Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Garcia Rubio, Ines
Departamento: Física de materiales y nanosistemas
Área: Física de la Materia Condensada
Centro: Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón


Códigos UNESCO
  • Resonancia paramagnética electrónica
  • Resonancia magnética
  • Química física
Categoría profesional: Científico Titular
ORCID: 0000-0002-1827-1250

Líneas de investigación
  • Resonancia de spin electrónico

Titulaciones universitarias
  • Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1998
  • Grado de Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1998
  • Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1997

  • Doctor en Ciencias. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2002
Inés García Rubio graduated in Physics at the University of Zaragoza in 1997. With a doctorate FPU fellowship, she continued her scientific training at the Institute of Material Science of Aragón (ICMA) under the supervision of professors Pablo Alonso and Jesús Martínez. In 2002, she obtained her Ph.D. and in 2003 she started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Chemistry Department of ETH Zurich, in the laboratory of Prof. Arthur Schweiger. From 2005-2007 she worked in the group of Prof. Beat Meier and then in the group of Prof. Gunnar Jeschke, all at ETH Zurich, a world reference in the field of magnetic resonance. In 2009 she was promoted to senior researcher (oberassistentin). In 2011 she started collaborating as a lecturer in the Centro Universitario de la Defensa, where, in 2016 she got a position of Profesor Contratado Doctor. She is also adscribed to the University of Zaragoza, as a collaborator of the Department of Physics of Condensed Matter.
Her scientific activity is centered on the application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) to systems of biological, chemical and technological interest. Her work is internationally recognized in the field, as echoed by the citations of her papers. Her studies on the active site of metalloproteins, mainly hemeproteins, through the investigation of hyperfine interactions of the metal with magnetic nuclei in the environment have been particularly relevant. Additionally, she has expanded the knowledge in the field of magnetotactic bacteria, where her contributions have consolidated Ferromagnetic Resonance as one of the main tools to assess magnetic anisotropy of nanoparticle arrays. Her works on flexibility and molecular arrangement of macromolecules through mobility and distance determination between paramagnetic probes have also made relevant contributions to the field of structural biology. Now, she is the leader of a small research group. Alone, or in collaboration with colleagues, she has been the principal investigator of a number of scientific projects granted financial support from different sources. The impact of her work has consolidated her as a usual invited speaker in international scientific forums, and member of scientific committees (e.g. EUROMAR 2020). Her scientific capabilities and good communication skills have granted her an important network of national and international collaborators, and the participation in international programs (e.g. H2020). She regularly collaborates with scientific journals by peer-reviewing articles, and with foreign funding agencies by evaluating grant applications (Argentina, Croacia, etc).
Mother of two children born in 2010 and 2013, she is committed with scientific outreach programs and regularly participates in the European researchers’ night and the activities of March 11th to promote the contributions of women in science. She is also dedicated to teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate classes and to training the next generation of scientists. She has supervised numerous bachelor, one masters and 4 PhD thesis (1 completed, 3 in course). Since the beginning of 2019, she participates as a PI in a European consortium of 5 universities, other research centers and 3 private companies (PARACAT) that has obtained funding from the European Commission in the frame H2020 to create an excellence training program for 10 doctoral students across Europe.

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