Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Valero Capilla, Antonio
Departamento: Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica
Área: Máquinas y Motores Térmicos
Centro: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Categoría profesional: Prof. Emerito

  • Coordinador del Máster en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética
  • Representante de la Universidad de Zaragoza en la Fundación CIRCE
ORCID: 0000-0003-0702-733X

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  • Russo, S.; Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Iglesias-Émbil, M. Exergy-based assessment of polymers production and recycling: An application to the automotive sector. ENERGIES. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/en14020363

  • Ledari, M.B.; Saboohi, Y.; Valero, A.; Azamian, S. Exergy analysis of a bio-system: Soil–plant interaction. ENTROPY. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/e23010003

  • Valero, Antonio; Torres, César. Relative free energy function and structural theory of thermoeconomics. ENERGIES. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/en13082024

  • Ortego, Abel; Calvo, Guiomar; Valero, Alicia; Iglesias-Émbil, Marta; Valero, Antonio; Villacampa, Mar. Assessment of strategic raw materials in the automobile sector. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104968

  • Palacios, J.L.; Abadias, A.; Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Reuter, M.A. Simulation-based approach to study the effect of the ore-grade decline on the production of gold. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS. 2019

  • Valero, A.; Ascaso, S.; Valero, A. Towards a reference environment for topsoil: The fourth dimension of Thanatia. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS. 2019

  • Abadías Llamas, A.; Valero Delgado, A.; Valero Capilla, A.; Torres Cuadra, C.; Hultgren, M.; Peltomäki, M.; Roine, A.; Stelter, M.; Reuter, M.A. Simulation-based exergy, thermo-economic and environmental footprint analysis of primary copper production. MINERALS ENGINEERING. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2018.11.007

  • Palacios, J.L.; Fernandes, I.; Abadias, A.; Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Reuter, M.A. Avoided energy cost of producing minerals: The case of iron ore. ENERGY REPORTS. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.03.004

  • Palacios, José Luis; Abadias, Alejandro; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio; Reuter, Markus A. Producing metals from common rocks: The case of gold. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.04.026

  • Valero, Antonio; Valero, Alicia. Thermodynamic Rarity and Recyclability of Raw Materials in the Energy Transition: The Need for an In-Spiral Economy. ENTROPY. 2019. DOI: 10.3390/e21090873

  • Calvo, G.; Valero, A.; Valero, A. Unfortunately, the amount of gold on earth is not infinite, a response to Wellmer and Scholz (2017). RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.02.018

  • Calvo, G.; Valero, A.; Valero, A. How can strategic metals drive the economy? Tungsten and tin production in Spain during periods of war. THE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES AND SOCIETY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.exis.2018.07.008

  • Calvo, G.; Valero, A.; Valero, A. Sankey and Grassmann diagrams for mineral trade in the EU-28. GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62575-1_7

  • Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Stanek, W. Assessing the exergy degradation of the natural capital: From Szargut's updated reference environment to the new thermoecological-cost methodology. ENERGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Gonzalez, E.; Ortego, A.; Topham, E.; Valero, A. Is the future development of wind energy compromised by the availability of raw materials?. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES. 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1102/1/012028

  • Ortego Bielsa, Abel; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio; Restrepo, Eliette. Vehicles and critical raw materials. A sustainability assessment using thermodynamic rarity. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12737

  • Palacios, José Luis; Calvo, Guiomar; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio. The cost of mineral depletion in Latin America: An exergoecology view. RESOURCES POLICY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.06.007

  • Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio; Calvo, Guiomar; Ortego, Abel; Ascaso, Sonia; Palacios, José Luis. Global material requirements for the energy transition. An exergy flow analysis of decarbonisation pathways. ENERGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Calvo, G.; Ortego, A. Material bottlenecks in the future development of green technologies. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.05.041

  • Ortego, A.; Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Iglesias, M. Toward material efficient vehicles: ecodesign recommendations based on metal sustainability assessments. SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING. 2018. DOI: 10.4271/05-11-03-0021

  • Ortego, A.; Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Iglesias, M. Downcycling in automobile recycling process: A thermodynamic assessment. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.04.006

  • Palacios, J.L.; Calvo, G.; Valero, A.; Valero, A. Exergoecology assessment of mineral exports from Latin America: Beyond a tonnage perspective. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2018. DOI: 10.3390/su10030723

  • Stanek, W.; Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Uche, J.; Calvo, G. Thermodynamic methods to evaluate resources. GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48649-9_6

  • Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Domínguez, A. The thermodynamic rarity concept for the evaluation of mineral resources. GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48649-9_8

  • Valero, A.; Usón, S.; Torres, C.; Stanek, W. Theory of exergy cost and thermo-ecological cost. GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48649-9_7

  • Mohammadi, A.; Ahmadi, M. H.; Bidi, M.; Joda, F.; Valero, A.; Uson, S. Exergy analysis of a Combined Cooling, Heating and Power system integrated with wind turbine and compressed air energy storage system. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.003

  • Calvo, G.; Valero, A.; Valero, A. Assessing maximum production peak and resource availability of non-fuel mineral resources: Analyzing the influence of extractable global resources. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.06.009

  • Calvo Sevillano, Guiomar; Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio. Thermodynamic approach to evaluate the criticality of raw materials and its application through a material flow analysis in Europe. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12624

  • Calvo, Guiomar; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio. Material flow analysis for Europe: an exergoecological approach. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.08.005

  • Calvo, Guiomar; Mudd, Gavin; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio. Decreasing Ore Grades in Global Metallic Mining: A Theoretical Issue or a Global Reality?. RESOURCES (BASEL). 2016. DOI: 10.3390/resources5040036

  • Font de Mora, E.; Torres, C.; Valero, A. Thermoeconomic analysis of biodiesel production from used cooking oils. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2015. DOI: 10.3390/su7056321

  • Calvo, Guiomar; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio; Carpintero, Óscar. An exergoecological analysis of the mineral economy in Spain. ENERGY. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero, A.; Domínguez, A.; Valero, A. Exergy cost allocation of by-products in the mining and metallurgical industry. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2015.04.012

  • Carmona Aparicio, Luis Gabriel; Whiting, Kai; Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio. Colombian mineral resources: An analysis from a Thermodynamic Second Law perspective. RESOURCES POLICY. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2015.03.005

  • Valero, A.; Valero, A.; Calvo, G. Using thermodynamics to improve the resource efficiency indicator GDP/DMC. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2014.12.001

  • Valero, A.; Valero, A. Thermodynamic rarity and the loss of mineralwealth. ENERGIES. 2015. DOI: 10.3390/en8020821

  • Valero, Antonio; Carpintero, Óscar; Valero, Alicia; Calvo, Guiomar. How to account for mineral depletion. The exergy and economic mineral balance of Spain as a case study. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.07.021

  • Domínguez, A.; Czarnowska, L.; Valero, A.; Stanek, W.; Valero, A. Thermo-ecological and exergy replacement costs of nickel processing. ENERGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio; Domínguez, Adriana. Exergy Replacement Cost of Mineral Resources. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT. 2013. DOI: 10.5890/JEAM.2013.05.004

  • Valero,Antonio; Usón, Sergio; Torres, César, Valero, Alicia; Agudelo, Andrés; Costa, Jorge. Thermoeconomic tools for the analysis of eco-industrial parks. ENERGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Agudelo, A.;Valero, A.;Usón, S. The fossil trace of CO2 emissions in multi-fuel energy systems. ENERGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Torres,C.; Valero,A.; Valero,A. Exergoecology as a tool for ecological modelling. The case of the US food production chain. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.01.021

  • Valero, A.;Valero, A. From Grave to Cradle. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00529.x

  • Scarpellini, S.;Valero, A.;Llera, E.;Aranda, A. Multicriteria analysis for the assessment of energy innovations in the transport sector. ENERGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Font Demora, E; Torres, C.; Valero, A.; Zambrana, D. Defossilisation assessment of biodiesel life cycle production using the ExROI indicator. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2013. DOI: 10.5541/ijot.452

  • Zabalza, I; Valero, A; Aranda, A; Llera, E. Methodological aspects and design implications to achieve life cycle low emission buildings. A case study: LCA of a new university building. STROJARSTVO. 2013

  • Domínguez, A.; Valero, A.; Valero, A. Exergy accounting applied to metallurgical systems: The case of nickel processing. ENERGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Vieillard, Philippe. The Thermodynamic Properties Of The Upper Continental Crust: Exergy, Gibbs Free Energy And Enthalpy. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Usón,S.;Valero,A.;Agudelo,A. Thermoeconomics and Industrial Symbiosis. Effect of by-product integration in cost assessment. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero,A.;Valero,A. What are the clean reserves of fossil fuels?. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2012.08.004

  • Agudelo,A.;Valero,A.;Torres,C. Allocation of waste cost in thermoeconomic analysis. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero,A.;Uche,J.;Martínez,A. The hidden value of water flows: The chemical exergy of rivers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2012. DOI: 10.5541/ijot.318

  • Font,de Mora;Torres,C.;Valero,A. Assessment of biodiesel energy sustainability using the exergy return on investment concept. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero Capilla, A.; Valero Delgado, A. Exergy of Comminution and the Thanatia Earth's model. ENERGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Uche,J.;Valero,A.;Serra,L.;Torres,C. Bblocks software for thermoeconomic analysis of dual-purpose power and desalination plants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2012. DOI: 10.5541/ijot.421

  • Valero Capilla, Antonio; Agudelo, Andrés; Valero Delgado, Alicia. The crepuscular planet. A model for the exhausted atmosphere and hydrosphere. ENERGY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio. A prediction of the exergy loss of the world's mineral reserves in the 21st century. ENERGY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Usón, S.;Valero, A. Thermoeconomic diagnosis for improving the operation of energy intensive systems: Comparison of methods. APPLIED ENERGY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.09.010

  • Aranda Usón, A.;Valero Capilla, A.;Zabalza Bribián, I.;Scarpellini, S. ;Llera Sastresa, E. Energy efficiency in transport and mobility from an eco-efficiency viewpoint. ENERGY. 2011

  • Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Gómez Jiménez, Javier. The crepuscular planet. A model for the exhausted continental crust. ENERGY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Zabalza Bribián, I.;Valero Capilla, A. ;Aranda Usón, A. Life cycle assessment of building materials: Comparative analysis of energy and environmental impacts and evaluation of the eco-efficiency improvement potential. BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT. 2011

  • Martínez,A.;Uche,J.;Valero,A.;Rubio,C. Assessment of Environmental Water Cost Through Physical Hydronomics. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-011-9786-1

  • Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio. Exergoecology: A thermodynamic approach for accounting the Earth's mineral capital. The case of bauxite–aluminium and limestone–lime chains. ENERGY. 2010

  • Valero Capilla, Antonio; Usón Gil, Sergio; Torres Cuadra, Cesar; Valero Delgado, Alicia. Application of Thermoeconomics to Industrial Ecology. ENTROPY. 2010. DOI: 10.3390/e12030591

  • Martínez Gracia, Amaya; Uche Marcuello, Javier; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Valero Delgado, Alicia. Environmental costs of a river watershed within the European water framework directive: Results from physical hydronomics. ENERGY. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Romeo, L. M.;Usón, S.;Valero, A. ;Escosa, J. M. Exergy analysis as a tool for the integration of very complex energy systems: The case of carbonation/calcination CO2 systems in existing coal power plants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL. 2010

  • Aranda Usón, A.;Valero Capilla, A. Ahorro, Eficiencia Energética y Ecoeficiencia. EL ECOLOGISTA (MADRID). 2010

  • Usón, S.;Valero, A. ;Correas, L. Energy efficiency assessment and improvement in energy intensive systems through thermoeconomic diagnosis of the operation. APPLIED ENERGY. 2010

  • Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio. Physical geonomics: Combining the exergy and Hubbert peak analysis for predicting mineral resources depletion. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2010.02.010

  • Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Martinez Gracia, Amaya. Inventory of the exergy resources on earth including its mineral capital. ENERGY. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Pacheco Ibarra, J. J.;Rangel Hernández, V. H.;Zaleta Aguilar, A. ;Valero, A. Hybrid Fuel Impact Reconciliation Method: An integral tool for thermoeconomic diagnosis. ENERGY. 2010

  • Valero, A.; Uche,J.; Valero,A.; Martinez,A. Physical Hydronomics: Application of the Exergy Analysis to the Assessment of Environmental Costs of Water Bodies. the Case of the Inland Basins of Catalonia. ENERGY. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero, A.; Valero, A. Exergoecology: A thermodynamic approach for accounting the Earth's mineral capital. The case of bauxite-aluminium and limestone-lime chains. ENERGY. 2009. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Usón Gil, S.; Valero Capilla, A. Analysis for the Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of Energy Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2009

  • Usón Gil, S.; Valero Capilla, A. Application of Quantitative Causality Analysis to the Quantification of Intrinsic and Induced effects in the Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of a Coal-fired Power Plant. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2009

  • Uson, S.;Valero,A.;Correas,L. Quantitative Causality Analysis for the Diagnosis of Energy Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2009

  • Romeo, L. M.;Calvo,E.;Valero,A.;de Vita, A. Electricity Consumption and CO2 Capture Potential in Spain. ENERGY. 2009

  • Valero, A.; Valero,A.; Arauzo,I. Evolution of the Decrease in Mineral Exergy Throughout the 20th Century. the Case of Copper in the US. ENERGY. 2008. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Valero,A. Exergy accounting: Capabilities and drawbacks. ENERGY. 2006

  • Valero,A.;Serra,L.;Uche,J. Fundamentals of exergy cost accounting and thermoeconomics. Part I: Theory. JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2006

  • Alvarez,T.;Valero Capilla ,A.;Montes, J.M. Thermoeconomic analysis of a fuel cell hybrib power system from the fuel cell experimental data. ENERGY. 2006

  • Valero,A.;Uson,S. Oxy-co-gasification of coal and biomass in an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant. ENERGY. 2006

  • Uche,J.;Serra,L.;Valero,A. Exergy costs and inefficiency diagnosis of a dual-purpose power and desalination plant. JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2006

  • Raluy, R. G.;Serra, L.;Uche, J.;Valero, A. Life Cycle Assessment of Water Production Technologies - Part 2: Reverse Osmosis Desalination Versus the Ebro River Water Transfer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT. 2005

  • Verda, V.;Serra, L.;Valero, A. Thermoeconomic Diagnosis: Zooming Strategy Applied to Highly Complex Energy Systems. Part 1: Detection and Localization of Anomalies. JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2005

  • Uson, Sergio;Valero, Antonio;Rangel, Victor. Building operations maps: An effective tool for improving gasifier operations in IGCC power plants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2004

  • Uson, Sergio;Valero, Antonio;Correas, Luis;Martinez, Angel. Co-gasification of coal and biomass in an IGCC power plant: Gasifier modeling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2004

  • Raluy, R. G.;Serra, L.;Uche, J.;Valero, A. Life-Cycle Assessment of Desalination Technologies Integrated With Energy Production Systems. DESALINATION. 2004

  • Verda, V.;Serra, L.;Valero, A. The Effects of the Control System on the Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of a Power Plant. ENERGY. 2004

  • Escosa, J. M.;Romeo, L. M.;Valero, A. Repowering y transformación a ciclo combinado de centrales térmicas para la reducción de emisiones de CO2. Acción y efecto inteligente de la generación española frente a Kioto. ENERGÍA. 2004

  • Zaleta-Aguilar, Alejando; Gallegos-Muñoz, Armando; Rangel-Hernandez, Victor Hugo; Valero Capilla, Antonio. A Reconciliation Method Based on a Module Simulator - An Approach to the Diagnosis of Energy System Malfunctions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2004

  • Valero Capilla, A.;Correas L.; Lazzaretto, A.; Rangel, V.; Reini, M. ; Taccani, R.; Toffolo, A.;Verda, V.; Zaleta, A. . Thermoeconomic Philosophy Applied to the Operating Analysis and Diagnosis of Energy Utility Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2004

  • Valero, Antonio;Correas, Luis;Zaleta, Alejandro;Lazzaretto, Andrea;Verda, Vittorio;Reini, Mauro;Rangel, Victor. On the thermoeconomic approach to the diagnosis of energy system malfunctions Part 1: The TADEUS problem. ENERGY. 2004

  • Valero, Antonio;Martínez, Amaya;Botero, Edgar. La sostenibilidad ambiental a escala planetaria. El coste físico de reposición del "capital mineral" de la Tierra. ECONOMÍA INDUSTRIAL. 2003

  • Albiac, J.; Uche, J.; Valero, A.; Serra, L.; Meyer, A.; Tapia, J. La insostenibilidad económica del Plan Hidrológico Nacional español. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT. 2003. DOI: 10.1080/0790062032000122961

  • Torres, Cesar;Valero, Antonio;Serra, Luis;Royo, Javier. Structural theory and thermoeconomic diagnosis: Part I. On malfunction and dysfunction analysis. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 2002

  • Verda, Vittorio; Serra, Luis M.; Valero, Antonio. Zooming Procedure for the Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of Highly Complex Energy Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2002

  • Verda, Vittorio; Serra, Luis M.; Valero, Antonio. Effects of the Productive Structure on the Results of the Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of Energy Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2002

  • Uche, Javier;Serra, Luis;Valero, Antonio. Hybrid desalting systems for avoiding water shortage in Spain*1. DESALINATION. 2001

  • Uche, Javier;Serra, Luis;Valero, Antonio. Thermoeconomic optimization of a dual-purpose power and desalination plant*1. DESALINATION. 2001

  • Zaleta, Alejandro; Royo, Javier; Valero, Antonio. Thermodynamic Model of the Loss Factor Applied to Steam Turbines. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 2001

  • Diez, Luis Ignacio; Cortes, Cristobal; Arauzo, Inmaculada; Valero, Antonio. Combustion and heat transfer monitoring in large utility boilers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES. 2001

  • Erlach, B.;Serra, L.;Valero, A. Structural theory as standard for thermoeconomics. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 1999

  • Royo, Javier; Valero, Antonio; Zaleta, Alejandro. An Analytical Procedure for the assessment of Malfunctions in Thermomechanical Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS. 1998

  • Zaleta-Aguilar, A.;Ranz, L.;Valero, A. Towards a unified measure of renewable resources availability: The exergy method applied to the water of a river. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 1998

  • Pisa, J.;Serra, L.;Moreno, A.;Valero, A. Evaluación de alternativas en un diseño de planta GICC con gasificador PRENFLO. ANALES DE INGENIERÍA MECÁNICA. 1997

  • Royo, J.;Valero, A.;Zaleta, A. The dissipation temperature: A tool for the analysis of malfunctions in thermomechanical systems. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 1997

  • Valero, A.;Lozano, M. A.;Bartolome, J. L. On-line monitoring of power-plant performance, using exergetic cost techniques. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 1996

  • Valero, A.;Cortes, C. Ash fouling in coal-fired utility boilers. Monitoring and optimization of on-load cleaning. PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE. 1996


  • Valero, A.;Lozano, M. A.;Serra, L.;Tsatsaronis, G.;Pisa, J.;Frangopoulos, C.;Vonspakovsky, M. R. Cgam Problem - Definition and Conventional Solution. ENERGY. 1994

  • Valero, A.;Lozano, M. A.;Serra, L.;Torres, C. Application of the Exergetic Cost Theory to the Cgam Problem. ENERGY. 1994

  • Lozano, M. A.;Valero, A. Theory of the Exergetic Cost. ENERGY. 1993

  • Lozano Serrano, M. A.;Serra de Renobales, L.;Valero Capilla, A. Análisis termoeconomico de un sistema de cogeneración. INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA (MADRID). 1993

  • G. Tsatsaronis; Valero Capilla, A. Combining Thermodynamics and Economics in Energy Systems”, Mechanical Engineering,. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1989


  • Uche, Javier;Serra, Luis;Herrero, Luis Alberto;Valero, Antonio;Turegano, Jose Antonio;Torres, Cesar. Software for the anlaysis of water and energy systems. DESALINATION. 2003


  • The Material Limits of Energy Transition: Thanatia. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Valero Delgado, Alicia; Calvo Sevillano, Guiomar. 2021

  • Thanatia : los límites minerales del planeta. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Valero Delgado, Alicia; Almazán, Adrián. 2021

  • Thanatia: The Destiny of the Earth's Mineral Resources. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Valero Delgado, Alicia. 2014

  • Antonio Valero Capilla. Evaluación del agotamiento del capital mineral de la tierra: más allá del cambio climático : [lección inaugural del curso 2012-2013]. 2012

  • Alicia Valero Delgado y Sergio Usón Gil (coordinadores) ; Alfonso Aranda Usón, Aitana Sáez de Guinoa Vilaplana, César Torres Cuadra, Sergio Usón Gil, Antonio Valero Capilla, Alicia Valero Delgado y David Alejandro Zambrana Vásquez. Ecología industrial: cerrando el ciclo de materiales. 2011

  • Antonio Valero Capilla y Alicia Valero Delgado. Exergy analysis of resources and processes. 2010

  • Jesús María Escosa González ; [directores de la tesis, Antonio Valero Capilla, Luis Miguel Romeo Giménez]. Reducción de emisiones de dióxido de carbono en centrales térmicas de carbón pulverizado: repotenciación y ciclo de captura óxido de calcio-carbonato cálcico. 2010

  • Sergio Usón y Antonio Valero. Thermoeconomic diagnosis of energy systems. 2010

  • Ignacio Zabalza Bribián, Antonio Valero Capilla, Sabina Scarpellini. Hidrógeno y pilas de combustible: estado de la técnica y posibilidades en Aragón. 2005

  • Guía de Ecoefienciencia en las PYMES del sector vitivinícola. Aranda, J.A.; Gracia, M.D.; Pascual, J.; Zabalza, I.; Valero Capilla, A. 2002

  • Grupo CIRCE de Investigación en Ecoeficiencia y A.C.V., José Alfonso Aranda Usón, Mª Dolores de Gracia Villanueva, Jesús Pascual Puigdevall, Ignacio Zabalza Bribián ; dirigido por Antonio Valero. Guía de ecoeficiencia en las PYMES del sector vitivinícola. 2002

  • realizado por CIRCE, Universidad de Zaragoza ; [Javier Uche, Antonio Valero, Luis Serra]. La desalación y reutilización como recursos alternativos. 2002

  • [autores, Javier Uche , José Albiac, Antonio Valero, Javier Tapia, ANika Meyer]. La rentabilidad del regadío en el Levante ante nuevos recursos hídricos externos. 2002

  • José Manuel Naredo Pérez, Antonio Valero Capilla (dirs.). Desarrollo económico y deterioro ecológico. 1999

  • Atlas Eólico de Aragón. J.A. Puicercús; Valero Capilla, A.; J. Navarro; R. Terren; R. Zubiaur; F. Martín; G. Iniesta. 1994

  • Santiago Baselga Ariño. Sistema para el diagnóstico del funcionamiento en tiempo real de centrales térmicas /Antonio Valero, Cristobal Cortés. Mecanización y gestión de proyectos / Juan Luis Cano. Comportamiento y aplicaciones comerciales de los materiales compuestos. 1993

  • edited by Antonio Valero, Georges Tsatsaronis, Miguel-Ángel Lozano. Proceedings of the session on Thermoeconomic Optimization: the CGAM Problem : presented at ECOS'92, the International Symposium on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, june 15-18, 1992. 1992

  • edited by Antonio Valero, Georges Tsatsaronis, Miguel-Ángel Lozano. Thermoeconomic Optimization: the CGAM Problem. 1992

  • Edited by Antonio Valero, Georges Tsatsaronis. ECOS '92: Proceedings of the international symposium on efficiency, costs, optimization and simulation of energy systems : Zaragoza, Spain, june 15-18, 1992. 1992

  • Dirigido por A. Valero ; [A. Valero, M. Muñoz, M.A. Lozano]. Teoría general del ahorro de energía. 1986

  • [miembros del equipo, José Andrés Alconchel, Clemente Campos, Javier Collado, Jesús Guallar, Miguel Ángel Lozano, José Mª Marín, Santiago Martínez, Juan Ramón Ochoa, Jesús Suso, José Antonio Turégano, Anton. Inventario energético de Aragón: recursos y formas de consumo : presente y evolución futura. 1984

  • [miembros del equipo, José Andrés Alconchel, Clemente Campos, Javier Collado, Jesús Guallar, Miguel Ángel Lozano, José Mª Marín, Santiago Martínez, Juan Ramón Ochoa, Jesús Suso, José Antonio Turégano, Anton. Inventario energético de Aragón: recursos y formas de consumo : presente y evolución futura. 1983

  • Autores: M.A. Lozano y A. Valero. Cálculo del rendimiento exergético de la caldera por el método de pérdidas separadas: Programa: Calder.bas - Versión 1 y 2 - Fecha dic. 81. Lenguaje de programación BASIC. 1981

  • investigadores principales, Antonio Valero Capilla, José Antonio Turégano Romero. Optimización del uso de la energía en el sector residencial: aplicaciones de la energía solar. 1981

  • A. Valero, M.A. Lozano, M. Muñoz. Sobre el coste exergético. 1975

  • Antonio Valero Capilla. Estudio de complejos de níquel con etilendiamina y cálculo de momentos dipolares asociados. 1975


  • Circular Thermoeconomics: A Waste Cost Accounting Theory. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Torres Cuadra, César. ADVANCES IN THERMODYNAMICS AND CIRCULAR THERMOECONOMICS. 2023

  • The Relative Free Energy Function: A New Approach to Thermoeconomic Diagnosis. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Torres Cuadra, César. ADVANCES IN THERMODYNAMICS AND CIRCULAR THERMOECONOMICS. 2023

  • Pensando más allá del primer ciclo: Economía Espiral. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Valero Delgado, Alicia. ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR-ESPIRAL: TRANSICIÓN HACIA UN METABOLISMO ECONÓMICO CERRADO. 2019

  • Sankey and Grassmann Diagrams for Mineral Trade in the EU-28. Calvo, Guiomar; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio. EXERGY FOR A BETTER ENVIRONMENT AND IMPROVED SUSTAINABILITY 2. 2018

  • Thermodynamic Methods to Evaluate Resources. Stanek, Wojciech; Valero, Alicia; Valero, Antonio; Uche, Javier Uche; Calvo, Guiomar THERMODYNAMICS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. 2017

  • Agotamiento del capital mineral de la Tierra. Valero Delgado, Alicia; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Calvo Sevillano, Guiomar. LOS INCIERTOS PASOS DESDE AQUÍ HASTA ALLÁ. 2015

  • Application of Thermoeconomics to Operation Diagnosis of Energy Plants. Valero Capilla, A. ;Torres Cuadra, C. EXERGY, ENERGY SYSTEM ANALYSIS, AND OPTIMIZATION. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS. 2009

  • Global exergy accounting of natural resources. Valero Capilla, A. ; Botero, E. Valero Delgado, A. EXERGY, ENERGY SYSTEM ANALYSIS, AND OPTIMIZATION. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS. 2009



  • Antonio Valero, Javier Uche, Alicia Valero, Amaya Martínez, José Manuel Naredo and Joan Escriu. The fundamentals of physical hydronomics: a novel approach for physico-chemical water valuation. WATER, AGRICULTURE, AND SUSTAINABLE WELL-BEING. 2009

  • The potential for desalination technologies in meeting the water crisis. Uche Marcuello, J.; Valero Capilla, A.; Serra, L. WATER CRISIS. MYTH OR REALITY?. 2006

  • Analysis of the energy efficiency strategy for Spain by means of the life cicle methodology. Aranda, Usón, A.; Zabalza Bribián, I.; Valero Capilla, A. INNOVATION BY LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT LCM 2005 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. 2005

  • A tipical Power Plant: Design and Operating Variables and Constraints. J.Royo; A. Zaleta; J. Uche; Valero Capilla, A. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Cultivos energéticos. Valero Capilla, A.; F.Sebastián, J. Royo, J. Pascual. USO Y GESTIÓN DEL AGUA EN ARAGÓN. 2003

  • Desalination Steady State Model. MSF Model Solution: Application of SIMTAW. Uche Marcuello, Javier; Serra Renobales, Luis; Valero Capilla, Antonio. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Power Plant Model. Modeling and Simulation. Uche Marcuello, Javier; Serra Renobales, Luis; Valero Capilla, Antonio. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Synthesis and Design. A Typical Power Plant: Design and Operating Variables and Constraints. Royo Herrer, Javier; Zaleta Aguilar, Alejandro;Uche Marcuello, Javier; Valero Capilla, Antonio. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Thermoeconomic Analysis: Cost Analysis of a Dual-purpose and Desalination Plant. Uche Marcuello, Javier; Serra Renobales, Luis; Valero Capilla, Antonio. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Thermoeconomic Analysis: Fundamentals. Serra Renobales, Luis; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Torres Cuadra, Cesar; Uche Marcuello, Javier;. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of a Dual-Purpose Power and Desalination Plant. J. Uche; Valero Capilla, A.; L. Serra. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Thermoeconomic model of a Dual-purpose Power and Desalination Plant. Uche Marcuello, Javier; Serra Renobales, Luis; Valero Capilla, Antonio. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Thermoeconomic Optimization of a Dual-Purpose Power and Desalination Plant. J. Uche; Valero Capilla, A.; M. A. Lozano, L. Serra. INTEGRATED POWER AND DESALINATION PLANTS. 2003

  • Antonio Valero ... [et al.]. Cultivos energéticos. USO Y GESTIÓN DEL AGUA EN ARAGÓN. 2003

  • Exergetic Evaluation of Natural Mineral Capital (2): Application of the Methodology to Current World Reserves. Valero Capilla A.; Botero E. PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2002,. 2002

  • ON THE THERMOECONOMIC APPROACH TO THE DIAGNOSIS OF ENERGY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS:Part-1 The TADEUS Problem. Valero Capilla,A.; Correas L.; Zaleta A.; Lazzaretto A.; Verda V.; Reini M.; Rangel V. PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2002,. 2002

  • ON THE THERMOECONOMIC APPROACH TO THE DIAGNOSIS OF ENERGY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS:Part-2 Malfunctions Definitions and Assessment. Valero Capilla,A.; Correas L.; Zaleta A.; Lazzaretto A.; Verda V.; Reini M.; Rangel V. PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2002,. 2002

  • Antonio Valero Capilla. Energía y desarrollo social. ENERGÍA Y SOCIEDAD EN EL SIGLO XXI. 2000

  • On-line Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of Thermal Power Plants. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Correas Usón, Luis Carlos; Serra Renobales, Luis. THERMODYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF COMPLEX ENERGY SYSTEMS. 1999

  • An Introduction to Thermoeconomics. Valero Capilla, Antonio; Lozano Serrano, Miguel Angel. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE DESIGN OF THERMAL SYSTEMS. 1997

  • La Termoeconomía, un nuevo capítulo de la Física. Valero Capilla, A. AZAR, CAOS E INDETERMINISMO. 1990

  • A system for slagging control in a coal-fired utility boiler. Cortés Gracia, Cristóbal; Valero Capilla, Antonio; Tomás Gutiérrez, Alfredo; Abadía, J.; Arnal, N.; Torres Cuadra, César. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ENERGY SYSTEMS: COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING. 1989

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