Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Villarroya Aparicio, Beatriz Eva
Departamento: Departamento de Química Inorgánica
Área: Química Inorgánica
Centro: Facultad de Ciencias


Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/02
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/00
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.

  • Vicedecana de Estudiantes y Prácticas Externas



  • Pilar del Río, M.; Villarroya, B. Eva; López, José A.; Geer, Ana M.; Lahoz, Fernando J.; Ciriano, Miguel A.; Tejel, Cristina. Mixed-Valence Tetrametallic Iridium Chains. CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. 2023. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202301438

  • Vilella-Arribas, Laia; García-Melchor, Max; Balcells, David; Lledós, Agustí; López, José A.; Sancho, Sofía; Villarroya, B. Eva; del Río, M. Pilar; Ciriano, Miguel A.; Tejel, Cristina. Frontispiece: Rhodium Complexes Promoting C-O Bond Formation in Reactions with Oxygen: The Role of Superoxo Species. CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. 2017. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201782263

  • Vilella-Arribas, L.; García-Melchor, M.; Balcells, D.; Lledós, A.; López, J.A.; Sancho, S.; Villarroya, B.E.; del Río, M.P.; Ciriano, M.A.; Tejel, C. Rhodium Complexes Promoting C-O Bond Formation in Reactions with Oxygen: The Role of Superoxo Species. CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. 2017. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201605959

  • Villarroya, B. E.;Tejel, C.;Rohmer, M. M.;Oro, L. A.;Ciriano, M. A.;Benard, M. Discrete Iridium Pyridonate Chains With Variable Metal Valence: Nature and Energetics of the Ir-Ir Bonding From Dft Calculations. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2005

  • Tejel, C.;Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E.;Lopez, J. A.;Lahoz, F. J.;Oro, L. A. A Hexanuclear Iridium Chain. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE (INTERNATIONAL ED.). 2003

  • Tejel, C.; Ciriano, M.A.; Villarroya, B.E.; Gelpi, R.; López, J.A.; Lahoz, F.J.; Oro, L.A. Discrete Mixed-Valence Metal Chains: Iridium Pyridonate Blues. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE (INTERNATIONAL ED.). 2001

  • Oro, L. A.;Ciriano, M. A.;Perez-Torrente, J. J.;Villarroya, B. E. Controlling the molecular architecture of low nuclearity rhodium and iridium complexes using bridging N-C-X (X = Pd, O, S) ligands. COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS. 1999

  • Tejel, C.;Villarroya, B. E.;Ciriano, M. A.;Edwards, A. J.;Lahoz, F. J.;Oro, L. A.;Lanfranchi, M.;Tiripicchio, A.;Tiripicchio-Camellini, M. Hydrogen bonding and isomerism arising from the coordination modes of bridging benzimidazole-2-thiolate ligands in tetranuclear rhodium complexes. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1998

  • Falvello, L. R.;Fornies, J.;Martin, A.;Navarro, R.;Sicilia, V.;Villarroya, P. Reactivity of [M(C boolean AND P)(S2C-R)] (M = Pd, Pt; C boolean AND P = CH2-C6H4-P(o-tolyl)(2)-kappa C,P; R = NMe2, OEt) toward HgX2 (X = Br, I). X-ray crystal structures of [Pt{CH2-C6H4P(o-tolyl)(2)-kappa C,P}(S2CNMe2)HgI(mu-I)](2) and [PdBr(S2COEt){mu-P(o-tolyl)(2)-C6H4-CH2-}HgBr]center dot 0.5Hg. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1997

  • Tejel, C.;Villarroya, B. E.;Ciriano, M. A.;Oro, L. A.;Lanfranchi, M.;Tiripicchio, A.;Tiripicchiocamellini, M. Stepwise construction of polynuclear complexes of rhodium and iridium assisted by benzimidazole-2-thiol. NMR and X-ray diffraction studies. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1996

  • Villarroya, B. E.;Oro, L. A.;Lahoz, F. J.;Edwards, A. J.;Ciriano, M. A.;Alonso, P. J.;Tiripicchio, A.;Camellini, M. T. Trinuclear iridium and rhodium complexes: The solution to a puzzle involving the multiple coordination possibilities of 1,8-naphthyridine-2-one ligands. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. 1996

  • Garcia Esteve, J.;Tejel, C.;Villarroya, B. E. Suq(2) Quantum Group-Analysis of Rotational Spectra of Diatomic-Molecules. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 1992

  • Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E.;Oro, L. A.;Apreda, M. C.;Focesfoces, C.;Cano, F. H. 2-Pyridonate (Opy) Rhodium Complexes - Crystal-Structure of [(Rh(mu-Opy)(co)2)2] - a Chain-Forming Complex with Alternate Short and Long Metal Metal Distances. JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY. 1989

  • Connelly, N. G.;Loyns, A. C.;Ciriano, M. A.;Fernandez, M. J.;Oro, L. A.;Villarroya, B. E. Trinuclear Mixed-Valence Complexes with the Linear [Rh3]4+ Core. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 1989

  • Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E.;Oro, L. A.;Apreda, M. C.;Focesfoces, C.;Cano, F. H. 2-Pyridonate (Opy) Rhodium(i) Carbonyl-Complexes - Crystal-Structure of the Unusual Tetranuclear Complex [Rh4(mu-Opy)4(mu-Co)2(co)4]. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 1987

  • Tiripicchio, A.;Lahoz, F. J.;Oro, L. A.;Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E. Preparation and X-Ray Structure of a Trinuclear Rhodium Complex with the Polydentate 1,8-Naphthyridine-2-One (Onapy) Ligand - [Rh-3(mu-3-Onapy)2-(Co)2(cod)2](clo4).1.5c2h4cl2. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. 1986

  • Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E.;Oro, L. A. Trinuclear, Binuclear and Mononuclear Rhodium Complexes with the Anionic Polydentate Ligands 1,8-Naphthyridine-2-One and 5,7-Dimethyl-1,8-Naphthyridine-2-One. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. 1986

  • Oro, L. A.;Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E.;Tiripicchio, A.;Lahoz, F. J. 1h-Pyrrolo[2,3-B]pyridine (Hl) Ligands in Rhodium(i) and Iridium(i) Chemistry - Crystal and Molecular-Structures of [Rh2(mu-L)2(nbd)2] and [Rh4(mu-Cl)2(mu-L)2(mu-Co)2(co)2(nbd)2]. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 1985

  • Lanfredi, A. M. M.;Tiripicchio, A.;Uson, R.;Oro, L. A.;Ciriano, M. A.;Villarroya, B. E. New Rhodium(i) Complexes with the Bridging 1,8-Naphthyridine-2-One Ligand. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. 1984

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