. Observations from a Corpus. THE ESPECIALIST. 2005

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. A Genre-oriented Translation-based Instruction to Professional Communication. LFE. REVISTA DE LENGUAS PARA FINES ESPECÍFICOS. 2005

  • Pérez Llantada Auría, Carmen. The Epistemic Nature of disciplinary discourses: echoing postmodern literary. ESTUDIOS INGLESES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE. 2004

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. An overview of Genre Analytical Studies in English for Academic Purposes .An Interview with Dr. John Swales (University of Michigan). IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2004

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. An Overview of Corpus Studies. Implications for Research and Applications for LSP Teaching” An interview with Dr. Gibson Ferguson. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2003

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. Hugh Trappes-Lomax and Gibson Ferguson, eds. 2002. Language in Language Teacher Education. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ATLANTIS-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES. 2003

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. Social Pragmatics in Scientific and Technical Writing. IBÉRICA (MADRID). 2003

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. Communication Skills in Academic Monologue Discourse: empirical and Applied Perspectives. CIRCULO DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA A LA COMUNICACION. 2003

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. Developing Social Awareness in the Teaching of English for Academic and Professional Purposes. APAC OF NEWS. 2002

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. Designing new genre identities in scientific and technical discourse: cognitive, social and pedagogical implications. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES. 2001

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. From the Cognitive to the Pragmatic: the scientist as communicator. REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 2001

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. The escaping presence of the female en Thomas Pynchon's novels. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN FILOLÓGICA. 1999

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. Fiction at a Bifurcation Point: from Newtonian Law to postmodern uncertainty in Pynchon’s Mason &. OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW. 1999

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. Fractal geometry and meaning dissemination in Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49. ATLANTIS-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES. 1995

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. The pragmatics of modality in technically-bound genres. PRAGMALINGÜÍSTICA (CÁDIZ). 1994

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen. From Metaphysics to Technique: The Blurring of Boundaries in John Fowles’s The Magus. REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 1992

  • Pérez-Llantada Auría, C. Thomas Pynchon's Vineland: Undermining signifying practices. ATLANTIS-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES. 1992

  • Perez-Llantada Auria, M. C. Beyond Linguistic Barriers: The Musical Fugue Structure of Thomas Pynchon’s. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN FILOLÓGICA. 1991


  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada and María-José Luzón. Genre Networks : Intersemiotic Relations in Digital Science Communication. 2023

  • María José luzón and María Carmen Pérez-Llantada. Digital genres in academic knowledge production and communication: perspectives and practices. 2022

  • Research Genres across Languages: Multilingual Communication Online. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. 2021

  • Carmen Pérez-LLantada. Research genres across languages: multilingual communication online. 2021

  • Science Communication on the Internet. Old Genres Meet New Genres. Luzón, Maria-José; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. 2019

  • Science Communication on the Internet. Old Genres Meet New Genres. Pérez-Llantada Auria, María Carmen. 2019

  • edited by María-José Luzón, Carmen Pérez-Llantada, University of Zaragoza. Science communication on the internet: old genres meet new genres. 2019

  • edited by Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué. English as a scientific and research language. 2015

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada. Scientific Discourse and the Rhetoric of Globalization: The Impact of Culture and Language. 2012

  • María Carmen Pérez-Llantada. Enseñar inglés en el siglo XXI: investigación, innovación y calidad educativa. 2012

  • Specialised Languages in the Global Village A Multi-Perspective Approach. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen; Watson, Maida. 2011

  • edited by Carmen Pérez-Llantada and Maida Watson. Specialised languages in the global village: a multi-perspective approach. 2011

  • [Recurso electrónico] : Carmen Pérez-Llantada, Maida Watson (editors). Languages for business a global approach. 2009

  • Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes. 2006

  • edited by, Carmen Pérez-Llantada, Gibson R. Ferguson. English as a glocalization phenomenon: observations from a linguistic microcosm. 2006

  • [edición a cargo de, Mª Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué, Claus Peter Neumann]. Actas del V Congreso Internacional AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos) [Recurso electrónico] = Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference. 2006

  • Rocío Aguado Piñero ... [et al.]. The Technical Eye: An english course in technical engineering. 2000

  • [recurso electrónico] : authors, Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué, César García Hernández. Link! interactive a course in English for science and technology. 2000

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. Fiction at a Bifurcation Point: from Newtonian Law to Postmodern Uncertainty in Pynchon's Mason & Dixon. 1999

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Rocío Aguado Piñero ; prologue, Carmen Olivares Rivera. An engineering English course. 1998

  • Rocío Aguado Piñero, Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. English in technical engineering. 1994

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, José Antonio Navarro Marquez, José Antonio Navarro Alonso, Antonio Montañés Espinosa, Rocío Aguado Piñero. Some suggestions on advertising technical English: el inglés técnico en el campo de la publicidad y de la oferta de empleo. 1993

  • Rocío Aguado Piñero, Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. English in technical engineering. 1992


  • Language for Specific Purposes Pedagogy. Pérez-Llantada Auria, María Carmen. REFERENCE MODULE IN SOCIAL SCIENCES. 2024

  • María Carmen Pérez-Llantada. From the cognitive to the pragmatic: the scientist as communicator. TIME PRESENT AND TIME PAST: HOMAGE TO SUSANA ONEGA. 2021

  • Knowledge dissemination, genres and transformative practice. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. SCHOLARLY PATHWAYS. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER AND KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE IN ACADEMIA. 2020

  • MªCarmen Pérez-Llantada. Preface: Knowledge Dissemination, Genres and Transformative Practice. SCHOLARLY PATHWAYS: KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER AND KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE IN ACADEMIA. 2020

  • Connecting traditional and new genres: Trends and emerging themes. Luzón, Maria-José; Pérez-Llantada, María Carmen. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION ON THE INTERNET. OLD GENRES MEET NEW GENRES. 2019

  • Linguistic diversity in a traditionally monolingual university. A multi-analytical approach. Vázquez, Ignacio; Luzón, Maria José; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY ON THE EMI CAMPUS. INSIDER ACCOUNTS OF THE USE OF ENGLISH AND OTHER LANGUAGES IN UNIVERSITIES WITHIN ASIA, AUSTRALASIA, AND EUROPE. 2019

  • Ecologies of genres and an ecology of languages of science: Current and future debates. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF LANGUAGE AND SCIENCE. 2019

  • ELF and linguistic diversity in EAP writing pedagogy: academic biliteracy in doctoral education. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. ENGLISH IN EUROPE - USING ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA IN EDUCATION IN EUROPE. 2018

  • Research Writing in English in a Romanian Academic Ecosystem: A Case Study of an Experienced Multiliterate Researcher. Muresan, Laura-Mihaela; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. PEDAGOGIES AND POLICIES ON PUBLISHING RESEARCH IN ENGLISH: LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORTING INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS. 2018

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. ELF and linguistic diversity in EAP writing pedagogy: academic biliteracy in dorctoral edication. USING ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA IN EDUCATION IN EUROPE. 2018

  • English for Academic Purposes. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen; Swales, John, M. HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING. 2017

  • Globalization and the contribution of Applied Linguistics. Pérez-Llantada Auria, María Carmen. INVESTIGATING ENGLISH IN EUROPE. CONTEXTS AND AGENDAS. 2016

  • Carmen Pérez Llantada. Teasing our the tensions between English monolingualism vs. plurilingualism in European academic and reseach settings. ENGLISH AS A SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH LANGUAGE. 2015

  • Researching Genres with Multilingual Corpora: A Conceptual Enquiry. Pérez-Llantada, María Carmen. CORPUS ANALYSIS FOR DESCRIPTIVE AND PEDAGOGICAL PURPOSES: ESP PERSPECTIVES. 2014

  • Heteroglossic (Dis)Engagement in Research Writing Practices across Cultures. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. RESEARCHING SPECIALISED LANGUAGES. 2011

  • Specialised Languages and Globalisation. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen; Watson, Maida. SPECIALISED LANGUAGES IN THE GLOBAL VILLAGE: A MULTIPERSPECTIVE APPROACH. 2011

  • Academic Englishes: A Standardised Knowledge?. Mauranen, Anna; Pérez-Llantada, Carmen; Swales, John M. THE WORLD ENGLISHES HANDBOOK. 2010

  • The ‘Dialectics of Change’ as a Facet of Globalisation: Epistemic Modality in Academic Writing. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2010

  • Shifting Identities, Textual Responses and Conflicting Demands in Knowledge Construction Processes. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. COMMONALITY AND INDIVIDUALITY IN ACADEMIC DISCOURSE. 2009

  • El portafolio como sistema de evaluación: Experiencia piloto en el Máster Oficial de Estudios Textuales y Culturales en Lengua Inglesa. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE, TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LA COMUNICACIÓN E INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA EN LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA. 2008

  • Ma. Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. Nuevos entornos y nuevos modelos pedagógicos para el aprendizaje de las destrezas orales. EL DESARROLLO DE COMPETENCIAS EN LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS: TEXTOS Y OTRAS ESTRATEGIAS. 2007

  • Discourse and the Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge: A Look at Academic vs. Professional Communities of Practice. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. A PLEASURE FOR LIFE IN WORDS: A FESTSCHRIFT FOR ANGELA DOWNING. 2006

  • Genre-based Pragmatic Variability of Interactive Features in Academic Speech. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. CORPUS LINGUISTICS: APPLICATIONS FOR THE STUDY OF ENGLISH. 2006

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. Signaling speaker's intentions: towards a phraseology of textual metadiscourse in academic lecturing. ENGLISH AS A GLOCALIZATION PHENOMENON: OBSERVATIONS FROM A LINGUISTIC MICROCOSM. 2006

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada. Learning to speak, speaking to learn: research perpectives on learner autonomy through collaborative work in ELT (Spain). LANGUAGE TEACHER RESEARCH IN EUROPE. 2006

  • Exploring speaker stance: dialogic structures in academic spoken discourse. Neumann , Claus-Peter. ACTAS XVIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL AEDEAN. 2005

  • Planning, Designing and Implementing a Hypertext based Learning Model. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. LANGUAGES FOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES IN THE 21ST CENTURY UNIVERSITY FRAMEWORK. 2005

  • Towards a Social Theory of Language in Disciplinary Discourses. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. LENGUAS PARA FINES ESPECÍFICOS. 2005

  • How to Do Things with Words. Metadiscourse Strategies in Technical Communication. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. LAS LENGUAS PARA FINES ESPECÍFICOS Y LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO. 2003

  • Sugerencias para la mejora y la mayor adecuación de la comprensión y expresión escritas en inglés a las distintas modalidades del bachillerato. Pérez-Llantada, Carmen. ASPECTOS DIDÁCTICOS EN LA ENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA: INGLÉS. 2001

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. http: //pragmatic.implicatures/socialnetworks.cybercom. TRANSCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: PRAGMALINGUISTIC ASPECTS. 2000

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué. Re-thinking rhetorical strategies in academic genres. GENRE STUDIES IN ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 1998

  • Ramón Plo Alastrue, Carmen Pérez Llantada. Textual and Contextual Models of Science Writing. ESSAYS IN THE STUDY OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE: METHODS, PRACTICE AND PEDAGOGY. 1998

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. On language, meaning conceptialization and social reality: an ethnomethodological perspective. CURRENT ISSUES IN GENRE THEORY. 1996

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. Deconstruction : coming to terms with technical discourse: a deconstructive view of lexis for technology. DRUNK WITH WORDS: PERSPECTIVES ON THE ENGLISH LEXICON. 1993

  • Rocío Aguado Piñero, Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. Approaching semantic paradigms in technical English discourse. DRUNK WITH WORDS: PERSPECTIVES ON THE ENGLISH LEXICON. 1993

  • Carmen Pérez-Llantada. Science, society and perceptual uncertainty in "The Apartment". FLASHBACKS: RE-READING THE CLASSICAL HOYLLYWOOD CINEMA. 1992

  • MªCarmen Pérez-Llantada Auría. From the new physics into linguistic dissolution: Thomas Pynchon's "Entropy". SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND INTERPRETATION: ESSAYS ON TWENTIETH-CENTURY LITERATURE AND CRITICAL THEORY. 1991

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