Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Juarez Perez, Emilio Jose

Grupo: T57_23R: Películas y Partículas Nanoestructuradas (NFP: Nanostructured Films and Particles)

Códigos UNESCO
  • Fotoelectricidad
  • Espectroscopía
  • Materiales compuestos
  • Estructuras cristalinas
  • Propiedades de transporte de electrones
  • Interacciones de la radiación con los sólidos
  • Semiconductores
  • Física del estado sólido. Lámina delgada
  • Física del estado sólido. Espectroscopia de sólidos
  • Química física
  • Dispositivos fotoeléctricos
  • Dispositivos semiconductores
Categoría profesional: ARAID Permanent Senior Researcher
Teléfono fijo: 876555611
Correo electrónico:
Página web:
ORCID: 0000-0001-6040-1920

Titulaciones universitarias
  • Ingeniero Químico Especialidad Ingeniería de los Procesos Químicos. Universidad de Granada. 2004

  • Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Química: Química de Síntesis, Métodos de Separación, Catálisis, Materiales Avanzados. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2009

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Emilio J. Juarez-Perez is a Chemical Engineer (U. Granada) and Outstanding Award PhD in Chemistry (U. Autonoma de Barcelona) with a multidisciplinary background in Materials Science research. Versatile Scientist with 10+ years of experience providing PhD-level scientific services to multiple research projects conducted in academia and industry. Methodical and solutions-oriented scientist until date, he has authored 50+ publications in high impact peer reviewed journals, a book chapter  on the topic of quantum dot solar cells and he is coeditor-coauthor of the book “Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells. The Genesis and Early Developments, 2009-2014” Fundacio Scito. His h index to June 1st, 2019-Jun is ISI h index: 24 / 3263 citations, Scopus h index: 25 / 3392 citations.
Dr. Juarez-Perez is currently a ARAID Senior Researcher since May  2nd, 2019 in the Nanostructured Films & Particles Group in the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon
During last postdoc research stage, he was awarded as Young B KAKENHI Principal Investigator fellow ( from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) are highly competitive funds that are intended to significantly develop all scientific research from basic to applied research in Japan.
Current research line of Dr. Juarez-Perez is focused in the exploration of hybrid perovskite materials for optoelectronic applications, its chemical  synthesis,  chemical  and  physical  characterization,  device  engineering,  film  deposition,  preparation  and  optimization  of  new configuration layer stacks for large scale production.

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