Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Angurel Lambán, Luis Alberto
Departamento: Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales y Fluidos
Área: Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica
Centro: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Grupo: T54_23R: Láser para Energía y Materiales Avanzados (LEMA)

Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/20
  • CNEAI knowledge transfer evaluation. 01/01/19
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/14
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/08
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/02
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/99
Categoría profesional: Cated. Universidad
ORCID: 0000-0001-5685-2366

  • Doctor en Ciencias. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1993

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  • Martínez, Elena; Lejeune, Nicolas; Frechilla, Javier; Porta-Velilla, Luis; Fourneau, Emile; Angurel, Luis A.; de la Fuente, Germán F.; Bonse, Jörn; Silhanek, Alejandro V.; Badía-Majós, Antonio. Laser engineered architectures for magnetic flux manipulation on superconducting Nb thin films. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2025. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.161214

  • Badía-Majós, Antonio; Martínez, Elena; Angurel, Luis A.; de la Fuente, Germán F.; Fourneau, Emile; Marinkovic, Stefan; Silhanek, Alejandro V. Laser nanostructured metasurfaces in Nb superconducting thin films. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.159164

  • Porta-Velilla, Luis; Martínez, Elena; Frechilla, Alejandro; Castro, Miguel; de la Fuente, Germán Francisco; Bonse, Jörn; Angurel, Luis Alberto. Grain Orientation, Angle of Incidence, and Beam Polarization Effects on Ultraviolet 300 ps-Laser-Induced Nanostructures on 316L Stainless Steel. LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS. 2024. DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202300589

  • Lennikov, V. V.; Gómez-Herrero, A.; Angurel, L. A.; de la Fuente, G. F.; Otero-Díaz, L. C. Direct Laser Synthesis of Fe2O3 Modified TiO2. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE. 2024. DOI: 10.1002/zaac.202400078

  • Frechilla, Alejandro; Napari, Mari; Strkalj, Nives; Barriuso, Eduardo; Niang, Kham; Hellenbrand, Markus; Strichovanec, Pavel; Simanjuntak, Firman Mangasa; Antorrena, Guillermo; Flewitt, Andrew; Magén, César; de la Fuente, Germán F.; Macmanus-Driscoll, Judith L.; Angurel, Luis Alberto; Pardo, José Ángel. Spatially selective crystallization of ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 films induced by sub-nanosecond laser annealing. APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/J.APMT.2023.102033

  • Özçelik, S.; Özçelik, B.; Arikan, B.; Kocamaz, S.; Amaveda, H.; Angurel, L.A.; de la Fuente, G.F. Properties and antibacterial activity of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles obtained by pulsed laser ablation in liquid. OPEN CERAMICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceram.2024.100555

  • Frechilla, A.; Sekkat, A.; Dibenedetto, M.; Lo Presti, F.; Porta-Velilla, L.; Martínez, E.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Angurel, L.A.; Muñoz-Rojas, D. Generating colours through a novel approach based on spatial ALD and laser processing. MATERIALS TODAY ADVANCES. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtadv.2023.100414

  • Li, Deye; Wang, Wenqiang; Liu, Cancan; Angurel, Luis Alberto; de la Fuente, Germán F.; Jiang, Bailing. The spontaneous escape behavior of silver from graphite-like carbon coatings and its effect on corrosion resistance. MATERIALS. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/ma16113909

  • Maingi, E. M.; Alonso, M. P.; Fuente, Germán F. de La; Dubernet, S.; Lefrais, Y.; Chapoulie, R.; Vally, E.; Angurel, L. A. UV femtosecond laser cleaning of encrusted historical stained-glasses. JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2023.03.005

  • Rahman, Md. Ashiqur; Fuente Leis, Germán Francisco de La; Carretero, José Miguel; Alonso Abad, Mª Pilar; Ruiz Navazo, Marta; Alonso Alcalde, Rodrigo; Chapoulie, Rémy; Schiavon, Nick; Angurel, Luis A. Ultrashort pulsed Femtosecond UV laser for selective cleaning of significant Cretaceous flints. MATERIALS LETTERS. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2023.134028

  • Maingi, E. M.; Alonso, M. P.; Angurel, L. A.; de la Fuente, G. F.; Dubernet, S.; Chapoulie, R.; Mellouët, O.; Vally, E. Chemical and laser cleaning of corrosion encrustations on historical stained glass: a comparative study. HERITAGE. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/heritage6020104

  • Rahman, Md. Ashiqur; de la Fuente, Germán F.; Miguel Carretero, José; Abad, Mª Pilar Alonso; Alcalde, Rodrigo Alonso; Chapoulie, Rémy; Schiavon, Nick; Angurel, Luis A. Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Cleaning of Contaminated Pleistocene Bone: A Comprehensive Study on the Influence of Pulse Duration and Wavelength. HERITAGE. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/heritage6030132

  • Yetis, Hakan; Avci, Dogan; Karaboga, Firat; Aksoy, Canan; Gajda, Daniel; Martínez, Elena; Mehmet Tanyildiz, Fatih; Zaleski, Andrzej; Babij, Michal; Tran, Lan Maria; Angurel, Luis Alberto; Fuente, G.F. de La; Belenli, Ibrahim Belenli. Transport and structural properties of MgB2/Fe wires produced by redesigning internal Mg diffusion process. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2022. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/ac5339

  • Maingi, E. M.; Alonso, M. P.; Angurel, L. A.; Rahman, M. A.; Chapoulie, R.; Dubernet, S.; de la Fuente, G. F. Historical stained-glass window laser preservation: The heat accumulation challenge. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.bsecv.2021.12.003

  • Shao, Wei; Liu, Cancan; Wu, Qiaojun; Li, Hongtao; Angurel, L.A.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Jiang, Bailing. Comparison of in-situ oxidation behavior of Zr by micro-arc oxidation and selective laser melting. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.07.005

  • Porta-Velilla, Luis; Turan, Neslihan; Cubero, Alvaro; Shao, Wei; Li, Hongtao; Fuente, German F. de La; Martinez, Elena; Larrea, Angel; Castro, Miguel; Koralay, Haluk; Cavdar, Sukru; Bonse, Joern; Angurel, Luis A. Highly regular hexagonally-arranged nanostructures on Ni-W alloy tapes upon irradiation with ultrashort UV laser pulses. NANOMATERIALS. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/nano12142380

  • Rivera-Sahún, Joaquín; Porta-Velilla, Luis; de la Fuente, Germán F.; Angurel, Luis A. Use of green fs lasers to generate a superhydrophobic behavior in the surface of wind turbine blades. POLYMERS. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/polym14245554

  • Mora M.; Amaveda H.; Porta-Velilla L.; de la Fuente G.F.; Martínez E.; Angurel L.A. Improved copper–epoxy adhesion by laser micro- and nano-structuring of copper surface for thermal applications. POLYMERS. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/polym13111721

  • Molina R.; Ertugrul M.; Larrea Á.; Navarro R.; Rico V.; Yubero F.; González-Elipe A.R.; Fuente G.F. de La; Angurel L.A. Laser-induced scanning transfer deposition of silver electrodes on glass surfaces: A green and scalable technology. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.149673

  • Rahman, M.A.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Carretero, J.M.; Maingi, E.M.; Alonso Abad, M.P.; Alonso Alcalde, R.; Chapoulie, R.; Schiavon, N.; Angurel, L.A. Sub-ns-pulsed laser cleaning of an archaeological bone from the Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain: a case study. SN APPLIED SCIENCES. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s42452-021-04850-8

  • Cubero, Á.; Martínez, E.; de la Fuente, G.F.; García Cano, I.; Dosta, S.; Angurel Lambán, L.A. Large enhancement of thermal conductance at ambient and cryogenic temperatures by laser remelting of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coatings on Cu. MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2021.111450

  • Özçelik, S.; Yalçin, B.; Arda, L.; Santos, H.; Sáez-Puche, R.; Angurel, L.A.; Fuente, G.F.D.L.; Özçelik, B. Structure, magnetic, photocatalytic and blood compatibility studies of nickel nanoferrites prepared by laser ablation technique in distilled water. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.157279

  • Akay, C.; Turan, N.; Karakis, D.; Angurel, L.A. Improvement of flexural bond strength of zirconia-resin cement by surface patterning using sub-nanosecond UV laser. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.1111/ijac.13631

  • Rey-García, F.; Ibáñez, R.; Angurel, L.A.; Costa, F.M.; Fuente, G.F. Laser floating zone growth: Overview, singular materials, broad applications, and future perspectives. CRYSTALS. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/cryst11010038

  • Rey-García, F.; Sieira, B.J.; Bao-Varela, C.; Leis, J.R.; Angurel, L.A.; Quintana, J.B.; Rodil, R.; de la Fuente, G.F. Can UV-C laser pulsed irradiation be used for the removal of organic micropollutants from water? Case study with ibuprofen. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140507

  • Özçelik, B.; Özçelik, S.; Amaveda, H.; Santos, H.; Borrell, C.J.; Sáez-Puche, R.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Angurel, L.A. High speed processing of NiFe2O4 spinel using a laser furnace. JOURNAL OF MATERIOMICS. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmat.2020.05.003

  • Liu, C.; Li, H.; Cai, H.; Angurel, L.A.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Jiang, B. Simulation of salt spray corrosion behaviour of micro-arc oxidation coating by laser induced Ag infiltration. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS. 2020. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab6ad2

  • Cubero, A.; Martínez, E.; Angurel, L. A.; de la Fuente, G. F.; Navarro, R.; Legall, H.; Krüger, J.; Bonse, J. Effects of laser-induced periodic surface structures on the superconducting properties of Niobium. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.145140

  • Cubero, A.; Núñez-Chico, A.B.; Navarro, R.; Angurel, L.A.; Martínez, E. Electromagnetic behaviour and thermal stability of a conduction-cooled, no-insulated 2G-HTS coil at intermediate temperatures. CRYOGENICS. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2020.103070

  • Cubero, Á.; Martínez, E.; Angurel, L.A.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Navarro, R.; Legall, H.; Krüger, J.; Bonse, J. Surface superconductivity changes of niobium sheets by femtosecond laser-induced periodic nanostructures. NANOMATERIALS. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/nano10122525

  • Ozturk, K.; Aksoy, C.; Angurel, L.A.; Savaskan, B.; Martínez, E.; Badía-Majós, A.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Guner, B.; Dancer, C.E.J.; Celik, S. IR laser line scanning treatments to improve levitation forces in MgTi0.06B2 bulk materials. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.151966

  • Rico, Víctor J.; López-Santos, Carmen; Villagrá, Martín; Espinós, Juan P.; Fuente, Germán F. de La; Angurel, Luis A.; Borrás, Ana; González-Elipe, Agustín R. Hydrophobicity, Freezing Delay, and Morphology of Laser-Treated Aluminum Surfaces. LANGMUIR. 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b00457

  • Laliena, C.; Amaveda, H.; Özçelik, B.; Martínez, E.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Angurel, L.A. Continuous processing of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d precursor powders. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.05.120

  • Rey-García, F.; Gutiérrez-Mora, F.; Borrel, C.J.; Estepa, L.C.; Angurel, L.A.; de la Fuente, G.F. Microstructural characterization and tribological behavior of Laser Furnace processed ceramic tiles. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.01.133

  • Salmatonidis, A.; Viana, M.; Perez, N.; Alastuey, A.; de la Fuente, G.F.; Angurel, L.A.; Sanfelix, V.; Monfort, E. Nanoparticle formation and emission during laser ablation of ceramic tiles. JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2018.09.006

  • Núñez-Chico, A. B.; Martínez, E.; Angurel, L. A.; Navarro, R. Enhanced quench propagation in 2G-HTS coils co-wound with stainless steel or anodised aluminium tapes. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/29/8/085012

  • Nuñez-Chico, A. B.; Martínez, E.; Angurel, L. A.; Navarro, R. Effects of thermal cycling and thermal stability on 2G HTS pancake coils. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2014.2364680

  • Rey-Garcia, F.; Lennikov, V.; Amaveda, H.; Laliena, C.; Mora, M.; Martinez, E.; Bao-Varela, C.; Angurel, L. A.; Fuente, de la. Effect of laser treatments on the microstructure and physical properties of Bi-2212 and Gd-123 bulk samples. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2014.2365411

  • Laliena, C.; Martinez, E.; Angurel, L.A.; Navarro, R. Effect of ball milling and fatty acid addition on the properties of MgB2 wires. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2014.2364158

  • Tomas, M.; Amaveda, H.; Angurel, L.A.; Mora, M. Effect of silica sol on the dispersion–gelation process of concentrated silica suspensions for fibre-reinforced ceramic composites. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2012.10.020

  • Andres-Arroyo, A.;Andrés, N.;Palero, V.;Arroyo, M. P.;Angurel, L. A. Possibilities and limitations of digital speckle pattern interferometry in the analysis of corrosion processes in metallic materials. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/24/7/075204

  • Lennikov, V.;Özkurt, B.;Angurel, L. A.;Sotelo, A.;Özçelik, B.;de la Fuente, G. Microstructure and transport properties of Bi-2212 prepared by CO 2 laser line scanning. JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10948-012-1934-1

  • Pelegrín,J.;Romano,G.;Martínez,E.;Angurel,L. A.;Navarro,R.;Ferdeghini,C.;Brisigotti,S.;Grasso,G.;Nardelli,D. Experimental and numerical analysis of quench propagation on MgB 2 tapes and pancake coils. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/26/4/045002

  • Pelegrin,J.;Martinez,E.;Angurel,L. A.;Lahoz,R.;Hazelton,D.;Brownsey,P.;Duval,J. Influence of the surface layer on YBaCuO coated conductors quench processes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2013.2239349

  • Andrés, N.; Andres-Arroyo, A.; Arroyo, M.P. ; Palero, V.; Lobera, J.; Angurel, L. A. Application of digital speckle interferometry to visualize surface changes in metallic samples immersed in Cu(NO3)2solutions. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2013. DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.52.10.101918

  • Andres-Arroyo, A. ; Andrés, N. ; Arroyo, M. P. ; Lobera, J. ; Angurel, L. A. Investigation of liquid immersed metallic surface corrosion processes using Speckle Interferometry. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2012. DOI: 10.1117/12.977958

  • Angurel, L. A.; Martínez, E.; Pelegrín, J.; Lahoz, R.; de la Fuente, G. F.; Andrés, N.;Arroyo, M. P.; Xie, Y. Y.; Selvamanickam, V. Changes in the thermal stability of 2G HTS wires by local modification of the stabilization layer. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2010.2100070

  • Andrés,J. M.;Mayoral,M. C.;Angurel,L. A. Fabrication of Bi-2212 coatings using thermospraying. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2010.2091389

  • Pelegrín,J.;Martínez,E.;Angurel,L. A.;Xie,Y. -Y;Selvamanickam,V. Numerical and experimental analysis of normal zone propagation on 2G HTS wires. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2010.2084982

  • Andrés,N.;Lobera,J.;Arroyo,M. P.;Angurel,L. A. Two-dimensional quantification of the corrosion process in metal surfaces using digital speckle pattern interferometry. APPLIED OPTICS. 2011. DOI: 10.1364/AO.50.001323

  • Mora, M.;Gimeno, F.;Amaveda, H.;Angurel, L. A. ;Moreno, R. Dispersant-free colloidal fabrication of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconducting thick films. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 2010

  • Martínez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Pelegrín, J.;Xie, Y. Y. ;Selvamanickam, V. Thermal stability analysis of YBCO-coated conductors subject to over-currents. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2010

  • Sotelo, A.;Madre,M. A.;Rasekh,S.;Diez,J. C.;Angurel,L. A. Floating Zone Ag Doped (Bi1.6Pb0.4)Sr2CaCu2O8+delta Textured Rods. ADVANCES IN APPLIED CERAMICS. 2009

  • Sotelo, A.;Madre,M. A.;Diez,J. C.;Vazeh Rasekh Modabberi, Shahed;Angurel,L. A.;Martinez,E. The Influence of Pb and Ag Doping on the Jc(H,T) Dependence and the Mechanical Properties of Bi-2212 Textured Rods. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2009

  • Angurel, L. Alberto;Diez,J. Carlos;Fuente,J. Carlos de la. Laser Induced Cylindrical Zone Melting of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+partial Derivative Superconductors. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE. 2009

  • Angurel, L. A.; Martínez, E.; Lera, F.; Recuero, S.; Andrés, N.; Arroyo, M.P.; Xie, Y.Y.; Selvamanickam, V. Analysis of Quench Initiation in YBCO Coated Conductors using Optical Interferometric Techniques. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2009. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2009.2018029

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel,L. A.;Schlachter,S. I.;Kov,P. Transport and Magnetic Critical Currents of Cu-Stabilized Monofilamentary MgB2 Conductors. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2009

  • Madre, M. A.;Amaveda,H.;Mora,M.;Sotelo,A.;Angurel,L. A.;Diez,J. C. Barras Texturadas De (Bi1.6Pb0.4)Sr2CaCu2O8+DELTA Dopadas Con Ag. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 2008

  • Andres, N.;Recuero,S.;Arroyo,M. P.;Bona,M. T.;Andres,J. M.;Angurel,L. A. Fast Visualization of Corrosion Processes using Digital Speckle Photography. CORROSION SCIENCE. 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2008.08.001

  • Recuero, S.;Bona,M.;Andres,N.;Andres,J. M.;Angurel,L. A. Visualisation of Environmental Degradation in Ceramic Superconductors using Digital Speckle Photography. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 2008

  • Angurel, L.A.; Martinez, E.; Lera, F.; Recuero, S.; Andres, N.; Arroyo, M.P.; Xie, Y.Y.; Selvamanickam, V. Quench detection in YBa2Cu3O7-delta coated conductors using Interferometric techniques. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2008. DOI: 10.1063/1.3013884

  • Angurel, L. A.;Amaveda,H.;Natividad,E.;Castro,M.;Andres,J. M.;Teresa Bona,M. Electrodeposition of Silver Gold Alloys on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta Ceramics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2007

  • Angurel, L.A;Diez, J.C;de la Fuente, G.F;Gimeno, F;Lera, F;Lopez-Gascon, C;Martinez, E;Mora, M;Navarro, R;Sotelo, A;Andres, N;Recuero, S;Arroyo, M.P. Laser technologies applied to the fabrication and characterization of bulk Bi-2212 superconducting materials for power application. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. 2006

  • Natividad,E.;Castro,M.;Burriel,R.;Angurel,L. A. Thermal conductance measurements of superconducting Bi-2212 rods and a Bi-2212-based current lead module - Analysis and results. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. 2006

  • Sotelo,A.;Mora,M.;Madre,M. A.;Amaveda,H.;Díez,J. C.;Angurel,L. A.;Mayoral,C. Variación de las curvas E-I en la transición normal superconductor de cerámicas texturadas Bi-2212 por adición de Pb. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 2006

  • Leyva, A.;Cruz, C. M.;Mora, M.;Shtejer, K.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Pinera, I.;Abreu, Y. The Effects of Cs-137 and Co-60 Gamma Radiation on the Magnetic Susceptibility of Bscco Textured Thin Rods. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH, SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS. 2005

  • Angurel, L.A.;Bona, M.;Andres, J.M.;Muñoz Rojas, D.;Casan Pastor, N. High quality silver contacts on ceramic superconductors obtained by electrodeposition from non-aqueous solvents. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2005

  • Recuero, S.; Andres, N. ; Arroyo, M. P.; Lera, F.; Angurel, L. A. Superconductor ceramics behaviour analyses during service by Speckle metrology. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2005. DOI: 10.1117/12.612601

  • Recuero, S.; Andres, N.; Lobera, J.; Arroyo, M. P.; Angurel, L. A.; Lera, F. Application of Dspi to Detect Inhomogeneous Heating on Superconducting Ceramics. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2005. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/16/4/016

  • Lera, F.;Angurel, L. A.;Rojo, J. A.;Mora, M.;Recuero, S.;Arroyo, M. P.;Andres, N. Microstructure Origin of Hot Spots in Textured Laser Zone Melting Bi-2212 Monoliths. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2005

  • Sotelo, A.;Mora, M.;Madre, M. A.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;de la Fuente, G. F. Ag Distribution in Thick Bi-2212 Floating Zone Textured Rods. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 2005

  • Mora, M.;Sotelo, A.;Amaveda, H.;Madre, M.A.;Diez, J.C.;Angurel, L.A.;de la Fuente, G.F. Efecto de la adición de Ag en Bi-2212 texturado mediante laser. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 2005

  • Natividad, E.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Andres, J. M. Successful Application of Simplex Methods to the Optimization of Textured Superconducting Ceramics. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. 2004

  • Carrasco, M. F.;Costa, F. M.;Silva, R. F.;Gimeno, F.;Sotelo, A.;Mora, M.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A. Textured Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Rods Processed by Laser Floating Zone From Solid State or Melted Precursors. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2004

  • Mayoral, M. C.;Andres, J. M.;Bona, M. T.;Angurel, L. A.;Natividad, E. Approximation to the Laser Floating Zone Preparation of High Temperature Bscco Superconductors by Dsc. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA. 2004

  • Mora, M.;Gimeno, F.;Angurel, L. A.;de la Fuente, G. F. Laser Zone Melted Bi2sr2cacu2o8+Delta Thick Films on (100) Mgo Substrate. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2004

  • Mora, M.;Lopez Gascon, C.;Angurel, L. A.;de la Fuente, G. F. The Influence of Support Temperature on Bi-2212 Monoliths Textured by Diode Laser Zone Melting. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2004

  • Natividad, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Andres, J. M.;Mayoral, M. C. Inhomogeneous Oxygen Interchange During Annealing and Cooling of Textured Bulk Bi2sr2cacu2o8+Delta Superconductors. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2004

  • Salazar, A.;Pastor, J. Y.;Llorca, J.;Natividad, E.;Gimeno, F. J.;Angurel, L. A. Effect of Thermal Cycling on the Strength and Superconducting Properties of Laser Floating Zone Textured Bi-2212 Rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2003

  • Natividad, E.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Andres, J. M.;Ferrando, A. C.;Mayoral, M. C. Radial Changes in the Microstructure of Lfz-Textured Bi-2212 Thin Rods Induced by Stoichiometry Modifications. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2003

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R.;Millan, A.;Rillo, C.;Artigas, M. Study of Mgb2 Powders and Cu/Mgb2 Powder-in-Tube Composite Wires With Zn Addition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2003

  • Martinez, E.;Natividad, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R.;Yang, Y.;Beduz, C. Destructive and Non-Destructive Determination of the Transport Current Density Radial Distribution: Application to Bi-2212 Textured Rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2003

  • Angurel, L. A.;Mora, M.;Diez, J. C.;Drost, R. J.;Kes, P. H. Effects of Ti Addition on Lfz Bi-2212 Thin Rods. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 2003

  • Natividad, E.;Angurel, L.A.;Diez, J.C.;Navarro, R.;Martinez, E.;Yang, Y.;Beduz, C. Enhancement of the 77 K critical currents on thin textured Bi-2212 rods by controlled distribution of secondary phases. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2002

  • Natividad, E.; Gomez, J.A.; Angurel, L.A.; Salazar, A.; Pastor, J.Y.; Llorca, J. Influence of the post-annealing cooling rate on the superconducting and mechanical properties of LFZ textured Bi-2212 rods. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2002

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R. Study of Ag and Cu/MgB2 powder-in-tube composite wires fabricated by in situ reaction at low temperatures. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2002

  • Natividad, E.;Diez, J.C.;Pena, J.I.;Angurel, L.A.;Navarro, R.;Andres, J.M.;Ferrando, A.C. Correlation of radial inhomogeneties and critical current at 77 K in LFZ Bi-2212 textured thin rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2002

  • Mora, M.;Angurel, L.A.;Diez, J.C.;Drost, R.J.;Kes, P.H. Microstructural changes of LFZ Bi-2212 thin rods due to Ti addition. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2002

  • Natividad, E.;Castro, M.;Burriel, R.;Angurel, L. A.;Diez, J. C.;Navarro, R. Correlation of normal and superconducting transport properties on textured Bi-2212 ceramic thin rods. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2002

  • Natividad, E.; Mora, M.; Diez, J. C.; Peña, J. I.; Garcia, M.; Angurel, L. A.; Navarro, R. Coaxial configuration of Bi-2212 textured ceramics: A possibility for improved current leads. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2001. DOI: 10.1109/77.920390

  • Natividad, E.; Mora, M.; Díez, J.C.; Angurel, L.A.; Castro, M.; Burriel, R.; Navarro R.; Pastor, J.Y.; Poza, P.; Llorca, J.; Calero, J.; García-Tabarés, L.; Abramian, P. . Electrical, mechanical and thermal characterization of LFZ Bi-2212 textured thin rods. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES. 2000

  • Santiso, J.;Laukhin, V.;Doudkowsky, M.;Garcia, G.;Figueras, A.;Angurel, L.A.;Merino, R.I.;Peña, J.I.;Sanjuan, M.L.;Orera, V.M. A New Approach to Obtain Strip-Structured Biepitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-Delta Films by Using Ca-Stabilized Zirconia-Cazro3 Eutectic Substrates. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2000

  • Miao, H.;Diez, J.C.;Angurel, L.A.;Delafuente, G.F. Precursor Powder Influence on Melt Processing of High Critical-Current BSCCO Rods. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2000

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L.A.;Diez, J.C.;Larrea, A.;Aguilo, M.;Navarro, R. Grain Texture and Bulk Magnetic-Anisotropy Correlation in Polycrystalline Bi2Sr2Cacu2O8+delta Thin Rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2000

  • Mora, M.; Martinez, E.; Diez, J.C.; Angurel, L.A.; Fuente, G.F. de la. Phase growth and microstructure modifications induced by annealing in highly textured superconducting Bi-2212 thin rods. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH. 2000. DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2000.0091

  • Mora, M.; Martinez, E.; Angurel, L.A.; Navarro, R. Annealing evolution of the flux-pinning in well-textured Bi-2212 thin rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2000. DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4534(00)00004-6

  • Martinez, E.;Hughes, T. J.;Yang, Y.;Beduz, C.;Angurel, L. A. Measurement of AC losses in textured polycrystalline Bi-2212 thin rods. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 1999

  • Lennikov, V.;Caudevilla, H.;Angurel, L. A.;de la Fuente, G. F.;Navarro, R. Development of Ag sheathed Bi-2223 multifilamentary tapes with MgO coated filaments. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 1999

  • Mora, M.;Martinez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R. Electrical dc characteristics of textured BSCCO-2212 thin rods developed for current leads. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 1999

  • Santiso, J.;Angurel, L. A.;Laukhin, V.;Merino, R. I.;Doudkowsky, M.;Garcia, G.;Figueras, A.;Peña, J. I.;Sanjuan, M. L.;Orera, V. M. Structured YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films grown on aligned calcium stabilized zirconia-calcium zirconate lamellar eutectic substrates. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV. 1999

  • Mora, M.;Fernandez, J.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R. Pinning by planar high J(c) defects and self field limited currents of textured Bi-2212 thin rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1999

  • Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Peña, J. I.;de la Fuente, G. F. High T-c superconducting current leads laser fabrication. REVISTA DE METALURGIA. 1998

  • Angurel, L. A.;Diez, J. C.;Martinez, E.;Peña, J. I.;de la Fuente, G. F.;Navarro, R. Growth rate effects on thin Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta textured rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1998

  • Díez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Peña, J. I.;de la Fuente, G.F. Fabricación con láser de barras de alimentación superconductoras con Tc alta. REVISTA DE METALURGIA. 1998

  • Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Miao, H.;Fernandez, J. M.;de la Fuente, G. F. Processing of textured BSCCO superconductors by laser-induced directional solidification. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 1998

  • Martinez, E.;Hughes, T. J.;Diez, C.;Angurel, L. A.;Yang, Y.;Beduz, C. Self-field AC losses of textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta thin rods. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1998

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Diez, J. C.;Navarro, R. Analysis of the length scales in the induced critical currents of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y thick fibres. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1997

  • Angurel, L. A.;Amin, F.;Polichetti, M.;Aarts, J.;Kes, P. H. Dimensionality of collective pinning in 2H-NbSe2 single crystals. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER. 1997

  • Mayor, J. M.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R.;Garcia-Tabares, L. Improvements of electric metal superconductor contacts in Bi-2212 polycrystalline textured materials. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES. 1997

  • Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Peña, J. I.;Martínez, E.;de la Fuente, G.F.;Navarro, R. Fabricación de superconductores texturados con altas corrientes críticas por método de fusión zonal inducida con láser. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 1997

  • Angurel, L. A.;Diez, J. C.;Miao, H.;Martinez, E.;de la Fuente, G. F.;Navarro, R. Fabrication issues in Bi-2212 polycrystalline textured thin rods for current leads. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES. 1997

  • Miao, H.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Peña, J. I.;de la Fuente, G. F. Phase formation and microstructure of laser floating zone grown BSCCO fibers: reactivity aspects. SOLID STATE IONICS. 1997

  • Sotelo, A.;Peña, J. I.;Angurel, L. A.;Diez, C.;Ru, M. T.;de la Fuente, G. F.;Navarro, R. Synthesis of the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta superconductor following a polymer matrix route. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. 1997

  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L. A.;Diez, J. C.;Lera, F.;Navarro, R. Magnetic relaxation of highly textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta polycrystalline fibres. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1996

  • de la Fuente, G. F.;Diez, J. C.;Angurel, L. A.;Peña, J. I.;Sotelo, A.;Navarro, R. Wavelength Dependence in Laser Floating-Zone Processing - a Case-Study with Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 1995

  • Lera, F;de la Fuente, G.F;Huang, Y.B;Ruiz, M.T;Larrea, A;Angurel, L.A;Rillo, C;Navarro, R. Superconducting Ag/(Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O composite wires and tapes. APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 1994

  • Giordano, José Luis;Angurel, Luis Alberto;Lera García, Francisco Manuel;Rillo Millán, Conrado;Navarro Linares, Rafael. Interaction between parallel magnetic fields and transport currents in YBaCuO superconductors. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1994. DOI: 10.1016/0921-4534(94)91021-9

  • Angurel, L. A.;Lera, F.;Rillo, C.;Navarro, R. Intergranular Properties of Ybco and Bscco Ceramic Superconductors at Low Fields. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1994

  • Angurel Lambán, Luis Alberto;Lera García, Francisco Manuel;Rillo Millán, Conrado;Navarro Linares, Rafael. Magnetic hysteresis effects in the ac susceptibility of YBaCuO ceramics. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1994. DOI: 10.1016/0921-4534(94)91121-5

  • Sotelo, A.;Angurel, L. A.;Ruiz, M. T.;Larrea, A.;Lera, F.;de la Fuente, G. F. Stoichiometry Variation Effect on the Superconducting Properties of Polymer-Processed (Bi1-Xpbx)2sr2ca2cu3o10 Ceramics. SOLID STATE IONICS. 1993

  • Huang, Y. B.;Delafuente, G. F.;Sotelo, A.;Ruiz, M. T.;Larrea, A.;Angurel, L. A.;Navarro, R.;Lera, F.;Ibanez, R.;Miao, H. P.;Primo, V.;Beltran, D. Ag/(Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting tape processing: Solid state chemistry aspects. SOLID STATE IONICS. 1993

  • Angurel, L. A.;Lera, F.;Rillo, C.;Navarro, R. Dc Field Tuning of Intergranular and Intragranular Effects in Y-Ba-Cu-O Ceramics. CRYOGENICS. 1993

  • Lera, F.;Navarro, R.;Rillo, C.;Angurel, L. A.;Badia, A.;Bartolome, J. Critical State Models for Inter and Intragranular Flux Pinning in Hts Ceramics - Universal Scaling Laws. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1992

  • Artigas, M.;Fruchart, D.;Rillo, C.;Tomey, E.;Jimenez, C.;Angurel, L. A.;Lera, F.;Bartolome, J.;Fruchart, R. Magnetic Phase-Transitions in (Fe1-Xrux)2p (0.25-Less-Than-Or-Equal To-X-Less-Than-Or-Equal To-0.6). JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 1992

  • Badia, A.;Angurel, L. A.;Lera, F.;Rillo, C.;Navarro, R.;Bartolome, J.;Blasco, J.;Aponte, J. Inductive and Transport Simultaneous Measurements of the Superconducting Properties of Ybacuo Ceramics - a Comparative-Study. SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 1992

  • Badia, A.;Huang, Y. B.;Delafuente, G. F.;Ruiz, M. T.;Angurel, L. A.;Lera, F.;Rillo, C.;Navarro, R. Magnetic and Electric Transport-Properties of Ag. CRYOGENICS. 1992

  • Valle Tregi, M;Caeiro, A;Gonzalez Calbet, J.M;Ramirez, J;Rillo, C;Badia, A;Angurel, L.A;Lera, F;Navarro, R. Influence of Oxygen Stoichiometry on Tc and Pinning Force of Bi2sr2cacu2o8+delta. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1991

  • Rillo, C.;Angurel, L. A.;Bartolome, J.;Gonzalo, J.;Lera, F.;Navarro, R.;Martinez, A.;Tellez, P. On the Sensitivity of High-Tc Superconducting Ceramics as Magnetic-Field Sensors. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL. 1991

  • de la Fuente, G.F;Sotelo, A;Huang, Y;Ruiz, M.T;Badia, A;Angurel, L.A;Lera, F;Navarro, R;Rillo, C;Ibaez, R;Beltran, D;Sapina, F;Beltran, A. Polymer-Solution Processing of (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1991

  • Angurel, L. A.;Gonzalo, J.;Lera, F.;Rillo, C.;Blasco, J.;Bartolome, J.;Navarro, R.;Martinez, A.;Tellez, P. Magnetómetro de alta sensibilidad basado en superconductores cerámicos de alta temperatura crítica. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 1991

  • Lera, F.;Badía, A.;Angurel, L. A.;de la Fuente, G.F.;Rillo, C.;Bartolome, J.;Navarro, R. Propiedades magnéticas y eléctricas de materiales superconductores de alta temperatura crítica. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 1991

  • Martinez, A.;Flokstra, J.;Rillo, C.;Angurel, L. A.;Garcia, L. M.;Terbrake, H. J. M. Low-Noise Squid Simulator with Large Dynamic-Range of Up to 8 Flux Quanta. CRYOGENICS. 1990

  • Lera, Francisco; Navarro, Rafael; Rillo, Conrado; Bartolomé, Juan; Blasco, Javier; García, Joaquín: Angurel, Luis Alberto. Non-linearity of the YBa2Cu3O7-d low field diamagnetic properties: Multi-harmonic analysis. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 1989


  • Martinez, E.;Angurel, L.A.;Navarro, R.;Millan, A.;Rillo, C.;Artigas, M. Study of MgB/sub 2/ powders and Cu/MgB/sub 2/ powder-in- tube composite wires with Zn addition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. 2003


  • Luis Alberto Angurel Lambán, Miguel Artigas Álava, Miguel Castro Corella, José Ignacio Peña Torre, José Antonio Puértolas Ráfales, Ricardo Ríos Jordana, Anselmo Villellas Malo ; [Ricardo Ríos Jordana (coordinador)]. Problemas de tecnología de materiales. 2014

  • Luis Alberto Angurel Lambán, Miguel Artigas Álava, Miguel Castro Corella, José Ignacio Peña Torre, José Antonio Puértolas Ráfales, Ricardo Ríos Jordana, Anselmo Villellas Malo ; [Ricardo Ríos Jordana (coordinador)]. Problemas de tecnología de materiales. 2013

  • José Antonio Puértolas Rafales, Ricardo Ríos Jordana, Miguel Castro Corella, José Manuel Casals Bustos (eds.) ; [Luis Alberto Angurel Lambán, Miguel Artigas Álava, Javier Castany Valeri, Isabel Clavería, Jesús Cuartero Salafranca, Juan Carlos Díez Moñux, Jesús Fuentelsanz. Tecnología de materiales. 2009

  • Editor Anant Narlikar ; [Contributors L.A. Angurel ... et al.]. Conductor development of high temperature superconductors. 1997

  • Area: Cienica de materiales e ingeniería metalúrgica, Centro Politécnico Superior ; [L.A. Angurel ... et al.]. Fundamentos de ciencia de materiales: (Ingenieros industriales) : Guiones de prácticas. 1990


  • L. A. Angurel, N. Andrés, M. P. Arroyo, S. Recuero, E. Martínez, J. Pelegrín, F. Lera and J. M. Andrés. Application of optical techniques in the characterization of thermal stability and environmental degradation in high temperature superconductors. SUPERCONDUCTOR. 2010

  • [L. A. Angurel, M. Castro]. Ensayos físicos y químicos de materiales. TECNOLOGÍA DE MATERIALES. 2009

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